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ahonor edited this page Sep 22, 2011 · 31 revisions

System Requirements

  • Bash shell and a unix system environment.


No packaging exists for rerun. For now, simply "git clone" it.

cd /tmp
git clone git://
cd rerun

After it is downloaded, invoke the rerun -help to see usage and version:

$ ./rerun -help
 _ __ ___ _ __ _   _ _ __
| '__/ _ \ '__| | | | '_ \ 
| | |  __/ |  | |_| | | | |
|_|  \___|_|   \__,_|_| |_|
Version: v0.1. License: Apache 2.0.

Usage: rerun [-h][-v][-V] [-M <dir>] [-L <dir>] [--checklog <file>] [module:[command [command_args]]]

| $ rerun 
| => List all modules.
| $ rerun freddy
| => List all freddy commands.
| $ rerun freddy:dance -jumps 3
| => Execute the freddy dance command.

Run it without arguments to see a list of installed modules.

$ ./rerun 
  stubbs: "Simple rerun module builder"

Successful installation results in a module listing (stubbs module is included by default).

If you care about system packaging (e.g. RPM, DEB), feel free to contribute your ideas. We're also thinking of building rerun modules distribution around git (ala homebrew).


Update your Bash profile (e.g., .bash_profile, .bashrc) to set the following environment variables.


Add the path to your rerun executable to your $PATH.


Rerun checks for an environment variable called $RERUN_MODULES that specifies a directory of rerun modules. If $RERUN_MODULES is not set, rerun checks the current working directory for a subdirectory called "modules".


Path to directory where rerun will write log files


Set 'true' if you want ANSI text effects


export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rerun/rerun
export RERUN_MODULES=$HOME/.rerun/modules
export RERUN_LOGS=$HOME/.rerun/logs
[ -t 0 ] && export RERUN_COLOR=true

Bash completion

Rerun's listing feature is available through Bash command completion. To enable it, update your .bash_profile with a line like so:

[ -r /path/to/rerun/bash_completion ] && { . /path/to/rerun/bash_completion ; }

Next steps

See for general usage information.

The stubbs module is included and you'll find it useful to create your own modules.

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