- (feature) INativeIdStorage. Clear method added.
- (bug) FinamHistorySource. Fix https://stocksharp.ru/forum/10395/skachivanie-tikovyh-i-svechnyh-istoricheskih-dannyh-gidroi-s-finama/
- (bug) DiMinus, DiPlus, IchimokuChinkouLine, IchimokuLine, RelativeVigorIndexAverage, RelativeVigorIndexSignal excluded from indicators list.
- (bug) Highest, Lowest indicators fix.
- (bug) Vidya fix.
- (feature) CSV storage. Save/load portfolio commissions.
- (bug) TraderHelper. GetPriceStep fix.
- (feature) Bitfinex. Supported market data loading.
- (feature) Bitfinex. Cancel On Disconnect.
- (feature) Bitfinex. PostOnly, CloseOnly, ReduceOnly and OCO orders.
- (bug) Bitmex. Fix order replace https://stocksharp.com/forum/10419/BitMEX-invalid-argument-clOrdID/
- (feature) Bitmex. Testnet supported https://stocksharp.com/forum/10420/BitMEX-Testnet/
- (bug) BitZ, BitMax, Bibox fixes.
- (bug) TraderHelper. Fix Filter securities by Id.
- (feature) IConnector. Removed obsolete LookupSecurity.
- (bug) MarketEmulator. Fix canceled balanced processing.
- (bug) BW fixes.
- (feature) Kucoin. Protocol upgraded.
- (feature) Kucoin. Sandbox supported.
- (feature) FIX connector. SuperDerivatives, SwissQuote and XOpenHub dialects.
- (feature) NewsGrid. Show Board column.
- (bug) PortfolioEditor. SelectedPortfolio binding fixes.
- (bug) Monitor. Fix LogManager freezing https://stocksharp.ru/forum/10502/logmanagerdispose()/
- (feature) OptionPositionChart. Set own Model.
- (feature) Sterling. Updated to 11.7 version.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Fix https://stocksharp.com/forum/10465/There-was-an-error-in-the-S-Shell-operation-strategy!/
- (feature) OrderConditionAttribute added.
- (feature) Tradier connector.
- (feature) TraderHelper. IsFinal for OrderStates extension.
- (feature) Chart. ChartActiveOrdersElement save/load supported https://stocksharp.ru/forum/10517/ne-sohranyaetsya-chartactiveorderselement/
- (bug) Chart. Fix ChartArea.Height change from code https://stocksharp.ru/forum/10504/ustanovka-vysoty-chartarea-(programmno)/
- (feature) Chart. ChartArea.Height changed notification added. https://stocksharp.ru/forum/10503/kak-otlovit-sobytie-izmeneniya-vysoty-chartaaria/
- (feature) DukasCopyHistorySource.CandlesBuildFrom added.
- (feature) FIX connector. IFixDialect.QuotesAsLevel1 added.
- (bug) FIX connector. 5.XXX logon fix.
- (feature) IAnalyticsChart refactoring.
- (feature) IStorageRegistry.GetSecurityStorage removed.
- (feature) Chart. Refactoring ChartActiveOrdersElement. Removed ChartActiveOrderInfo.
- (bug) SampleOanda. Removed level1, added order book.
- (feature) IEntityRegistry. Subscriptions storage added.
- (feature) EntityRegistry. Encapsulated old storage lists.
- (feature) IExchangeInfoProvider. Init method added.
- (feature) MarketDataMessage. CopyTo method added.
- (feature) MessageConverterHelper. MarketDataMessage -> CandleSeries conversion added.
- (feature) OpenECry. Certification passed.
- (feature) Oanda. Level1 support removed.
- (feature) ExchangesPanel, ExchangeBoardsPanel. IExchangeInfoProvider delay registration supported.
- (feature) SubscriptionPanel added.
- (feature) IConnector. SubscribeMarketData/UnSubscribeMarketData overloads without Security added.
- (feature) OrderTypes. Repo and Rps moved to IXXXOrderCondition
- (bug) TransactionBinarySnapshotSerializer fix.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. CandlesBuildFrom property added.
- (bug) Envelope and MACD fixes.
- (feature) DukasCopy, FxcmHistory, GainCapital, MBTrading, TrueFX, Google, Yahoo, MFD, Finam, AlorHistory, RTS FTP, UX, Xignite refactored into connectors.
- (feature) MessageAdapter. SendOutMarketDataReply method added.
- (feature) ISecurityProvider. Lookup method uses SecurityLookupMessage.
- (feature) SecurityLookupWindow. CriteriaMessage
- (feature) ISecurityDownloader. Refresh method uses SecurityLookupMessage.
- (feature) ITransactionIdMessage, IServerTimeMessage, ISecurityIdMessage interfaces.
- (bug) RemoteStorage. Fix available data types translation.
- (feature) SecurityNativeIdMessageAdapter. Skip external native ids.
- (feature) Tradier. New urls + sandbox supported.
- (feature) BaseDumpableHistorySource removed.
- (feature) Remote storage. ExchangeBoard -> BoardMessage, Security -> SecurityMessage.
- (feature) NewsMessage. Url property changed type from Uri to String.
- (feature) SecurityLookupMessage. SecurityTypes property changed from IEnumerable to Array type.
- (bug) Messages. Serialization fixed.
- (feature) QuoteChangeMessage. Quotes properties types changed from IEnumerable to Array.
- (feature) IQFeedMarketDataMessageAdapter -> IQFeedMessageAdapter.
- (feature) RssMarketDataMessageAdapter -> RssMessageAdapter.
- (feature) Configuration. QUIK DDE, QUIK Trans2Quik excluded as obsolete.
- (feature) RemoteStorage. BE->Messages usage.
- (bug) SecurityLookupWindow. OK enabling fix.
- (bug) BuySellPanel. Design fix.
- (bug) Bitfinex. Timestamp for own trade fix.
- (feature) CsvImporter. Uses Message as output parameter.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. Changed property types Array -> IEnumerable.
- (feature) DataType. ToMarketDataType conversion method added.
- (feature) CandleSeries <-> DataType conversion added.
- (bug) UI log controls. Fix Message.IsDispose processing.
- (feature) ImportSettings controls.
- (feature) CSV connector.
- (feature) MessageAdapter. IsSupportNativeSecurityLookup -> IsSupportSecurityLookupResult, IsSupportNativePortfolioLookup -> IsSupportPortfolioLookupResult.
- (bug) Charting. Fix active orders element after chart loading. https://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/47302/
- (feature) PartialDownloadMessageAdapter added.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. Removed TimeFrames property.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsAllDownloadingSupported method added.
- (bug) SecurityNativeIdMessageAdapter. Fix processing suspended incoming messages.
- (feature) Security. MinVolume, Shortable, UnderlyingSecuityMinVolume and FaceValue properties added.
- (bug) QuikLua. Position average price fix.
- (feature) SampleMultiConnection. Order log, historical ticks and news requests supported.
- (feature) Deribit. V2 protocol supported.
- (feature) BitStamp. V2 web sockets supported.
- (feature) FieldMapping. ZeroAsNull added.
- (feature) CandleMessageGrid added.
- (feature) FIX connector. LMAX dialect added.
- (feature) ConnectorWindow. Allow change connector's name.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. PossibleSupportedMessages property added.
- (feature) Level1BinarySerializer. Support Dividend, MinVolume, UnderlyingMinVolume, SpreadMiddle, Commission, Splits.
- (feature) PositionBinarySerializer. Support Commissions, SettlementPrice.
- (feature) Emulator. Security.MinVolume supported.
- (feature) Kraken. WebSocket supported.
- (feature) Adapter and subscription messages added.
- (feature) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Forced Finish prev non-finished candles.
- (feature) OrderPairReplaceMessage. Removed SecurityMessage inheritance.
- (feature) OfflineMessageAdapter. Support OrderPairReplaceMessage processing.
- (feature) ISecurityAssociationStorage removed.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. SecurityAdapterProvider added.
- (bug) CandleBuilder. Fill CandleMessage.TotalTicks.
- (feature) CandleSeries. IsFinished filter added.
- (feature) Configuration. Auto scan new adapters from local assemblies.
- (bug) CandleBinarySerializer. Fix diff time zone times.
- (bug) Storage. Fix binary more 1 days range.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. GetCandleArgs added.
- (feature) IMarketDataDrive. GetAvailableDataTypes returns all types for all securities.
- (feature) HistoryMessageAdapter. SupportedMarketDataTypes overload uses storage data types.
- (bug) Connector. Fix order's fail processing.
- (feature) Diagram. IndicatorDiagramElement. IsFinal and IsFormed params added.
- (feature) Diagram. OrderRegisterDiagramElement. ZeroAsMarket param added.
- (feature) Diagram. Converter show DateTimeOffset properties.
- (feature) Diagram. Position, Strategy, StrategyTrades Strategy socket added.
- (feature) IProfileClient, IAuthenticationClient, IFileClient, IStrategyClient interfaces created.
- (feature) Backtesting. Check shortable position option added.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. Extracted mapping storage into CsvSecurityMessageAdapterProvider, CsvPortfolioMessageAdapterProvider.
- (feature) BaseChartIndicatorPainter refactoring.
- (feature) CollectionSecurityProvider. Check input nullable values.
- (feature) IFileService. Share and UnShare operations added.
- (feature) CSV importing. Supported native system identifier importing.
- (feature) Security and portfolio route messages. Security mapping message.
- (feature) IndexEditor. Uses ISecurityProvider https://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/47693/
- (bug) ProxySettings fix https://stocksharp.ru/forum/10804/ne-rabotaet-soedinenie-cherez-proksi-server/
- (feature) Level1. Fill Security.IssueSize from level1.
- (feature) Order. MinVolume, AveragePrice, Yield properties added.
- (feature) CouponDate, CouponPeriod, CouponValue, MarketPriceToday, MarketPriceYesterday, YieldVWAP, YieldVWAPPrev, VWAPPrev fields added.
- (feature) QuikLua. Securities. FaceValue, Dividend, Duration, CouponDate, CouponPeriod, CouponValue, MarketPriceToday, MarketPriceYesterday, YieldVWAP, YieldVWAPPrev, VWAPPrev translation added.
- (feature) QuikLua. Orders. Yield, MinVolume, AveragePrice translation added.
- (feature) QuikLua. VC++ 2019 runtime usage.
- (feature) SecurityGrid. Dividend, Duration, CouponDate, CouponPeriod, CouponValue, MarketPriceToday, MarketPriceYesterday, YieldVWAP, YieldVWAPPrev, VWAPPrev columns added.
- (feature) OrderGrid. AveragePrice, MinVolume and Yield columns added.
- (feature) Unit. Parse case insensitive.
- (feature) RealTimeEmulationTrader. Uses IPortfolioProvider.
- (bug) RealTimeEmulationTrader. Fix subscriptions processing.
- (feature) MarketEmulator. OrderStatusMessage and PortfolioLookupMessage supported.
- (feature) FixServer. IFixServerTransactionIdStorage usage added.
- (feature) Diagram. Bring link to front on mouse over.
- (bug) Diagram. Update composition item names in palette fixes.
- (bug) StorageMessageAdapter. Fix processing offline cancel order requests.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsSupportExecutionsPnL properties added.
- (feature) PnLMessageAdapter. Translates PortfolioChangeMessage.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. V9.76.01
- (bug) PnLMessageAdapter. Fix processing for empty portfolio name trades.
- (feature) IConnector. Moved market data members to IMarketDataProvider.
- (feature) Strategy implemented IMarketDataProvider interface.
- (feature) Strategy implemented ICandleManager interface.
- (feature) PnLManager. UseXXX options added.
- (feature) IConnector. Moved transactional members to ITransactionProvider interface.
- (feature) UnitHelper. Parse method for empty string return null for the specified option.
- (bug) Unit. Limit values comparison fix.
- (feature) Diagrams. ProtectPositionDiagramElement. More options added.
- (feature) Diagrams. DiagramSocketType for OrderState added.
- (feature) Diagrams. OrderBaseDiagramElement. Trigger for all order's diagram elements.
- (feature) Diagrams. Font weight set to bold.
- (bug) StrategiesDashboard. Fix CanExecute handling.
- (feature) BaseGridControl. Copy context menu added.
- (bug) ContinuousSecurityBaseProcessor. Fix SecurityId for generated messages.
- (feature) IMessageListener interface added.
- (feature) SoundLogListener, SpeechLogListener moved from Logging to Xaml.
- (feature) Configuration.Adapters project added.
- (feature) Configure method moved from Configuration to Xaml.
