diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/actions/asana_create_action_item_action.rb b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/actions/asana_create_action_item_action.rb
index f278ecc..60a8cbb 100644
--- a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/actions/asana_create_action_item_action.rb
+++ b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/actions/asana_create_action_item_action.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
require "fastlane/action"
require "fastlane_core/configuration/config_item"
require "asana"
+require "erb"
require "yaml"
require_relative "../helper/ddg_apple_automation_helper"
require_relative "../helper/github_actions_helper"
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ def self.run(params)
template_name = params[:template_name]
is_scheduled_release = params[:is_scheduled_release]
github_handle = params[:github_handle]
+ args = (params[:template_args] || {}).merge(Hash(ENV).transform_keys(&:downcase))
task_id = Helper::DdgAppleAutomationHelper.extract_asana_task_id(task_url)
automation_subtask_id = AsanaGetReleaseAutomationSubtaskIdAction.run(task_url: task_url, asana_access_token: token)
@@ -38,10 +40,16 @@ def self.run(params)
Helper::GitHubActionsHelper.set_output("asana_assignee_id", assignee_id)
if template_name
- template_file = Helper::DdgAppleAutomationHelper.path_for_asset_file("asana_create_action_item/templates/#{template_name}.yml")
- template_content = YAML.safe_load(Helper::DdgAppleAutomationHelper.load_file(template_file))
- task_name = Helper::DdgAppleAutomationHelper.sanitize_html_and_replace_env_vars(template_content["name"])
- html_notes = Helper::DdgAppleAutomationHelper.sanitize_html_and_replace_env_vars(template_content["html_notes"])
+ template_file = Helper::DdgAppleAutomationHelper.path_for_asset_file("asana_create_action_item/templates/#{template_name}.yml.erb")
+ template_content = Helper::DdgAppleAutomationHelper.load_file(template_file)
+ erb_template = ERB.new(template_content)
+ yaml = erb_template.result(binding)
+ task_data = YAML.safe_load(yaml)
+ task_name = Helper::DdgAppleAutomationHelper.sanitize_html_and_replace_env_vars(task_data["name"])
+ html_notes = Helper::DdgAppleAutomationHelper.sanitize_html_and_replace_env_vars(task_data["html_notes"])
@@ -100,6 +108,11 @@ def self.available_options
The file is processed before being sent to Asana",
optional: true,
type: String),
+ FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :template_args,
+ description: "Template arguments. For backward compatibility, environment variables are added to this hash",
+ optional: true,
+ type: Hash,
+ default_value: {}),
FastlaneCore::ConfigItem.new(key: :github_handle,
description: "Github user handle",
optional: true,
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-hotfix.yml b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-hotfix.yml.erb
similarity index 67%
rename from lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-hotfix.yml
rename to lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-hotfix.yml.erb
index 156eb68..8488df9 100644
--- a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-hotfix.yml
+++ b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-hotfix.yml.erb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-name: Generate appcast2.xml for ${TAG} hotfix release and upload assets to S3
+name: Generate appcast2.xml for <%= args['tag'] %> hotfix release and upload assets to S3
html_notes: |
- Publishing ${TAG} hotfix release failed in CI. Please follow the steps to generate the appcast file and upload files to S3 from your local machine.
+ Publishing <%= args['tag'] %> hotfix release failed in CI. Please follow the steps to generate the appcast file and upload files to S3 from your local machine.
- Create a new file called
on your disk.
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ html_notes: |
- Run
- ./scripts/appcast_manager/appcastManager.swift --release-hotfix-to-public-channel --dmg ~/Downloads/${DMG_NAME} --release-notes release-notes.txt
+ ./scripts/appcast_manager/appcastManager.swift --release-hotfix-to-public-channel --dmg ~/Downloads/<%= args['dmg_name'] %> --release-notes release-notes.txt
- Verify that the new build is in the appcast file with the latest release notes and no internal channel tag. The phased rollout tag should not be present:
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ html_notes: |
- Run
- ./scripts/upload_to_s3/upload_to_s3.sh --run --overwrite-duckduckgo-dmg ${VERSION}
+ ./scripts/upload_to_s3/upload_to_s3.sh --run --overwrite-duckduckgo-dmg <%= args['version'] %>
When done, please verify that "Check for Updates" works correctly:
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ html_notes: |
Launch a debug version of the app with an old version number.
