A package to allow the Invisible Higgs samples to decay with Pythia.
Assuming Pythia can be run with the already exisiting object file: pythia-6.4.28.o If not make sure your gfortran location is in your path:
$ which gfortran $ gf=$(which gfortran) $ export PATH=$gf:$PATH
or put in your bash profile for convenience
$ gfortran -c pythia-6.4.28.f
Start by running the script:
This should compile the analysis code main81.f with Pythia.
Note, this needs to be run each time the code changes.
Then run the executable:
This allows the hard process to decay through Pythia.
NB: main81.f is a generic code that reads an LHE, made either externally or with Pythia, and allows analyses of the process contained NB: LHEinfo.sh is a script that returns the number of events stored per lhe. It requires the LHE as an argument. NB: The Higgs decay H-> Z Z is known to Pythia with the decay mode number: 225 The Z decay Z -> v v is known to Pythia with the decay mode number: 183/ 185/ 187 for electrons, muon & tau neutrinos
The PDG ID for the Higgs= 25
Z boson= 23
e neutrino= 12
mu neutrino= 14
tau neutrino= 16