- (feature) LicensePanel. Moved from Licensing to Xaml.
- (bug) PortfolioPnLManager. Fix processing trades with string id.
- (feature) IMarketDataProvider. MarketDataSubscriptionFailed2, MarketDataUnSubscriptionFailed2 events added.
- (feature) Subscriptions. Interpret non supported and non exist subscriptions as warning.
- (feature) Strategy implemented ITransactionProvider interface.
- (feature) Portfolio. CreateSimulator method added.
- (feature) BuySellGrid. AddPanel, RemovePanel methods added.
- (feature) GuiConnector removed.
- (feature) SampleSync removed as obsolete.
- (feature) Portfolio. InternalId added.
- (feature) Connector. CandleSeriesError event added.
- (feature) IMarketDataProvider. Added adapter parameter to subscription methods.
- (feature) Micex TEAP. Stock32, Stock33, Stock34, Currency32, Currency33, Currency34 interfaces added.
- (feature) SecurityId. SecurityType marked as obsolete.
- (feature) QuikLua. Translates T+N money positions.
- (feature) FixServer. SecurityLookupMessage.SecurityTypes supported.
- (bug) FixServer. Fix SecurityStatusRequest handling.
- (feature) FixServer. Sends PortfolioLookupResultMessage.
- (feature) QUIK. 64 bit support.
- (feature) QUIK. Candles BuildFrom mode supported.
- (feature) QUIK. Terminal connection lost notification supported.
- (feature) IMarketDataDrive. Verify method added.
- (feature) DriveCache. Moved from Hydra to Algo.
- (feature) BatchEmulation. Accept storage drive and format.
- (feature) IMarketDataDrive. LookupSecurities method added.
- (feature) ITransactionProvider. MassOrderCanceled2, MassOrderCancelFailed2, OrderStatusFailed2 events added.
- (feature) DriveComboBox, StorageSettingsWindow added.
- (feature) ChartHelper. ExcludeObsolete for IndicatorTypes.
- (feature) QuoteChangeStates added.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsSupportOrderBookIncrements property added.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsSupportOrderBookDepths -> SupportedOrderBookDepths.
- (bug) ITCH, Plaza. Fix OL->OB local time stamp.
- (feature) Remote storage files moved from Algo.History.Hydra to Algo.Storages.Remote namespace.
- (feature) FortsDailyData moved to TraderHelper.
- (feature) Algo. Downgraded to .NET 4.0.
- (feature) Algo. Removed instruments cache.
- (feature) ExcelWorker -> IExcelWorkerProvider.
- (feature) ShrinkPrice. Uses 0.01 as default price step.
- (feature) log4net excluded.
- (feature) MoreLinq merged with Ecng.Collections.
- (feature) Plaza. Excluded ClientGate option.
- (feature) SmartCom. Excluded V3 version.
- (feature) AlfaDirect. Excluded 3.5 version.
- (feature) SecurityTypes. Etf added.
- (feature) OrderConditionalGrid, OrderConditionalWindows marked as obsolete.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsSecurityNewsOnly property added.
- (feature) IMarketDataProvider. RegisterNews accepts Security arg.
- (bug) Fix handling custom data type subscriptions.
- (feature) SmartCOM. Replaced SmartComTimeFrames by TimeSpan.
- (feature) Oanda. Removed News support (deprecated).
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. Live candles supported.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Fix options calc subscriptions.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Fix handling extended market data types.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. Replaced InteractiveBrokersTimeFrames by TimeSpan.
- (bug) FXCM. Fix connection error/drop handling.
- (bug) FXCM. Fix change order's trailing step.
- (bug) FXCM. Fix order state tracking.
- (bug) Connector. Fix ValuesChanged event processing for tick data.
- (feature) Connector. Updated level1 values until order book and tick trades received.
- (feature) Upbit connector.
- (feature) Exchange. EngName and RusName marked as obsolete.
- (feature) SampleHistoryTesting. Using FinamMessageAdapter and YahooMessageAdapter.
- (bug) Coinbase, Digifinex, IEX fixes.
- (feature) Samples. Removed connector specific samples.
- (feature) Samples. Folders reorganization.
- (feature) SampleMultiConnection -> SampleConnectionWithStorage.
- (feature) SampleConnection added.
- (feature) MarketDepth. QuotesChanged marked as obsolete.
- (feature) IConnector. ChangePasswordResult event added.
- (feature) ConnectorWindow. Change password options added.
- (feature) ConnectorWindow. Enabled/disable market-data/transaction messages.
- (feature) StrategiesDashboard. ClosePosition, RevertPosition, RiskRules commands added.
- (feature) CandleSettingsEditor refactoring.
- (feature) QuickOrderPanel added.
- (feature) Charting. Ruler annotation.
- (feature) Charting. Order error messages.
- (feature) Charting. Candle custom drawing.
- (feature) Charting. Orders/trades alternative icons.
- (feature) Charting. Quick orders panel.
- (feature) Charting. Quick time-frame and candle type switch.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. OrderConditionType property added.
- (feature) CoinEx, FatBTC, LATOKEN connectors.
- (bug) Strategies. Fix stopping with non filled orders https://stocksharp.ru/forum/11068/strategiya-kotirovaniya-ne-ostanavlivaetsya-pri-polucheniya-oshibki-snyatiya-zayavki/
- (feature) Sterling. Instruments lookup supported with stub logic.
- (feature) ContextMenu -> PopupMenu.
- (feature) IMarketDataProvider. RegisterXXX renamed into SubscribeXXX.
- (feature) ISubscriptionProvider interface created.
- (feature) Boards subscription unified with MarketDataMessage.
- (feature) BoardStateStorage added.
- (feature) Connector. SupportSubscriptionTracking enabled by default.
- (feature) IMarketDataProvider. LookupTimeFrames added.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. SupportedOutMessages property added.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsConnectionAlive removed.
- (feature) Connector. Subscription tracking on normal and error disconnects turned on by default.
- (feature) IConnector. ConnectionLost, ConnectionRestored events added.
- (feature) Gopax, Hotbit, CoinHub connectors.
- (feature) StorageMessageAdapter. Meta-info extracted into StorageMetaInfoMessageAdapter.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. Each connection uses own StorageMessageAdapter.
- (feature) IPositionProvider. SubscribePositions filter by Portfolio added.
- (feature) PortfolioLookupMessage. SecurityId filter added.
- (feature) Connector. MarketDataSubscriptionOnline event added.
- (feature) Algo. Remote types moved to Algo.Server namespace.
- (feature) SecurityId. Money, News, All instances created.
- (feature) Portfolio derived from Position.
- (feature) Connector. All subscriptions and lookups done via Subscription class.
- (feature) Connector. ReConnectionSettings marked as obsolete.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. UseSeparatedChannels property created.
- (feature) MarketRuleHelper. Subscription rules.
- (feature) OKEX. PostOnly order supported.
- (feature) OKEX. MatchPrice supported.
- (feature) OKEX. Futures, Swap close position operation supported.
- (feature) FIX connector. BrasilBolsa fix dialect added.
- (feature) PortfolioGrid. Leverage column added.
- (feature) Connector. Support single order status requests.
- (feature) Connector. IsAutoPortfoliosSubscribe added.
- (feature) ITransactionProvider. StopOrder events marked as obsolete. Use events for regular orders.
- (feature) Bitalong connector.
- (feature) IExternalCandleSource removed.
- (feature) ExecutionMessage. IsCancelled -> IsCancellation.
- (feature) SampleHistoryTesting. OwnMessageAdapter added.
- (feature) SampleRandomTesting removed.
- (feature) DevExpress 18.1 -> 19.2
- (feature) Ookii.Dialogs -> DXDialogs.
- (feature) MarketDataFinished -> SubscriptionFinished.
- (feature) MarketDataMessage. Extracted response logic into SubscriptionResponseMessage.
- (feature) Portfolio subscription uses SubscriptionResponseMessage as response.
- (feature) OrderStatus subscription uses SubscriptionResponseMessage as response.
- (feature) SubscriptionResponseMessage. IsNotSupported property removed.
- (feature) Use SubscriptionResponseMessage.Error as response for error lookup messages.
- (feature) Uses SubscriptionOnlineMessage, SubscriptionFinishedMessage instead of SecurityLookupResultMessage, PortfolioLookupResultMessage, OrderStatusMessage.
- (feature) Alerts. Message made optional for sound based events.
- (feature) ISecurityAssociationStorage added.
- (feature) Bithumb. Prime service supported.
- (feature) OKEX. Support turn on/off sections.
- (bug) IQFeed. Candles request fixes.
- (feature) FIX connector. IFixDialect tick as level1 option.
- (feature) Process non persistable basket securities.
- (bug) Storage adapter. Fix boards lookup and update.
- (feature) IPositionStorage added.
- (feature) Reduced IEntityRegistry usage.
- (feature) Diagram. Multiple sockets for logical condition added.
- (feature) TraderHelper. Filter positions by PortfolioLookupMessage.
- (feature) ServicesRegistry added.
- (bug) ExpressionIndexSecurityProcessor fix.
- (feature) FixServer. FixSecurityLegsRequestMessage, FixSecurityLegsResultMessage messages added.
- (bug) Reconnection fix.
- (bug) IMessageAdapter.IsSupportSecuritiesLookupAll overriding fix.
- (feature) Digifinex, Idax, TradeOgre connectors.
- (feature) ITakeProfitOrderCondition, IStopLossOrderCondition, IWithdrawOrderCondition.
- (feature) CsvEntityRegistry. Currency and ExpirationDate added.
- (feature) SubscriptionMessageAdapter. IsRestoreOnNormalReconnect added.
- (feature) News. Priority property added.
- (feature) CoinCap connector.
- (feature) Coinigy connector.
- (feature) FIX connector. IBKR dialect supported algo orders.
- (feature) FixServer. Support SecurityStatusRequest.
- (feature) OKEx. Web sockets v3 supported.
- (feature) Plaza CGate. Spectra 6.3 supported.
- (feature) TWIME. Spectra 6.2 supported.
- (feature) Micex TEAP. Interface 31 supported.
- (feature) Storage lists. WaitFlush added. Removed ReadLasts.
- (bug) Statistics parameters. Fix reset state.
- (bug) MarketDepthControl. Fix processing quote msgs with empty instrument info.
- (bug) RSS fixes.
- (feature) MarketDepthControl. Dynamic change price/volume text formats.
- (feature) UnitEditor refactoring.
- (feature) OpenECry. More order types supported.
- (feature) OKEX. Position and account swap and margin supported.
- (bug) Candles compression. Fix for non TF candles compression.
- (bug) Basket adapter. Fix processing pending connect subscriptions.
- (bug) Connector. Fix subscribers counter for error responses.
- (feature) IConnector. MarketDataUnexpectedCancelled event added.
- (feature) Basket adapter. Support offline mode for dedicated adapters.
- (feature) SampleBitfinex. Candles added.
- (feature) ActionMessage. Message for iterate actions.
- (feature) BoardEditor redesign.
- (bug) MessageAdapter. Fix ReConnectionSettings save/load.
- (feature) PropertyGridEx. WorkingTime supported.
- (feature) OpenECryException removed.
- (bug) Connector. Clear portfolio lookup criteria fix.
- (bug) Simulator. Turn off heartbeat tracking for non owned adapters https://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/46473/
- (feature) Order. IsManual property added.
- (feature) LBank, BitMax, BW, Bibox, CoinBene, BitZ, ZB connectors.
- (bug) Heartbeat. Restore after reconnect.
- (feature) Deribit. Extended orders.
- (feature) Diagram. More options for order registration.
- (feature) CurrencyTypes. MXP added.
- (feature) IConnector. LookupXXXResult2 overloads.
- (feature) AlphaVantage. Lookup instruments supported.
- (bug) Quik. Fix hands while instruments lookup https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9238/zavisaet-quik-pri-podklyuchenii/
- (bug) Fix security lookup.
- (bug) Basket adapter. Fix lookup processing.
- (bug) MessageAdapter. Time out fixes.
- (feature) LiveCoin. Candles support.
- (feature) LiveCoin. Websocket supported.
- (feature) Position. SettlementPrice added.
- (feature) OKEx. V3 protocol supported.
- (feature) Bitmex. Stop orders extended.
- (feature) MatLab. Candles supported.
- (feature) WorkingTime. Set schedules for part-time working days.
- (feature) FixServer. Translates Board info.
- (feature) OpenECry. v3.5.14.53
- (feature) MyTradeGrid. Support PnL column update.
- (bug) PropertyGridEx. Exchange board editor fixes.
