All notable changes to dvlpr1996/php-string-helpers
will be documented in this file
Add new methods
- StrUtility::isEmail(string $email): bool
- StrUtility::detectCase(string $word): string
- StrUtility::isLowerCase(string $word): bool
- StrUtility::isUpperCase(string $word): bool
- StrUtility::isTitleCase(string $word): bool
- StrUtility::isSnakeCase(string $word): bool
- StrUtility::validateUserName(string $userName, int $min = 3, int $max = 20): bool
- StrUtility::humanFileSize(int $size, string $type = 'KB'): string
- Updated composer.json schema for namespaces to improve package organization.
fix StrUtility::translate() method bug
Change the implementation of package structure now user can use this library in 3 different ways
- StrUtility usage as object
- StrUtility usage as helper functions
- StrUtility usage as static methods
Add new methods :
- StrUtility::is_ipv4(string $ip): bool
- StrUtility::is_ipv6(string $ip): bool
- StrUtility::after(string $string, string $search): string
- StrUtility::before(string $string, string $search): string
Add new methods :
StrUtility::rmLastWord(string $string)
StrUtility::rmFirstWord(string $string)
StrUtility::is_slug(string $slug)
Change how to use StrUtility::translate() and StrUtility::filePath()
Improve display of errors
- fix project root path bug in translate() and filePath()
- initial release