Please read the files (especially README.Makefiles) in the husky-common (huskybse) package FIRST!
Put the hpt package in the directory where the other packages of fido husky reside:
- unix, beos, possible cygwin:
/usr/src/packages/ -> huskybse/ -> huskylib/ -> smapi/ -> fidoconfig/ -> hpt/ -> htick/ ...some other
- windows, dos, os/2 & etc:
d:\husky\ -> huskylib\ -> smapi\ -> fidoconf\ -> hpt\ -> htick\ ...some other
- unix, beos, possible cygwin:
require huskymak.cfg (see huskybse), unixes only:
$ make
$ make install
$ make -f makefile.lnx
$ make -f makefile.lnx install
d:\husky\hpt>make -f makefile.djg
Run CMake to configure the build tree.
$ cmake -H. -Bbuild
Afterwards, generated files can be used to compile the project.
$ cmake --build build
Make distrib rpm, deb,tgz (optional)
$ cpack -G RPM --config build/CPackConfig.cmake $ cpack -G DEB --config build/CPackConfig.cmake $ cpack -G TGZ --config build/CPackConfig.cmake
Install the built files (optional).
$ cmake --build build --target install
- (For UNIXes only) Ensure /usr/local/lib/ is in /etc/
- (For UNIXes only) Execute ldconfig as root
You're ready. Now you can install software which uses hpt.