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File metadata and controls

424 lines (326 loc) · 11.5 KB

Select Input

Search for and multi-select items in a dropdown.

Create People

Let's create a people table:

mix ecto.gen.migration add_people_table

Add the following fields:

defmodule App.Repo.Migrations.AddPeopleTable do
  use Ecto.Migration

  def change do
    create table(:people) do
      add :name, :string
      add :picture, :string
      add :selected, :boolean, default: false


We have the name, picture and selected fields. We'll update the selected value when the person's name is clicked in the dropdown.

Let's now create a Person schema to manage the data lib/app/tasks/person.ex:

defmodule App.Tasks.Person do
  use Ecto.Schema
  import Ecto.Changeset

  schema "people" do
    field :name, :string
    field :picture, :string
    field :selected, :boolean


  @doc false
  def changeset(person, attrs) do
    |> cast(attrs, [:name, :picture, :selected])
    |> validate_required([:name, :picture])

Then in our Tasks context created in the drag-and-drop example, add the three following functions, lib/app/tasks.ex:

def get_person!(id), do: Repo.get!(Person, id)

def update_person(%Person{} = person, attrs) do
  |> Person.changeset(attrs)
  |> Repo.update()

def list_people do
  Repo.all(from p in Person, order_by: [desc: p.selected, asc:] )

Finally add people via the priv/repo/seeds.exs file:

alias App.Tasks.Person

people = [
    name: "Person1",
    picture: "",
    selected: false
  }, # Add more people, see the seeds file in this repository
|> Enum.each(fn p -> App.Repo.insert!(p) end)

To make sure the seeds are inserted, run:

mix ecto.reset

If you check the mix.exs file you can see the reset is an alias for:

"ecto.setup": ["ecto.create", "ecto.migrate", "run priv/repo/seeds.exs"],
"ecto.reset": ["ecto.drop", "ecto.setup"],

Create a new live endpoint

In lib/app_web/router.ex add a new live endpoint:

  scope "/", AppWeb do
    pipe_through :browser
    # other routes
    live "/select-input", SelectInputLive.Index, :index

Create the lib/app_web/live/select_input_live/index.ex controller:

defmodule AppWeb.SelectInputLive.Index do
  use AppWeb, :live_view
  alias App.Tasks

  @impl true
  def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
    people = Tasks.list_people()
    {:ok, assign(socket, :people, people)}

And finally the LiveView template lib/app_web/live/select_input_live/index.html.heex:

<h1>Select Input</h1>

Run the server mix phx.server and you should be able to see the /select-input page.

Build the Alpine.js component

We're going to start by creating the html structure required for our input and dropdown:

<div class="w-72">
  <input type="text" class="w-full"/>

    <ul class="border bg-white">
      <%= for person <- @people do %>
        <li><%= %></li>
      <% end %>

We have a main div containing the input text and another div which displays the ul and lis html tags.

The "main" div is using a fixed defined by w-72 and we apply the w-full to the input to make sure the width matches the main div width.

We add border bg-white on the ul tag to create a border around the list of items.

You should now have something similar to:


We can now use Alpine.js to hide/show the list of items:

<div class="w-72"
  x-data="{open: false}"
  x-on:click.away="open = false"
  x-on:keydown.escape="open = false"
  <input type="text" 
    x-on:input="open = true"
    x-on:focus="open = true"

    <ul class="border bg-white" x-show="open">
      <%= for person <- @people do %>
        <li><%= %></li>
      <% end %>

We have added x-data="{open: false}" to create the initial value to hide the dropdown by default. We then use x-show on the ul tag. This will track the open boolean value and display accordingly the items.

To change the open value we are using input, focus, click.away and keywdown.escape events on the main div and the input.

The dropdown now should toggle when you start typing in the input. However if there is some content under the input-select, this content will be pushed down when the dropdown is opened. You can test it by adding a new paragraph:

<p class="w-72">More content, more content, more content,
  more content, more content,more content, more content,
  more content, more content,more content, more content,
  more content, more content,more content, more content,
  more content, more content,more content, more content,
  more content, more content,more content, more content,</p>

image image

To fix this we can use the absolute and relative positions on the list

<div class="relative z-10">
    <ul class="absolute border bg-white" x-show="open">
      <%= for person <- @people do %>
        <li><%= %></li>
      <% end %>

With absolute position the list of items is removed from the flow of the page and placed relatively to its parent div containing the relative position. To make sure that no other element on the page could be hiding the the dropdown we have also added the z-10 class to define a z-index value.

