All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- pagination in all routes instead of offset and limit
- lookso search with pagination
- feed fetching with pagination
- analysing keys (15abd23)
- asset added to db (e18eb66)
- basic display for universal receiver (f785389)
- blockchain indexing script improvement (wait the indexing end before going to next blocks, fetch metadata of lsp4 and lsp3 even when no value found in the log) (58e261a)
- compress image with sharp (1d3b16a)
- config files for 4 environments (c4bc64d)
- construct feed wip (3b312c4)
- construct feed with child posts (32efd40)
- control on address (7b427de)
- controller signature route for up auth (7037e84)
- data changed table added (e344be1)
- database functions and tests for contract and chain-sync tables (14eb316)
- db script with unique constraints (544d770)
- easy json url decoding (6a45998)
- erc725y-schema added to DB (1a67b44)
- EthLogs length (87054e2)
- extract contract when universal receiver event found in the script (e2bc605)
- feed and profile activity with viewOf option (1ccae33)
- fetch icons of assets when constructing feed (b584ceb)
- fetch profiles of user (4572e5d)
- filling db with erc725y schemas (e2baed9)
- filling display types in DB (cac0dac)
- generate display for data changed events (9902e8b)
- generate method interfaces from abi script (1a15525)
- GET a user (61267f0)
- get date from validator and construct feed with post (d5974a5)
- get feed or activity filtering by type (e679c40)
- get user nonce (1f5d650)
- handle universal receiver events (e8ee641)
- handling function names when no display for execute events (5204209)
- if asset with no image or name, fetch it and index it (3a085c3)
- image compression on upload (0120c9d)
- index new registry posts (cfc8442)
- indexing script (91c2f4f)
- indexing script listen to metadata update (234d30a)
- inRegistry and transactionHash added to post table (c552bf3)
- insert registry changes (51e0b27)
- insert user route (89793e8)
- isNFT and supply added to contract metadata (d311c8a)
- isNFT and supply added to contract metadata (76492c6)
- json error responses (399589f)
- json error responses (a39269d)
- key display added to the db (5673255)
- like routes and isLiked in feed (00bcfb3)
- like, follow and unfollow build and return json on limit exceeded (5c3e71b)
- logger service (19dfb8c)
- lookso routes to follow, get followers and following (bb786e3)
- lookso routes to get notifications and count (6a01658)
- new db architecture for flexible method display (0c1b578)
- new db script (a651439)
- new displays for feed (d52b1d0)
- new indexing script (d018c20)
- new models (cf96733)
- new sql db creation script (76ad1a8)
- not-found return for GET user (e48a4c8)
- notification query ordered by date and with offset and limit (2397f40)
- notification table support (197bce7)
- notification triggers (25f17cb)
- pagination in all routes instead of offset and limit (9ca6fa1)
- post with nonce (995ab4c)
- Providing JWT for a validity of 6h (c99aa71)
- query all posts (eb4c058)
- Query and create profiles with archived status (73283dd)
- query data changed by block number (791a8bf)
- query event by logId (e58605c)
- query followers return if the user is following them (8ae3eab)
- query notifications count db (5205b72)
- query posts count (736433d)
- query users of a profile (20f9b43)
- registry changes added to the DB (ff8b5cd)
- render user posts in feed (669388b)
- route to fetch profile infos (9d2f5ef)
- route to fetch profile infos (faac5b0)
- route to get address from a usertag (02cf468)
- route to know if a use like a post (1c4d0d6)
- routes to get feed and activity of users (3ad71f0)
- routes to push likes and follows to blockchain (ac62f25)
- routes with data writing protected with JWT (775e886)
- script also retrieve decoded function parameters (c6ecc3e)
- script update, don t index events related to posting and step of 7s instead of 20s (cbf3100)
- search feature (c96d630)
- search with limit and offset (821d47e)
- select image utils script (6d39518)
- set all notifications to viewed (2227e58)
- set display script (69f6e79)
- sql script with image hash and asset (6c19020)
- supply from number to string (ef4e9fb)
- support for parentPost (comment) (b3a2df3)
- support for tokenAmount parameters (7a9e70c)
- support for validator address in the profile post (0e17ba1)
- supporting new interfaces of LSP0 and LSP7 (53cc0b1)
- tag notifications (a99ec7f)
- transaction table added (1c96fab)
- try and catch everything in the script (bafc47b)
- update registry properly (b2f48fc)
- update user (9d3a446)
- Update user profile (set archived status) (79a7141)
- upload a post on arweave (e898f22)
- upload a post on arweave (97af8f1)
- upload image and fetch post object (218cb57)
- user friendly nonce auth message (c023a5e)
- user schema (48458f7)
- user_profile_relation created on user creation or update (17be688)
- user-friendly message when unknown function executed (5b8ab3b)
