diff --git a/BUILDIT.md b/BUILDIT.md
index 8577a8c0..a895238d 100644
--- a/BUILDIT.md
+++ b/BUILDIT.md
@@ -21,6 +21,16 @@ it in **20 minutes**. 🏁
> the other tutorials/examples,
> but they are linked in case you get stuck.
+In this log we have written the "CRUD" functions first
+and _then_ built the UI.
+We were able to to do this because we had a good idea
+of which functions we were going to need.
+If you are reading through this
+and scratching your head
+wondering where a particular function will be used,
+simply scroll down to the UI section
+where (_hopefully_) it will all be clear.
## 1. Create a New `Phoenix` App
@@ -869,6 +879,206 @@ So we need a way of:
**a.** Selecting all the `timers` for a given `item`
**b.** Accumulating the `timers` for the `item`
+> **Note**: We would have _loved_
+to find a single `Ecto` function to do this,
+but we didn't.
+If you know of one,
+please share!
+### 5.1 Test for `accummulate_item_timers/1`
+This might feel like we are working in reverse,
+that's because we _are_!
+We are working _back_ from our stated goal
+of accumulating all the `timer` for a given `item`
+so that we can display a _single_ elapsed time
+when an `item` has had more than one timer.
+Open the
+file and add the following block of test code:
+ describe "accumulate timers for a list of items #103" do
+ test "accummulate_item_timers/1 to display cummulative timer" do
+ # https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.13/NaiveDateTime.html#new/2
+ # "Add" -7 seconds: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.13/Time.html#add/3
+ {:ok, seven_seconds_ago} =
+ NaiveDateTime.new(Date.utc_today, Time.add(Time.utc_now, -7))
+ # this is the "shape" of the data that items_with_timers/1 will return:
+ items_with_timers = [
+ %{
+ stop: nil,
+ id: 3,
+ start: nil,
+ text: "This item has no timers",
+ timer_id: nil
+ },
+ %{
+ stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:10.000000],
+ id: 2,
+ start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:00.000000],
+ text: "Item #2 has one active (no end) and one complete timer should total 17sec",
+ timer_id: 3
+ },
+ %{
+ stop: nil,
+ id: 2,
+ start: seven_seconds_ago,
+ text: "Item #2 has one active (no end) and one complete timer should total 17sec",
+ timer_id: 4
+ },
+ %{
+ stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:31.000000],
+ id: 1,
+ start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:26.000000],
+ text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
+ timer_id: 2
+ },
+ %{
+ stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:24.000000],
+ id: 1,
+ start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:18.000000],
+ text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
+ timer_id: 1
+ },
+ %{
+ stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:19:42.000000],
+ id: 1,
+ start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:19:11.000000],
+ text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
+ timer_id: 5
+ }
+ ]
+ # The *interesting* timer is the *active* one (started seven_seconds_ago) ...
+ # The "hard" part to test in accumulating timers are the *active* ones ...
+ acc = Item.accumulate_item_timers(items_with_timers)
+ item_map = Map.new(acc, fn item -> {item.id, item} end)
+ item1 = Map.get(item_map, 1)
+ item2 = Map.get(item_map, 2)
+ item3 = Map.get(item_map, 3)
+ # It's easy to calculate time elapsed for timers that have an stop:
+ assert NaiveDateTime.diff(item1.stop, item1.start) == 42
+ # This is the fun one that we need to be 17 seconds:
+ assert NaiveDateTime.diff(NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), item2.start) == 17
+ # The diff will always be 17 seconds because we control the start in the test data above.
+ # But we still get the function to calculate it so we know it works.
+ # The 3rd item doesn't have any timers, its the control:
+ assert item3.start == nil
+ end
+ end
+This is a large test but most of it is the test data (`items_with_timers`) in the format we will be returning from
+`items_with_timers/1` in the next section.
+With that test in place, we can write the function.
+### 5.2 Implement the `accummulate_item_timers/1` function
+Open the
+file and add the following function:
+@doc """
+ `accumulate_item_timers/1` aggregates the elapsed time
+ for all the timers associated with an item
+ and then subtracs that time from the start value of the *current* active timer.
+ This is done to create the appearance that a single timer is being started/stopped
+ when in fact there are multiple timers in the backend.
+ For MVP we *could* have just had a single timer ...
+ and given the "ugliness" of this code, I wish I had done that!!
+ But the "USP" of our product [IMO] is that
+ we can track the completion of a task across multiple work sessions.
+ And having multiple timers is the *only* way to achieve that.
+ If you can think of a better way of achieving the same result,
+ please share: https://github.com/dwyl/app-mvp-phoenix/issues/103
+ This function *relies* on the list of items being orderd by timer_id ASC
+ because it "pops" the last timer and ignores it to avoid double-counting.
+ """
+ def accumulate_item_timers(items_with_timers) do
+ # e.g: %{0 => 0, 1 => 6, 2 => 5, 3 => 24, 4 => 7}
+ timer_id_diff_map = map_timer_diff(items_with_timers)
+ # e.g: %{1 => [2, 1], 2 => [4, 3], 3 => []}
+ item_id_timer_id_map = Map.new(items_with_timers, fn i ->
+ { i.id, Enum.map(items_with_timers, fn it ->
+ if i.id == it.id, do: it.timer_id, else: nil
+ end)
+ # stackoverflow.com/questions/46339815/remove-nil-from-list
+ |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)
+ }
+ end)
+ # this one is "wasteful" but I can't think of how to simplify it ...