Before focusing on the styling of the items we can add the drop-shadow-lg class to have an "hover" effect and make sure there is a max height and we can scroll down the list by using the max-h-64 and overflow-auto classes:

<div class="relative z-11 drop-shadow-lg">
  <ul class="absolute border bg-white max-h-64 overflow-auto w-full" x-show="open">
    <%= for person <- @people do %>
      <li><%= %></li>
    <% end %>


For the items' style we can start with the following classes to add a border, padding a cursor style and a background color on hover:

<li class="border-b p-2 cursor-pointer hover:bg-slate-200">
  <%= %>

We now want to display three elements for our items, the profile picture, the name and a check image to represent the selected value for the person. Let's start with the image and the name:

<li class="border-b p-3 cursor-pointer hover:bg-slate-200">
  <div class="h-10">
    <div class="inline-flex items-center">
      <img src={person.picture} class="w-10 rounded-full mx-2"/>
      <%= %>

We have created a new div inside the li with the class h-10 to give a bit more height to the items. Then another div is used specifically for containing the image and name. We are using the flex classes to be able to center the elements vertically. Finally we have applied the w-10 rounded-full mx-2 to the image to make it round and to define its size and horizontal margin:


Finally to display the check icon, we are using a svg image from Heroicons:

<div class="relative h-10">
  <div class="inline-flex items-center">
    <img src={person.picture} class="w-10 rounded-full mx-2" />
    <%= %>
  <%= if !person.selected do %>
      class="absolute font-bold w-4 top-0 bottom-0 m-auto right-0 text-green-500"
      viewBox="0 0 24 24"
        d="M19.916 4.626a.75.75 0 01.208 1.04l-9 13.5a.75.75 0 01-1.154.114l-6-6a.75.75 0 011.06-1.06l5.353 5.353 8.493-12.739a.75.75 0 011.04-.208z"
  <% end %>

First we have added a relative class in our item div, then in the svg we have the following classes:

class="absolute font-bold w-4 top-0 bottom-0 m-auto right-0 text-green-500"

The absolute class with right-0 places the check on the right side of the item. the top-0 bottom-0 m-auto make the check center vertically:


To finish the css styling, the last issue we want to fix is the overflow of the person name:


<div class="inline-flex items-center w-52">
  <img src={person.picture} class="w-10 rounded-full mx-2" />
  <span class="overflow-hidden text-ellipsis whitespace-nowrap">
    <%= %>

We have added a fixed width the div w-52. Then a span defines how to display the name when the text overflows. In our case we add ellipsis.


Search and select people

To filter the list of people when we start to search add the following Phoenix bindings to the input:

  x-on:input="open = true"
  x-on:focus="open = true"

We are sending the filter-items directly to the Phoenix server. We are also using phx-debounce="250" to only send the event every 250ms.

In lib/app_web/live/select_input_live/index.ex handle the event with:

@impl true
def handle_event("filter-items", %{"key" => _key, "value" => value}, socket) do
  people =
    |> Enum.filter(fn p -> String.contains?(String.downcase(, String.downcase(value)) end)

  {:noreply, assign(socket, :people, people)}

We filter the list of people by checking if the input search matches the person's name.

The other event we want to add is the toggle for the selected value. We add an id and a phx-hook, then we create a new event using Alpine.js dispatch:

<div id="list-items" class="relative z-10 drop-shadow-lg" phx-hook="SelectInput">
  <ul class="absolute border bg-white max-h-64 overflow-auto w-full" x-show="open">
    <%= for person <- @people do %>
        class="border-b p-2 cursor-pointer hover:bg-slate-200"
        x-on:click={"$dispatch('toggle-item', {id: #{}})"}

In lib/assets/js/app.js create the Hook:

// Hook for selecte input example
Hooks.SelectInput = {
  mounted() {
    this.el.addEventListener("toggle-item", e => {
      this.pushEventTo("#list-items", "toggle", {id:})

And finally handle the toggle event in LiveView endpoint:

@impl true
def handle_event("toggle", %{"id" => person_id}, socket) do
  person = Tasks.get_person!(person_id)
  Tasks.update_person(person, %{selected: !person.selected})

  people = Tasks.list_people()
  {:noreply, assign(socket, :people, people)}

You should now have a functional search input with dropdown!

If you think there is a better use of css/html to build this example, don't hesitate to open an issue/PR, thanks!