- (feature) Diagrams. CandleSourceDiagramElement.AllowBuildFromSmallerTimeFrame added.
- (feature) Diagrams. Support market depth based indicators.
- (feature) FIX. CheckTimeFrameByRequest for default dialect.
- (feature) FIX connector. Support TotalNumSecurities processing.
- (feature) FIX connector. Allow change Encoding in dialect.
- (bug) FIX connector. Fix position processing errors.
- (feature) SecurityMessage.ToString override improved.
- (feature) ToString overrides. Avoid print empty Error tag for successful messages.
- (feature) TimeFrameLookupMessage, TimeFrameLookupResultMessage added.
- (feature) FIX connector, QuikLua. Supported TimeFrameLookupMessage, TimeFrameLookupResultMessage.
- (feature) Strategy messages.
- (feature) FixServer. Strategy messages supported.
- (feature) IConnector. Lookup result events passes lookup request messages.
- (feature) FixServer. SecurityMappingRequest, SecurityMappingResult messages supported.
- (bug) Bitmex. ExecInst fixes.
- (bug) Candles. Fix duplicate candles subscription.
- (bug) Market depth. Fix build depths from OL and L1.
- (feature) MT4, MT5 connectors.
- (feature) Message. IgnoreOffline -> OfflineMode.
- (feature) SampleSmartCandles removed.
- (bug) SmartCOM. Fix candles and historical ticks requests.
- (bug) LocalMarketDataDrive. GetAvailableDataTypes fix.
- (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Fix start date for compression subscriptions.
- (feature) IConnector. MarketDataSubscriptionFinished event to notify end of subscription packet.
- (feature) Diagram. Options elements description.
- (feature) Plaza. Spectra 6.1 supported.
- (feature) TWIME. 3.1 supported.
- (feature) Algo.Expressions. Moved to Algo proj.
- (feature) IBasketSecurityProcessorProvider. Basket securities refactoring.
- (feature) BaseGridControl. Autoscroll added.
- (feature) Bitfinex. Market data v2 API.
- (feature) Bithumb. WebSocket support.
- (feature) CandleBuilderProvider. Ability to register own CandleBuilder-s.
- (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Fix non time-frame based candles processing.
- (feature) MarketDataGenerator. Set Interval default value.
- (feature) Charting. Move orders with mouse beyond chart range.
- (bug) Charting. Fix exception in BoxVolume chart.
- (bug) Charting. Fix date on x-axis not clipped to control bounds.
- (feature) Charting. Panels resize animation.
- (bug) Charting. Indicators binding with additional axis fix.
- (bug) Charting. Composite indicators properties modification fix.
- (feature) Charting. Volatility smile chart. Line interpolation.
- (feature) Charting. Equity and option charts - change drawing style possibility.
- (feature) Charting. Annotations creates from code.
- (feature) UserInfoMessage. The message provided user's information.
- (feature) ExpirationContinuousSecurity. Moved implementation from ContinuousSecurity. ContinuousSecurity is abstract.
- (bug) FinamHistorySource. Fix stocks lookup.
- (feature) Charting. OptionVolitilitySmileChart. Combine approximated lines + points in legend.
- (feature) CEX. Remove ClientId settings.
- (feature) BasePosition. ExpirationDate property added.
- (bug) FXCM fixes.
- (feature) CsvImporter. SecurityUpdated event added.
- (feature) Positions. ClientCode moved from Position to BasePosition.
- (feature) ImportSettingsPanel. IPersistable implemented.
- (bug) Monitor. Clear sources tree in monitor fixes.
- (bug) Monitor. Do not trim log sources names.
- (feature) CsvEntityRegistry. Support Position.ClientCode save-load.
- (feature) SessionMessage->BoardStateMessage renamed.
- (feature) BoardLookupMessage, BoardRequestMessage, UserRequestMessage added.
- (feature) IConnector. LookupBoardsResult event added.
- (feature) IConnector. LookupBoards method added.
- (feature) IConnector. SubscribeBoard/UnSubscribeBoard methods added.
- (bug) SubscriptionMessageAdapter. Set original trans id while disconnect unsubscribe.
- (feature) Connector. SupportBasketSecurities property added.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. MaxVersion settings added.
- (feature) Level1ChangeMessage. CommissionMaker, CommissionTaker fields added.
- (feature) PositionChangeMessage. CommissionMaker, CommissionTaker fields added.
- (feature) Order, MyTrade. CommissionCurrency field added.
- (feature) SecurityGrid, Level1Grid. CommissionMaker, CommissionTaker columns added.
- (feature) PortfolioGrid. Show Board, CommissionMaker, CommissionTaker columns.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers, Micex, Plaza. Commission translate supported.
- (feature) Crypto connectors. Commission translate supported.
- (feature) FIX server. CommissionCurrency supported.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard. LME, WIKI instances.
- (feature) MfdHistorySource. Filter for options lookup.
- (feature) QuandlHistorySource. Lookup securities. Support newest protocol changes.
- (bug) Plaza. TableEditor fix.
- (bug) Monitor.Clear fix.
- (bug) Candles. Fix process error response in case of multiples connections.
- (bug) PortfolioGrid. Fix State column localization.
- (bug) OrderLogMessageAdapter. Fix multi subscription processing.
- (feature) FAST settings as public.
- (bug) LMAX securities lookup fix.
- (bug) QuikLua. Fix Si and Eu symbols processing.
- (bug) FixServer. QuotesInterval handling fix.
- (feature) FixServer. TransactionId mapping associated with clients session.
- (bug) TraderHelper. IsLookupAll method fix.
- (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Fix BuildMode processing.
- (feature) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Track From date.
- (bug) Transaq. Fix sec code decoding (&).
- (bug) Bitmex. Process order fix.
- (bug) Chart. Date on x-axis not clipped to control bounds.
- (bug) Bittrex. Market depth fix and nullable order's field fix.
- (bug) Yobit. Empty order book processing fix.
- (feature) Chart. Removed obsolete xml exporting option.
- (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Do not switch to smaller tf in case successfully finished original tf series.
- (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Fix Load only subscription processing.
- (bug) SecurityNativeIdMessageAdapter. Ignore candles with empty security id.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Send error response for unhandled security lookup request.
- (bug) Samples. Fix lookup all securities for non supported connections.
- (bug) LMAX. Fix Level1 subscription.
- (feature) LMAX. v1.9.0.2
- (feature) FXCM. REST API support.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard. IEX board.
- (feature) AlphaVantage connector.
- (feature) IEX connector.
- (bug) Deribit. Fix news subscription.
- (bug) Cryptopia. Order book request fix.
- (bug) Fix CandleManager.Stopped event invoke for Connector source https://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/44515/
- (feature) Zaif, Quoinex, Bitbank connectors.
- (bug) Storage. Fix path for security id start from '.'.
- (feature) IConnector. Methods RegisterMarketDepth, RegisterSecurity and RegisterTrades accepts BuildFrom argument.
- (bug) Bitmex. Fix tick subscription https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9741/bitmex-poluchenie-sdelok-api-4412/
- (bug) Bitmex. Fix candles state.
- (bug) Bitmex. OL processing fix.
- (feature) DevExpress v18.1.5
- (bug) Yobit. Orders processing fix.
- (bug) Fix processing non associated with transaction id order's messages.
- (bug) https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9726/instrument-dlya-market-dannyh-s-identifikatorom-zaprosa-71415971-ne-naiden/ fix delete prev subscriptions.
- (feature) FixServer. Auto unsubscribe for disconnected sessions.
- (bug) CommissionRule. Fix rules processing with percentage values.
- (feature) AlfaDirect. v4.0 support (market data only).
- (feature) Crypto connectors. BalanceCheckInterval for refresh an account balances in case of deposit and withdraw operation.
- (feature) SubscriptionMessageAdapter. SupportLookupMessages options to support duplicated subscriptions as unique.
- (feature) Huobi. Support HADAX.
- (feature) CurrencyTypes.ZAC
- (feature) FIX connector. Time format parsing settings as public.
- (bug) Charting. Fix duplicate candle series save/load.
- (feature) MessageAdapter. INotifyPropertyChanged implemented.
- (bug) TransactionSnapshot. Fix trade data save.
- (feature) OrderWindow. SecurityEnabled, PortfolioEnabled for modify orders.
- (bug) OrderGrid. Cancel group orders fix.
- (feature) Message. IgnoreOffline option to prevent buffering in offline mode.
- (feature) OpenECry. v3.5.14.41
- (feature) SampleOEC. Removed obsolete.
- (feature) FAST dialects. Made network settings configurable.
- (feature) TraderHelper. LookupAllCriteria changed from asterisk to empty string.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsSupportSecuritiesLookupAll option indicates adapter able to download all available securities.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. v9.73.07
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. SSL support.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Fix securities lookup all processing.
- (feature) CurrencyTypes. DEM, LUF.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard. Globex board info added.
- (bug) CandleMessageBuildableStorage. Fix process multiples timeframes.
- (bug) Transactions snapshot storage. Fix orders and trades save.
- (bug) SecurityGrid. Do not show errors in security grid.
- (bug) Level1FieldsComboBox. Text alignment fixes.
- (feature) PropertyGrid. Reset button to exchange board editor added.
- (feature) CsvEntityRegistry. Method GetBoard uses IExchangeInfoProvider service.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Fix expiry time parsing fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Market depth fix.
- (feature) Index builder. Ignore errors as parameters.
- (feature) IMesssageAdapterExtension. Extra info about typical order's condition.
- (feature) OrderWindow. Support conditional orders creation. Take-profit and stop-loss shortcuts.
- (feature) WithdrawWindow. Volume and VolumeStep properties.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. Save/load IPortfolioMessageAdapterProvider mapping.
- (bug) TransactionSnapshot. Fix conditional orders save.
- (feature) Connector. ICandleManager implemented.
- (feature) ICandleSourceList removed.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Fix news ubsubscribe requests.
- (feature) StorageMessageAdapter. Build candles from tick data in case IsCalcVolumeProfile=true
- (feature) Candles building refactored. Supported IsCalcVolumeProfile. Removed IsHistory usage.
- (bug) Grids. Fix filters for enum based fields.
- (bug) BufferMessageAdapter. Fix subscription for IsCalcVolumeProfile and AllowBuildFromSmallerTimeFrame.
- (feature) Managers. Moved from Connector to BasketMessageAdatper.
- (feature) StorageMessageAdapter. Store historical level1.
- (feature) RemoveMessage.
- (bug) Backtesting. Fix candles subscription using external source https://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/43646/
- (bug) Backtesting. Fix candles subscription generators.
- (feature) Security storage. Forced updates for manual modified data only.
- (feature) FIX connector. IssueDate, IssueSize translation support.
- (feature) FixServer. Multi leg securities support.
- (feature) FixServer.NewOutMessage. FixSession as the first parameter.
- (feature) PermissionCredentialsAuthorization.
- (feature) PermissionCredentialsWindow.
- (bug) FIX connector. SpectraFixDialect. Order mass cancel fix.
- (feature) FixMessageAdapter. SupportedMessages from Dialect.
- (bug) OrderGrid. Active filters fix.
- (bug) GatorHistogram fix.
- (feature) Charting. GatorOscillatorPainter, RelativeVigorIndexPainter.
- (feature) MarketEmulator. CheckMoney option.
- (bug) ConnectorWindow. Fix connector description for Quik lua.
- (bug) RiskMessageAdapter fixes.
- (feature) Plaza. v5.3.6
- (feature) Micex. Stock30, Currency28, Currency30 interfaces.
- (bug) Transaq. Fix shared dll initialization https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9421/podklyuchenie-sdata-k-tranzak-/
- (feature) FinamHistorySource. .NET 4.6 minimum required.
- (feature) FIX connector. SSL support extended.
- (feature) FIX connector. QUIK FIX PreRrade support.
- (bug) PortfolioEditor, SecurityEditor. Fix keyboard typing.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. CheckTimeFrameByRequest property.
- (bug) TimeSpanEditor. Design fix.
- (feature) Backtesting. Dynamic change market time interval.
- (feature) LogControl. Design adapted for Devexpress.
- (feature) LogControl. LayoutChanged event.
- (bug) MarketDataGrid. Fix further refreshes after error request.
- (feature) CandleSeries.IsRegularTradingHours.
- (feature) CandleBuilder. IExchangeInfoProvider as input argument.
- (feature) ComplexCsvSecurityList. Base class for complex security types list.
- (feature) MultiSecurityStorage.
- (feature) ISecurityWindow restored.
