- @wepublish/api
- DB Adapter:
- @wepublish/api-db-mongodb
@wepublish/api-db-memory(Currently Unmaintained)@wepublish/api-db-karma(Currently Unmaintained)
- Media Adapter:
- DB Adapter:
- @wepublish/editor
- Editor
- username: [email protected], password: 123
- Website
If you're setting up the project for the first time:
yarn install && yarn setup && yarn build
After that you can start docker-compose and watch all packages via:
yarn dev
If you rather wish to run docker-compose separately you can just watch the packages via:
yarn watch
Or if you want to watch only certain packages:
yarn run-p watch:api watch:api-example watch:editor
The following servers will be available:
- API: http://localhost:4000
- Media Server: http://localhost:4001
- Editor: http://localhost:3000
- Webpack Dev Server: http://localhost:3001
- MongoDB: http://localhost:27017
- MongoDB Express: http://localhost:5000
If you want to build/watch only certain packages just have a look inside the package.json, to find commands for each package.
There are several launch configurations that allow you to attach the debugger to the various examples.