Make sure you're not identified as an internal user in the app.
Go to Main Menu β DuckDuckGo β Check for Updates...
- Verify that you're being offered to update to ${TAG}.
+ Verify that you're being offered to update to <%= args['tag'] %>.
Verify that the update works.
- π Workflow URL: ${WORKFLOW_URL}.
+ π Workflow URL: '><%= args['worklow_url'] %>.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-internal.yml b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-internal.yml.erb
similarity index 64%
rename from lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-internal.yml
rename to lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-internal.yml.erb
index 88908b3..07bbe2d 100644
--- a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-internal.yml
+++ b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-internal.yml.erb
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-name: Generate appcast2.xml for ${TAG} internal release and upload assets to S3
+name: Generate appcast2.xml for <%= args['tag'] %> internal release and upload assets to S3
html_notes: |
- Publishing ${TAG} internal release failed in CI. Please follow the steps to generate the appcast file and upload files to S3 from your local machine.
+ Publishing <%= args['tag'] %> internal release failed in CI. Please follow the steps to generate the appcast file and upload files to S3 from your local machine.
- - Download the DMG for ${TAG} release.
+ - Download '>the DMG for <%= args['tag'] %> release.
- Create a new file called
on your disk.
- Add each release note as a separate line and don't add bullet points (β’) βΒ the script will add them automatically.
- Run
- ./scripts/appcast_manager/appcastManager.swift --release-to-internal-channel --dmg ~/Downloads/${DMG_NAME} --release-notes release-notes.txt
+ ./scripts/appcast_manager/appcastManager.swift --release-to-internal-channel --dmg ~/Downloads/<%= args['dmg_name'] %> --release-notes release-notes.txt
- Verify that the new build is in the appcast file with the following internal channel tag:
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ html_notes: |
- Launch a debug version of the app with an old version number.
- Identify as an internal user in the app.
- Go to Main Menu β DuckDuckGo β Check for Updates...
- - Verify that you're being offered to update to ${TAG}.
+ - Verify that you're being offered to update to <%= args['tag'] %>.
- Verify that the update works.
- π Workflow URL: ${WORKFLOW_URL}.
+ π Workflow URL: '><%= args['worklow_url'] %>.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-public.yml b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-public.yml.erb
similarity index 67%
rename from lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-public.yml
rename to lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-public.yml.erb
index ca4d4e2..5f98cd5 100644
--- a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-public.yml
+++ b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/appcast-failed-public.yml.erb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-name: Generate appcast2.xml for ${TAG} public release and upload assets to S3
+name: Generate appcast2.xml for <%= args['tag'] %> public release and upload assets to S3
html_notes: |
- Publishing ${TAG} release failed in CI. Please follow the steps to generate the appcast file and upload files to S3 from your local machine.
+ Publishing <%= args['tag'] %> release failed in CI. Please follow the steps to generate the appcast file and upload files to S3 from your local machine.
- Create a new file called
on your disk.
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ html_notes: |
- Run
- ./scripts/appcast_manager/appcastManager.swift --release-to-public-channel --version ${VERSION} --release-notes release-notes.txt
+ ./scripts/appcast_manager/appcastManager.swift --release-to-public-channel --version <%= args['version'] %> --release-notes release-notes.txt
- Verify that the new build is in the appcast file with the latest release notes, the phased rollout tag (below) and no internal channel tag:
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ html_notes: |
- Run
- ./scripts/upload_to_s3/upload_to_s3.sh --run --overwrite-duckduckgo-dmg ${VERSION}
+ ./scripts/upload_to_s3/upload_to_s3.sh --run --overwrite-duckduckgo-dmg <%= args['version'] %>
When done, please verify that "Check for Updates" works correctly:
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ html_notes: |
Launch a debug version of the app with an old version number.
Make sure you're not identified as an internal user in the app.
Go to Main Menu β DuckDuckGo β Check for Updates...
- Verify that you're being offered to update to ${TAG}.
+ Verify that you're being offered to update to <%= args['tag'] %>.
Verify that the update works.
- π Workflow URL: ${WORKFLOW_URL}.
