- Following the https://dzlab.github.io/ml/2020/07/14/spark-kubernetes/ article spark-operator was deployed in minikube and spark-pi example job was computed.
- Tried same approach with GARR cloud, but it don't work, look at log in spark-operator-garr-cloud-error
- Reported to Claudio Pisa that has the same issue running with superuser, to better inspect
- Following the second part that sends to operator a scala project
- Can't push in minikube registry, maybe to configure better https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/registry/
- SparkAI 2019 Spark Operator—Deploy, Manage and Monitor Spark clusters on Kubernetes -Jiri Kremser (Red Hat, Inc):
- SparkAI 2020 Deploying Apache Spark Jobs on Kubernetes with Helm and Spark Operator:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dreE1UdOiIQ&t=609s
- https://github.com/TomLous/medium-spark-k8s
- Error in building image at step 8 (java error)
- Error in push chart at step 10 (chartmuesum mkdir 500 permission denied, probably related to minikube registry issue for GKP spark-on-k8s-operator)
- Google cloud platform spark on k8s operator: (who is using spark k8s operator https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/spark-on-k8s-operator/blob/master/docs/who-is-using.md)
- https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/spark-on-k8s-operator
- Error on permission of service account...
- Solved using initialization of dzlab demo
- Trying to deploy python application...
- Ok in minikube
- Error in GARR cloud, it's not a permission problem, maybe a version compatibility issue?
- Error on permission of service account...
- https://dzlab.github.io/ml/2020/07/14/spark-kubernetes/
code https://github.com/dzlab/snippets/tree/master/spark-k8s
- Deployed operator
- Runned spark-pi example
- Following second part... Error in pushing into minikube registry (probably some error on port forwarding?)
- Need to try another registry like dockerhub
- Spark-pi example works if spark applications are deployed in the same namespace as spark-operator
- This means that can be replicated in GARR cloud without create another namespace with edit clusterrole
- Don't work... for log look at spark-operator-garr-cloud-error.txt
- This means that can be replicated in GARR cloud without create another namespace with edit clusterrole
- https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/spark-on-k8s-operator