- Register the
custom resource definition (CRD).
# Setup Service Account
druid-operator$ kubectl create -f deploy/service_account.yaml
# Setup RBAC
druid-operator$ kubectl create -f deploy/role.yaml
druid-operator$ kubectl create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
# Setup the CRD
# Following CRD spec contains schema validation, you can find CRD spec without schema validation at
# deploy/crds/druid.apache.org_druids_crd.yaml
druid-operator$ kubectl create -f deploy/crds/druid.apache.org_druids.yaml
# Update the operator manifest to use the druid-operator image name (if you are performing these steps on OSX, see note below)
druid-operator$ sed -i 's|REPLACE_IMAGE|<druid-operator-image>|g' deploy/operator.yaml
# On OSX use:
druid-operator$ sed -i "" 's|REPLACE_IMAGE|<druid-operator-image>|g' deploy/operator.yaml
# Deploy the druid-operator
druid-operator$ kubectl create -f deploy/operator.yaml
# Check the deployed druid-operator
druid-operator$ kubectl describe deployment druid-operator
- Operator can be deployed with namespaced scope or clutser scope. By default the operator is namespaced scope.
- For the operator to be cluster scope, the following params inside the
need to be changed.
value: ""
- Use
instead ofrole
- Install cluster scope operator into the
# Create namespace
kubectl create namespace druid-operator
# Install Druid operator using Helm
helm -n druid-operator install cluster-druid-operator ./chart
# ... or generate manifest.yaml to install using other means:
helm -n druid-operator template cluster-druid-operator ./chart > manifest.yaml
- Install namespaced operator into the
# Create namespace
kubectl create namespace druid-operator
# Install Druid operator using Helm
helm -n druid-operator install --set env.WATCH_NAMESPACE="mynamespace" namespaced-druid-operator ./chart
# you can use myvalues.yaml instead of --set
helm -n druid-operator install -f myvalues.yaml namespaced-druid-operator ./chart
# ... or generate manifest.yaml to install using other means:
helm -n druid-operator template --set env.WATCH_NAMESPACE="" namespaced-druid-operator ./chart > manifest.yaml
- Update settings, upgrade or rollback:
# To upgrade chart or apply changes in myvalues.yaml
helm -n druid-operator upgrade -f myvalues.yaml namespaced-druid-operator ./chart
# Rollback to previous revision
helm -n druid-operator rollback cluster-druid-operator
- Uninstall operator
# To avoid destroying existing clusters, helm will not uninstall its CRD. For
# complete cleanup annotation needs to be removed first:
kubectl annotate crd druids.druid.apache.org helm.sh/resource-policy-
# This will uninstall operator
helm -n druid-operator uninstall cluster-druid-operator
- An example spec to deploy a tiny druid cluster is included. For full details on spec please see
# deploy single node zookeeper
druid-operator$ kubectl apply -f examples/tiny-cluster-zk.yaml
# deploy druid cluster spec
druid-operator$ kubectl apply -f examples/tiny-cluster.yaml
Note that above tiny-cluster only works on a single node kubernetes cluster(e.g. typical k8s cluster setup for dev using kind or minikube) as it uses local disk as "deep storage".
- For kubernetes version 1.11 make sure to disable
type: object
in the CRD root spec.
# get druid-operator pod name
druid-operator$ kubectl get po | grep druid-operator
# check druid-operator pod logs
druid-operator$ kubectl logs <druid-operator pod name>
# check the druid spec
druid-operator$ kubectl describe druids tiny-cluster
# check if druid cluster is deployed
druid-operator$ kubectl get svc | grep tiny
druid-operator$ kubectl get cm | grep tiny
druid-operator$ kubectl get sts | grep tiny