+ π Workflow URL: '><%= args['worklow_url'] %>.
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/delete-branch-failed.yml b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/delete-branch-failed.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 69d8440..0000000
--- a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/delete-branch-failed.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-name: Delete ${BRANCH} branch
-html_notes: |
- The ${TAG}
public release has been successfully tagged and published in GitHub releases,
- but deleting ${BRANCH}
branch failed. Please delete it manually:
- git push origin --delete ${BRANCH}
- Complete this task when ready, or if the release branch has already been deleted.
- π Workflow URL: ${WORKFLOW_URL}.
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/delete-branch-failed.yml.erb b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/delete-branch-failed.yml.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9974cea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/delete-branch-failed.yml.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+name: Delete <%= args['branch'] %> branch
+html_notes: |
+ The <%= args['tag'] %>
public release has been successfully tagged and published in GitHub releases,
+ but deleting <%= args['branch'] %>
branch failed. Please delete it manually:
+ git push origin --delete <%= args['branch'] %>
+ Complete this task when ready, or if the release branch has already been deleted.
+ π Workflow URL: '><%= args['worklow_url'] %>.
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/internal-release-tag-failed.yml b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/internal-release-tag-failed.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9266785..0000000
--- a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/internal-release-tag-failed.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-name: Tag ${BRANCH} branch and create GitHub release
-html_notes: |
- Failed to tag the release with ${TAG}
- Please follow instructions below to tag the branch, make GitHub release and merge release branch to ${BASE_BRANCH}
- Issue the following git commands to tag the release and merge the branch:
- git fetch origin
- git checkout ${BRANCH}
switch to the release branch
- git pull origin ${BRANCH}
pull latest changes
- git tag ${TAG}
tag the release
- git push origin ${TAG}
push the tag
- git checkout ${BASE_BRANCH}
switch to ${BASE_BRANCH}
- git pull origin ${BASE_BRANCH}
pull the latest code
- git merge ${BRANCH}
- - Resolve conflicts as needed
- - When merging a hotfix branch into an internal release branch, you will get conflicts in version and build number xcconfig files:
- - In the version file: accept the internal version number (higher).
- - In the build number file: accept the hotfix build number (higher). This step is very important in order to calculate the build number of the next internal release correctly.
- git push origin ${BASE_BRANCH}
push merged branch
- To create GitHub release:
- - Set up GH CLI if you haven't yet:
- - Run the following command:
- gh release create ${TAG} --generate-notes --prerelease --notes-start-tag ${LAST_RELEASE_TAG}
- Complete this task when ready and proceed with testing the build. If you're bumping an internal release, you should get another task asking you to publish the release in Sparkle.
- Look for other tasks in task and handle them as needed.
- π Workflow URL: ${WORKFLOW_URL}.
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/internal-release-tag-failed.yml.erb b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/internal-release-tag-failed.yml.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e486d44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/internal-release-tag-failed.yml.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+name: Tag <%= args['branch'] %> branch and create GitHub release
+html_notes: |
+ Failed to tag the release with <%= args['tag'] %>
+ Please follow instructions below to tag the branch, make GitHub release and merge release branch to <%= args['base_branch'] %>
+ Issue the following git commands to tag the release and merge the branch:
+ git fetch origin
+ git checkout <%= args['branch'] %>
switch to the release branch
+ git pull origin <%= args['branch'] %>
pull latest changes
+ git tag <%= args['tag'] %>
tag the release
+ git push origin <%= args['tag'] %>
push the tag
+ git checkout <%= args['base_branch'] %>
switch to <%= args['base_branch'] %>
+ git pull origin <%= args['base_branch'] %>
pull the latest code
+ git merge <%= args['branch'] %>
+ - Resolve conflicts as needed
+ - When merging a hotfix branch into an internal release branch, you will get conflicts in version and build number xcconfig files:
+ - In the version file: accept the internal version number (higher).
+ - In the build number file: accept the hotfix build number (higher). This step is very important in order to calculate the build number of the next internal release correctly.
