- Write clear meaningful git commit messages (Do read
- Make sure your PR's description contains GitHub's special keyword references that automatically close the related issue when the PR is merged. (More info at
- When you make very minor changes to a PR of yours, make sure that you squash your commits afterwards so that you don't have an absurd number of commits for a very small fix. (Learn how to squash at
Join the development
- Before you join development, please set up the project on your local machine, run it and go through the application completely. Press on any button you can find and see where it leads to. Try out various API calls. Explore! :)
- If you would like to work on an issue, drop in a comment at the issue. If it is already assigned to someone, but there is no sign of any work being done, please feel free to drop in a comment so that the issue can be assigned to you if the previous assignee has dropped it entirely.