- value received and contract created supported in the feed (aa8232d)
- verify if user have permissions on selected profile (9d0fd71)
- wip indexing all blockchain up related info (e727408)
- wip indexing all blockchain up related info 2 (c5cfcfb)
300ms timeout for axios get when fetch feed (74109d9)
404 if no profiles for a user (fab6395)
address control before JWT check (6492fda)
check if page is undefined in query (cee7f72)
contract Object (d5e6f78)
cookie package added & permission verification uncommented (d46f153)
cors policy (38b84d8)
cors policy plz work (9c1f0bf)
count posts return count (394ad34)
db creation script with author instead of sender for a post (76d19da)
display correctly token amount (aa01461)
do not throw an error when no result (6f0d070)
do not throw if image not found (2203b16)
does not return empty registry if fail to fetch (17e023b)
don t throw if user do not have image on fetch profile notifications (d2b5a9c)
dotenv config (b8b3600)
double quotes for uppercase in postgres column names (e3380ac)
fetch is following and followers with viewOf query param (06bf636)
global regex matching (b7b23b5)
if page === undefined, then page = 0 in comments get route (0e80e14)
index blockchain script properly index events (539ad09)
lsp7 token display type = tokenAmount (97a2216)
no notification when sender = receiver (52ce574)
no staging command in the package.json (61a5c1b)
no throw when no image (bb375c6)
no user_profile_relations or users table (18fc5d5)
no user_profile_relations or users table (98d4a46)
notifications get route fixed (92a2917)
params validity before JWT validity control (658f88f)
posts always displayed in the same order when rendering feed (30694d2)
profile feed get route fixed (795f173)
query contract throw if not found (5873f22)
registry uploading (8d02d95)
report error with label while indexing registry (52e80e7)
return empty posts feed array when no following (53ac409)
return only image url when query followers or following (c316e75)
right notification event (ebedc16)
routes to get a post and comments (493be8b)
run dev with dev environment (31ad964)
script running withour waiting for indexing (e7d9b4c)
scripts with correct envs (d04cbf9)
scripts with correct envs for linux server (784a8bf)
select notifications ordering by date DESC (b2f4489)
stopping the request on JWT error (f3fd0a6)
throw if no tx found on tx query (9f49a94)
try catch in front of every indexing (25dbf9e)
try to insert when updating registry (c65c3f1)
type "sended" to "sent" (bf6b60f)
Universal Receiver event "to" display instead of "from" when sended (e427694)
upload content return url when bundlr (8a84885)
usertag regex (2c17187)
using logging function instead of console.log (310d50f)
variable name in db creation script (caca932)
feed fetching with pagination (8243e03)
lookso search with pagination (9ac5505)
- analysing keys (15abd23)
- asset added to db (e18eb66)
- basic display for universal receiver (f785389)
- blockchain indexing script improvement (wait the indexing end before going to next blocks, fetch metadata of lsp4 and lsp3 even when no value found in the log) (58e261a)
- compress image with sharp (1d3b16a)
- config files for 4 environments (c4bc64d)
- construct feed wip (3b312c4)
- construct feed with child posts (32efd40)
- control on address (7b427de)
- controller signature route for up auth (7037e84)
- data changed table added (e344be1)
- database functions and tests for contract and chain-sync tables (14eb316)
- db script with unique constraints (544d770)
- easy json url decoding (6a45998)
- erc725y-schema added to DB (1a67b44)
- EthLogs length (87054e2)
- extract contract when universal receiver event found in the script (e2bc605)
- feed and profile activity with viewOf option (1ccae33)
- fetch icons of assets when constructing feed (b584ceb)
- fetch profiles of user (4572e5d)
- filling db with erc725y schemas (e2baed9)
- filling display types in DB (cac0dac)
- generate display for data changed events (9902e8b)
- generate method interfaces from abi script (1a15525)
- GET a user (61267f0)
- get date from validator and construct feed with post (d5974a5)
- get feed or activity filtering by type (e679c40)
- get user nonce (1f5d650)
- handle universal receiver events (e8ee641)
- if asset with no image or name, fetch it and index it (3a085c3)
- image compression on upload (0120c9d)
- index new registry posts (cfc8442)
- indexing script (91c2f4f)
- indexing script listen to metadata update (234d30a)
- inRegistry and transactionHash added to post table (c552bf3)
- insert registry changes (51e0b27)
- insert user route (89793e8)
- isNFT and supply added to contract metadata (d311c8a)
- isNFT and supply added to contract metadata (76492c6)
- json error responses (399589f)
- json error responses (a39269d)
- key display added to the db (5673255)
- like routes and isLiked in feed (00bcfb3)
- like, follow and unfollow build and return json on limit exceeded (5c3e71b)
- logger service (19dfb8c)
- lookso routes to follow, get followers and following (bb786e3)
