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This is the 2.9-git version of PDELab, a PDE discretization toolkit built on top of the DUNE framework. It is intended to be used with the master branch of the Dune core modules. License information can be found in the file

If you need help, please ask on our mailing list. Bugs can also be submitted to the PDELab bugtracker instead.


PDELab git master (will be PDELab 2.9)

  • The class ParititionViewEntitySet used within grid function spaces to represent sets of entites now models the grid view concept defined by Dune::Concept::GridView.

  • Remove dependency on the deprecated std::iterator

  • Fixed the initial guess in OneStepMethod for constrained vectors.

  • Fixed the interpolate function behavior when input and output vector are references to the same object.

PDELab 2.8

  • Fix preformance bug introduced in dune-localfunctions due to usage of FiniteElementInterfaceSwitch::setStore. Now, the finite element is stored in a shared pointer iff the finite element map returns an rvalue object.

  • Explicit one step method now requires to set a reduction for the linear solver !553

  • Fix preformance bug introduced in dune-localfunctions due to usage of FiniteElementInterfaceSwitch::setStore. Now, the finite element is stored in a shared pointer iff the finite element map returns an rvalue object.

  • Added Raviart Thomas finite element map of order 0 for 3D simplices.

  • Fix bug where VectorGridFunctionSpace would not initialize base data when using orderingStorage instead of ordering.

  • Fixed an indexation bug where entity blocking of non-fixed size orderings was assuming that every grid entity contained at least one degree of freedom.

  • Orderings are now able to give a size for every partial container index. This was something that blockCount() could not give on local orderings. This basically unifies the interface for global and local orderings and allows for more complicated blockings on local orderings. Resizing of containers is managed internally on the backends, thus no changes are required for normal use cases.

  • Grid function space (GFS) trees can now accept different entity sets per node if the ordering allows it. That is, all entity sets below an entity blocking tag are expected to be the same, otherwise, the ordering will issue an exception. Additionally, the root node in a grid function space tree may also contain a different partition which will be used in the assembly process (e.g. a union of all entity sets from leaf nodes). If no other entity set was given, the root node will usually take the first leaf node entity set. This is in particular very useful when used together with dune-multidomaingrid, which allows to create different sub domains on a given grid. The test dune/pdelab/test/ gives an example of usage.

  • Added an optional method to skip entities/intersections and avoid costly and unnecessary bind/assembly. To activate them one has to set the doSkipEntity/doSkipIntersection flags and implement the skip_entity/skip_intersection methods in the local operator. See local operator interface for detailed information.

PDELab 2.7

  • Change the local operator interface for nonlinear jacobian apply methods. The vector representing the current solution (x) and the vector that the jacobian is applied on (z) can now have different type. Note: This is a change in the interface description of the local operator interface but will not break any user code since all calls to the local operator through a grid operator will use the same type for x and z.

  • The number of preconditioner steps for sequential ISTL solvers is now a runtime parameter. It is now set to 1 as a default in contrast to before where we always applied 3 preconditioner steps. This will change the number of preconditioner/solver steps in all codes using those solvers. You can always restore the old behavior by setting preconditioner_steps to 3 in the constructor of your solver.

  • Change the default parameters of the convectiondiffusiondg local operator. Instead of NIPG, no weights and penalty factor alpha=0 we now use SIPG, weights and alpha=1 as default. Note that this is not backward compatible so you need to change your code if you used the default parameters and want to keep the behavior.

  • The nonlinear_jacobian_apply method of the grid operator is deprecated. Instead you should use the new jacobian_apply_method taking the same arguments. In addition you need to set the new isLinear flag in your local operator to true.

  • The Newton solver was rewritten. The old implementation is still around with the name OldNewton and is deprecated. The new Newton can be found in dune/pdelab/solver/newton.hh and works quite similar but avoids the diamond inheritance pattern. Instead the Newton solver holds objects for the line search and the termination criterion which can be replaced at runtime. The prepareStep and apply methods can be changed by inheriting from the Newton solver and overriding the methods.

    Another change is that Newton does not store a pointer to the initial guess anymore. Instead you need to provide an initial guess when calling appyl.

  • The adapter class Experimental::GridFunctionSpace that allows to use dune-functions function space bases as GridFunctionSpace implementations has gained limited support for distributed computations.

