PyQuery allows you to make jQuery-style CSS-selector queries on XML/HTML documents. The API is intended to match jQuery's API whenever possible, though it has been made more Pythonic where appropriate.
This project is a fork of the original PyQuery developed by Olivier Lauzanne in 2008; it is maintained by David Schoonover. Feedback and bug reports are both very welcome over on github.
You can use the PyQuery class to load an xml document from a string, a lxml document, from a file or from an url:
>>> from pyquery import PyQuery as pq >>> from lxml import etree >>> import urllib >>> d = pq("<html></html>") >>> d = pq(etree.fromstring("<html></html>")) >>> d = pq(url='') >>> # d = pq(url='', opener=lambda url: urllib.urlopen(url).read()) >>> d = pq(filename=path_to_html_file)
Now d is like the $ in jQuery:
>>> d("#hello") [<p#hello.hello>] >>> p = d("#hello") >>> print(p.html()) Hello world ! >>> p.html("you know <a href=''>Python</a> rocks") [<p#hello.hello>] >>> print(p.html()) you know <a href="">Python</a> rocks >>> print(p.text()) you know Python rocks
You can use some of the pseudo classes that are available in jQuery but that are not standard in css such as :first :last :even :odd :eq :lt :gt :checked :selected :file:
>>> d('p:first') [<p#hello.hello>]
- PyQuery uses lxml for fast XML and HTML manipulation.
- This is not a library to produce or interact with JavaScript code. If that's what you need, check out