Releases: duckduckgo/autoconsent
Releases · duckduckgo/autoconsent
🐛 Bug Fix
- Fix borlabs tests. #43 (@sammacbeth)
- Fix reddit #46 (@sammacbeth)
- Add extra options for Jenkins to improve test reliability. #48 (@sammacbeth)
- Fix popup showing after opt-out complete on #41 (@sammacbeth)
Authors: 1
- Sam Macbeth (@sammacbeth)
🐛 Bug Fix
- Use auto to automate releases on PR merge. #37 (@sammacbeth)
- Remove asus rule #38 (@sammacbeth)
- Slow down consentmanager popup check to prevent false positive. #36 (@sammacbeth)
- Fix unwrapping of eval result array. #33 (@sammacbeth)
- A bunch of site-specific rules + extension improvements #30 (@muodov @adewes)
- Optin hotfix #31 (@muodov)
- + onetrust fix #28 (@muodov)
- Add rules for Sibbo (CMP) #24 ([email protected] @icodebyamanda)
- Add rules for Pubtech (CMP) #25 ([email protected] @icodebyamanda)
- Add more rules for IAB-supporting CMPs #27 (@muodov)
- Add rules for Axeptio (CMP) #23 ([email protected] @icodebyamanda)
- New rules #26 (@muodov)
- Added rules to (US coverage) #22 ([email protected] @icodebyamanda)
- Add rule for #21 (@muodov)
- Use new jenkins node #20 (@sammacbeth)
- Fix manifest copy paths #19 (@muodov)
- 2.1.0 #18 (@muodov)
- Support for MV2 on Firefox. #16 (@sammacbeth)
- Opt in improvements #17 (@muodov)
- 2.0.0 #15 (@muodov)
- Fat content script architecture #14 (@muodov)
- Setup Jenkins multibranch testing #13 (@sammacbeth)
- More UK coverage #12 (@jdorweiler)
- v1.0.7 #11 (@muodov)
- Some cosmetic fixes #10 (@muodov)
- Convert OneTrust rule to JS #9 (@muodov)
- Fix popup detection #4 (@muodov)
- revert visible change #8 (@jdorweiler)
- Add more tests #6 (@jdorweiler @sammacbeth)
- v1.0.4 #5 (@jdorweiler)
- More rules for DE sites #3 (@jdorweiler)
- more CMP rules #1 (@jdorweiler)
⚠️ Pushed to main
- 3.0.0 (@adewes)
- 2.2.1 (@muodov)
- Minor flicker fix for uniconsent (@muodov)
- 2.2.0 (@muodov)
- 2.1.2 (@sammacbeth)
- 2.1.1 (@muodov)
- 1.0.8 (@jdorweiler)
- 1.0.6 (@muodov)
- 1.0.5 (@jdorweiler)
- v1.0.3 (@jdorweiler)
- Publish to duckduckgo's npm. (@sammacbeth)
- 1.0.2 (@sammacbeth)
- Onetrust fixes. (@sammacbeth)
- 1.0.1 (@sammacbeth)
- Wait longer before unhiding on Consent-o-matic CMPs (@sammacbeth)
- 1.0.0 (@sammacbeth)
- -> Onetrust (@sammacbeth)
- -> cookiebot (@sammacbeth)
- Add prehide selectors to rules (@sammacbeth)
- Support for prehide rules (@sammacbeth)
- Support auto-optout in test addon. (@sammacbeth)
- Add klaro (@sammacbeth)
- Prepare to support prehiding. (@sammacbeth)
- 0.10.0 (@sammacbeth)
- Revert " changed CMP." (@sammacbeth)
- Sourcepoint: unhide elements after rule completes (@sammacbeth)
- Add undohide rule for removing CSS hiding rules (@sammacbeth)
- changed CMP. (@sammacbeth)
- 0.9.4 (@sammacbeth)
- Cookiebot fixes (@sammacbeth)
- Remove uniconsent (@sammacbeth)
- Cookie law info fix (@sammacbeth)
- 0.9.3 (@sammacbeth)
- More region skipping (@sammacbeth)
- Fix rule builder (@sammacbeth)
- Break out of detection when an exception occurs. (@sammacbeth)
- Wait for popups too (@sammacbeth)
- 0.9.2 (@sammacbeth)
- Test stability improvements (@sammacbeth)
- Use built-in screenshotting (@sammacbeth)
- Remove unused CMPs (@sammacbeth)
- 0.9.1 (@sammacbeth)
- More test coverage (@sammacbeth)
- Sourcepoint DNS fix. (@sammacbeth)
- Account for regional differences in tests (@sammacbeth)
- Test spec tweaks (@sammacbeth)
- Skip some tests based on region. (@sammacbeth)
- Update test runner to use describe (@sammacbeth)
- Add region to test names (@sammacbeth)
- Puppeteer frame detection fixes (@sammacbeth)
- 0.9.0 (@sammacbeth)
- Playwright tests (@sammacbeth)
- 0.8.1 (@sammacbeth)
- Fix for Onetrust on stack exchange sites. (@sammacbeth)
- Sourcepoint fix (@sammacbeth)
- 0.8.0 (@sammacbeth)
- Batch of CMP additions and fixes for US sites. (@sammacbeth)
- 0.7.5 (@sammacbeth)
- Stricter TS config. (@sammacbeth)
- Drop onetrust-stackoverflow CMP (@sammacbeth)
- Add npm clean script (@sammacbeth)
- Test CMP update (@sammacbeth)
- 0.7.4 (@sammacbeth)
- Make parallel rules an AND (@sammacbeth)
- Onetrust fixes (@sammacbeth)
- 0.7.3 (@sammacbeth)
- Remove broken CMPs (@sammacbeth)
- Implement Evidon. (@sammacbeth)
- implementation. (@sammacbeth)
- Cybotcookiebot fixes and improvements. (@sammacbeth)
- Implement tealium CMP (@sammacbeth)
- TrustArc fixes and hiding. (@sammacbeth)
- Disable ez-cookie (broken) (@sammacbeth)
- Remove Sirdata (broken) (@sammacbeth)
- 0.7.2 (@sammacbeth)
- Make hideElements a noop on puppeteer. (@sammacbeth)
- Fix puppeteer visibility detection (@sammacbeth)
- 0.7.1 (@sammacbeth)
- Ensure everything gets built before publish (@sammacbeth)
- Create autoconsent rule for onetrust (@sammacbeth)
- 0.7.0 (@sammacbeth)
- More specific detection ...