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108 lines (84 loc) · 7.27 KB

7 Dec 2015

23 November 2015

19 November 2015

16 November 2015

Nov 2 2015

  • Review my lecture on data manipulation using NLSY97 data.
  • Reproduce and enchance the script (dsL_nlsy97.R) that produces the presentation above.
  • We will be replicating Hadley's script (case-study.r) that accompanied his paper on tidy data.
  • We will slightly adjusting it (case-study-andkov.R) to fit our environment and annotate it better.

29 Oct 2015

  • Student projects example: HRS retirement README
  • use hrs_starter to get the data in and see the first few graphs
  • consult Issue #15 for geom_smooth vocabulary

26 Oct 201

  • how to create graphing functions, examplified with Boston case
  • Handling model objects (S3/S4) glm_starter.R
  • combine multiple graphs with grid.arrange
  • Introduction to data for potential class projects: HRS and NLSY97

22 October 2015

In-Class Progression

  1. Load the script from './scripts/reports/R_starter.R`
  2. Create object 'ds' from 'MASS::Boston'
  3. Inspect and explore data
    • QUESTIONS: what is the key determinant(s) of crime?
    • inspect linear model using all variables as predictors of crime
  4. Create a basic scatter plot with x=lstat and y=crime
  5. Walk through all predictors with ggplot
  6. What predictor(s) could be mapped to color?
  7. Make chasF a factor and add level labels
  8. As you walk through models again, a) add custom color values b) modify goem_point to optimize visual exploration c) add custom title to the color scale
  9. Create a function to generate a graph with y=crime
  • remember to use aes_string
  1. Map another variable to color (radF)
  2. make the adjustements to the graph to accomodate rad variable
  3. Create a dynamic title in labs() using `paste0()'
  4. Subset data to remove target level of the predictor
  5. Re-analyze

15 October 2015

8 October 2015

1 October 2015

  • Validity in Research Design
  • new script added that allows you to generate correlated data data, that is exact data that exhibit the specific interdependencies (correlations)
  • Explore the data that lead Galton to discovery of regression

28 Sep 2015

  • new script that explores the numeric example from Maxwell & Delaney (2004, p.91), table 3.3 - mood induction study

  • new starter script is added on using the glm function. Use it to get started with statistical modeling.

  • areaF : Quick graphs of model comparison. Copy/past the following content to get started.

rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) # clear environment
cat("\f") # clear console
library(ggplot2) # load ggplot2 package for graphing
# load areaF function
areaF(6136, 26, 6525, 29 )

24 Sep 2015

##21 Sep 2015

  • we will reproduce the example from Maxwell & Delaney (2004) p.77. Please open the following script template in RStudio.