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Releases: dsccommunity/DscResource.DocGenerator


05 Aug 09:21
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v0.10.0-preview0001 Pre-release



  • Added private functions:
    • Out-GitResult - Displays Invoke-Git returned hashtable
      via Write-Verbose and Write-Debug localized messages.
      Fixes Issue 90
    • Hide-GitToken - Used to redact the token from the specified
      git command so that the command can be safely outputted in logs.


  • Publish-WikiContent
    • Restored to original structure.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Added -PassThru switch to return result hashtable and not throw
      regardless of ExitCode value when used.
    • Throws when ExitCode -ne 0 and -PassThru switch not used.
    • Calls Out-GitResult when using -Debug or -Verbose.


14 Jul 12:18
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  • Added private functions:
    • Get-CompositeResourceSchemaPropertyContent - Returns markdown for
      composite resource properties returned by Get-CompositeSchemaObject.
    • New-DscCompositeResourceWikiPage - Returns the markdown content for a
      wiki page for a DSC composite resource.


  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • Added support for creating wiki pages for composite resources.


13 Jul 05:56
Choose a tag to compare
v0.9.1-preview0001 Pre-release



  • Added private functions:
    • Get-CompositeResourceSchemaPropertyContent - Returns markdown for
      composite resource properties returned by Get-CompositeSchemaObject.
    • New-DscCompositeResourceWikiPage - Returns the markdown content for a
      wiki page for a DSC composite resource.


  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • Added support for creating wiki pages for composite resources.


08 Jul 14:36
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  • Added private functions:
    • Get-ClassAst - Returns the AST for a single or all classes.
    • Get-ClassResourceAst - Returns the AST for a single or all DSC class
    • Get-ClassResourceProperty - Returns DSC class resource properties
      from the provided class or classes.
    • Format-Text - Format a string according to predefined options.
    • Get-TemporaryPath - returns the appropriate temp path for the OS.
    • Get-ConfigurationAst - Returns the AST for a single or all configurations.
    • Get-CompositeSchemaObject - Returns an object containing the parameters
      and other properties related to a composite resource. The object that is
      returned is different format to a MOF or class-based object and the property
      names are aligned to a configuration parameter block rather than MOF.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterState - Determines the parameter state of a
      composite resource parameter. This is a meta attribute that will either be
      Required or Write.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterValidateSet - Returns the array of values
      contained in the ValidateSet parameter attributes if it exists.
  • Added QA test to do some quality checks on the module code and change log.


  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • If a class-based resource has a parent class that contains DSC resource
      properties they will now also be returned as part of the DSC resource
      parameters (issue #62).
    • Refactored to split into two private functions New-DscMofResourceWikiPage and
  • Get-MofSchemaObject
    • Refactored to reduce code duplication when adding functions for supporting
      composite resources.
  • Get-ClassResourceCommentBasedHelp
    • Renamed this function to Get-CommentBasedHelp so that it made sense to
      use with composite DSC resources.
    • Enabled the function to extract the comment block if it is not at the top
      of the script file to support composite resources.
  • Updated code to pass newly added quality checks.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Converted to public function.
    • Updated to use System.Diagnostics.Process for improved error handling.
    • Returns object, allowing caller to process result.
    • git commands no longer use --quiet to populate returned object.
    • No longer write a new line to the end of string for the returned properties
      StandardOutput and StandardError.


  • Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content
    • Output message if $GitHubToken not specified which skips this task.
      Fixes Issue 75
    • Change working folder for the call to git with the argument remote.
    • Added optional debug configuration option in build.yml.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Set $TimeOut to Milliseconds
      Fixes Issue 84
    • Calls git so it works on both Windows and Linux.
    • Output properties in return value if called with the Debug optional
      common parameter.
  • Publish-WikiContent
    • Remove a unnecessary Set-Location so it is possible to remove the
      temporary folder.
    • Fixed code style in tests.
    • Moved verbose statement so it is only outputted in the right context.
    • Fixed bug that prevented the repo to be cloned.


08 Jul 13:26
Choose a tag to compare
v0.9.0-preview0013 Pre-release



  • Added private functions:
    • Get-ClassAst - Returns the AST for a single or all classes.
    • Get-ClassResourceAst - Returns the AST for a single or all DSC class
    • Get-ClassResourceProperty - Returns DSC class resource properties
      from the provided class or classes.
    • Format-Text - Format a string according to predefined options.
    • Get-TemporaryPath - returns the appropriate temp path for the OS.
    • Get-ConfigurationAst - Returns the AST for a single or all configurations.
    • Get-CompositeSchemaObject - Returns an object containing the parameters
      and other properties related to a composite resource. The object that is
      returned is different format to a MOF or class-based object and the property
      names are aligned to a configuration parameter block rather than MOF.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterState - Determines the parameter state of a
      composite resource parameter. This is a meta attribute that will either be
      Required or Write.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterValidateSet - Returns the array of values
      contained in the ValidateSet parameter attributes if it exists.
  • Added QA test to do some quality checks on the module code and change log.