- lookso routes to get notifications and count (6a01658)
- new db architecture for flexible method display (0c1b578)
- new db script (a651439)
- new displays for feed (d52b1d0)
- new models (cf96733)
- new sql db creation script (76ad1a8)
- not-found return for GET user (e48a4c8)
- notification query ordered by date and with offset and limit (2397f40)
- notification table support (197bce7)
- notification triggers (25f17cb)
- post with nonce (995ab4c)
- Providing JWT for a validity of 6h (c99aa71)
- query all posts (eb4c058)
- Query and create profiles with archived status (73283dd)
- query data changed by block number (791a8bf)
- query event by logId (e58605c)
- query followers return if the user is following them (8ae3eab)
- query notifications count db (5205b72)
- query users of a profile (20f9b43)
- registry changes added to the DB (ff8b5cd)
- render user posts in feed (669388b)
- route to fetch profile infos (9d2f5ef)
- route to fetch profile infos (faac5b0)
- route to get address from a usertag (02cf468)
- route to know if a use like a post (1c4d0d6)
- routes to get feed and activity of users (3ad71f0)
- routes to push likes and follows to blockchain (ac62f25)
- routes with data writing protected with JWT (775e886)
- script also retrieve decoded function parameters (c6ecc3e)
- script update, don t index events related to posting and step of 7s instead of 20s (cbf3100)
- search feature (c96d630)
- search with limit and offset (821d47e)
- select image utils script (6d39518)
- set all notifications to viewed (2227e58)
- set display script (69f6e79)
- sql script with image hash and asset (6c19020)
- supply from number to string (ef4e9fb)
- support for parentPost (comment) (b3a2df3)
- support for tokenAmount parameters (7a9e70c)
- support for validator address in the profile post (0e17ba1)
- tag notifications (a99ec7f)
- transaction table added (1c96fab)
- try and catch everything in the script (bafc47b)
- update registry properly (b2f48fc)
- update user (9d3a446)
- Update user profile (set archived status) (79a7141)
- upload a post on arweave (e898f22)
- upload a post on arweave (97af8f1)
- upload image and fetch post object (218cb57)
- user friendly nonce auth message (c023a5e)
- user schema (48458f7)
- user_profile_relation created on user creation or update (17be688)
- user-friendly message when unknown function executed (5b8ab3b)
- value received and contract created supported in the feed (aa8232d)
- verify if user have permissions on selected profile (9d0fd71)
- wip indexing all blockchain up related info (e727408)
- wip indexing all blockchain up related info 2 (c5cfcfb)
- 300ms timeout for axios get when fetch feed (74109d9)
- 404 if no profiles for a user (fab6395)
- address control before JWT check (6492fda)
- contract Object (d5e6f78)
- cors policy (38b84d8)
- cors policy plz work (9c1f0bf)
- db creation script with author instead of sender for a post (76d19da)
- display correctly token amount (aa01461)
- do not throw if image not found (2203b16)
- does not return empty registry if fail to fetch (17e023b)
- don t throw if user do not have image on fetch profile notifications (d2b5a9c)
- dotenv config (b8b3600)
- double quotes for uppercase in postgres column names (e3380ac)
- fetch is following and followers with viewOf query param (06bf636)
- global regex matching (b7b23b5)
- lsp7 token display type = tokenAmount (97a2216)
- no notification when sender = receiver (52ce574)
- no staging command in the package.json (61a5c1b)
- no throw when no image (bb375c6)
- params validity before JWT validity control (658f88f)
- registry uploading (8d02d95)
- return empty posts feed array when no following (53ac409)
- return only image url when query followers or following (c316e75)
- right notification event (ebedc16)
- routes to get a post and comments (493be8b)
- run dev with dev environment (31ad964)
- script running withour waiting for indexing (e7d9b4c)
- scripts with correct envs (d04cbf9)
- scripts with correct envs for linux server (784a8bf)
- select notifications ordering by date DESC (b2f4489)
- try catch in front of every indexing (25dbf9e)
- try to insert when updating registry (c65c3f1)
- type "sended" to "sent" (bf6b60f)
- Universal Receiver event "to" display instead of "from" when sended (e427694)
- upload content return url when bundlr (8a84885)
- usertag regex (2c17187)
- using logging function instead of console.log (310d50f)
- variable name in db creation script (caca932)
- control on address (7b427de)
- fetch profiles of user (4572e5d)
- GET a user (61267f0)
- insert user route (89793e8)
- json error responses (399589f)
- json error responses (a39269d)
- not-found return for GET user (e48a4c8)
- Query and create profiles with archived status (73283dd)
- query users of a profile (20f9b43)
- update user (9d3a446)
- Update user profile (set archived status) (79a7141)
- user schema (48458f7)
- verify if user have permissions on selected profile (9d0fd71)
- dotenv config (b8b3600)