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Command Structure

David Waring edited this page Feb 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

All built-in rtm-cli commands are automatically parsed from the files in the /src/cmd/ directory in the source code.

Additionally, commands can be added to rtm-cli as a plugin. A plugin can be as simple as a single JavaScript file or a full Node module that exports multiple commands.

Each command corresponds to a single JavaScript file that exports a number of properties that are used to build the command.

Required Module Exports

At a minimum, the file must export the following properties:

Property Type Description
command string The command definition that will be parsed by commander
description string Command description that is displayed in the help output
action function This is the function that will be executed when the command is called


This is a string that will be parsed by commander into the command name and arguments.

Example commands:

No arguments:


A single required argument:

test <index>

A single optional argument:

test [index]

A single optional argument as a list:

test [indices...]

A required argument followed by an optional list:

test <index> [tags...]

An error will be displayed when a required argument is not supplied by the user.

Note: Since commander does not parse a quote-enclosed string as a single argument, any multi-word arguments will have to be given as a list argument (only one list argument can be used and it must be the last argument).


This should be a short and concise description of the command and will be displayed with the list of commands in the --help usage information.


This is the function that is called when the command is executed. It will be given two arguments:

  • args - an array of arguments passed to the command from the user

  • env - the Commander environment, which contains additional command and argument information

Optional Module Exports

Additional properties can be exported as well:

Property Type Description
alias string A single word that is used as an alias for the command
options Object[] Provide one or more options that are only used by this command. This property is an Array of Objects with the following properties:
Property Type Description
option string The commander definition of the option. For a flag option with no arguments: -f, --flag. For an option with an argument: -s, --start <start>
description string The description of the option to be shown in the command help
Options are accessible from the action function via the env object (as properties of env with the keys set to the long-name of the option). Flag options will be set to true when provided and options with arguments will have the argument value set as the object property value. Ex: rtm test --flag --start mon will have the properties set as: env.flag = true and env.start = mon
disableLogin boolean Set this property to true to disable the automatic login check that is typically run before the start of each command. Normally, if there is no stored user information the RTM login procedure is started before a command is run. This will disable that check.
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