  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • If a class-based resource has a parent class that contains DSC resource
      properties they will now also be returned as part of the DSC resource
      parameters (issue #62).
    • Refactored to split into two private functions New-DscMofResourceWikiPage and
  • Get-MofSchemaObject
    • Refactored to reduce code duplication when adding functions for supporting
      composite resources.
  • Get-ClassResourceCommentBasedHelp
    • Renamed this function to Get-CommentBasedHelp so that it made sense to
      use with composite DSC resources.
    • Enabled the function to extract the comment block if it is not at the top
      of the script file to support composite resources.
  • Updated code to pass newly added quality checks.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Converted to public function.
    • Updated to use System.Diagnostics.Process for improved error handling.
    • Returns object, allowing caller to process result.
    • git commands no longer use --quiet to populate returned object.
    • No longer write a new line to the end of string for the returned properties
      StandardOutput and StandardError.


  • Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content
    • Output message if $GitHubToken not specified which skips this task.
      Fixes Issue 75
    • Change working folder for the call to git with the argument remote.
    • Added optional debug configuration option in build.yml.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Set $TimeOut to Milliseconds
      Fixes Issue 84
    • Calls git so it works on both Windows and Linux.
    • Output properties in return value if called with the Debug optional
      common parameter.
  • Publish-WikiContent
    • Remove a unnecessary Set-Location so it is possible to remove the
      temporary folder.
    • Fixed code style in tests.
    • Moved verbose statement so it is only outputted in the right context.
    • Fixed bug that prevented the repo to be cloned.


08 Jul 12:23
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v0.9.0-preview0012 Pre-release



  • Added private functions:
    • Get-ClassAst - Returns the AST for a single or all classes.
    • Get-ClassResourceAst - Returns the AST for a single or all DSC class
    • Get-ClassResourceProperty - Returns DSC class resource properties
      from the provided class or classes.
    • Format-Text - Format a string according to predefined options.
    • Get-TemporaryPath - returns the appropriate temp path for the OS.
    • Get-ConfigurationAst - Returns the AST for a single or all configurations.
    • Get-CompositeSchemaObject - Returns an object containing the parameters
      and other properties related to a composite resource. The object that is
      returned is different format to a MOF or class-based object and the property
      names are aligned to a configuration parameter block rather than MOF.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterState - Determines the parameter state of a
      composite resource parameter. This is a meta attribute that will either be
      Required or Write.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterValidateSet - Returns the array of values
      contained in the ValidateSet parameter attributes if it exists.
  • Added QA test to do some quality checks on the module code and change log.


  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • If a class-based resource has a parent class that contains DSC resource
      properties they will now also be returned as part of the DSC resource
      parameters (issue #62).
    • Refactored to split into two private functions New-DscMofResourceWikiPage and
  • Get-MofSchemaObject
    • Refactored to reduce code duplication when adding functions for supporting
      composite resources.
  • Get-ClassResourceCommentBasedHelp
    • Renamed this function to Get-CommentBasedHelp so that it made sense to
      use with composite DSC resources.
    • Enabled the function to extract the comment block if it is not at the top
      of the script file to support composite resources.
  • Updated code to pass newly added quality checks.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Converted to public function.
    • Updated to use System.Diagnostics.Process for improved error handling.
    • Returns object, allowing caller to process result.
    • git commands no longer use --quiet to populate returned object.


  • Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content
    • Output message if $GitHubToken not specified which skips this task.
      Fixes Issue 75
    • Change working folder for the call to git with the argument remote.
    • Added optional debug configuration option in build.yml.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Set $TimeOut to Milliseconds
      Fixes Issue 84
    • Calls git so it works on both Windows and Linux.
    • Output properties in return value if called with the Debug optional
      common parameter.
  • Publish-WikiContent
    • Remove a unnecessary Set-Location so it is possible to remove the
      temporary folder.
    • Fixed code style in tests.
    • Moved verbose statement so it is only outputted in the right context.
    • Fixed bug that prevented the repo to be cloned.


