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Welcome to DroneKit-Cloud, 3D Robotics' cloud API for drone management and control.

DroneKit-Cloud API v1 lets you store, share, and access vehicle and flight log information using simple REST APIs. We hope you will use it to build drone tracking web apps like Droneshare, and as a source of useful data about worldwide drone usage.

This documentation provides the information you need to get started. It includes the instructions on how to get an API id/key used for authorisation, API reference docs, and code fragments showing how to call many of the endpoints using Python (displayed in the right-pane relative next to their associated documentation).

If need more help, the best places to ask questions are our discussion list and StackOverflow.

Get Started

This code shows the format of a query URL (in this case to get all users), and the api_key parameters. API calls which create or modify records must additionally pass DroneShare userid and password as parameters.

import requests

url= #url to get all users
r = requests.get(url,
    params = {"api_key": appid.appkey},  #Replace appid and appkey with the id/key from DroneKit.
print 'Status code: %s' % r.status_code

In order to use the API you will need to sign up for a free API key with the DroneKit-Cloud service. After logging into DroneKit you will find your App ID and App Key at this link.

This key must be included in all requests (expressed in the format app_id.your_app_key) and grants permission to:

  • read and update users
  • create, update and read vehicles
  • create, update and read missions (limited to 500 calls/month)

Requests that create/modify information on the service must also include a DroneShare user id and password (they will return HTTP 401 "You do not own this record" if no login details are provided). You can create a free account on DroneShare here.

The API base url is and the available endpoints are listed below.

Examples of how to use the API and authorise requests are shown on the right-pane (replace app_key with your own id and key).


/user - User operations

This API exposes operations for browsing and searching lists of users, and retrieving information about a single user.

JSON Objects

This section contains Json objects returned or used by the /user API.


The UserJson object has the following Model Schema:

  "login": "",
  "password": "",
  "email": "",
  "fullName": "",
  "wantEmails": "",
  "groups": "",
  "oldPassword": "",
  "defaultViewPrivacy": {},
  "defaultControlPrivacy": {}

The UserJson object has the following parameters:

Parameter Data Type Required Description
login string Y The loginName for the account
password string The password for the account
email string Email address for the account
fullName string Full name for the new user
wantEmails string Whether or not the user wants to receive update emails
groups string The user's group membership.
oldPassword string The old/current password for the account when changing the password
defaultViewPrivacy EnumVal The view privacy setting
defaultControlPrivacy EnumVal The control privacy setting

Show all users

import requests

# apikey is appid.appkey
# baseurl is'

def allusers(aPageSize=100,aPageOffset=0):
    # Get all users
    r = requests.get(options.baseurl + 'user',
		params = {"api_key": apikey, "page_offset":aPageOffset,"page_size": aPageSize},
    print 'Status code: %s' % r.status_code
    print 'Number of users: %s' % len(r.json())

print "\nGet all users (pagesize:2, pageoffset:40"

The endpoint returns JSON with this Model Schema:

    "login": "",
    "password": "",
    "email": "",
    "fullName": "",
    "wantEmails": "",
    "groups": "",
    "oldPassword": "",
    "defaultViewPrivacy": {},
    "defaultControlPrivacy": {}

This endpoint lists all users stored by the service.

HTTP Request

GET /user

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Parameter type Data type Description
page_offset query integer If paging, the record # to start with (use 0 at start)
page_size query integer If paging, the # of records in the page. The default and maximum page size is 100 records.
order_by query string To get sorted response, the field name to sort on
order_dir query string If sorting, the optional direction. either asc or desc

Find user by id

import requests

# apikey is appid.appkey
# baseurl is'

def userbyid(aId):
    # Get user with specified id
    r = requests.get(options.baseurl + 'user' + '/' + aId,
		params = {"api_key": apikey}
    print 'Status code: %s' % r.status_code

print "Get user by id: %s" % 'mrpollo'

The endpoint returns JSON with this Model Schema:

  "login": "",
  "password": "",
  "email": "",
  "fullName": "",
  "wantEmails": "",
  "groups": "",
  "oldPassword": "",
  "defaultViewPrivacy": {},
  "defaultControlPrivacy": {}

This endpoint returns the user object for a specific id (loginName).