  • The OneStepGridOperator has been fixed to correctly handle Dirichlet-constrained DOFs in the overlap region when re-interpolating boundary condition values between stages (i.e. whenn you call the version of apply() on the OneStepMethod that takes a boundary value function).

  • There is now a convenience header dune/pdelab.hh which includes the entire module. It can replace the usual bulk of includes, improves copy-pastability of PDELab code and makes life easier for beginners.

  • The class Pk1dLocalFiniteElement (a 1d Lagrange element with run-time order) has been deprecated. Please use LagrangeLocalFiniteElement from [dune-localfunctions][] instead.

PDELab 2.6

  • This release introduces a first step of our transition to use dune-functions. For that reason, dune-functions is now a hard requirement of dune-pdelab.

  • Finite element maps must now export their dimension as a nested static constexpr int dimension. Existing finite elements should mostly still work in this version (although some features will be disabled), and users will be warned about the missing type during normal usage.

  • We now try to extract the "natural" block size from the finite element maps of leaf GridFunctionSpaces when constructing a vector for a function space. This means that as long as you are not doing really weird things with your fixed blocking (the one that influences the block size of the FieldVector), you do not have to specify the block size in the ISTL::VectorBackend anymore and PDELab will just do the right thing. If you are using a finite element map from which PDELab cannot extract this natural block size, you will now get a compiler error telling you to manually set the correct block size (but it is more likely that you have an actual bug in your code!). You will also get a compiler error if you try to specify a block size in the vector backend for a CompositeGridFunctionSpace or a PowerGridFunctionSpace.

    In order for PDELab to extract this information, it needs support from the FiniteElementMap. If you have written a custom FiniteElementMap with a fixed block size, just make sure that the member function FEM::size(GeometryType) is static and constexpr and can actually be executed in constexpr context (mostly, that means that it doesn't use any run time information).

  • Function space interpolation now supports interpolating vector-valued functions into function space trees of arbitrary shape. Previously, it was only possible to interpolate vector-valued functions into a function space tree of exactly depth 1. This makes it possible to e.g. directly specify the initial value for a Taylor-Hood space, which has the structure Composite(Power(P2,dim),P1). In this case, you can simply create a function for the initial value like this:

    auto f = Dune::Functions::makeAnalyticGridViewFunction(
      [](auto x)
        Dune::FieldVector<double,dim+1> r;
        r[0] = velocity_x;
        // ...
        r[dim] = pressure;
  • The L2 local operator now works for systems as well as scalar spaces. The PowerL2 has been deprecated and will be removed after this release, just switch to the standard L2 operator.

  • The L2 local operator now calculates a reasonable default for the integration order, using the same formula as most other operators (2*lfsu.finiteElement().localBasis().order()). As a consequence, the meaning of the first constructor parameter has changed: It now designates an overintegration order that gets added to the base integration order. Unfortunately, it is difficult to issue a compile warning for this behavior change. Please make sure to update your code accordingly, otherwise you might experience severe slowdowns when using this operator!

  • An implementation of the GenEO (Generalized Eigenproblems in the Overlap) spectral coarse space (see Spillane et al., 2014) is introduced. It can be applied as an extremely robust two-level additive Schwarz method or as an efficient coarse model. This implementation has been shown to scale well up to 2048 processor cores (see Reinarz et al., 2018), solving a highly heterogeneous and anisotropic linear elasticity problem with 170 mio DOFs at around two minutes. Its structure allows to easily introduce other coarse spaces, both global and defined per-subdomain.

    Applying this coarse space requires two particular matrices to be set up for the generalized eigenproblems. One is defined as the discretization matrix with Neumann conditions at processor boundaries; the other is the same, however zeroed out away from the overlap region. Tools are provided to easily reuse the usual discretization matrix assembly. For an example, see the GenEO unit test included in PDELab.

PDELab 2.5

  • dune-functions now is a hard requirement of dune-pdelab.

  • PDELab now correctly assembles constraints on periodic boundaries.

  • The previously deprecated template parameter on the GridOperator that enabled non-overlapping mode is now removed. Non-overlapping computations are based on EntitySets now, see the corresponding part of this changelog.