08 Jul 11:40
Choose a tag to compare
v0.9.0-preview0011 Pre-release



  • Added private functions:
    • Get-ClassAst - Returns the AST for a single or all classes.
    • Get-ClassResourceAst - Returns the AST for a single or all DSC class
    • Get-ClassResourceProperty - Returns DSC class resource properties
      from the provided class or classes.
    • Format-Text - Format a string according to predefined options.
    • Get-TemporaryPath - returns the appropriate temp path for the OS.
    • Get-ConfigurationAst - Returns the AST for a single or all configurations.
    • Get-CompositeSchemaObject - Returns an object containing the parameters
      and other properties related to a composite resource. The object that is
      returned is different format to a MOF or class-based object and the property
      names are aligned to a configuration parameter block rather than MOF.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterState - Determines the parameter state of a
      composite resource parameter. This is a meta attribute that will either be
      Required or Write.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterValidateSet - Returns the array of values
      contained in the ValidateSet parameter attributes if it exists.
  • Added QA test to do some quality checks on the module code and change log.


  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • If a class-based resource has a parent class that contains DSC resource
      properties they will now also be returned as part of the DSC resource
      parameters (issue #62).
    • Refactored to split into two private functions New-DscMofResourceWikiPage and
  • Get-MofSchemaObject
    • Refactored to reduce code duplication when adding functions for supporting
      composite resources.
  • Get-ClassResourceCommentBasedHelp
    • Renamed this function to Get-CommentBasedHelp so that it made sense to
      use with composite DSC resources.
    • Enabled the function to extract the comment block if it is not at the top
      of the script file to support composite resources.
  • Updated code to pass newly added quality checks.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Converted to public function.
    • Updated to use System.Diagnostics.Process for improved error handling.
    • Returns object, allowing caller to process result.
    • git commands no longer use --quiet to populate returned object.


  • Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content
    • Output message if $GitHubToken not specified which skips this task.
      Fixes Issue 75
    • Change working folder for the call to git with the argument remote.
    • Added optional debug configuration option in build.yml.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Set $TimeOut to Milliseconds
      Fixes Issue 84
    • Calls git so it works on both Windows and Linux.
    • Output properties in return value if called with the Debug optional
      common parameter.
  • Publish-WikiContent
    • Remove a unnecessary Set-Location so it is possible to remove the
      temporary folder.
    • Fix code style in tests.
    • Moved verbose statement so it is only outputted in the right context.


07 Jul 07:27
Choose a tag to compare
v0.9.0-preview0010 Pre-release



  • Added private functions:
    • Get-ClassAst - Returns the AST for a single or all classes.
    • Get-ClassResourceAst - Returns the AST for a single or all DSC class
    • Get-ClassResourceProperty - Returns DSC class resource properties
      from the provided class or classes.
    • Format-Text - Format a string according to predefined options.
    • Get-TemporaryPath - returns the appropriate temp path for the OS.
    • Get-ConfigurationAst - Returns the AST for a single or all configurations.
    • Get-CompositeSchemaObject - Returns an object containing the parameters
      and other properties related to a composite resource. The object that is
      returned is different format to a MOF or class-based object and the property
      names are aligned to a configuration parameter block rather than MOF.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterState - Determines the parameter state of a
      composite resource parameter. This is a meta attribute that will either be
      Required or Write.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterValidateSet - Returns the array of values
      contained in the ValidateSet parameter attributes if it exists.
  • Added QA test to do some quality checks on the module code and change log.


  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • If a class-based resource has a parent class that contains DSC resource
      properties they will now also be returned as part of the DSC resource
      parameters (issue #62).
    • Refactored to split into two private functions New-DscMofResourceWikiPage and
  • Get-MofSchemaObject
    • Refactored to reduce code duplication when adding functions for supporting
      composite resources.
  • Get-ClassResourceCommentBasedHelp
    • Renamed this function to Get-CommentBasedHelp so that it made sense to
      use with composite DSC resources.
    • Enabled the function to extract the comment block if it is not at the top
      of the script file to support composite resources.
  • Updated code to pass newly added quality checks.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Converted to public function.
    • Updated to use System.Diagnostics.Process for improved error handling.
    • Returns object, allowing caller to process result.
    • git commands no longer use --quiet to populate returned object.


  • Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content
    • Output message if $GitHubToken not specified which skips this task.
      Fixes Issue 75
    • Change working folder for the call to git with the argument remote.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Set $TimeOut to Milliseconds
      Fixes Issue 84
    • Calls git so it works on both Windows and Linux.
  • Publish-WikiContent
    • Remove a unnecessary Set-Location so it is possible to remove the
      temporary folder.
    • Fix code style in tests.
    • Moved verbose statement so it is only outputted in the right context.