HTTP Request

GET /user/{id}

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of user that needs to be fetched

Get param in user

import requests

# apikey is appid.appkey
# baseurl is'

def userparambyid(aId,aParam):
    # Get param value for user with specified id
    r = requests.get(options.baseurl + 'user' + '/' + aId + '/' + aParam,
		params = {"api_key": apikey}
    return r

print "fullName"
print 'Status code: %s' % r.status_code

The command returns the requested value as a JValue:

{Hamish Willee}

This endpoint returns the value (JValue) of a specified parameter for a given user.

HTTP Request

GET /user/{id}/{param}

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of user that needs to be fetched
param string path Y The parameter to read from the object. This has returns valid values for fullName, id, emailVerified, needNewPassword (other parameters return 404 and 500 errors).

/mission - Mission operations

This command exposes operations for browsing and searching lists of missions, and retrieving a single mission.

JSON Objects


The MissionJson object has the following Model Schema:

  "id": 0,
  "notes": "",
  "viewPrivacy": {},
  "vehicleId": 0,
  "maxAlt": 0,
  "maxGroundspeed": 0,
  "maxAirspeed": 0,
  "maxG": 0,
  "flightDuration": 0,
  "latitude": 0,
  "longitude": 0,
  "softwareVersion": "",
  "softwareGit": "",
  "createdOn": "",
  "updatedOn": "",
  "summaryText": "",
  "mapThumbnailURL": "",
  "viewURL": "",
  "vehicleText": "",
  "userName": "",
  "userAvatarImage": "",
  "isLive": false

The MissionJson object has the following parameters:

Parameter Data Type Required Description
id integer Y The id for the mission
notes string
viewPrivacy EnumVal
vehicleId integer
maxAlt number
maxGroundspeed number
maxAirspeed number
maxG number
flightDuration number
latitude number
longitude number
softwareVersion string
softwareGit string
createdOn string
updatedOn string
summaryText string
mapThumbnailURL string
viewURL string
vehicleText string
userName string
userAvatarImage string
isLive boolean

Show all missions

import requests

# apikey is appid.appkey
# baseurl is'

def allmissions(aPageSize=100,aPageOffset=0):
    # Get all users
    r = requests.get(options.baseurl + 'mission',
		params = {"api_key": apikey, "page_offset":aPageOffset,"page_size": aPageSize},
    print 'Status code: %s' % r.status_code
    print 'Number of missions in page: %s' % len(r.json())

print "\nGet all missions (pagesize:5, pageoffset:30)"

The endpoint returns JSON with the MissionJson Model Schema:

    "id": 0,
    "notes": "",
    "viewPrivacy": {},
    "vehicleId": 0,
    "maxAlt": 0,
    "maxGroundspeed": 0,
    "maxAirspeed": 0,
    "maxG": 0,
    "flightDuration": 0,
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0,
    "softwareVersion": "",
    "softwareGit": "",
    "createdOn": "",
    "updatedOn": "",
    "summaryText": "",
    "mapThumbnailURL": "",
    "viewURL": "",
    "vehicleText": "",
    "userName": "",
    "userAvatarImage": "",
    "isLive": false

This endpoint lists all missions on the service (MissionJson).

HTTP Request

GET /mission/

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
live boolean query Live flights only
completed boolean query Completed flights only
within string query Flights within a specified GeoJSON polygon
page_offset integer query If paging, the record # to start with (use 0 at start)
page_size integer query If paging, the # of records in the page. The maximum (and default) page size is 100 records.
order_by string query To get sorted response, the field name to sort on
order_dir string query If sorting, the optional direction. either asc or desc

Create new mission with auto-ID

The command returns a string:


This endpoint creates new mission that will be given a dynamically constructed ID.

HTTP Request

PUT /mission/

Query Parameters

The Json Model Schema for the body parameter (MissionJson) is:

  "id": 0,
  "notes": "",
  "viewPrivacy": {},
  "vehicleId": 0,
  "maxAlt": 0,
  "maxGroundspeed": 0,
  "maxAirspeed": 0,
  "maxG": 0,
  "flightDuration": 0,
  "latitude": 0,
  "longitude": 0,
  "softwareVersion": "",
  "softwareGit": "",
  "createdOn": "",
  "updatedOn": "",
  "summaryText": "",
  "mapThumbnailURL": "",
  "viewURL": "",
  "vehicleText": "",
  "userName": "",
  "userAvatarImage": "",
  "isLive": false

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
body MissionJson body Y The mission parameters

Get recent flights for global map

import requests

# apikey is appid.appkey
# baseurl is'

def recentmissions():
    # Get recent missions in format suitable for global map view
    r = requests.get(options.baseurl + 'mission/staticMap',
		params = {"api_key": apikey}
    print 'Status code: %s' % r.status_code
    print len(r.json()['updates'])

print "\nGet gets recent mission in format suitable for a global map view."

