Welcome to the documentation of the generator. The goal of the generator is to bringing to you a cutting edge project with all technologies and optimization you could want or even you don't know yet that you want!
But it can't and shouldn't match the requirements of all projects. It's why it generates a code that you have to make it yours and adapt it to your project.
- Usage - Installation, main gulp commands, options, parameters...
- User Guide - How to use your new project and beneficiate from all tools featured
- How it Works - Description of all mechanisms in the build process.
The community has written recipes for common use-cases that we chose not to add as a feature of the generator.
- Accessing 'bower_components' in .scss files without having to path ../../bower_components/
- How to add fontawesome?
- How to add gulp-react to a project?
- Build without concat CSS files
- Is there a way to change the output directory of fonts, scripts and styles?
- How can I have an environment specific build?
- How can exclude some HTML files from being added to the Angular cache?
- Where to place third-party files?
- How shall I properly upgrade my current project with the last version of the generator?
- Use spritesheets
If you have question about using your new project, come ask the community on Gitter. If you think you found an error in the generator, open an issue on GitHub.