AptiChe is an initiative by the AIChE NITR student chapter in association with Google Developers Students Club, NITR to provide an opportunity to the students to practice and showcase their aptitude and reasoning skills. This project uses the GetX for State Management and Local Storage, Firebase for authentication and GraphQL for the GraphQL Client.
Install Flutter on your machine
Install flutter by selecting the operating system on which you are installing Flutter: Flutter installation tutorial
To check if you have flutter installed along wtih proper necesarry SDKs installed run
flutter doctor
Fork and Clone the Repo
Fork the repo by clicking on the Fork button on the top right corner of the page. To clone this repository, run
git clone https://github.com/dscnitrourkela/project-maple.git
Then runcd project-maple
Get Packages
Make sure you are in the
From the terminal: Run
flutter pub get
From Android Studio/IntelliJ: Click Packages get in the action ribbon at the top of
. -
From VS Code: Click Get Packages located in right side of the action ribbon at the top of
After the above steps, you should see the following:
pub get suceessful with exit code 0
On terminal:
- Check that an Android device is running by running
flutter devices
. If none are shown, follow the device-specific instructions on the Install page for your OS. - Run the app with the following command:
flutter run
- If you want to contibute and have an idea, open an issue, and mention the admin for getting the
Congrats ! You just ran the Project Maple. Feel free to use the application in whatever way possible and make sure to send us feedbacks and suggest changes.
Here is the core folder structure which flutter provides.
|- android
|- build
|- ios
|- lib
|- test
Here is the folder structure we have been using in this project
|- datamodels/
|- services/
|- utils/
|- views/
|- widgets/
|- main.dart
Now, lets dive into the lib folder which has the main code for the application.
1- utils - All the application level constants are defined in this directory with-in their respective files.
This directory contains the constants for `theme`, `dimentions`, `api endpoints`, `preferences` and `strings`.
2- datamodels - Contains the data layer of your project, includes directories for local, network and shared pref/cache.
3- services - Contains store(s) for state-management of your application, to connect the reactive data of your application with the UI.
This directory contains the services for `auth`, `remote config`, `graphql` and `preferences`.
4- view — Contains all the ui of your project, contains sub directory for each screen.
5- widgets — Contains the common widgets for your applications. For example, Button, Snackbar etc.
6- main.dart - This is the starting point of the application. All the application level configurations are defined in this file i.e, theme, routes, title, orientation etc.
Explore the repository and contribute to Project Maple
according to the Contributing Guidelines and the Code of Conduct for the project.