The endpoint returns JSON with the MissionJson Model Schema:

    "id": 0,
    "notes": "",
    "viewPrivacy": {},
    "vehicleId": 0,
    "maxAlt": 0,
    "maxGroundspeed": 0,
    "maxAirspeed": 0,
    "maxG": 0,
    "flightDuration": 0,
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0,
    "softwareVersion": "",
    "softwareGit": "",
    "createdOn": "",
    "updatedOn": "",
    "summaryText": "",
    "mapThumbnailURL": "",
    "viewURL": "",
    "vehicleText": "",
    "userName": "",
    "userAvatarImage": "",
    "isLive": false

This endpoint gets recent flights suitable for a global map view.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/staticMap

Add a new mission

The endpoint returns JSON with the MissionJson Model Schema:

    "id": 0,
    "notes": "",
    "viewPrivacy": {},
    "vehicleId": 0,
    "maxAlt": 0,
    "maxGroundspeed": 0,
    "maxAirspeed": 0,
    "maxG": 0,
    "flightDuration": 0,
    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0,
    "softwareVersion": "",
    "softwareGit": "",
    "createdOn": "",
    "updatedOn": "",
    "summaryText": "",
    "mapThumbnailURL": "",
    "viewURL": "",
    "vehicleText": "",
    "userName": "",
    "userAvatarImage": "",
    "isLive": false

This endpoint adds a new mission as a tlog, bog or log.

The endpoint is designed to facilitate easy log file uploading from GCS applications. It requires no oauth or other authentication (but you will need to use your application's api_key). You should pass in the user's login and password as query parameters.

You'll also need to pick a UUID to represent the vehicle (if your user interface allows the user to specify particular models you should associate the UUID with the model - alternatively you can open a WebView and use droneshare to let the user pick a model). If the vehicle has not previously been seen it will be created.

If you are taking advantage of the autoCreate feature, you should specify a user email address and name (so we can send them password reset emails if they forget their password).

Both multi-part file POSTs and simple posts of log files as the entire request body are supported. In the latter case the content type must be set appropriately.

HTTP Request

POST /mission/upload/{vehicleUUID}

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
file body file Y log file as a standard html form upload POST
vehicleUUID string path Y UUID of vehicle to be have mission added (the client should pick a stable UUID)
login string query Y User login (used if not already logged-in via cookie)
password string query Y User password (used if not already logged-in via cookie)
email string query Email address (optional, used if user creation is required)
fullName string query User full name (optional, used if user creation is required)
autoCreate boolean query If true a new user account will be created if required
privacy string query The privacy setting for this flight (DEFAULT, PRIVATE, PUBLIC, SHARED, RESEARCHER)

Error codes

HTTP Status Code Reason
200 Success Payload will be a JSON array of mission objects. You probably want to show the user the viewURL for each file, but the other mission fields might also be interesting.

Find by id

import requests

# apikey is appid.appkey
# baseurl is'

def missionbyid(aId):
    # Get mission with specified id
    r = requests.get(options.baseurl + 'mission' + '/' + aId,
		params = {"api_key": apikey}
    print 'Status code: %s' % r.status_code

print "\nGet specified mission by id:(3)"

The endpoint returns JSON with the MissionJson Model Schema:

  "id": 0,
  "notes": "",
  "viewPrivacy": {},
  "vehicleId": 0,
  "maxAlt": 0,
  "maxGroundspeed": 0,
  "maxAirspeed": 0,
  "maxG": 0,
  "flightDuration": 0,
  "latitude": 0,
  "longitude": 0,
  "softwareVersion": "",
  "softwareGit": "",
  "createdOn": "",
  "updatedOn": "",
  "summaryText": "",
  "mapThumbnailURL": "",
  "viewURL": "",
  "vehicleText": "",
  "userName": "",
  "userAvatarImage": "",
  "isLive": false

This endpoint returns the mission (MissionJson) for a specified id.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission that needs to be fetched

Update by id

This endpoint updates a specified mission with new values.