- (feature) ThemedIconsExtension. Icons auto coloring.
- (feature) ContinuousSecurityWindow. Design refactoring.
- (feature) CandleSeries. Count property.
- (bug) Grids. Time zone column fix.
- (bug) Chart icons color fixes.
- (bug) Windows title color fix.
- (feature) Plaza. AdjustedFee, Prohibition tables. FeeRate, Dealer columns populated.
- (bug) Binance. Fix https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9354/vyvod-sredstv-iz-binance-/#m43771
- (feature) SecurityPicker. Removed StatusBar.
- (bug) SecurityPicker. Fix filtering securities started by @ char.
- (feature) FIX connector. Try/catch out messages processing.
- (feature) Chart.DisableIndicatorReset
- (bug) Chart. Indicator draw from non-GUI thread fix.
- (bug) BufferMessageAdapter. Fix transactions data save/load.
- (bug) MACD Histogram calc fix https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9487/nekorrektno-risuetsya-macd-histogram/
- (feature) QuotesBinarySnapshotSerializer. Support unlimited depths.
- (feature) Level1BinarySnapshotSerializer. Support more fields.
- (feature) TransactionBinarySnapshotSerializer. Condition orders support.
- (feature) IConnector. LookupOrders methods.
- (feature) StorageMessageAdapter. SupportLookupMessages (method Load is obsolete).
- (feature) IndicatorPickerWindow. PropGrid for indicator settings.
- (feature) Charting. MACD Histogram. Signal and MACD lines added.
- (bug) Bitfinex. Fix position processing https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9498/pri-podklyucheni-vylazit-oshibka-parsinga-konnektor-bitfinex/
- (bug) Bithumb. Ticks subscription fix.
- (bug) QuikLua. Fix send back market data errors subscriptions.
- (feature) Alerts. Schemas panel.
- (bug) Connector. Fix processing order status response with failed orders info.
- (feature) OfflineMessageAdapter. Track disconnect.
- (bug) YahooHistorySource. Fix downloading history for futures.
- (feature) YahooHistorySource. Intraday interval supported.
- (bug) Image publish cancellation processing fix.
- (feature) MarketDepth.MaxDepth marked as obsolete.
- (feature) MarketDepth. Removed thread safety support.
- (feature) QuikLua. Handle From To date range for market data requests. https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9460/korrektnoe-otobrazhenie-svechei/
- (feature) StrategiesDashboard. Set security and portfolio directly. Allow trading and last error columns.
- (bug) Charting. Fix Equity legend color.
- (feature) Diagram. MarketDepthTruncateDiagramElement.
- (bug) TimeSpanEditor. Fix DevExpress themes.
- (feature) Default implementation of IOrderLogMarketDepthBuilder.
- (feature) MarketDataMessage. BuildCandlesModes -> BuildMode, BuildCandlesFrom -> BuildFrom, BuildCandlesField -> BuildField.
- (feature) OrderLogMessageAdapter. Moved depth and tick building from Connector to Adapter.
- (feature) Connector. CreateDepthFromOrdersLog, CreateTradesFromOrdersLog market as obsolete.
- (feature) SampleFix. OrdersLogWindow added.
- (feature) SamplePlaza. OrdersLogWindow uses OrderLogGrid.
- (feature) Message. Method Clone made as abstract.
- (feature) Bittrex. Web sockets supported.
- (bug) Charting. Fix drawing trades with string id.
- (feature) OrderGrid, ExecutionGrid, TradeGrid, MyTradeGrid. Sides coloring.
- (feature) SecurityGrid. BuyBackDate, BuyBackPrice columns.
- (bug) ConnectorWindow. Fix stub connectors check.
- (feature) IConnector. Method RegisterXXX accepts From and To range, build from option.
- (feature) ExecutionGrid. OriginSide coloring.
- (feature) ImportSettingsPanel control.
- (feature) CSV storages. Provide error details as return from Init method.
- (feature) CsvEntityRegistry. Store UnderlyingSecurityType, CfiCode, IssueDate, IssueSize.
- (feature) MarketDepthControl. GetOrders method.
- (feature) MarketDepthControl. CellMouseLeftDoubleClick event.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. Min10, Min 20, Hour2, Hour3, Hour4, Hour8 timeframes support.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. Historical data types AdjustedLast, RebateRate, FeeRate support.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. End date for candles request fix https://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/43390/.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. SecurityLookup error response handling fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Candles request fix.
- (feature) PortfolioPicker.
- (feature) DukasCopyHistorySource.GetCandles. Sides -> Level1Fields.
- (feature) OrderRegisterMessage. CopyTo method.
- (feature) OfflineMessageAdapter. Support replace for pending orders.
- (bug) Real time candles subscription determine fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Native order ids fix.
- (bug) Charting. Fix order creation for non first panel.
- (feature) Charting. Auto select Security and Portfolio.
- (bug) CsvEntityRegistry. Securities IsChanged fix (new empty values).
- (bug) SampleLogging fix. Support Verbose.
- (feature) SampleFix. Market data adapter switch FIX<->FAST.
- (bug) LogControl. Fix themes https://stocksharp.ru/forum/9253/kak-zapretit-izmenenie-svoistv-kontrola/
- (bug) FIX connector. CFI code sending fix.
- (feature) FIX connector. FixTags.Product support.
- (feature) FIX connector. AstsFixDialect splitted on Currency and Equity dialects.
- (feature) NewsPanel. IPersistable support.
- (feature) Connector.SubscribedCandleSeries.
- (feature) CandleSeries.AllowBuildFromSmallerTimeFrame.
- (feature) SmartCOM. V4 as default.
- (bug) Transaq. Fix locked file issue.
- (feature) LocalMarketDataDrive.GetDataType. Return null in case parsing error.
- (feature) BasketMarketDataStorage. Initialize OriginalTransactionId.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter.GetTimeFrames.
- (feature) StorageMessageAdapter.CacheBuildableCandles.
- (bug) CandleArgToFolderName and ToCandleArg fixes.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Handle multiple subscriptions fix.
- (bug) SubscriptionMessageAdapter. Fix multiple candles subscription handling.
- (bug) CsvImporter. Fix candles processing.
- (feature) DateRangeWindow renamed to CandleSettingsWindow and moved to Xaml.Charting.
- (bug) Binary storage. Fix local time save http://stocksharp.ru/forum/9296/isklyuchenie-pri-sohranenii-executionmessage
- (feature) IMessageAdapter.IsSupportCandlesUpdates
- (feature) HeartbeatMessageAdapter.SuppressReconnectingErrors
- (bug) HeartbeatMessageAdapter. Infinitive reconnection attempts fix.
- (bug) HeartbeatMessageAdapter. Infinitive first connection attempts fix.
- (bug) Binance, Coinbase, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, IQFeed fixes.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Fix historical ticks request.
- (feature) Charting. Uses DateRangeWindow to set candle series From and To.
- (feature) StorageCandleSource removed as obsolete.
- (bug) Connector. IsBack MD messages for News fix.
- (feature) Connector. Market data events now support News subscriptions.
- (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Fix build unsubscribe.
- (feature) IStorageRegistry.DefaultDrive setter added.
- (bug) FileProgressWindow closing fix.
- (bug) ConnectorWindow. Show missed column names.
- (feature) Charting. StochasticOscillatorPainter.
- (bug) Kraken margin position obtain fix.
- (feature) IFileService.GetUploadLimit return value int -> long.
- (feature) Charting. Auto and manual select candles series for indicators.
- (bug) Charting. Fix auto select appropriate candle series.
- (bug) FIX connector. Fix process unknown outgoing messages.
- (bug) AlfaDirect, Transaq. PortfolioMessage processing fixes.
- (bug) Charting. OptionPositionChart. Legend binding fix.
- (bug) Charting. Options charts theme binding fix.
- (bug) HistoryEmulationConnector. Fix external sources processing.
- (feature) Binance, Liqui, CEX.IO, Cryptopia, OKEx, BitMEX, YoBit, Livecoin, EXMO, Deribit, Huobi, Kucoin, BITEXBOOK, CoinExchange stubs.
- (feature) WithdrawWindow.
- (feature) IndexSecurityWindow.
- (feature) Quik DDE turned off.
- (bug) OfflineMessageAdapter. Cancel pending orders fix.
- (feature) OrderGrid. Allow cancel pending orders.
- (feature) FIX connector. Process unknown transactions option.
- (feature) OpenECryStopType -> OpenECryStopTypes.
- (bug) Fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/9261/isklyuchenie-pri-popytke-podklyucheniya-k-bittrex/
- (feature) Crypto withdraw. Uses Order.Security instead of WithdrawInfo.Currency.
- (feature) Level1Fields. Dividends, AfterSplit, BeforeSplit
- (bug) YahooHistorySource restored.
- (bug) IQFeed. Fix parse fundamental messages with empty exchange code.
- (bug) Xaml.Diagram. Fix drag n drop from palette http://stocksharp.com/forum/9268/Drag-and-Drop-S-Designer-error/
- (feature) TraderHelper.TryAdd IsZeroAcceptable.
- (bug) Connector. Lookup messages sending fix.
- (bug) Child strategies. Fix set Connector for child strategies.
- (feature) Charting. Reset Y axis range on double click.
- (feature) Charting. Time zone settings for each axis.
- (feature) Charting. Draw lines on mouse down event.
- (bug) Charting. X axis scaling fix.
- (bug) Charting. Chart annotation editor related fixes.
- (bug) Charting. Tooltip fix for chart line display style.
- (feature) Charting. X0 style support.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Disconnect message processing fix.
- (bug) CandleHolderMessageAdapter. Unsubscribe fix.
- (feature) HistoryMessageAdapter.CheckTradableDates.
- (feature) Crypto connectors. Withdraw support.
- (feature) CandlesHolder.
- (feature) Order. IsMargin property.
- (feature) Order. Slippage property.
- (feature) FIX connector. SSL support.
- (feature) FIX connector. Dukascopy support.
- (feature) Samples crypto. CandleChart added.
- (bug) MarketEmulator. Emulate price limit from OrderLog trade price.
- (feature) MarketEmulator. Check security and session states.
- (bug) Fix live market data adapter reusing in real time emulation. http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/42374/
- (feature) FIX connector. FixStopOrderType -> FixStopOrderTypes.
- (feature) ConnectorWindow. Lookup connections.
- (feature) OrderLossMoreRule.
- (feature) KrakenMessageAdapter.IsMarginEnabled.
- (feature) LogManager. Save/Load Application settings.
- (bug) Chart. Tooltip format fix http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/42383/
- (feature) Chart. Custom candle colors.
- (bug) Chart. Area style fix.
- (bug) Chart. Indicator is ahead of candles.
- (feature) Chart. Overview mouse scrolling support.
- (feature) MarketRuleHelper. Connector state handling rules.
- (bug) Reconnect adapter fixes.
- (bug) Subscription adapter fixes (reply handling fix, avoid potential deadlocks).
- (feature) BTCE. Turned off book snapshot.
- (feature) Poloniex. Reduce get trades invokes.
- (bug) AlfaDirect. Fix double field parsing.
- (bug) HitBTC. Market order fixes.
- (bug) Bitstamp. Fix transaction reply parsing.
- (bug) SecurityGrid. LastTrade.Volume display as empty when it 0.
- (feature) MyTradeGrid. TransactionId column.
- (bug) Monitor. Fix empty log source processing.
- (feature) OrderLogGrid. Security column added.
- (bug) OrderProfitMoreRule fix.
- (bug) Change milliseconds for TimeSpanEditor fixes.
- (feature) SampleGdax. OrderLogWindow.
- (bug) CandleHelper.ToTrades fix.
- (feature) SampleBitfinex. OrderLogWindow.
- (feature) OrderLogGrid. Security column added.
- (feature) Connectors. DefaultHeartbeatInterval
- (bug) Crypto connectors fixes.
- (bug) PropertyGrid. Fix SecureString editor.
- (feature) Importing securities. More fields.
- (feature) Importing. Enum fields has default mapping.
- (feature) Importing. Field order.
- (feature) FIX server. Support market data response messages.
- (bug) QuikLua. Market data response support. Fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/9072/tikovye-svechi-v-mesto-kastomnogo-taimfreima/
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Expiry date parse fix.
- (bug) Samples for crypto. Retargeted to 4.6.
- (feature) CsvParser. Support quotes.
- (feature) Configuration. Try/catch missed adapter's files.
- (feature) FillDefaultCryptoFields.
