feat: clear bun cache when building snap
feat: clear bun cache when building snap
refactor: project.json
refactor: project.json
refactor: update bun.lockb
refactor: update bun.lockb
refactor: update project.json
refactor: update project.json
refactor: add nx project
refactor: add nx project
Force push
snap: add signMessage
snap: add signMessage
Force push
snap: add signMessage
snap: add signMessage
snap: catch account keys error
snap: catch account keys error
Force push
snap: catch account keys error
snap: catch account keys error
implement signMessage
implement signMessage
snap: temp tx simulation testing
snap: temp tx simulation testing
Force push
wallet-adapter: add ready state detection to wallet adapter
wallet-adapter: add ready state detection to wallet adapter
Force push
wallet-adapter: add ready state detection to wallet adapter
wallet-adapter: add ready state detection to wallet adapter
update branding and readmes
update branding and readmes
Force push
update branding and readmes
update branding and readmes
Force push