  • The electrodynamics operators in electrodynamic.hh have seen some bugfixes and modernization. They still suffer some limitations though: Spatially varying coefficients are not possible, as documented in electrodynamic.hh.

  • The ExplicitOneStepMethod now correctly handles Dirichlet boundary conditions.

  • UMFPack can now be used as a subdomain solver in an overlapping Schwarz method, just like SuperLU can. The corresponding backend class ISTLBackend_OVLP_CG_UMFPack can be found in ovlpistlsolverbackend.hh.

  • gridfunctionadapter.hh provides adapters for commonly used calculations with grid functions:

    • DifferenceAdapter provides a grid function implementing the difference of two grid functions
    • DifferenceSquaredAdapter implements the squared difference of two grid functions This code had been copied around by a lot of people, so we provide it in dune-pdelab for convenience.
  • The interior penalty DG implementation of Navier Stokes has seen some bugfixes and cleanup. See the merge request 161 for details on how to adapt your code.

  • As it was really easy to miss correctly initializing the entity sets of function spaces that are part of a composite or power tree, this release changes the PartitionViewEntitySet constructor so that an entity set constructed simply by calling auto es = EntitySet(grid_view) will contain index information for all codimensions and will be initialized during the constructor call. This has a negligible performance overhead when using the AllEntitySet<> template, but can become more of a problem for non-overlapping computations. But for non-overlapping computations, you will have to manually construct the entityset anyway to avoid problems during interpolation and constraints processing.

    If you do not want your entity set to auto-initialize, construct it with auto es = EntitySet(grid_view,false). This will give you the old behavior (does not contain any codims, does not get initialized in the constructor).

  • Removed support for autotools and cleaned up the CMake build system using the latest infrastructure from dune-common. The previously introduced macro pdelab_add_test is now superseded by dune_add_test from dune-common.

  • The case of some namespaces has been changed for consistency reasons. This applies to

    • Dune::PDELab::istl -> Dune::PDELab::ISTL
    • Dune::PDELab::EIGEN -> Dune::PDELab::Eigen
    • Dune::PDELab::simple -> Dune::PDELab::Simple

    Please update your code accordingly. A quick way to do so is

    git grep -l "istl::" | xargs perl -i -pe "s/istl::/ISTL::/g"

    The old namespace still works, but unfortunately we haven't found a way to emit a deprecation warning if code still uses it, so the automatic conversion shown above is probably your best bet.

  • Directly including any files in the directory dune/pdelab/backend/istl/ is deprecated; doing so after 2.5 will probably not work anymore. If you are using ISTL, just include the single header dune/pdelab/backend/istl.hh instead. This also holds for the other backends, please include dune/pdelab/backend/eigen.hh or dune/pdelab/backend/simple.hh, respectively.

  • It is now possible to handle trees of dune-functions functions in the same way as we support trees of DiscreteGridFunctions. Internally we now build upon the dune-functions concept and provide the necessary wrapper classes (see makeLocalFunctionTree).

  • The new class DiscreteGridViewFunction implements the dune-functions functions concept using PDELab::GridFunctionSpace instead of a dune-functions basis. This is a major step to fully support dune-functions. Note: Currently we only support the first and second derivative of a DiscreteGridViewFunction.

  • We now support callables (and in particular lambda expressions) in many places:

    1. it is now possible to pass an analytic function to interpolate as a callable. Internally we disctinguish between GridFunctions and callables.
    2. As a temporary hack until we fully support the new dune-functions interfaces, it is possible to construct GridFunctions, InstationaryGridFunctions and BoundaryConditionAdapter (if you only use dirichlet and neumann conditions) from callables through helper functions in dune/pdelab/function/callableadapter.hh. The callables can either use global coordinates or local coordinates. Note: this feature will vanish in our course to a full transition to support dune-functions.

PDELab 2.4

  • PDELab has updated its minimum compiler requirements. You now need a compiler that is at least compatible with GCC 4.7 in C++11 mode.

  • The PDELab build system now uses the dune_enable_all_packages() feature and thus requires at least CMake 2.8.12 to build.

  • PDELab 2.4.0 requires at least version 2.4.0 of the core modules.

  • In stride with the changes to the core modules, a lot of backwards compatibility code for older compilers was removed.