- (bug) Fix Samples.sln
- (bug) Fix missed DevExpress files http://stocksharp.ru/forum/9095/tehpodderzhka-biblioteka-devexpresspdfv172core/
- (feature) BitStamp. ClientId. int->string http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/42535/
- (bug) BitStamp. Fix http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/42474/
- (bug) Kraken. FIX NRE, ticks subscription.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Greenwich time zone parsing fix.
- (bug) ProxyEditorWindow. Fix for non BaseApplication apps.
- (feature) Bitfinex, Coinbase, Kraken, Poloniex, GDAX, Bittrex, Bithumb, HitBTC, OKCoin, Coincheck connectors.
- (bug) Charting. Envelope indicator rendering fix.
- (feature) Charting. Painters lookup refactoring.
- (feature) Quik. Removed obsolete QuikOrderConditionResults.
- (bug) OrderRegMsg.TillDate usage fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Resubscribe fix.
- (feature) Bitfinex, Coinbase, Kraken, Poloniex, GDAX, Bittrex, Bithumb, HitBTC, OKCoin, Coincheck connectors.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Fix subscription for not yet connected adapters.
- (feature) WEX (BTCE). Pusher support.
- (bug) OrderLogGrid. Binding fix for TIF and Expiry date.
- (bug) Bitstamp fixes.
- (bug) MarketDataMessage. Do not set From value for real-time subscriptions.
- (feature) PortfolioMessage. Removed State property.
- (feature) MarketRuleHelper. OrderProfitMoreRule.
- (feature) QuotesBinarySnapshotSerializer. MaxDepth property.
- (feature) IPositionProvider interface added.
- (feature) IPortfolioProvider.PortfolioChanged event added.
- (feature) Strategy. Implemented IPositionProvider interface.
- (feature) Unit. Evaluation with nullable parts return null (was ArgNullExcp).
- (feature) BasketBlackScholes. Uses IPositionProvider.
- (feature) OptionPositionChart. Uses IPositionProvider.
- (bug) OptionDesk, OptionPositionChart, OptionVolatilitySmile fixes.
- (feature) StorageMessageAdapter. Load only curr day for order book and level1 (in case From is null).
- (bug) Finam history. Fix security lookup. http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/41218/
- (bug) FIX server. Security expiration date fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8703/data-ehkspiratsii-optsionov-na-forts/
- (bug) IQFeed. Level1 fix.
- (bug) Oanda. Fix large candle's range request.
- (bug) Alerts fixes.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Market data fixes.
- (bug) CandleMessage.State init fix.
- (bug) MarketDepthControl. Binding fixes.
- (feature) Snapshot storage.
- (feature) Security. IssueDate, IssueSize and UnderlyingSecurityType properties.
- (bug) http://stocksharp.com/forum/8795/Binary-Storage-Corrupted/
- (feature) Backtesting. Performance boost.
- (feature) CurrencyTypes.ETH.
- (bug) QuandlHistorySource. Lookup fix.
- (bug) MfdHistorySource. Fix options lookup.
- (bug) LMAX. Instruments file parsing fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Market data fixes.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. v9.73.06 support.
- (bug) SmartCOM. Position translation fix.
- (feature) OptionDesk. Show expiration date columns.
- (feature) Security.UnderlyingSecurityType.
- (bug) Options OTM ITM. Fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8834/optsiony-itm-otm/
- (feature) Exchange. New info for Bitfinex, Coinbase, Kraken, Poloniex, GDAX, Bittrex, Bithumb, HitBTC, OKCoin, Coincheck.
- (feature) QuikLua. AutoFixFutureCodes
- (feature) Binary quotes. Allow save bid > ask.
- (feature) QuikLua. Filter securities by type.
- (bug) FIX server. Fix security lookup. http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8874/problemy-podklyucheniya-k-hydra-cherez-fix-/
- (feature) FIX connector. Spectra dialect. Support nanoseconds.
- (feature) FIX connector. ExecutionReport.LastCapacity
- (feature) FIX connector. Otkritie microseconds support.
- (bug) Level1 binary storage. Fix min max serialization.
- (feature) Level1 binary storage. Use long as step counts.
- (bug) Binary storage. Fix non adjust price steps.
- (bug) MarketDepthGenerator fixes.
- (feature) DevExpress v17.1.7
- (bug) IQFeed. Symbol lookup fixes.
- (bug) Backtesting candles fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8816/ne-pravilnoe-ispolnenie-sdelok-pri-testirovanii-na-svechah/
- (bug) Tick and quotes binary storage. Fix store highly fractional prices.
- (feature) Order log binary storage. Nullable volumes posibilites.
- (bug) Quotes storage. Fix zero and negative prices store.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter.TimeFrames
- (bug) SampleMultiConnection. Fill time frames http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8849/primer-samplemulticonnection/
- (bug) PositionManager events fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8961/sobytiya-positionmanager-newposition-i-positionchanged/
- (bug) Connector. Stop candle series fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8919/povtornyi-zapusk-serii-svechek/
- (bug) Connector. Remove RegisteredXXX fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8868/problemy-pri-raborte-so-takanami-pri-konnektore-trader-workstation-ot-ib/
- (feature) SecurityGrid. PriceChartEditor. Provider is non mandatory.
- (feature) LMAX, Oanda, IB. Uses MarketDataMessage.BuildCandlesField.
- (bug) BitStamp. Market data fix.
- (bug) FIX protocol. Exante market-data fix.
- (feature) Binary storage. Support non adjust prices for order book and level1.
- (bug) FIX connector. Position average price receive fix.
- (bug) FIX connector. Order book gathering fix.
- (bug) FIX connector. Check input values while logon.
- (bug) QuikLua. Fix CurrentValue for money positions http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/41082/
- (feature) IQFeed. Security file parsing into separate thread.
- (bug) Alerts fixes.
- (bug) BTCE. Fix security price step.
- (bug) SecurityCreateWindow fix.
- (feature) Storage. Turned off saving active candles.
- (bug) Storage. Fix filter first data.
- (bug) SecurityGrid. Removed obsolete bindings and fix sorting.
- (bug) BTCE. Fix market-data only mode.
- (bug) IQFeed. Connection error handling fix.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. Support historical ticks.
- (feature) ChartAnnotation.
- (bug) QuikLua. Fix candle states http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/41144/
- (feature) QuikLua. Support candles.
- (feature) SpbExTrader.IgnoreLimits.
- (bug) Clipboard fix.
- (feature) IPositionManager.SecurityId filter.
- (feature) IPortfolioProvider.LookupByPortfolioName extension method.
- (bug) OrderGrid.OrderCanceling. Fix signature.
- (feature) BuySellPanel, BuySellGrid controls.
- (bug) Alerts fixes.
- (feature) EquityChart, OptionPositionChart, OptionSmileChart. Support IPersistable.
- (bug) PortfolioGrid. Binding State fix.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Reconnect fix.
- (feature) IIndicator.ResultType.
- (feature) ThreadSafeCol{Portfolio} -> PortfolioDataSource
- (feature) DevExpress v17.1.5
- (feature) Newtonsoft.Json. v10.0.3
- (feature) Strategy. Browsable=false for modified values.
- (bug) Analytic strategies fixes.
- (feature) Heatmap, Bubble, Histogram charts.
- (feature) OfflineMessageAdapter. Remove subscription while disconnected state.
- (feature) SubscriptionMessageAdapter. Set PortfolioMessage.OriginalTransactionId if empty.
- (feature) Security. Initialize Id, Name, Code, Class as null (prev was empty string).
- (feature) MessageAdapter. Init ServerTime (if not set) for position messages.
- (feature) OfflineMessageAdapter. Cancel previously sent orders.
- (feature) Level1 storage. Support IssueSize, Duration, BuyBackPrice, BuyBackDate. http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/40757/
- (feature) Level1Field.ToType extension method.
- (bug) Level1CsvSerializer fix.
- (feature) Analytics. Reduced UI logic.
- (feature) Chart controls. Track current DevExp theme.
- (feature) FIX server. Accept date bounds for market data requests.
- (bug) FIX server. Fix async sending.
- (feature) QuikLua. Support official prices. http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8534/nelikvidnye-instrumenty---kak-luchshe-organizovat-rabotu-s-nimi/
- (feature) QuikLua. Ignore case for security lookup.
- (feature) Strategy.Parameters. From Set to Dictionary.
- (feature) Connector.AutoPortfoliosSubscribe.
- (feature) MarketDepthControl.IsBidsOnTop is dependency property.
- (feature) MathDiagramElement.
- (feature) Chart. Save/Load refactoring.
- (feature) Micex. Stock28 interface.
- (feature) Plaza. 5.3.1 support.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Fix disconnect for broken connection.
- (bug) TraderHelper.CancelOrders. Fix canceling failed orders.
- (feature) IConnector. SendInMessage, SendOutMessage.
- (feature) Strategy. Start/Stop processing from connector's thread.
- (bug) PositionBinarySerializer fix.
- (feature) SmartCOM. Removed V2 support.
- (bug) Expression fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8586/skleennye-fyuchersy-s-finama/
- (feature) FIX connector. ExecutionReport.LastLiquidityInd
- (feature) FIX connector. TransactTime for OrderCancelReject
- (feature) FIX connector. Handle order register errors.
- (bug) FIX connector. SpectraFixDialect cancel orders fix.
- (feature) IIndicator.InputType
- (bug) FIX server. Fix depths subscription for ALL security.
- (feature) FIX connector. Candle state support.
- (feature) FXCM. Masked as x64 bit only.
- (bug) Storage. Fix data bounds validation.
- (feature) CandleBuilder. Build from level1.
- (feature) FIX connector. ASTS. Microseconds.
- (feature) Level1 binary storage. Support unknown types.
- (feature) ICandleBuilderSourceValue -> ICandleBuilderValueTransform.
- (feature) Algo.Candles.Compression. Removed sources.
- (bug) AlfaDirect. Security lookup fixes.
- (feature) SecurityStorage. Load empty strings as null.
- (feature) CandleBuilder. Support OI.
- (feature) Connector.UpdateSecurityByDefinition.
- (feature) QuoteChangeMessage.GetSpreadMiddle extension.
- (feature) Level1ChangeMessage.GetSpreadMiddle extension.
- (bug) Copy security info fix.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter.IsValid removed.
- (feature) SecurityGrid. Close price mini chart column.
- (feature) StrategiesDashboard. P&L mini chart column.
- (feature) StrategiesStatisticsPanel. P&L mini chart column.
- (feature) BitStamp. V2 protocol.
- (feature) SecurityGrid. Days till expiry column.
- (bug) SecurityGrid. ExpiryDate, Strike columns sorting fix.
- (feature) Interactive Brokers. v9.73.04
- (bug) Interactive Brokers. Fix historical market data request.
- (feature) Transaq. Initial init candle periods.
- (bug) SmartCom. Price step fixes.
- (feature) BTCE. Domain update.
- (bug) Oanda. Fill ExecMsg.TradePrice
- (feature) MarketDepthControl. Process order with specified state and balance (in async mode).
- (feature) Position tracking storage.
- (feature) MarketDepthControl. Show histogram for volumes.
- (feature) MarketDepthControl. Single column for volume.
- (feature) MarketDataGrid. Show Transaction data.
- (feature) ConnectorWindow. Enable/disable checkbox moved to grid row.
- (feature) PositionChangeTypesComboBox.
- (feature) PositionChangeGrid.
- (bug) Binary storage. Fix local time saving.
- (feature) SecurityMappingAdapter.
- (bug) BTCE fix.
- (feature) SecurityMappingWindow.
- (feature) FastMessageAdapter. Extracted from FixMessageAdapter.
- (bug) FAST fixes.
- (bug) SpbEx fixes.
- (bug) Level1CsvSerializer fix.
- (bug) Fix index creation http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8409/v-gidre-pri-raschete-indeksa-vydaetsya-soobshshenie-method-must-have-a-return-type/
- (feature) Export. Indicator values.
- (feature) Level1Grid. Duration, BuyBackDate, BuyBackPrice.
- (feature) CSV importing.
- (bug) Fix symbol mapping http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8433/problema-podklyucheniya-k-quik-lua-v-designer-versii-43252/
- (feature) Order.VisibleVolume. Made as optional param.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsFullCandlesOnly, IsSupportSubscriptions.
- (feature) Security.Turnover.
- (feature) SmartCOM 4.
- (feature) SecurityPicker.UnderlyingGrid.
- (feature) TraderHelper.FromMicexCurrencyName. Error handler.
- (feature) Storages (binary and csv) support Order.IsMarketMaker info.