+ git push origin <%= args['base_branch'] %>
push merged branch
+ To create GitHub release:
+ - Set up GH CLI if you haven't yet:
+ - Run the following command:
+ gh release create <%= args['tag'] %> --generate-notes --prerelease --notes-start-tag <%= args['last_release_tag'] %>
+ Complete this task when ready and proceed with testing the build. If you're bumping an internal release, you should get another task asking you to publish the release in Sparkle.
+ Look for other tasks in '/> task and handle them as needed.
+ π Workflow URL: '><%= args['worklow_url'] %>.
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/merge-failed.yml b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/merge-failed.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 87f016f..0000000
--- a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/merge-failed.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-name: Merge ${BRANCH} to ${BASE_BRANCH}
-html_notes: |
- The ${TAG}
release has been successfully tagged and published in GitHub releases,
- but merging to ${BASE_BRANCH}
failed. Please resolve conflicts and merge ${BRANCH}
- Issue the following git commands:
- git fetch origin
- git checkout ${BRANCH}
switch to the release branch
- git pull origin ${BRANCH}
pull latest changes
- git checkout ${BASE_BRANCH}
switch to ${BASE_BRANCH}
- git pull origin ${BASE_BRANCH}
pull the latest code
- git merge ${BRANCH}
- - Resolve conflicts as needed
- - When merging a hotfix branch into an internal release branch, you will get conflicts in version and build number xcconfig files:
- - In the version file: accept the internal version number (higher).
- - In the build number file: accept the hotfix build number (higher). This step is very important in order to calculate the build number of the next internal release correctly.
- git push origin ${BASE_BRANCH}
push merged branch
- Complete this task when ready and proceed with testing the build.
- π Workflow URL: ${WORKFLOW_URL}.
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/merge-failed.yml.erb b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/merge-failed.yml.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cf1003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/merge-failed.yml.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+name: Merge <%= args['branch'] %> to <%= args['base_branch'] %>
+html_notes: |
+ The <%= args['tag'] %>
release has been successfully tagged and published in GitHub releases,
+ but merging to <%= args['base_branch'] %>
failed. Please resolve conflicts and merge <%= args['branch'] %>
to <%= args['base_branch'] %>
+ Issue the following git commands:
+ git fetch origin
+ git checkout <%= args['branch'] %>
switch to the release branch
+ git pull origin <%= args['branch'] %>
pull latest changes
+ git checkout <%= args['base_branch'] %>
switch to <%= args['base_branch'] %>
+ git pull origin <%= args['base_branch'] %>
pull the latest code
+ git merge <%= args['branch'] %>
+ - Resolve conflicts as needed
+ - When merging a hotfix branch into an internal release branch, you will get conflicts in version and build number xcconfig files:
+ - In the version file: accept the internal version number (higher).
+ - In the build number file: accept the hotfix build number (higher). This step is very important in order to calculate the build number of the next internal release correctly.
+ git push origin <%= args['base_branch'] %>
push merged branch
+ Complete this task when ready and proceed with testing the build.
+ π Workflow URL: '><%= args['worklow_url'] %>.
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/public-release-tag-failed.yml b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/public-release-tag-failed.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bbfb11c..0000000
--- a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/public-release-tag-failed.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-name: Tag ${BRANCH} branch, delete it, and create GitHub release
-html_notes: |
- Failed to tag the release with ${TAG}
- Please follow instructions below to tag the branch, make GitHub release and delete the release branch manually.
- - If the tag has already been created, please proceed with creating GitHub release and deleting the branch.
- - If both tag and GitHub release have already been created, please close this task already.
- Issue the following git commands to tag the release and delete the branch:
- git fetch origin
- git checkout ${BRANCH}
switch to the release branch
- git pull origin ${BRANCH}
pull latest changes
- git tag ${TAG}
tag the release
- git push origin ${TAG}
push the tag
- git checkout ${BASE_BRANCH}
switch to ${BASE_BRANCH}
- git push origin --delete ${BRANCH}
delete the release branch
- To create GitHub release:
- - Set up GH CLI if you haven't yet:
- - Run the following command:
- gh release create ${TAG} --generate-notes --latest --notes-start-tag ${LAST_RELEASE_TAG}
- Complete this task when ready.
- π Workflow URL: ${WORKFLOW_URL}.