HTTP Request

PUT /mission/{id}

Query Parameters

The Json Model Schema for the body parameter (MissionJson) is:

  "id": 0,
  "notes": "",
  "viewPrivacy": {},
  "vehicleId": 0,
  "maxAlt": 0,
  "maxGroundspeed": 0,
  "maxAirspeed": 0,
  "maxG": 0,
  "flightDuration": 0,
  "latitude": 0,
  "longitude": 0,
  "softwareVersion": "",
  "softwareGit": "",
  "createdOn": "",
  "updatedOn": "",
  "summaryText": "",
  "mapThumbnailURL": "",
  "viewURL": "",
  "vehicleText": "",
  "userName": "",
  "userAvatarImage": "",
  "isLive": false

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission that needs to be updated
body MissionJson body Y Json object with mission information

Delete by id

This endpoint deletes the mission with the specified id.

HTTP Request

DELETE /mission/{id}

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission that needs to be deleted

Create by id

The command returns a string:

This endpoint creates a new mission object with a specified id.

HTTP Request

POST /mission/{id}

Query Parameters

The Json Model Schema for the body parameter (MissionJson) is:

  "id": 0,
  "notes": "",
  "viewPrivacy": {},
  "vehicleId": 0,
  "maxAlt": 0,
  "maxGroundspeed": 0,
  "maxAirspeed": 0,
  "maxG": 0,
  "flightDuration": 0,
  "latitude": 0,
  "longitude": 0,
  "softwareVersion": "",
  "softwareGit": "",
  "createdOn": "",
  "updatedOn": "",
  "summaryText": "",
  "mapThumbnailURL": "",
  "viewURL": "",
  "vehicleText": "",
  "userName": "",
  "userAvatarImage": "",
  "isLive": false

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission that needs to be created
body MissionJson body Y Json object with mission information

Get analysis.json by id

The endpoint returns JSON with this Model Schema:

  "obj": [
      "_1": {},
      "_2": {}

And this Model:

JObject {
  obj (array[Tuple2[String, JValue]])

Tuple2[String, JValue] {
  _1 (Object),
  _2 (Object)

Object {

This endpoint gets the analysis.json for the specified mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/analysis.json

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission to be read

Get dseries by id

The endpoint returns JSON with this Model Schema:

    "obj": [
        "_1": {},
        "_2": {}

And this Model:

JObject {
  obj (array[Tuple2[String, JValue]])

Tuple2[String, JValue] {
  _1 (Object),
  _2 (Object)
Object {

This endpoint gets the dseries for the specified mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/dseries

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission to be read

Get messages.geo.json by id

The endpoint returns JSON with this Model Schema:

    "obj": [
        "_1": {},
        "_2": {}

And this Model:

JObject {
  obj (array[Tuple2[String, JValue]])

Tuple2[String, JValue] {
  _1 (Object),
  _2 (Object)
Object {

This endpoint gets the messages.geo.json for the specified mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/messages.geo.json

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission to be read

Get messages.gmaps.kmz by id

The command returns an array[string]

This endpoint gets the messages.gmaps.kmz for the specified mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/messages.gmaps.kmz

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission to be read

Get messages.json by mission id

The endpoint returns JSON with this Model Schema:

  "modelType": "",
  "messages": [
      "t": 0,
      "typ": "",
      "fld": [

And this Model:

MessageHeader {
  modelType (string),
  messages (array[MessageJson])

MessageJson {
  t (integer),
  typ (string),
  fld (array[string])

This endpoint gets the messages.json for the specified mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/messages.json

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission to be read

Get messages.kml by id

The command returns an array[string]

This endpoint gets the messages.kml for the specified mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/messages.kml

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission to be read

Get messages.kmz by id

The command returns an array[string]

This endpoint gets the messages.kmz for the specified mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/messages.kmz

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission to be read

Get messages.tlog by id

The endpoint returns JSON with this Model Schema:

  "status": {
    "code": 0,
    "message": ""
  "body": {},
  "headers": [

With this Model:

ActionResult {
  status (ResponseStatus),
  body (Object),
  headers (array[string])

ResponseStatus {
  code (integer),
  message (string)

Object {

This endpoint gets the messages.tlog for the specified mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/messages.tlog

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission to be read

Get parameters.complete by id

The command returns a string:

This endpoint gets the parameters.complete for the specified mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/parameters.complete

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission to be read

Get parameters.json by id

The endpoint returns JSON with this Model Schema:

    "id": "",
    "range": [
    "value": "",
    "doc": "",
    "rangeOk": false

With this model:

ParameterJson {
  id (string),
  range (array[Object], optional),
  value (string),
  doc (string),
  rangeOk (boolean)

Object {

This endpoint gets the parameters.json for the specified mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/parameters.json

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission to be read

Get parameters.share by id

The command returns a string:

This endpoint gets the parameters.share for the specified mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/parameters.share

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission to be read

Get parameter from a mission

The endpoint returns JSON (JValue) with this Model Schema:


This endpoint gets a specific parameter from a given mission.