- (feature) OrderGrid, ExecutionGrid, OrderWindow. Show IsMarketMaker property.
- (feature) Extended storages. Delete support.
- (feature) Order.ExpiryDate. GTC mean only nullable value.
- (feature) ExtendedInfoStorageSelectWindow -> ExtendedInfoStorageWindow. Provide manage extended storages.
- (bug) FIX server. Fix crash while client's disconnecting.
- (bug) QuikLua. Fix authorization http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8432/problema-pri-podklyuchenii-k-quik-(lua)/
- (feature) QuikLua. Market maker support.
- (feature) xNet. v3.3.3
- (feature) QuikLua. Index securities support (O H L C values).
- (feature) FinamHistorySource. Ticks origin side as optional.
- (bug) BaseGridControl. Export fixes http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/40578/
- (feature) Strategy.OrderChanged. Invoke after position calculation.
- (feature) QuantFEED.
- (feature) LogLeves.Verbose.
- (feature) Order.DerivedOrder is deprecated.
- (feature) BufferMessageAdapter. Enabled option.
- (feature) SubscriptionMessageAdapter. Send original subscription id.
- (feature) SubscriptionMessageAdapter. Support non filterable subscriptions.
- (bug) SecurityMappingMessageAdapter, SecurityNativeIdMessageAdapter. Group cancel orders fix.
- (bug) Not found themes. Fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8404/ne-rabotayut-primery-stocksharp_4325/
- (feature) ExchangeBoard. Currenex.
- (feature) IndexCandleBuilder. TotalVolume as extended fields.
- (bug) SecurityCsvList. Save exchange board info.
- (bug) SecurityNativeIdMessageAdapter. Suspended messages fix.
- (bug) Samples. Order book fetching small fix.
- (feature) Plaza. Forecast IM support.
- (feature) ExtendedInfoStorageSelectWindow.
- (feature) SpbEx. AddressConfig refactoring. Xaml support.
- (feature) IQFeed. Level1 columns. Xaml support.
- (feature) Micex TEAP. Stock27 interface.
- (feature) Micex TEAP. Addresses design time fix.
- (bug) Plaza. Revisions save fix.
- (feature) Flat files. Fail over improved.
- (feature) StrategiesStatisticsPanel. ShowSecurity option.
- (bug) Plaza. Blocked money translation fix.
- (feature) IExternalCandleSource. Removed from connectors.
- (feature) Monitor. Clear command.
- (feature) SamplePlaza. Storage support.
- (bug) BufferMessageAdapter. FilterSubscription fix.
- (feature) File client. Cancel operation option.
- (feature) Security. CfiCode.
- (feature) FileProgressWindow.
- (feature) ServerCredentials. Save password for auto logon only.
- (bug) CandleBuilder. Fix High/Low volumes.
- (bug) RenkoCandleBuilder fix.
- (bug) PnFCandleBuilder fix.
- (feature) Grids. Share images.
- (feature) CandleMessage.IsFinished removed.
- (feature) CurrencyTypes.CNT.
- (feature) Transaq. Security id refactoring.
- (bug) SecurityGrid. Binding fixes.
- (bug) Alerts. Popup window. Icon quality fix.
- (bug) CQG continuum. Order condition fix.
- (feature) DevExp 17.1 update.
- (feature) FeedbackWindow.
- (feature) FIX server. Performance boost.
- (feature) Oanda 2.0 support.
- (feature) FinamHistorySource. OriginSide support.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard.CmeMini
- (feature) SampleChart. Select input security option.
- (bug) OrderLog -> Ticks fix.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard.Fxcm
- (feature) FxcmHistorySource.
- (feature) History. Fix naming (XXXSource -> XXXHistorySource).
- (feature) BaseGridControl. Interactive export process.
- (feature) Chart. Fix theme styles.
- (feature) Chart. Draw style quick access.
- (feature) Licensing. Strategy subscription support.
- (feature) Connector. Subscribe/unsubscribe methods for candles added.
- (feature) FXCM connector.
- (feature) Xaml.Code moved to Xaml proj.
- (feature) Remote storage. Edit users.
- (feature) Remote storage. Manage server.
- (feature) Xaml. All XXXWindows's derived from DXWindow.
- (bug) Database export fix.
- (bug) FinamHistorySource. Small fix.
- (feature) CQG continuum.
- (feature) Order. IsMarketMaker property.
- (bug) HeartbeatMessageAdapter. Auto reconnect fix.
- (feature) Micex TEAP, Micex FIX. Market maker orders support.
- (bug) Quik lua. Fix Level1 translation after reconnect.
- (bug) Quik lua. Fix transaction status check.
- (feature) FIX connector. Dump performance boost.
- (bug) Quik lua. Duration and BuyBackDate fixes.
- (feature) CollectionHelper. TryGetAndRemove and TryPeek.
- (feature) TraderHelper.Filter. Overload for SecurityMessage.
- (bug) PortfolioGrid. Multiselect rows fixes.
- (feature) SPB Exchange connector.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard. Arca and BATS.
- (bug) WhenRegistered rule. Track matched order.
- (feature) WhenActivated rule. Removed.
- (feature) BaseGridControl. Items count added to group summary.
- (feature) SecurityGrid. Custom sorting for extended info added.
- (feature) Validation attributes added to Security.
- (feature) TimeSpanEditorAttribute added.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. OptionParameters, Histogram and news story requests.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter and SubscriptionMessageAdapter. Fix derived MarketDataMessage types handling.
- (bug) Strategy.MyTrades fill fix.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. Soft Dollar support.
- (feature) Grid controls. Search columns by name.
- (feature) MarketRuleGrid.
- (feature) Strategy. Process child order for risk management.
- (feature) MessageConverterHelper.CreateRegisterMessage. SecurityId as optional.
- (bug) RiskRule. Title update fix.
- (feature) Connector.NewTrade. Raise when all data initialized.
- (feature) MarketEmulator. Cross trades. Failed -> Canceled.
- (bug) RiskManager.Load fix.
- (bug) InMemoryExchangeInfoProvider. Save data fixes.
- (feature) Strategy. Save/load pnl and risk settings.
- (feature) IRemoteStorage. UploadSecurities, BasketSecurity instances support.
- (feature) BasketSecurity. From/To serialized string.
- (feature) Risk rule. Logging support.
- (feature) Market rule WhenChanged for Portfolio.
- (feature) IExchangeInfoProvider. Delete board and exchanges.
- (feature) ISecurityStorage. DeleteById extension method.
- (feature) IRemoteStorage. Exchanges and boards support. Delete securities, exchanges and boards support.
- (bug) FIX server. http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/39529/ Fix ObjectDisposedException error handling.
- (feature) RemoteStorage. Extended security info.
- (feature) CandleBuilder. Uses messages.
- (feature) CandleHelper. ToCandles. Only formed option.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard. Serialization fixes (WCF and Xml).
- (feature) Storage. CandleBinarySerializer. Support big time frames.
- (feature) Storage. Binary format. Tick time precision.
- (feature) LogControl. Like filter.
- (bug) FinamHistorySource fix. http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8190/ne-zagruzhayutsya-dannye-s-finama/
- (feature) IRemoteAuthorization. Moved from Algo.History -> Algo.
- (bug) RiskPanel and CommissionPanel. Refresh Title fix.
- (bug) SampleOptionsQuoting fix.
- (bug) Transaq. Demo address fix.
- (bug) ContinuousSecurityWindow fixes.
- (feature) Connector. Removed BasketSecurity support.
- (feature) BasketSecuriry. Store internally SecurityId instead of Security instance.
- (bug) TraderHelper.GetFortsJumps fix.
- (bug) CsvEntityList. String key normalization.
- (feature) CollectionSecurityProvider. Track notifiable collections.
- (feature) IndexSecurity. Removed Board initialization.
- (feature) IEntityRegistry. Removed Orders, MyTrades, Trades, OrderFails and News properties.
- (bug) Alerts. Loc fixes.
- (bug) ExpressionFormula. Parsing fixes.
- (feature) SecurityCreateWindow, ContinuousSecurityWindow. Uses ISecurityStorage.
- (feature) SecurityIdTextBox. Removed Security property.
- (bug) Transaq. Set TPlusLimits for positions.
- (bug) Transaq. Fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8098/ne-vidit-pozitsii-schet-edp-finam-transaq-connector/
- (bug) Micex TEAP. Equity pos fix.
- (bug) Transaq. Fix StockSharp#288
- (bug) SecurityJumpsEditor fixes.
- (bug) SmartCOM. PriceStep fixes.
- (feature) ISecurityDownloader. Removed INativeIdStorage and IExchangeBoardProvider.
- (feature) Candle storage. Non aligned price support.
- (feature) ContinuousSecurityMarketDataStorage and IndexSecurityMarketDataStorage.
- (bug) CandleMessage. Clone fix.
- (feature) IndexSecurity. Values rounding.
- (feature) INotificationService.SendMessage. Attachments.
- (feature) CandleSettingsEditor. Removed fixes width.
- (feature) ISecurityStorage. Removed GetSecurityIds
- (feature) ExpressionFormula.Functions
- (feature) IConnector.OrderStatusFailed
- (bug) CQG fixes.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers fixes.
- (feature) SampleIB. Options, Scanner.
- (feature) Plaza. v5.3
- (feature) Twime. V2.1
- (feature) FIX connector. Dialect refactoring.
- (feature) FixServer. Passwords. String -> SecureString.
- (bug) Quik lua. Fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/7023/problema-s-opredelenie-sostoyaniya-instrumenta/
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#285
- (feature) AboutWindow
- (bug) HistoryEmulationConnector. Process candle time fixes. StockSharp#283
- (bug) Commission rules fixes.
- (bug) Fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/7015/stocksharpxamlcharting-shablony-securitygrid-oshibka-v-kolonkah/
- (feature) MyTradeGrid. PnL and Position columns.
- (feature) OptionDesk control refactoring.
- (bug) Oanda. Transaction fixes.
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#282
- (feature) Strategy. NewMyTrades -> NewMyTrade
- (feature) MyTradeGrid. UserOrderId column.
- (bug) ConnectorWindow. Fix ToolbarImageStyle resource not found issue.
- (feature) StrategiesDashboard
- (feature) SampleStrategies
- (feature) Plaza. Nanoseconds support.
- (feature) TraderHelper. IsSystem -> IsPlazaSystem
- (feature) ICandleBuilderSourceValue. Volume is nullable.
- (feature) Candles. Removed ConvertableCandleBuilderSource.
- (feature) Ecng. Removed Xceed ref.
- (feature) Currency conversion. Moved to Messages.
- (feature) SecurityCreateWindow. Multi securities edit mode.
- (feature) OrderStatusMessage. From and To params.
- (feature) SampleFIX. Candles support.
- (bug) FIX server. Candle subscription fixes.
- (bug) FIX server. Invalid authorization handling fix.
- (bug) FIX server. Security list error response fix.
- (bug) PortfolioGrid refresh fix.
- (feature) FIX connector. Candles support.
- (bug) CandleSettingsEditor fix. StockSharp#290
- (bug) Fix http://stocksharp.ru/forum/8058/problemy-s-sootvetstviem-neskolkih-kodov-klienta-i-torgovogo-scheta-v-kvike/
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#279
- (bug) FIX connection establish fix http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/37571/
- (feature) SecurityPicker performance improve.
- (feature) OptionVolatilitySmileChart.
- (bug) OptionDesk fix.
- (bug) Candle storage fix.
- (bug) TextExporter fix.
- (feature) IExtendedInfoStorage.
- (feature) IQFeed. Protocol 5.2 support.
- (bug) SubscriptionMessageAdapter fix.
- (feature) MarketDataFinishedMessage.
- (feature) WhenNewTrades -> WhenNewTrade
- (feature) NativeIdStorage. Algo -> Algo.Storages
- (bug) MarketDataStorage fix.
- (bug) StorageMessageAdapter. Process MarketDataMessage fixes.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsNativeIdentifiersPersistable
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. Send MarketData message to specified adapter.
- (feature) SampleIQFeed. Refactoring.
- (bug) StockSharp#278 fix
- (bug) SmartCOM candles fix.
- (bug) OpenECry candles fix.
- (bug) Backtesting fix.
- (bug) SecurityNativeIdMessageAdapter. Clone fixes.
- (feature) IndexSecurity. IgnoreErrors.
- (feature) IConnector. SubscribeMarketData and UnSubscribeMarketData. MarketDataTypes -> MarketDataMessage.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard. Removed IsSupportAtomicReRegister, IsSupportMarketOrders
- (feature) Plaza router. v5.1.3.754
- (feature) Plaza. Flood control handling.