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/public-release-tag-failed.yml.erb b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/public-release-tag-failed.yml.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e93d860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/public-release-tag-failed.yml.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+name: Tag <%= args['branch'] %> branch, delete it, and create GitHub release
+html_notes: |
+ Failed to tag the release with <%= args['tag'] %>
+ Please follow instructions below to tag the branch, make GitHub release and delete the release branch manually.
+ - If the tag has already been created, please proceed with creating GitHub release and deleting the branch.
+ - If both tag and GitHub release have already been created, please close this task already.
+ Issue the following git commands to tag the release and delete the branch:
+ git fetch origin
+ git checkout <%= args['branch'] %>
switch to the release branch
+ git pull origin <%= args['branch'] %>
pull latest changes
+ git tag <%= args['tag'] %>
tag the release
+ git push origin <%= args['tag'] %>
push the tag
+ git checkout <%= args['base_branch'] %>
switch to <%= args['base_branch'] %>
+ git push origin --delete <%= args['branch'] %>
delete the release branch
+ To create GitHub release:
+ - Set up GH CLI if you haven't yet:
+ - Run the following command:
+ gh release create <%= args['tag'] %> --generate-notes --latest --notes-start-tag <%= args['last_release_tag'] %>
+ Complete this task when ready.
+ π Workflow URL: '><%= args['worklow_url'] %>.
diff --git a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/run-publish-dmg-release.yml b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/run-publish-dmg-release.yml.erb
similarity index 75%
rename from lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/run-publish-dmg-release.yml
rename to lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/run-publish-dmg-release.yml.erb
index f337159..801e703 100644
--- a/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/run-publish-dmg-release.yml
+++ b/lib/fastlane/plugin/ddg_apple_automation/assets/asana_create_action_item/templates/run-publish-dmg-release.yml.erb
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ html_notes: |
Using GH CLI
Run the following command:
- gh workflow run publish_dmg_release.yml --ref ${BRANCH} -f asana-task-url=${ASANA_TASK_URL} -f tag=${TAG} -f release-type=internal
+ gh workflow run publish_dmg_release.yml --ref <%= args['branch'] %> -f asana-task-url=<%= args['asana_task_url'] %> -f tag=<%= args['tag'] %> -f release-type=internal
Using GitHub web UI
- Open Publish DMG Release workflow page.
- Click "Run Workflow" and fill in the form as follows:
- - Branch
- - Asana release task URL
- - Tag to publish
+ - Branch
<%= args['branch'] %>
+ - Asana release task URL
<%= args['asana_task_url'] %>
+ - Tag to publish
<%= args['tag'] %>
- Release Type
@@ -28,5 +28,5 @@ html_notes: |
Complete this task when ready and proceed with testing the build. If GitHub Actions is unavailable, you'll find manual instructions in the Run Publish DMG Release GitHub Actions workflow subtask of Make Internal Release task.
- π Workflow URL: ${WORKFLOW_URL}.
+ π Workflow URL: '><%= args['workflow_url'] %>.
Automation failed to update Asana for the public release. Please follow the steps below.
- - Open and select the List view
+ - Open '/> and select the List view
- Scroll to the "Validation" section.
- Select all the tasks in that section.
- Drag and drop all the selected tasks to the "Done" section
@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ html_notes: |
Complete this task when ready.
- π Workflow URL: ${WORKFLOW_URL}.
+ π Workflow URL: '><%= args['workflow_url'] %>.
- Build ${TAG} has been released internally via Sparkle π
- Please verify that "Check for Updates" works correctly:
- - Launch a debug version of the app with an old version number.
- - Identify as an internal user in the app.
- - Go to Main Menu β DuckDuckGo β Check for Updates...
- - Verify that you're being offered to update to ${TAG}.
- - Verify that the update works.
- π¨In case "Check for Updates" is broken
- You can restore previous version of the appcast2.xml:
- - Download the ${OLD_APPCAST_NAME} file attached to this task.
- - Log in to AWS session:
- aws --profile ddg-macos sso login
- - Overwrite appcast2.xml with the old version:
- aws --profile ddg-macos s3 cp ${OLD_APPCAST_NAME} s3://${RELEASE_BUCKET_NAME}/${RELEASE_BUCKET_PREFIX}/appcast2.xml --acl public-read
- Summary of automated changes
- Changes to appcast2.xml
- See the attached ${APPCAST_PATCH_NAME} file.