HTTP Request

GET /mission/{id}/{param}

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of mission that needs to be fetched
param string path Y The parameter to read from the object

/vehicle - Vehicle operations

This command exposes operations for browsing and searching lists of vehicles, and retrieving single vehicles.

JSON Objects


The VehicleJson object has the following Model Schema:

  "uuid": {
    "mostSigBits": 0,
    "leastSigBits": 0
  "name": "",
  "id": 0,
  "userId": 0,
  "manufacturer": "",
  "vehicleType": "",
  "autopilotType": "",
  "viewPrivacy": {},
  "controlPrivacy": {},
  "missions": [
  "createdOn": "",
  "updatedOn": "",
  "summaryText": "",
  "userName": ""

The VehicleJson object has the following parameters:

Parameter Data Type Required Description
uuid UUID
name string
id integer
userId integer
manufacturer string
vehicleType string
autopilotType string
viewPrivacy EnumVal
controlPrivacy EnumVal
missions array[JValue]
createdOn string
updatedOn string
summaryText string
userName string

The UUID object has the following parameters:

Parameter Data Type Required Description
mostSigBits integer
leastSigBits integer

Show all vehicles

import requests

# apikey is appid.appkey
# baseurl is'

def allvehicles(aPageSize=100,aPageOffset=0):
    # Get all vehicles
    r = requests.get(options.baseurl + 'vehicle',
		params = {"api_key": apikey, "page_offset":aPageOffset,"page_size": aPageSize},
    print 'Status code: %s' % r.status_code
    print 'Number of vehicles in page: %s' % len(r.json())

print "\nGet all vehicles (pagesize:5, pageoffset:3)"

The endpoint returns JSON with the VehicleJson Model Schema:

    "uuid": {
      "mostSigBits": 0,
      "leastSigBits": 0
    "name": "",
    "id": 0,
    "userId": 0,
    "manufacturer": "",
    "vehicleType": "",
    "autopilotType": "",
    "viewPrivacy": {},
    "controlPrivacy": {},
    "missions": [
    "createdOn": "",
    "updatedOn": "",
    "summaryText": "",
    "userName": ""

This endpoint retrieves all vehicles.

HTTP Request

GET /vehicle/

Parameter Parameter type Data type Description
page_offset query integer If paging, the record # to start with (use 0 at start)
page_size query integer If paging, the # of records in the page. The default and maximum page_size is 100 records.
order_by query string To get sorted response, the field name to sort on
order_dir query string If sorting, the optional direction. either asc or desc

Create a new object with auto-ID

import requests

# apikey is appid.appkey
# baseurl is'
# options.username and options.password are droneshare passwords that will own the vehicle

def create_vehicle():
    # Create a test vehicle.
    # Requires DroneShare username and password.
    r = requests.put(options.baseurl + 'vehicle',
        params = {"api_key": apikey, "login": options.username, "password":options.password},
        headers = {"content-type": "application/json"},
        data = '{ "name": "DELETEME - Test Vehicle", "vehicleType": "quadcopter",  "autopilotType": "apm", "summaryText": "This vehicle is added by example code" }'
	return r

r = create_vehicle()
print r.status_code
print pprint.pprint(r.json())

This endpoint creates a new vehicle record with a dynamically constructed ID.

The request requires both api key and droneshare login parameters. It returns JSON object for the created record.

HTTP Request

PUT /vehicle/

Query Parameters

The Json Model Schema for the body parameter (VehicleJson) is:

  "uuid": {
    "mostSigBits": 0,
    "leastSigBits": 0
  "name": "",
  "id": 0,
  "userId": 0,
  "manufacturer": "",
  "vehicleType": "",
  "autopilotType": "",
  "viewPrivacy": {},
  "controlPrivacy": {},
  "missions": [
  "createdOn": "",
  "updatedOn": "",
  "summaryText": "",
  "userName": ""

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
body VehicleJson body Y The vehicle parameters.