  • There has been a major cleanup of the local operators included in PDELab. There were lots of duplicate implementations that had similar features, but often used very different interfaces. A lot of the older, badly maintained operators have been deprecated or removed, and there is now a much smaller set of operators that you should use. Moreover, different operators for the same type of problem (e.g. versions for Continuous Galerkin, DG and Finite Volumes) now typically use the same parameter interfaces, making it much easier to test different discretizations. In particular:

    • For convection-diffusion-reaction problems, there are now three files convectiondiffusionfem.hh, convectiondiffusiondg.hh and convectiondiffusionccfv.hh, with a unified parameter interface in convectiondiffusionparameter.hh. The implementation in diffusionmixed.hh also uses this parameter interface whereas convectiondiffusion.hh which has been renamed to nonlinearconvectiondiffusionfem.hh uses its own parameter interface. All other diffusion-type and convection-type operators have been deprecated and will be removed after PDELab 2.4.

    • The parameter class ConvectionDiffusion_Diffusion_Adapter has been deprecated and moved from convectiondiffusionparameter.hh to the deprecated parameter interface in diffusionparam.hh. Note that the usage of this old parameter interface is now strongly discouraged since it leads to a hard compile error in order to avoid a deprecation warning whenever convectiondiffusionparameter.hh is being included.

    • New Darcy velocity adapters in darcyccfv.hh and darcyfem.hh as well as a permeability adapter in permeability_adapter.hh.

    • There has been a massive reorganization of the (Navier-)Stokes code. All implementations now use a common parameter class, and we now have three implementations: one based on standard Taylor-Hood elements (in taylorhoodnavierstokes.hh, renamed from cg_stokes.hh), a similar implementation using a DG discretization (in dgnavierstokes.hh) and a discontinuous Galerkin discretization that uses a vector-valued finite element for the velocity (in dgnavierstokesvelvecfem.hh). All of these implementations now also have fully analytic jacobians.

    • vectorwave.hh has been broken for a long time, and as we could not identify any users, it was removed without a deprecation period.

    • The method g() in the parameter class for the convection diffusion operators now expects an unwrapped entity (that means you have to call it with eg.entity() instead of just eg(). The version of g() that can be called with an intersection has been deprecated, please always call the version taking an entity.

    • All of the operators were updated to new standards in the 2.4 release of the core modules (copyable entities and intersections, renamed dimension constants, range-based for loops etc.).

    • All remaining traces of mimetic finite differences support (which has been broken since at least PDELab 1.1) have been removed.

    • The header instationary/onestep.hh has been split into separate headers for the implicit and explicit one step methods and the parameter classes with the Butcher tableaus. The implementation of the class FilenameHelper has been moved to common/instationaryfilenamehelper.hh.

    • The possibility to swap velocity and pressure subtree in dgstokes using the VBLOCK preprocessing variable was removed without a deprecation period.

  • The linear algebra backends have also seen a large cleanup:

    • The code for the different backends has been moved into separate subdirectories like backend/istl, backend/eigen etc. As part of this change, many files have had their naming improved. As an example, istlvectorbackend.hh is now simply istl/vector.hh.

    • Similarly, all of the classes have been moved to corresponding subnamespaces of Dune::PDELab. The old classes in the namespace Dune::PDELab have all been deprecated. Note that when you switch from Dune::PDELab::ISTLVectorBackend to Dune::PDELab::istl::VectorBackend, the type of the enum used to describe the desired blocking also changes to Dune::PDELab::istl::Blocking. The values of the old and the new enum can be mapped using the following table:

      Dune::PDELab::ISTLParameters::Blocking Dune::PDELab::istl::Blocking
      no_blocking none
      dynamic_blocking bcrs
      static_blocking fixed

      The new identifiers are hopefully better at conveying the actual result of choosing a particular type of blocking.