- (bug) BarChart fixes.
- (bug) OpenECry fixes.
- (feature) OpenECryAddressComboBox. Prod address.
- (bug) SecurityTrie fix.
- (bug) Message.IsBack. Fix BasketMessageAdapter.
- (bug) CsvEntityRegistry fixes.
- (feature) OfflineMessageAdapter.
- (bug) MarketDepthControl. Own volume fix.
- (bug) Level1 csv storage fix.
- (feature) Transaction storage. LocalTime support.
- (feature) Chart. Support area style.
- (feature) IConnector. LookupSecuritiesResult, LookupPortfoliosResult - error argument added.
- (feature) SecurityLookupWindow
- (feature) NativeIdMessageAdapter
- (bug) SubscriptionMessageAdapter fix.
- (bug) SmartCOM fixes.
- (bug) LMAX fixes.
- (feature) ISecurityProvider.GetNativeId removed.
- (feature) OrderWindow, OrderConditionalWindow, SecurityJump - re-designed with DevExp.
- (bug) CandleCsvSerializer fix.
- (feature) IConnector. MarketDataUnSubscriptionSucceeded, MarketDataUnSubscriptionFailed
- (feature) Connector. IsRestorSubscriptioneOnReconnect
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#47
- (bug) QUIK. ALL subscription fix
- (feature) Rithmic. v9.5.0.0
- (bug) Transaq. UseCredit fixes.
- (bug) Finam. New address.
- (bug) Chart. Active orders fix.
- (feature) CandlePriceLevel.TotalVolume
- (feature) XigniteHistorySource added.
- (feature) QuandlHistorySource. v3 API.
- (bug) Samples. DevExp refs fixes.
- (bug) Chart samples fixes.
- (bug) Build index candles.
- (feature) Quik lua. Duration, IssueSize, BuyBackDate, BuyBackPrice.
- (bug) Quik lua. Fix ClientCode duplicate issue.
- (feature) Position.ClientCode
- (bug) Fix Oanda connector.
- (feature) TransaqAddresses.FinamHft
- (feature) Transaq. v2.20.13
- (bug) CSV storage. TimeSpan serialization fix.
- (bug) Fix http://stocksharp.ru/posts/m/36986/
- (bug) LoggingHelper. Fix xml doc.
- (feature) Xaml.Diagram update.
- (feature) TimeSpanEditor
- (feature) OrderCancelVolumeRequireTypes enum.
- (feature) MatLab connector update.
- (feature) MicexDownloader + FortsDownloader -> MoexDownloader
- (feature) StockSharp.Xaml.Code
- (feature) IConnector.CancelOrders. SecurityType filter.
- (feature) FIX connector. Exante dialect
- (feature) TwimeTrader.PortfolioName
- (feature) QuikLua. ConvertToLatin now optional.
- (feature) Transaq. Address. IP -> Host.
- (bug) SecurityAdapter fix.
- (feature) BasePosition.Currency
- (feature) TimeZoneInfo. Serialization -> ID StockSharp#228 (comment)
- (feature) SecurityLookupMessage.CFICode
- (bug) RandomGen fixes.
- (bug) MarketEmulator. AvgPosPrice fix.
- (feature) SecurityId.NativeAsInt
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#260
- (feature) MarketRuleHelper.WhenTimeCome. Removed Security param
- (feature) OpenECry. v3.5.14.1
- (feature) OpenECry. Address changed to gainfutures domain.
- (feature) Micex TEAP. Currency26 interface.
- (feature) Micex TEAP. IgnoreCurrencies.
- (bug) PropertyGridEx. Nullable and unsigned number fixes.
- (bug) Xaml.Diagram minor fixes.
- (feature) TWIME connector.
- (feature) IConnector. MassOrderCanceled, MassOrderCancelFailed.
- (feature) SecurityAdapter.
- (bug) OptionDesk fixes.
- (bug) SmartCOM. Fractal price step fixes.
- (feature) TraderHelper. Removed obsolete GetPosition overloads.
- (bug) Micex TEAP. Fix struct downloading.
- (feature) Micex TEAP. New enum statuses.
- (feature) Charting. ChartDrawData.
- (feature) Plaza. Spectra 5.0 + performance refactoring.
- (feature) Grid controls (SecurityGrid, OrderGrid etc.) now based on DevExpress.
- (feature) Quik lua. Average price for positions.
- (feature) FIX server. Handle transaction errors.
- (bug) ADX, Fractals indicator fixes.
- (bug) Position manager fix.
- (bug) SecurityPicker. Show common columns fix.
- (feature) Connectors. Removed ref from Xceed.
- (feature) IPnLManager. UnrealizedPnL is nullable.
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#227
- (feature) PnLManager. Uses leverage.
- (feature) Chart. Active orders.
- (bug) StockSharp#222
- (feature) IBTrader -> InteractiveBrokersTrader, OECTrader -> OpenECryTrader
- (bug) TargetPlatformWindow fix.
- (bug) Transaq. double <-> decimal conversation fix.
- (feature) Blackwood. Embed zlib into resources.
- (bug) Nuget fixed.
- (feature) BaseCandleBuilderSource.RaiseProcessing perf fixes.
- (feature) Ecng.Backup
- (feature) Ecng.Roslyn
- (feature) GuiObjectHelper removed.
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#20
- (feature) Chart themes.
- (feature) Csv storage perf boost.
- (feature) Quik lua. Tick OI.
- (feature) Twime connector.
- (feature) SPB exchange.
- (feature) Order.Status. Nullable long.
- (feature) TraderHelper. Plaza extensions.
- (feature) IConnector. ConnectedEx, DisconnectedEx, ConnectionErrorEx.
- (feature) Plaza. Cancel On Disconnect support.
- (bug) OpenECry. Connect/disconnect fixes.
- (feature) BinExporter -> StockSharpExporter.
- (feature) WpfToolkit v.2.6.0.
- (feature) OrderMessage.TransactionId
- (bug) LogManager. Wait for disposing
- (bug) TransactionBinarySerializer fix.
- (bug) QuoteBinarySerializer. Fix empty depths handling.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter.OrderCancelVolumeRequired
- (feature) Samples. Group order cancel.
- (bug) SecurityIdTextBox small fix.
- (bug) RealTimeCandleBuilderSource. Raise Stopped event.
- (feature) TraderHelper. IsGtc, IsToday
- (feature) FIX connector. Dialects.
- (feature) Transaq. v2.20.5
- (feature) TimeMessage.TransactionId. String -> Long
- (feature) Connector.ChangePassword
- (bug) MarketDataGrid. Fix candle values.
- (feature) Plaza.IsDemo
- (feature) OpenECry. Uuid as SecureString.
- (bug) Order.Type nullable fix.
- (feature) Chart performance improved.
- (feature) ExecutionMessage.BrokerCode
- (feature) IStorageRegistry.GetTransactionStorage
- (feature) ExecMsg. HasOrderInfo, HasTradeInfo.
- (feature) ExecTypes. Order -> Transaction. Trade -> Obsolete.
- (feature) ExecMsg. Volume -> OrderVolume + TradeVolume.
- (bug) ProgGrid. TimeZoneInfo edit fix.
- (feature) ConnectorSupportedMessagesPanel
- (feature) Alerts. Removed Actipro dependency.
- (bug) FIX connector. SUR currency fix.
- (bug) Equity chart fix.
- (feature) Message.LocalTime. DateTime -> DateTimeOffset
- (bug) CandleHelper.GetCandleBounds fix.
- (feature) ISecurityProvider. Performance improve.
- (feature) Ecng. Strong names.
- (feature) CandleSerializer. CandlePriceLevel serialization support.
- (feature) StorageMessageAdapter.
- (feature) Blackwood. v3.2.0
- (feature) SecurityExternalId is struct.
- (bug) SecurityEditor. Autocomplete fix.
- (feature) ExcelExporter update.
- (feature) Micex. ExtraSettings
- (bug) CodeReferencesWindow. Fix loading non .NET assemblies.
- (feature) ExchangeComboBox.
- (feature) IConnector. Single value events.
- (feature) ExecMsg. Price -> OrderPrice
- (feature) ChartPanel.SecurityProvider
- (feature) Plaza. OverrideDll
- (feature) SecurityGrid performance improve.
- (bug) OrderLog process fix.
- (bug) AdvertisePanel fix.
- (feature) FortsDownloader
- (feature) C# 6.0 features.
- (feature) Chart cluster and box.
- (bug) Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postsm35888_LChI-Viewer.aspx#post35888
- (bug) FilterableSecurityProvider. Moved to Algo.
- (bug) ISecurityStorage.NewSecurity event.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Save/Load fix.
- (feature) ConnectorWindow.
- (bug) Transaq fix.
- (feature) Backtesting. Use history source (Finam, Google, Yahoo) directly.
- (bug) MessageAdaptersPanel fix.
- (bug) Chart fix (draw values in hidden mode).
- (bug) SmartCOM sec info fix.
- (feature) Connectors. Doc + Icon attributes.
- (feature) ISecurityStorage. CSV implementation.
- (feature) ICandleBuilder. Direct value processing.
- (feature) Correlation indicator.
- (feature) Covariance indicator.
- (feature) Chart.TimeZone
- (feature) Oanda + BitStamp. Control error count.
- (feature) WpfToolkit 2.5.0
- (bug) FixServer. Error handling fix.
- (bug) Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postst5724_QuikLua--System-InvalidOperationException-pri-poluchienii-ordierov-biez-transactionId.aspx
- (feature) Plaza. CGate router
- (bug) YahooHistorySource fix
- (feature) Interactive Brokers. 9.72
- (feature) Backtesting on level1.
- (feature) CSV storage. Time zone.
- (feature) Transaq. v2.16.1
- (feature) level1 -> depths.
- (feature) MarketDataMessage. Nullable fields.
- (bug) DateTime to DateTimeOffset casting fix.
- (feature) CSV storage perf improve.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Subscription fix.
- (feature) Storage (bin). Allow different time zones.
- (feature) FIX connector. TimeSpan -> TimeZoneInfo.
- (feature) SecurityGrid. TimeZone column
- (bug) Connector. Unsubscription fixes.
- (feature) CandleManager. Priority source switch in runtime.
- (feature) SmartCOM. Extended quote price check.
- (feature) Plaza. Multi connections.
- (feature) Storage. Volume-less ticks support.
- (feature) SampleHistoryTesting. ES mini test.
- (bug) ChartPanel.Save fix.
- (feature) Leve1 -> Ticks + Candles.
- (bug) Quik lua. Fix zero transaction id.
- (feature) ILogListener. Implements IDisposable
- (bug) IQFeed. Candle timezone fix.
- (bug) NewsSerializer fix.
- (feature) NewsGrid. Request story + open url.
- (bug) IQFeed. News fixes.
- (bug) Lmax, IQFeed, IB. Tick subscription fix.
- (feature) MarketEmulator. Fill server time.
- (feature) IQFeed. COMM3 security type.
- (feature) SampleRealTimeEmulation. Look up securities.
- (feature) SampleRealTimeEmulation. IQFeed support.
- (bug) TraderHelper.ToDecimal fix.
- (bug) Storage. Level1 fix.
- (bug) ITCH. Fixes.
- (feature) HistoryEmulationConnector refactoring.
- (feature) History emulation. Support all candle types.
- (bug) LocalMarketDataDrive.Dates fix.
- (feature) Candles history update.
- (feature) Real time emulation refactoring.
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#88
- (feature) CurrencyTypes.GHS
- (bug) BlackScholes fixes.
- (bug) CsvMarketDataSerializer. Fix BOM char.
- (feature) Grids. TimeZone column
- (bug) FIX connector. Fix ExecMsg.ServerTime
- (feature) HelpButton.
- (feature) IOrderLogMarketDepthBuilder.
- (feature) IpAddressEditor.
- (feature) AdvertisePanel.
- (feature) Candle.RelativeVolume is nullable.
- (feature) Candle. Ticks fields are nullable.
- (feature) CandleSerializer. Ticks fields.
- (bug) RecoveryFactorParameter fix.
- (bug) OrderLogMarketDepthBuilder fix.
- (feature) Algo.Storages.Backup - clients for cloud storage backup services.
- (feature) FIX connector. More level1 fields support.
- (feature) LicenseHelper.LicenseError
- (feature) Connector. Not track ticks option.
- (feature) ITCH connector.
- (bug) FIX connector and FixServer. Many fixes.
- (bug) CSV storage fix.
- (bug) Excel export boost.
