npm install masscss
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/masscss/mass.css" />
or, without npm:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Spiritual successor to Basscss, Masscss adopts all its classes (via Ace.css) and extends it with a massive amount of new classes.
No Sass, no variables, no fancy build workflow - it's just raw CSS.
To use, simply link to mass.css in your page and use any of the thousands of classes included.
Search existing classes/filter by classname or property via the website.
And for production, use uncss to trim unused classes.
Clone your own copy of this repo, then npm link
from the dir of said cloned repo and then npm link masscss
from the dir of your various projects on your local machine (after doing npm install masscss
Then whenever you find yourself asking for a class that isn't already existing in masscss, create it in your cloned repo (following in the same declarative, functional, composable theme of the existing classes) and it will be immediately available to your project.
If you want later, submit a PR when you have a bunch of classes you would like to share / merge into mass like a madman.
Props to jxnblk for making Basscss and other cool projects and to all his influencers too.