    • There are now alias templates that provide a much more readable way of extracting vector and matrix types from function spaces that feels a lot more like simply using a class template:

      • Vectors

        // old
        typedef typename Dune::PDELab::BackendVectorSelector<GFS,Field>::Type Vec;
        // new
        using Vec = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Vector<GFS,Field>;
      • Matrices

        // old
        typedef typename Dune::PDELab::BackendMatrixSelector<Backend,ColumnVector,RowVector,Field>::Type Mat;
        // new
        using Mat = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Matrix<Backend,ColumnVector,RowVector,Field>;
    • The backend infrastructure now has a common method for extracting the native vectors and matrices for all backends from the PDELab-specific wrappers. In PDELab 2.0, you could use the raw() functions and raw_type metafunctions for the ISTL backends, but the other backends didn't have any comparable feature. In 2.4, there is now a function native() and an alias template Native<> for this purpose:

      • Types

        using NativeVector = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Native<Vec>; // a native ISTL BlockVector
        using IdemPotentVector = Dune::PDELab::Backend::Native<NativeVector>; // the functionality is idempotent
      • Objects

        auto& native_vector = native(vec);

      The native() function can typically be found using ADL, so you don't have to specify a namespace (like the entity iteration functions in dune-grid).

    • The older, ISTL-specific mechanism using raw() and raw_type<> has been deprecated and will be removed after PDELab 2.4.

    • The old ISTLMatrixBackend has been deprecated and will be removed after PDELab 2.4. Please switch to the new istl::BCRSMatrixBackend, which is much faster during pattern construction. Note, however, that the new construction method requires you to provide an approximate guess for the average number of non-zero matrix entries per row. A wrong guess will slow down the program, but it will not cause any fatal errors. After matrix construction, the matrix provides you with some statistics about the quality of your guess through the member function BCRSMatrix::patternStatistics().

      In the case of structured grids it is possible to derive a reasonable estimate for the number of non-zeros that is in the most cases even exact. Considering the simplest case of a continuous Galerkin discretization of a scalar valued quantity with polynomial degree deg in dim dimensions the number of non-zeros can be set to (2deg+1)^dim* which corresponds to the stencil of a discretization with cubic elements.

      The number of non-zeros also depends on the blocking of the unknowns. For a discontinuous Galerkin discretization with Dune::PDELab::istl::Blocking set to fixed this number is independent on the polynomial degree. It only depends on the number of faces the mesh elements have which leads to 2dim+1* on cubic grids and dim+2 on simplicial grids. When considering discretizations involving vector-valued quantities the number of non-zeros depend both on the blocking and on the ordering of the unknows. The following table summarizes a reasonable choice for the pattern construction in common cases:

      • Scalar valued quantities

        Discretization Number of non-zeros
        Continuous Galerkin (2 deg + 1)^dim
        DG on cubic grids, blocking enabled 2 dim + 1
        DG on simplicial grids, blocking enabled dim + 2
        DG, blocking enabled, mass matrix 1
      • Vector valued quantities, using the ordering Dune::PDELab::EntityBlockedOrderingTag

        Discretization Number of non-zeros
        DG on cubic grids, blocking enabled 2 dim + 1
        DG on simplicial grids, blocking enabled dim + 2
        DG, blocking enabled, mass matrix 1

        Note that the number of non-zeros is equal to the scalar case.

      • Vector valued quantities, using the ordering Dune::PDELab::LexicographicOrderingTag

        Discretization Number of non-zeros
        DG on cubic grids, blocking enabled # Childs * (2 dim + 1)
        DG on simplicial grids, blocking enabled # Childs * (dim + 2)
        DG, blocking enabled, mass matrix # Childs
  • Tests for PDELab are now created using a new CMake function pdelab_add_test(), which makes it possible to have tests that run on multiple MPI ranks as well as a number of other interesting features. If you are interested, you can also use this function in your own modules -- take a look at cmake/modules/DunePdelabTestMacros.cmake for the documentation. DUNE 2.5 will contain a similar feature in the core modules. Moreover, make test will not build the PDELab tests anymore before running them, you have to explicitly build them using make build_tests. The manual approach avoids lots of dark CMake magic and makes it possible to build multiple tests in parallel.

  • The support for nonoverlapping parallel computations has been completely rewritten due to changes in the upstream modules and is now much more robust. This rewrite does, however, fundamentally change a number of PDELab internals:

    • GridFunctionSpaces and everything built on top of them (GridOperators, constraints etc.) are now defined on an EntitySet instead of a GridView. This EntitySet can span a set of parallel partitions that is smaller than Partitions::all. Its interface is very similar to that of a GridView. The most important difference is that it provides an IndexSet that is restricted to the underlying parallel partition set, i.e. the indices of that set are consecutive on that partition set. Users can still create a GridFunctionSpace on top of a GridView, which will automatically be wrapped during construction of the space, but internally, all of PDELab now expects an EntitySet.