- (bug) Storage. Fix delete range.
- (bug) TargetPlatformWindow fix.
- (feature) BarChart connector (history mode).
- (feature) SampleLogging. New sample.
- (feature) CandleStates. Started + Changed -> Active.
- (feature) OrderWindow. Set default price and volume.
- (feature) ExecutionMessage.ClientCode
- (feature) MyTradeGrid, OrderGrid and OrderWindow. Display ClientCode.
- (feature) Order, Trade, MarketDepth. New field Currency.
- (feature) FilterableSecurityProvider. Indexing Security.ExternalId
- (feature) PF combo. Insert unknown portfolio.
- (feature) OrderCancelMessage. New field Side.
- (bug) Connector. Fix overflow.
- (bug) SampleSmartCandles. Fix
- (feature) ExternalCandleSource.Stopped event.
- (feature) TraceSource
- (bug) LogManager. FlushInterval lower bound check fix.
- (feature) SampleHistoryTesting. Order book emulation option.
- (feature) Blackwood. 3.1.9
- (feature) Currency. GBX
- (feature) Storage. Date cache bin->txt format.
- (bug) CSV storage. Fix save NewsMessage.SecurityId.
- (bug) CSV storage. Fix append data with same time for order log and tick trades.
- (feature) FIX connector. ExecMsg.ClientCode.
- (feature) FIX connector. Read/write timeouts.
- (feature) MessageDirections. Removed.
- (feature) Connector. OnRegisterXXX OnUnRegisterXXX removed.
- (feature) Micex. Update protocol.
- (bug) Quik. Stop order fixes.
- (feature) Samples. StopOrderWindow refactoring.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. Save Load implementation.
- (bug) Protective strategies. Fixes.
- (feature) Plaza. COD. Extended license.
- (feature) Monitor. Clear method.
- (bug) StockSharp#113
- (bug) Security.IsExpired. Bug fix
- (bug) Micex. Reset fix.
- (bug) Connector. Dispose fix.
- (bug) QuotingStrategy. Fix stopping.
- (feature) Rithmic 8.5.0
- (bug) Back testing. Fix suspend/resume.
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#101
- (feature) Storage. Removed DataStorageReader.
- (feature) Chart update.
- (feature) WPF Toolkit. 2.4.0
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#90
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#93
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#92
- (feature) https://github.com/StockSharp/StockSharp/commit/62a19979280ab678679aee7660f73c9b9614de93
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#87
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#83
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#70
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#79
- (feature) FIX connector. Check sum is uint.
- (feature) StockSharp#74
- (bug) StockSharp#81
- (bug) Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postsm35263_FixServer-System-ArgumentOutOfRangeException.aspx#post35263
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#46
- (feature) OEC 3.5.14
- (feature) ILogSource.IsRoot
- (bug) Back testings. Generated data fixes.
- (bug) Emulator. Prevent big order book generation.
- (feature) Storage. Replace entity by messages.
- (feature) BitStamp. Level1 refresh interval is 10 sec.
- (feature) FIX. Check sum is uint.
- (bug) FixServer. Sync writers.
- (feature) OverrideDll option.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Disconnect fix.
- (feature) Transaq. UTC
- (bug) Back testing. Fixes.
- (bug) BTCE. Security decimals fix.
- (feature) BitStamp, IQFeed, ETrade and Oanda source code.
- (bug) Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postst5619_Oshibka-nie-udalos--naiti-chast--puti.aspx
- (feature) IMessageChannel. Message thread model refactoring.
- (feature) IConnector. Removed Start/Stop export.
- (feature) Connector uses BasketMessageAdapter.
- (feature) Order.Id is nullable
- (feature) IMessageSessionHolder removed.
- (feature) Order.ExpiryDate is nullable.
- (feature) IConnector. ProcessDataError -> Error.
- (bug) BitStamp market data fixes.
- (bug) SmartCom transaction fixes.
- (bug) LMAX fixes.
- (feature) OrderGrid. Show long and string identifiers.
- (feature) Rss. Subscribe/unsubscribe support.
- (feature) Transaq. v 2.10.10
- (feature) IConnector.NewDataExported removed.
- (feature) BasketConnector removed.
- (bug) StockSharp#40
- (feature) ReConnectionSettings. Moved to Messages.
- (feature) ReConnectionSettings. Export settings removed.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter refactoring.
- (feature) OrderCancelMesage.OrderId is nullable.
- (feature) HeartbeatAdapter.
- (feature) Order. BrokerCode and ClientCode fields.
- (bug) StockSharp#49
- (bug) Micex. Fix 32-bit mode.
- (bug) Plaza. Anonym deals stream. Fast repl mode.
- (bug) OrderGrid. Sort ordering fixes.
- (feature) MyTradeGrid. Multi ids.
- (feature) Indicators. IsFormed initialized only by IsFinal value.
- (feature) Indicators refactoring. Removed IIndicator.CanProcess.
- (bug) Connector. Fix Connect/Disconnect messages for a few adapters.
- (bug) Quik lua. Commission fill fix.
- (bug) FixServer. Close session fix.
- (feature) Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postst5622_Logh-soobshchieniia-MarketDataSnapshotFullRefresh.aspx
- (feature) Plaza. Schema update.
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#36
- (feature) FixServer. Logout fixes.
- (bug) FIX connector. Request portfolios support.
- (feature) FixServer. No longer use QuickFix.
- (feature) FixServer. Implements IMessageChannel.
- (feature) FixServer. Separate market data and transactional endpoints.
- (feature) FIX connector. FixMessageWriter.
- (feature) FixServer. Use FixMessageWriter for outgoing messages.
- (feature) FixServer. Support candles.
- (feature) Order.TimeInForce and ExecMsg.TimeInForce are nullable.
- (feature) CandleMessage. OpenVolume, HighVolume, LowVolume, CloseVolume are nullable.
- (feature) NewsMessage.SecurityId is nullable.
- (bug) OrderWnd. Fix step while nullable info.
- (bug) EntityCache. Fix trade msg for unknown order.
- (feature) Logging. Error handling.
- (feature) Samples. OrdersWindow. Move order ability.
- (feature) MessageConverterHelper. MessageTypes <-> MarketDataTypes for candles
- (feature) PlazaTrader.IsControlConnectionLost
- (feature) FIX connector. IFixWriter IFixReader interfaces.
- (feature) TextExporter refactoring.
- (feature) Xaml. NewsMessageGrid
- (feature) SmartCom. SmallComService utility class.
- (feature) Plaza. Fix control connection state in CGate mode.
- (feature) Transaq 2.10.8
- (bug) FIX connector and Quik LUA. Fix MarketDepth subscription for ALL security.
- (bug) Messages and Entities. Serialization fixes.
- (feature) Plaza. Spectra 4 (ASTS).
- (feature) Security. PriceStep, VolumeStep, Decimals, Multiplier, MinPrice, MaxPrice are nullable.
- (feature) FIX connector. Client side no longer use QuickFix
- (bug) LuaFixServer. Level1 thread safety.
- (bug) EntityCache. Fix ExecMsg.OridinTransId == OrderStatusMsg.TransactionId
- (feature) ExecutionMessage. OrderId, Balance, Volume, VisibleVolume, TradeId, TradePrice, TradeStatus is nullable.
- (feature) Security.Strike is nullable
- (feature) QuikOrderCondition. Nullable fields.
- (feature) SecurityMessage.Decimals
- (feature) Security.State nullable
- (feature) IOHelper.ToFullPath
- (bug) FIX connector. Reconnection fix. Lost connection control fix.
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#33
- (bug) Micex. Decimals fix
- (bug) SecurityGrid. Fix PriceStep, Decimals and VolumeStep columns.
- (feature) Strategy.StartedTime is DTO
- (bug) Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postst5556_S--Api.aspx
- (bug) Fix RtsHistorySource
- (feature) SecurityGrid. Add columns.
- (feature) Security. O H L C V fields marked as nullable.
- (bug) FIX connector. Level1 small fix.
- (bug) Quik lua. Level1 value type fix.
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#31
- (feature) LicensePanel. Xaml -> Licensing
- (feature) MarketEmu. Depth fill improve.
- (bug) LicenseTool fixes.
- (bug) Quik lua. Turned off license check.
- (bug) Protective strategies. Fix price calc with big offset value.
- (bug) Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postsm34658_Kotirovaniie.aspx#post34658
- (feature) Security.MinPrice = 0.01 by default.
- (feature) (MarketEmu.ProcessTime performance improve.
- (feature) WorkingTime.Clone performance improve.
- (bug) MarketEmu. Board update fix.
- (feature) Monitor. StrategyRoot is sub node CoreRoot.
- (bug) Connector.ClearCache fix
- (bug) SecurityEditor. Update text fix.
- (feature) Ecng update.
- (feature) Quik lua. Support ALL@ALL security for market data subscription.
- (feature) Quik lua. Level1 subscription check optimization.
- (feature) Quik lua. Check Level1 duplicates.
- (feature) FixServer request id mapping refactoring.
- (bug) Plaza. Fix level1 time.
- (feature) OrderStatMsg. Single order details.
- (bug) Emulator small fix.
- (feature) QuandlHistorySource
- (feature) Quoting refactoring
- (bug) Fix Quik LUA. Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postst5525_Oshibka-Lua-podkliuchieniia-pri-rabotie-s-aktsiiami.aspx
- (bug) Fix Quik LUA. Fix exception handling
- (feature) Source codes for Quik and InteractiveBrokers
- (bug) OpenECry. Fix double <-> decimal casting.
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#16
- (bug) Micex. Format price fix
- (feature) Source codes for Messages, BE, Algo, Xaml, Localization, Logging, Community and few connectors (SmartCOM, AlfaDirect, Transaq, BTCE, OpenECry, LMAX, MatLab, CQG, Sterling, RSS, Alor)
- (bug) Quik. Fix StockSharp#13
- (bug) Fusion/Blackwood. Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postst5511_4-2-60---Exception-pri-otpravkie-ordiera.aspx
- (bug) LogManager.Application. Replacing fix
- (bug) Plaza. Level1 ServerTime fill
- (bug) YahooHistorySource. Time fix
- (bug) Fusion/Blackwood. Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postst5498_Probliema-na-rieal-nom-schietie.aspx
- (feature) Quik. Process request performance boost
- (feature) OrderWindow. Disable ByMarket checkbox
- (feature) Plaza. Anonym deals turned on by default
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#11
- (feature) Fusion/Blackwood. 3.1.8
- (bug) Micex. OrderBookDepth fix
- (bug) Micex. RequestAllDepths fix
- (bug) OpenECry. Order processing fix
- (feature) Micex. RequestAllDepths
- (bug) Micex. Tick subscribe fix
- (feature) QuikLua. Removed atomic reregister for micex
- (feature) Micex. Added IFC_Broker24 interface
- (feature) Micex. OrderBookDepth
- (bug) Unit fixes. Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postst5489_Izmieniena-loghika-raboty-s-Unit-v-novykh-viersiiakh.aspx
- (bug) OpenECry. Remoting fix
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#7
- (bug) Fix StockSharp#3
- (bug) AlfaDirect. Fix cadle subscription. Fix http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postst5483_primier-SampleAlfaCandles.aspx
- (bug) OpenECry fixes
- (bug) Localization fixes
- (bug) Chart. Fix indicator adding
- (feature) Export executions
- (bug) Localization fixes
- (bug) Execution storage fix
- (bug) Plaza. Fix handling non Message based transaction
- (bug) Localization fixes
- (bug) Localization fixes
- (bug) Localization fixes
- (bug) Oanda. Security lookup and market data subscription fixes
- (bug) Localization fixes
- (feature) OrderFail. ServerTime and LocalTime fields
- (bug) TrueFX and GainCapital historical sources fixes
- (bug) Unit. Fix serialization
- (bug) Error loading candles from storage
- (bug) FortsDailyData.GetRate fix
- (bug) PriceStep fixes for Oanda
- (bug) Filling empty Arg for Candles from CandleSeries
- (feature) Tick origin side added for FIX (QuikLua) http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postst5476_S--API.aspx
- (feature) TimeZoneComboBox
- (feature) Plaza supports MM and limit transactions
- (bug) Localization fixes for Xaml
- (bug) Localization fixes
- (feature) Filling Security.Status for QuikLua http://stocksharp.com/forum/yaf_postsm34270_Novyi-konniektor-k-Quik.aspx#post34270
- (bug) Building market depth from OL fixes
- (feature) Zero or negative prices for spreads in Storage
- (feature) ExpirationDate added to OrderWindow
Available on forum