Two considerations were taken into account when the mathematical operations were implemented:
- At the time of the implementation, the version of TensorFlow used (r0.11) lacks a lot regarding slicing and assigning values to slices.
- A vectorized implementation is usually better than an Implementation with a loop (usually for the possible parallelism).
Most of the operations described in the paper lend can be straightforwardly implemented in TensorFlow, except possibly for two operations: the allocation weighting calculations, and the link matrix updates; as they both are described in a slicing and looping manner, which can make their current implementation look a little convoluted. The following attempts to clarify how these operations were implemented.
In the paper, the allocation weightings are calculated using the formula:
which can be implemented naively with a loop with a runtime complexity of . There is no way to escape the slice-assignment operations, because the reordering the the sorted free-list back into its original places is crucial. However, there is a possibility to make things a little faster.
shifted_cumprod = tf.cumprod(sorted_usage, axis = 1, exclusive=True)
unordered_allocation_weighting = (1 - sorted_usage) * shifted_cumprod
allocation_weighting_batches = []
for b in range(self.batch_size):
allocation_weighting = tf.zeros([self.words_num])
unpacked_free_list = tf.unpack(free_list[b])
for pos, original_indx in enumerate(unpacked_free_list):
mask = tf.squeeze(tf.slice(self.I, [original_indx, 0], [1, -1]))
allocation_weighting += mask * unordered_allocation_weighting[b, pos]
return tf.pack(allocation_weighting_batches)
In this implementation, we calculate all the required products first on the sorted usage and get an unordered version of allocation weighting, then we use a loop to put back the weightings into their correct places. Because there is no differentiable way in TensorFlow to directly assign to slices of a tensor, a mask with 1 in the desired slice position and zeros else where is multiplied with the value to be assigned and added to the target tensor.
In this implementation, the loop is , but allows the exploitation of the possible parallelism of the
operation, which could take down the runtime complexity down to , where
is the number of parallel processors.
I'm not sure if TensorFlow implements a parallel version of cumprod
but the implementation can exploit it if it's there.
The paper's original formulation of the link matrix update is and index-by-index operation:
A vectorized implementation of this operation can be written as:
Where is elementwise multiplication, and
is a pairwise addition operator defined as:
Where . This allows TensorFlow to parallelize the operation, but of course with a cost incurred on the space complexity.
The elementwise multiplication by is to ensure that all diagonal elements are zero, thus ensuring the elimination of self-links.
Controller weights are samples 1 standard-deviation away from a zero mean normal distribution with a variance
, where
is the size of the input vector coming into the weight matrix.
Memory's usage and precedence vectors and link matrix are initialized to zero as specified by the paper.
Memory's matrix, read and write weightings, and read vectors are initialized to a very small value (10⁻⁶). Attempting to initialize them to 0 resulted in NaN after the first few iterations.
These initialization schemes were chosen after many experiments on the copy-task, as they've shown the highest degree of stability in training (The highest ratio of convergence, and the smallest ratio of NaN-outs). However, they might re-consideration with other tasks.