- Release notes
- See the attached ${RELEASE_NOTES_FILE} file for release notes extracted automatically from the release task description.
- List of files uploaded to S3
- π Workflow URL: ${WORKFLOW_URL}.
+ Build <%= args['tag'] %> has been released internally via Sparkle π
+ Please verify that "Check for Updates" works correctly:
+ - Launch a debug version of the app with an old version number.
+ - Identify as an internal user in the app.
+ - Go to Main Menu β DuckDuckGo β Check for Updates...
+ - Verify that you're being offered to update to <%= args['tag'] %>.
+ - Verify that the update works.
+ π¨In case "Check for Updates" is broken
+ You can restore previous version of the appcast2.xml:
+ - Download the <%= args['old_appcast_name'] %> file attached to this task.
+ - Log in to AWS session:
+ aws --profile ddg-macos sso login
+ - Overwrite appcast2.xml with the old version:
+ aws --profile ddg-macos s3 cp <%= args['old_appcast_name'] %> s3://<%= args['release_bucket_name'] %>/<%= args['release_bucket_prefix'] %>/appcast2.xml --acl public-read
+ Summary of automated changes
+ Changes to appcast2.xml
+ See the attached <%= args['appcast_patch_name'] %> file.
+ Release notes
+ See the attached <%= args['release_notes_file'] %> file for release notes extracted automatically from ' data-asana-dynamic='false'>the release task description.
+ List of files uploaded to S3
+ <%= args['files_uploaded'] %>
+ π Workflow URL: '><%= args['workflow_url'] %>.
- Build ${TAG} has been released publicly via Sparkle π
- Please verify that "Check for Updates" works correctly:
- - Launch a debug version of the app with an old version number.
- - Make sure you're not identified as an internal user in the app.
- - Go to Main Menu β DuckDuckGo β Check for Updates...
- - Verify that you're being offered to update to ${TAG}.
- - Verify that the update works.
- π¨In case "Check for Updates" is broken
- You can restore previous version of the appcast2.xml:
- - Download the ${OLD_APPCAST_NAME} file attached to this task.
- - Log in to AWS session:
- aws --profile ddg-macos sso login
- - Overwrite appcast2.xml with the old version:
- aws --profile ddg-macos s3 cp ${OLD_APPCAST_NAME} s3://${RELEASE_BUCKET_NAME}/${RELEASE_BUCKET_PREFIX}/appcast2.xml --acl public-read
- Summary of automated changes
- Changes to appcast2.xml
- See the attached ${APPCAST_PATCH_NAME} file.
- Release notes
- See the attached ${RELEASE_NOTES_FILE} file for release notes extracted automatically from the release task description.
- List of files uploaded to S3
- π Workflow URL: ${WORKFLOW_URL}.
+ Build <%= args['tag'] %> has been released publicly via Sparkle π
+ Please verify that "Check for Updates" works correctly:
+ - Launch a debug version of the app with an old version number.
+ - Make sure you're not identified as an internal user in the app.
+ - Go to Main Menu β DuckDuckGo β Check for Updates...
+ - Verify that you're being offered to update to <%= args['tag'] %>.
+ - Verify that the update works.
+ π¨In case "Check for Updates" is broken
+ You can restore previous version of the appcast2.xml:
+ - Download the <%= args['old_appcast_name'] %> file attached to this task.
+ - Log in to AWS session:
+ aws --profile ddg-macos sso login
+ - Overwrite appcast2.xml with the old version:
+ aws --profile ddg-macos s3 cp <%= args['old_appcast_name'] %> s3://<%= args['release_bucket_name'] %>/<%= args['release_bucket_prefix'] %>/appcast2.xml --acl public-read
+ Summary of automated changes
+ Changes to appcast2.xml
+ See the attached <%= args['appcast_patch_name'] %> file.
+ Release notes
+ See the attached <%= args['release_notes_file'] %> file for release notes extracted automatically from ' data-asana-dynamic='false'>the release task description.
+ List of files uploaded to S3
+ <%= args['files_uploaded'] %>
+ π Workflow URL: '><%= args['workflow_url'] %>.