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Yorick Kuijs edited this page Jun 13, 2018 · 12 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Url Key string The default zone URL of the Project site to set timesheet settings for
EnableOvertimeAndNonBillableTracking Write boolean Should timesheets allow tracking of overtime and non-billable work types
DefaultTimesheetCreationMode Write string What is the default mode for timesheets to be created in CurrentTaskAssignments, CurrentProjects, NoPrepopulation
DefaultTrackingUnit Write string What is the default tracking unit for timesheets Days, Weeks
DefaultReportingUnit Write string What is the default reporting unit for timesheets Hours, Days
HoursInStandardDay Write Real32 How many hours are in a standard timesheeet day?
HoursInStandardWeek Write Real32 How many hours are in a standard timesheeet week?
MaxHoursPerTimesheet Write Real32 Maximum hours per timesheet
MinHoursPerTimesheet Write Real32 Minimum hours per timesheet
MaxHoursPerDay Write Real32 Maximum hours per day
AllowFutureTimeReporting Write boolean Allow future time reporting?
AllowNewPersonalTasks Write boolean Allow new personal tasks?
AllowTopLevelTimeReporting Write boolean Allow top-level time reporting?
RequireTaskStatusManagerApproval Write boolean Require task status manager approval?
RequireLineApprovalBeforeTimesheetApproval Write boolean Require line approval before timesheet approval?
EnableTimesheetAuditing Write boolean Enable timesheet auditing?
FixedApprovalRouting Write boolean Enable fixed approval routing?
SingleEntryMode Write boolean Enable single entry mode?
DefaultTrackingMode Write string What is the default tracking mode for tasks? PercentComplete, ActualDoneAndRemaining, HoursPerPeriod, FreeForm
ForceTrackingModeForAllProjects Write boolean Force project managers to use the specified tracking mode for each project?
InstallAccount Write PSCredential POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsCredential if using PowerShell 5


Type: Distributed

Allows you to configure the default timesheet settings for a specific PWA instance.


Example 1

This example demonstrates how to apply timesheet settings to a specific PWA instance

Configuration Example 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc

    node localhost 
        SPProjectServerTimeSheetSettings ConfigureTimeSheets
            Url                      = ""
            HoursInStandardDay       = 8
            HoursInStandardWeek      = 40
            AllowFutureTimeReporting = $false  
            PsDscRunAsCredential     = $SetupAccount
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