Find by id

import requests

# apikey is appid.appkey
# baseurl is'

def vehiclebyid(aId):
    # Get vehicle with specified id
    r = requests.get(options.baseurl + 'vehicle' + '/' + aId,
		params = {"api_key": apikey}
    print 'Status code: %s' % r.status_code

print "\nGet specified vehicle by id:(3)"

The endpoint returns JSON with this Model Schema:

  "uuid": {
    "mostSigBits": 0,
    "leastSigBits": 0
  "name": "",
  "id": 0,
  "userId": 0,
  "manufacturer": "",
  "vehicleType": "",
  "autopilotType": "",
  "viewPrivacy": {},
  "controlPrivacy": {},
  "missions": [
  "createdOn": "",
  "updatedOn": "",
  "summaryText": "",
  "userName": ""

This endpoint gets a vehicle with the specified ID.

This is the "database" record id, not the vehicle uuid.

HTTP Request

GET /vehicle/{id}

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of vehicle that needs to be fetched

Update by id

import requests

# apikey is appid.appkey
# baseurl is'
# options.username and options.password are droneshare passwords that own the vehicle

def updatevehiclebyid(aId):
    # Update vehicle with specified id
    # This example just renames the vehicle.
    r = requests.put(options.baseurl + 'vehicle' + '/' + aId,
        params = {"api_key": apikey, "login": options.username, "password":options.password},
        headers = {"content-type": "application/json"},
        data = '{ "name": "DELETEME - Test Vehicle WITH NEW NAME" }'
    return r

r=updatevehiclebyid('a valid id')

This endpoint updates the information in the vehicle record with the specified id.

HTTP Request

PUT /vehicle/{id}

Query Parameters

The Json Model Schema for the body parameter (VehicleJson) is:

  "uuid": {
    "mostSigBits": 0,
    "leastSigBits": 0
  "name": "",
  "id": 0,
  "userId": 0,
  "manufacturer": "",
  "vehicleType": "",
  "autopilotType": "",
  "viewPrivacy": {},
  "controlPrivacy": {},
  "missions": [
  "createdOn": "",
  "updatedOn": "",
  "summaryText": "",
  "userName": ""

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
body VehicleJson body Y The vehicle parameters
id string path Y Id of vehicle that needs to be updated

Delete by id

This code fragment shows the Python call to delete a vehicle with a specific id.

import requests

# apikey is appid.appkey
# baseurl is'
# options.username and options.password are droneshare passwords that own the vehicle

def deletevehiclebyid(aId):
    # Delete vehicle with specified id
    r = requests.delete(options.baseurl + 'vehicle' + '/' + aId,
        params = {"api_key": apikey, "login": options.username, "password":options.password}
    return r


This endpoint deletes the vehicle with the specified id.

HTTP Request

DELETE /vehicle/{id}

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
id string path Y Id of vehicle that needs to be deleted.

Create by id

The command returns a string:

This endpoint creates a new vehicle with the specified id.

HTTP Request

POST /api/v1/vehicle/{id}

Query Parameters

The Json Model Schema for the body parameter (VehicleJson) is:

  "uuid": {
    "mostSigBits": 0,
    "leastSigBits": 0
  "name": "",
  "id": 0,
  "userId": 0,
  "manufacturer": "",
  "vehicleType": "",
  "autopilotType": "",
  "viewPrivacy": {},
  "controlPrivacy": {},
  "missions": [
  "createdOn": "",
  "updatedOn": "",
  "summaryText": "",
  "userName": ""

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
body VehicleJson body Y The vehicle parameters
id string path Y Id of vehicle that needs to be created

Add a new mission

The endpoint returns JSON with the VehicleJson Model Schema:

    "uuid": {
      "mostSigBits": 0,
      "leastSigBits": 0
    "name": "",
    "id": 0,
    "userId": 0,
    "manufacturer": "",
    "vehicleType": "",
    "autopilotType": "",
    "viewPrivacy": {},
    "controlPrivacy": {},
    "missions": [
    "createdOn": "",
    "updatedOn": "",
    "summaryText": "",
    "userName": ""

This endpoint adds a new mission (as a tlog, bog or log).

HTTP Request

POST /vehicle/{id}/missions

Query Parameters

The query parameters are:

Parameter Data Type Parameter Type Required Description
file file body Y Log file as a standard html form upload POST
id string path Y Id of vehicle to be have mission added