    • For nonoverlapping computations, users now must manually construct a correct NonOverlappingEntitySet and pass it to the GridFunctionSpace. The EntitySet has value semantics, but it is important to only create it once and then copy it afterwards, as all copies will share a single IndexSet, and this index set can be expensive in terms of both setup time and memory usage.

    • Nonoverlapping computations should now use ConformingDirichletConstraints instead of NonoverlappingConformingDirichletConstraints, as there are no ghost DOFs that need to be constrained anymore.

    • The template parameter nonoverlapping_mode of the GridOperator is deprecated, the correct parallelization model is extracted from the function spaces and their EntitySet.

    • Take a look at test/ for an example of how to port your existing programs.

    • The FiniteElementMap API has been extended with a method bool hasDOFs(int codim). All FiniteElementMap implementations must support this method, which has to return true if it is possible that DOFs might be attached to the given codimension.

  • The support for matrix-free operator applications has been reworked to properly support matrix-free operator application for nonlinear problems. The existing infrastructure only supplied the implementation with a single input parameter z and operated on the assumption that the Jacobian of the residual was constant, i.e. it implemented the update y = y + J * z, where J is the (constant) Jacobian. This does not work for nonlinear problems!

    In order to remedy this problem, the GridOperator now has an additional method nonlinear_apply_jacobian(x,z,r), where x denotes the position at which to evaluate the jacobian. In other words, the new method implements the update y = y + J(x) * z.

    In order to support this new method, the interface of the local operator has been extended by new versions of the jacobian_apply_*() methods, which take two input variables, one for x and one for z, e.g.

    template<typename EG, typename LFSU, typename X, typename LFSV, typename Y>
    void jacobian_apply_volume(const EG& eg, const LFSU& lfsu, const X& x, const X& z, const LFSV& lfsv, Y& y) const;

    Note the additional parameter x.

    PDELab also provides a numerical implementation of those new methods. The existing mixin classes like NumericalJacobianApplyVolume now provide both the linear and the nonlinear versions of the corresponding local operator methods. In addition, there are new mixins like NumericalNonlinearJacobianApplyVolume that only provide the nonlinear versions. Use those methods for nonlinear local operators to avoid accidentally using the linear version of jacobian_apply(), which will yield incorrect results for nonlinear problems. Also, don't inherit from both mixins, as that will cause compiler errors due to an ambiguous name lookup. If you want your local operator to support both the linear and the nonlinear numerical implementation, just inherit from the existing mixins without Nonlinear in their name.

  • The StationaryMatrixLinearSolver has been deprecated. Please use the StationaryLinearProblemSolver instead.

  • The PermutationOrdering has been deprecated. Please use PermutedOrdering instead.

  • There is a new ordering decorator that chunks the index spaces of its children according to a simple list of chunk sizes. Take a look at test/ for an example of how to use this decorator.

  • The deprecated and broken support for multi step methods has been removed.

  • gridfunctionspace/gridfunctionspaceutilities.hh now contains grid functions for the divergence and curl of a vector field, even for VectorGridFunctionSpaces as in the Taylor-Hood case.

  • The Newton solver implementation now defaults to not reallocating the matrix for each iteration, which will significantly speed up the solver in many cases. If this setting is problematic for your program, it can be overridden using either a method on the Newton class and the ParameterTree interface.

  • (Hopefully) all of the APIs deprecated in PDELab 2.0 have been removed.

  • The PermutationOrderingTag and its implementation have been deprecated. If you need to permute an ordering, apply the Permuted<> decorator instead.

  • There are probably some additional APIs that have been deprecated for removal after the release of PDELab 2.4.

  • We have added a few additional tests and fixed some of the existing ones by either removing clearly broken tests or updating them to work again.

  • A lot of existing code has been updated to take advantage of C++11 features like range-based for loops and auto.

  • Lots and lots of bug fixes.

Release history

PDELab 2.4.0-rc1
  • Initial release candidate

PDELab 2.0

  • The TypeTree library is now an external dependency. See README for information on how to obtain it.

  • PDELab now supports building with CMake in addition to autotools.