06 Jul 21:50
Choose a tag to compare
v0.9.0-preview0009 Pre-release



  • Added private functions:
    • Get-ClassAst - Returns the AST for a single or all classes.
    • Get-ClassResourceAst - Returns the AST for a single or all DSC class
    • Get-ClassResourceProperty - Returns DSC class resource properties
      from the provided class or classes.
    • Format-Text - Format a string according to predefined options.
    • Get-TemporaryPath - returns the appropriate temp path for the OS.
    • Get-ConfigurationAst - Returns the AST for a single or all configurations.
    • Get-CompositeSchemaObject - Returns an object containing the parameters
      and other properties related to a composite resource. The object that is
      returned is different format to a MOF or class-based object and the property
      names are aligned to a configuration parameter block rather than MOF.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterState - Determines the parameter state of a
      composite resource parameter. This is a meta attribute that will either be
      Required or Write.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterValidateSet - Returns the array of values
      contained in the ValidateSet parameter attributes if it exists.
  • Added QA test to do some quality checks on the module code and change log.


  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • If a class-based resource has a parent class that contains DSC resource
      properties they will now also be returned as part of the DSC resource
      parameters (issue #62).
    • Refactored to split into two private functions New-DscMofResourceWikiPage and
  • Get-MofSchemaObject
    • Refactored to reduce code duplication when adding functions for supporting
      composite resources.
  • Get-ClassResourceCommentBasedHelp
    • Renamed this function to Get-CommentBasedHelp so that it made sense to
      use with composite DSC resources.
    • Enabled the function to extract the comment block if it is not at the top
      of the script file to support composite resources.
  • Updated code to pass newly added quality checks.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Converted to public function.
    • Updated to use System.Diagnostics.Process for improved error handling.
    • Returns object, allowing caller to process result.
    • git commands no longer use --quiet to populate returned object.


  • Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content
    • Output message if $GitHubToken not specified which skips this task.
      Fixes Issue 75
    • Change working folder for the call to git with the argument remote.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Set $TimeOut to Milliseconds
      Fixes Issue 84
    • Calls git so it works on both Windows and Linux.
  • Publish-WikiContent
    • Remove a unnecessary Set-Location so it is possible to remove the
      temporary folder.


06 Jul 20:01
Choose a tag to compare
v0.9.0-preview0008 Pre-release



  • Added private functions:
    • Get-ClassAst - Returns the AST for a single or all classes.
    • Get-ClassResourceAst - Returns the AST for a single or all DSC class
    • Get-ClassResourceProperty - Returns DSC class resource properties
      from the provided class or classes.
    • Format-Text - Format a string according to predefined options.
    • Get-TemporaryPath - returns the appropriate temp path for the OS.
    • Get-ConfigurationAst - Returns the AST for a single or all configurations.
    • Get-CompositeSchemaObject - Returns an object containing the parameters
      and other properties related to a composite resource. The object that is
      returned is different format to a MOF or class-based object and the property
      names are aligned to a configuration parameter block rather than MOF.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterState - Determines the parameter state of a
      composite resource parameter. This is a meta attribute that will either be
      Required or Write.
    • Get-CompositeResourceParameterValidateSet - Returns the array of values
      contained in the ValidateSet parameter attributes if it exists.
  • Added QA test to do some quality checks on the module code and change log.


  • New-DscResourceWikiPage
    • If a class-based resource has a parent class that contains DSC resource
      properties they will now also be returned as part of the DSC resource
      parameters (issue #62).
    • Refactored to split into two private functions New-DscMofResourceWikiPage and
  • Get-MofSchemaObject
    • Refactored to reduce code duplication when adding functions for supporting
      composite resources.
  • Get-ClassResourceCommentBasedHelp
    • Renamed this function to Get-CommentBasedHelp so that it made sense to
      use with composite DSC resources.
    • Enabled the function to extract the comment block if it is not at the top
      of the script file to support composite resources.
  • Updated code to pass newly added quality checks.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Converted to public function.
    • Updated to use System.Diagnostics.Process for improved error handling.
    • Returns object, allowing caller to process result.
    • git commands no longer use --quiet to populate returned object.


  • Publish_GitHub_Wiki_Content
    • Output message if $GitHubToken not specified which skips this task.
      Fixes Issue 75
    • Change working folder for the call to git with the argument remote.
  • Invoke-Git
    • Set $TimeOut to Milliseconds
      Fixes Issue 84