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A Graphical Programming Language for Dwenguino

Prerequisites: Arduino IDE and Maven tool

1. Install Arduino IDE
2. Install Maven

Included with Specific Dwenguino modules as follows,

1. LEDS -  Control 8 bit array LEDs 
2. DC Motor - Control 2 DC motor
3. LCD - Access LCD in Dwenguino
4. Sonar - Access ultrasonic sensor
5. Servo - Control 2 Servos 
6. Sensor Panel - Access sensor panel board(an extension board with Dwenguino)
7. Remote - Access TSOP1738 sensor output for Input from Universal TV remote (Sony protocol - tested with MEPL SONY TV REMOTE)

Check here on how to use the blocks -

Steps to generate and use ardublock-all.jar for Dwenguino

1. Download Zip of this repository (which will download as
2. Unzip the repository
3. Using command line navigate to Ardublock-for-Dwenguino-master\openblocks-master and type command "mvn clean install"
4. Then navigate to Ardublock-for-Dwenguino-master\ardublock-master and type command "mvn validate" then "mvn clean install"
5. Then go to Ardublock-for-Dwenguino-master\ardublock-master\target\ and copy ardublock-all.jar
6. Then create folder Documents\Arduino\tools\ArduBlockTool\tool\ and paste ardublock-all.jar here.
7. Open Arduino IDE, goto Tools --> ArduBlock

That's it..!!