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Daniel Scott-Raynsford edited this page May 8, 2018 · 6 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key String Specifies the name of the network team to create.
TeamMembers Required String[] Specifies the network interfaces that should be a part of the network team. This is a comma-separated list.
TeamingMode Write String Specifies the teaming mode configuration. SwitchIndependent, LACP, Static
LoadBalancingAlgorithm Write String Specifies the load balancing algorithm for the network team. Dynamic, HyperVPort, IPAddresses, MacAddresses, TransportPorts
Ensure Write String Specifies if the network team should be created or deleted. Defaults to 'Present'. Present, Absent


This resource is used to setup network teams on a node.


Example 1

Creates the switch independent Network Team 'HostTeam' using the NIC1 and NIC2 interfaces. It sets the load balacing algorithm to 'HyperVPort'.

Configuration Example
        $NodeName = 'localhost'

    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName NetworkingDsc

    Node $NodeName
        NetworkTeam HostTeam
            Name                   = 'HostTeam'
            TeamingMode            = 'SwitchIndependent'
            LoadBalancingAlgorithm = 'HyperVPort'
            TeamMembers            = 'NIC1', 'NIC2'
            Ensure                 = 'Present'

Example 2

Removes the NIC Team 'HostTeam' from the interfaces NIC1, NIC2 and NIC3.

Configuration Example
        $NodeName = 'localhost'

    Import-DSCResource -ModuleName NetworkingDsc

    Node $NodeName
        NetworkTeam HostTeam
            Name        = 'HostTeam'
            Ensure      = 'Absent'
            TeamMembers = 'NIC1', 'NIC2', 'NIC3'