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// basic#include<unistd.h>// fork, pipe and I/O primitives (read, write, close, etc.) + primitve types like uid_t, pid_t etc#include<stdlib.h>// standard lib, contains primitves for number conversion and memory allocation#include<stdio.h>// basic i/o lib: printf etc#include<string.h>// string manipulations#include<time.h>// time related functions#include<signal.h>// signal handling#include<stdbool.h>// boolean type#include<math.h>// math functions// advanced#include<sys/socket.h>// socket connections#include<sys/types.h>// primitive types like uid_t, pid_t etc#include<netinet/in.h>// internet address family#include<arpa/inet.h>// definitions for internet operations#include<pthread.h>// threads#include<stdatomic.h>// mutual exclusion locks
Format Type Specifiers
specifier Output
%c Character
%s String of characters
%d or i Signed decimal integer
%f Decimal floating point
%llu unsigned long long
%o Signed octal
%u Unsigned decimal integer
%x Unsigned hexadecimal integer
%p Pointer address
File Modes
mode Description
"r" Opens a file for reading. The file must exist.
"w" Creates an empty file for writing. If a file with the same name already exists, its content is erased and the file is considered as a new empty file.
"a" Appends to a file. Writing operations, append data at the end of the file. The file is created if it does not exist.
"r" Opens a file to update both reading and writing. The file must exist.
"w" Creates an empty file for both reading and writing.
"a" Opens a file for reading and appending.
Important Function Signatures and Return Values
Random Numbers
// seed with current time:// time_t t;// srand(time(&t));voidsrand(unsignedseed);
voidqsort(void*values, size_tnum_items, size_titem_size, int (*comparefunc)(constvoid*, constvoid*));
// SUCCESS: pointer to destination stringchar*strcpy(char*dest, constchar*src);
// result == 0 -> strings are equal// result < 0 -> str1 less than str2// result > 0 -> str2 less than str1intstrcmp(constchar*str1, constchar*str2);;
// result == NULL -> no tokens left to retrieve// else: pointer to last token foundchar*strtok(char*str, constchar*delim);
// NULL if no match// else: pointer to first occurence in stringchar*strstr(constchar*string, constchar*substring);
// ERROR: result == 0intatoi(constchar*str);
Inter Process Communication
// ERROR: result < 0// result = 0 inside child// result > 0 inside parentpid_tfork(void);
// ERROR: result < 0// SUCCESS: result == 0intpipe(intfd[2]);
File IO
// ERROR: result == NULL (also when EOF is reached)char*fgets(char*str, intstrlen, FILE*stream);
// ERROR: result == NULLFILE*fopen(constchar*filename, constchar*mode);
// result == EOF when finished reading the stream// SUCCESS: number of matched items on successintfscanf(FILE*stream, constchar*format, ...);
// ERROR: result == EOF// SUCCESS: result == 0intfclose(FILE*stream);
// ERROR: result == -1// SUCCESS: number of bytes writtenssize_twrite(intfildes, constvoid*buf, size_tnbyte);
// ERROR: result == -1// EOF when finished reading// SUCCESS: number of bytes readssize_tread(intfildes, void*buf, size_tnbyte);
// SUCCESS: result > 0// ERROR: result == EOFintfputs(constchar*restrict s, FILE*restrict stream);
Shared Memory
// ERROR: result < 0// SUCCESS: result == shmidintshmget(key_tkey, size_tsize, intshmflg);
// ERROR: result == NULLvoid*shmat(intshmid, constvoid*shmaddr, intshmflg);
// ERROR: result < 0// SUCCESS: result == 0intshmdt(constvoid*shmaddr);
// ERROR: result == -1// example: sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);intsocket(intdomain, inttype, intprotocol);
// sockaddr_in struct (man ip 4)structsockaddr_inserver;
// ERROR: result < 0// SUCCESS: result == 0// example: bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server))intbind(intsockfd, conststructsockaddr*my_addr, socklen_taddrlen);
// ERROR: result < 0// SUCCESS: filedeskriptor for accepted socket// example: fd = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &client, &client_len);intaccept(intsockfd, structsockaddr*addr, socklen_t*addrlen);
// SUCCESS: result == 0// ERROR: result == -1intlisten(intsocket, intbacklog);
// ERROR: result > 0// SUCCESS: res == 0// example: pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, printHello, (void*)t);intpthread_create(pthread_t*restrict thread, constpthread_attr_t*restrict attr, void*(*start_routine)(void*), void*restrict arg);
// SUCCESS: result == 0// ERROR: result > 0intpthread_join(pthread_ttid, void**ret);