  • The DOF handling and the linear algebra backends have been completely rewritten to allow for more flexibility (nested vectors / matrices, more elaborate blocking / DOF reordering). Most of these changes are transparent to the average user, but you will have to change the typedef of your vector and matrix backends. Changing the matrix backend might also speed up matrix pattern construction (see below for further details). If you have been working with some of the internals of the GridFunctionSpace (e.g. by writing your own discrete grid functions that need to load data from a solution vector), you will have to adapt your code to the new index mapping and DOF access structure. See the file doc/README.Changes-2.0 for further details.

  • There has been an important change to the way nested GridFunctionSpaces can be used: It is no longer allowed to use a GridFunctionSpace on its own and then integrate it into a larger system of spaces at a later time. Trying to do so will result in an exception at run time. This change was necessary as part of the move to the new DOF handling.

  • There is a new, vastly improved pattern building algorithm for ISTL matrices, which is a lot faster than the old version and also avoid the problem of requiring twice as much memory as the final matrix during pattern construction. You can select the new algorithm by using the new class Dune::PDELab::istl::BCRSMatrixBackend. The new algorithm requires you to supply an approximate guesstimate of the average number of matrix entries per row, which you pass to the constructor of the matrix backend. That matrix backend is then passed to the constructor of the GridOperator. After matrix construction, you can query the matrix container for statistics about the pattern creation process, in particular about the quality of your guess. If your guess was bad, the performance (both memory and run time wise) will slowly degrade, so you should try to pass in a good value, even though it does not have to be optimal. All of the examples in the Howto have been ported to the new backend and can be used as a template for porting user programs.

  • There are a number of new finite element maps, e.g. Brezzi-Douglas-Marini, a larger number of Raviart-Thomas elements, and new QkDG finite element maps.

  • General overhaul of many FiniteElementMaps: Instead of having different classes depending on the order and dimension, there is now usually a single class that can be parameterized using template parameters. The old headers and classes have been deprecated and will be removed after the 2.0 release.

  • As part of the new DOF handling, FiniteElementMaps now need to export some information about the DOF layout, in particular whether they are fixed size (i.e. always attach the same number of DOFs to an entity of given GeometryType) and if they do, the number of those DOFs. This extra information allows us to avoid a grid traversal for fixed size FEMs.

  • The ExplicitOneStepMethod now supports limiters. There is a rather minimal interface (the limiter gets called at the beginning of each stage with the old solution and at the end of each stage with the new one). It uses a virtual interface, allowing you to switch limiters at run time.

  • Nonoverlapping grids can now be used without creating DOFs on the ghost partition, improving surface-to- volume ratio and simplifying the AMG implementation for nonoverlapping grids. In order to use this mode, you have to pass a special OrderingTag to the leaf GridFunctionSpaces and define them on a GridView that is restricted to the InteriorBorder partition. See dune/pdelab/test/ for an example.

  • The constraints files were cleaned up. Now all constraints files have been moved to the directory dune/pdelab/constraints (instead of the previous split between dune/pdelab/constraints and dune/pdelab/finiteelementmap). The infrastructure headers are now in dune/pdelab/constraints/common. The old headers are still there in this release, but they have been deprecated and will be removed after 2.0.

  • There is new support infrastructure for automatically disassembling the GridFunctionSpace of a system and outputting all of the components to a VTK file. See doc/README.Changes-2.0 for further information.

  • The new VectorGridFunctionSpace can be used to represent vector-valued fields. It acts like a combination of a scalar GridFunctionSpace and a PowerGridFunctionSpace on top of it. As an added bonus, it will automatically be detected by the new VTK output code and will be written as a vector-valued solution to VTK.

  • The adaptivity support has been fixed and now also works for systems of variables. As long as there are no hanging nodes, it should also work for arbitrary discretizations.

  • The new PermutedOrdering is a decorator that can be used to wrap an existing ordering tag and perform arbitrary permutations of the DOFs in that underlying ordering.

  • The ISTL vector backend now provides an iterator for flat iteration over the scalar entries in the vector, automatically traversing a possible block structure. This can be very useful when you want to simply dump or load the contents of a vector for debug or restart purposes.

  • The GridOperatorSpace, which had been broken for a long time, has now been completely removed.

  • The GridFunctionSpace data handles have been completely rewritten and now support communication per entity or per DOF. To avoid code duplication, they have been split into data handles and gather/scatter objects responsible for the actual data handling.

  • There have been numerous improvements and bugfixes in the local operators.

  • The method Dune::PDELab::istl::raw(x) provides idempotent access to the naked ISTL objects from the PDELab wrappers. They will also work correctly if passed an unpacked ISTL objects by returning the object itself.

  • The StdVectorBackend is gone, but you can use the new simple backend instead. This new backend even provides a basic CRS matrix.

  • The constructors of the StationaryLinearProblemSolver have been modified to use same order of parameters as the one of the Newton solver. Moreover, there are now also constructors that load the parameters from a Dune::ParameterTree. The old constructors have been deprecated and will be removed after PDELab 2.0.

  • The Eigen backend is mostly functional now and works correctly with the new ordering infrastructure.

  • A number of optimizations to the GridOperator and its engines make for important performance improvements when working with higher-order methods that have a large number of DOFs per element.

  • It is now possible to use a diagonal local matrix for the jacobian assembly to reduce the required memory from N^2 to N if N is the number of DOFs per element.

Releasy history

  • PDELab 2.0.0

    • Fix instructions for obtaining dune-typetree.
    • Link libdunepdelab against libdunecommon.
    • Documentation fixes.
  • PDELab 2.0.0-rc2

    • Buildsystem fixes to include missing headers etc.
    • Improved handling of constraints engine storage in GridFunctionSpace.
    • Fix PkFEM for k >= 3 in 2D, which was broken due to a bug in the variant selection. Also extended interpolation tests to cover this case.
    • Improvements to coding style and correctness in some places.
    • Check for correct cell GeometryType in PkFEM and VariableMonomFEM.
    • Fix broken testordering.
    • Add infrastructure support required for parallel computations with the dune-multidomain extension module.
  • PDELab 2.0.0-rc1

    • initial release candidate.

PDELab 1.1

This is the first release of PDELab after the move from Subversion to Git for version control. You CANNOT find this release on the Subversion server. If you prefer to directly check out the sources instead of using the provided tarballs, please see our website for information on how to access the Git repository.

  • In the directory boilerplate/ you can find a lot of useful infrastructure classes to simplify writing most PDELab programs. For examples on how to use the boilerplate infrastructure, take a look at the Howto.

  • There is now a Jacobi preconditioner for scalar nonoverlapping problems, along with a BiCGStab-based backend using it.

  • Improved support for calculations with complex field type.

  • The parameter class interface for Stokes problems has been redesigned to increase commonality between CG and DG versions.

  • Working adaptivity, including hanging nodes. This functionality is currently restricted to scalar problems.

  • Reimplemented support for matrix-free methods using GridOperator::jacobian_apply().

  • We fixed most of the deprecation warnings due to deprecated APIs in the core modules.

  • Fix for builds from repository with recent versions of autotools.

  • Numerous bug fixes.

    • PDELab 1.1.0

      • Improved documentation for nonoverlapping AMG solvers
    • PDELab 1.1-rc2

      • fix for compilation problem with boilerplate examples in Howto
      • build tarballs using GNU tar and make sure they work without automake installed
    • PDELab 1.1-rc1

      • initial release candidate


The following list is a non-exhaustive overview of possible problems you might encounter with this release.



  • Both the Newton solver and the linear solve currently allocate a new matrix on each call to apply(), which can incur a significant overhead if they are called frequently (e.g. for instationary problems). This will be fixed in a later release.

Linear Algebra Backends

  • Due to changes in the ISTL backend, users who construct their own solvers directly from ISTL primitives will have to make sure to use native ISTL types and variables for this. These can be accessed by the nested typedef ::BaseT and the method .base() for both vectors and matrices. For an example, see src/convection-diffusion/ in dune-pdelab-howto. In general, we encourage usage of the predefined solver backends, though.

  • The PETSc backend is currently broken.

  • The alternative backend for Eigen is not as mature as the ISTL backend yet.


  • Compile times can be really long for non-trivial problems. Some developers have had good success with using the clang compiler instead of GCC during development and bug-testing to reduce compile times.

  • After PDELab 2.0, the minimum compiler requirement of PDELab will be increased to GCC 4.5. Please be aware of this change in minimum requirements.