+ item_id_timer_diff_map = Map.new(items_with_timers, fn item ->
+ timer_id_list = Map.get(item_id_timer_id_map, item.id, [0])
+ # Remove last item from list before summing to avoid double-counting
+ {_, timer_id_list} = List.pop_at(timer_id_list, -1)
+ { item.id, Enum.reduce(timer_id_list, 0, fn timer_id, acc ->
+ Map.get(timer_id_diff_map, timer_id) + acc
+ end)
+ }
+ end)
+ # creates a nested map: %{ item.id: %{id: 1, text: "my item", etc.}}
+ Map.new(items_with_timers, fn item ->
+ time_elapsed = Map.get(item_id_timer_diff_map, item.id)
+ start = if is_nil(item.start), do: nil,
+ else: NaiveDateTime.add(item.start, -time_elapsed)
+ { item.id, %{item | start: start}}
+ end)
+ # Return the list of items without duplicates and only the last/active timer:
+ |> Map.values()
+ # Sort list by item.id descending (ordered by timer_id ASC above) so newest item first:
+ |> Enum.sort_by(fn(i) -> i.id end, :desc)
+ end
+There's no getting around this,
+the function is huge and not very pretty.
+But hopefully the comments clarify it.
+If anything is unclear, we're very happy to expand/explain.
+We're also _very_ happy for anyone `else` to refactor it!
+[Please open an issue](https://github.com/dwyl/app-mvp/issues/)
+so we can discuss. 🙏
+### 5.3 Test for `items_with_timers/1`
+Open the
+file and the following test to the bottom:
+ test "Item.items_with_timers/1 returns a list of items with timers" do
+ {:ok, item1} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)
+ {:ok, item2} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)
+ assert Item.get_item!(item1.id).text == item1.text
+ started = NaiveDateTime.utc_now()
+ {:ok, timer1} =
+ Timer.start(%{item_id: item1.id, person_id: 1, start: started})
+ {:ok, _timer2} =
+ Timer.start(%{item_id: item2.id, person_id: 1, start: started})
+ assert NaiveDateTime.diff(timer1.start, started) == 0
+ # list items with timers:
+ item_timers = Item.items_with_timers(1)
+ assert length(item_timers) > 0
+ end
## 6. Add Authentication
@@ -878,6 +1088,7 @@ This section borrows heavily from:
## X. _Accumulate_ `timers`
diff --git a/lib/app/item.ex b/lib/app/item.ex
index ea1fefbb..53b34d91 100644
--- a/lib/app/item.ex
+++ b/lib/app/item.ex
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ defmodule App.Item do
- def items_with_timers(person_id \\ 1) do
+ def items_with_timers(person_id \\ 0) do
sql = """
SELECT i.id, i.text, i.status, i.person_id, t.start, t.stop, t.id as timer_id FROM items i
FULL JOIN timers as t ON t.item_id = i.id
diff --git a/test/app/item_test.exs b/test/app/item_test.exs
index 4448f502..7771994e 100644
--- a/test/app/item_test.exs
+++ b/test/app/item_test.exs
@@ -39,6 +39,78 @@ defmodule App.ItemTest do
assert {:ok, %Item{} = item} = Item.update_item(item, @update_attrs)
assert item.text == "some updated text"
+ end
+ describe "accumulate timers for a list of items #103" do
+ test "accummulate_item_timers/1 to display cummulative timer" do
+ # https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.13/NaiveDateTime.html#new/2
+ # "Add" -7 seconds: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.13/Time.html#add/3
+ {:ok, seven_seconds_ago} =
+ NaiveDateTime.new(Date.utc_today, Time.add(Time.utc_now, -7))
+ items_with_timers = [
+ %{
+ stop: nil,
+ id: 3,
+ start: nil,
+ text: "This item has no timers",
+ timer_id: nil
+ },
+ %{
+ stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:10.000000],
+ id: 2,
+ start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:00.000000],
+ text: "Item #2 has one active (no end) and one complete timer should total 17sec",
+ timer_id: 3
+ },
+ %{
+ stop: nil,
+ id: 2,
+ start: seven_seconds_ago,
+ text: "Item #2 has one active (no end) and one complete timer should total 17sec",
+ timer_id: 4
+ },
+ %{
+ stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:31.000000],
+ id: 1,
+ start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:26.000000],
+ text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
+ timer_id: 2
+ },
+ %{
+ stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:24.000000],
+ id: 1,
+ start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:18.000000],
+ text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
+ timer_id: 1
+ },
+ %{
+ stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:19:42.000000],
+ id: 1,
+ start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:19:11.000000],
+ text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
+ timer_id: 5
+ }
+ ]
+ # The *interesting* timer is the *active* one (started seven_seconds_ago) ...
+ # The "hard" part to test in accumulating timers are the *active* ones ...
+ acc = Item.accumulate_item_timers(items_with_timers)
+ item_map = Map.new(acc, fn item -> {item.id, item} end)
+ item1 = Map.get(item_map, 1)
+ item2 = Map.get(item_map, 2)
+ item3 = Map.get(item_map, 3)
+ # It's easy to calculate time elapsed for timers that have an stop:
+ assert NaiveDateTime.diff(item1.stop, item1.start) == 42
+ # This is the fun one that we need to be 17 seconds:
+ assert NaiveDateTime.diff(NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), item2.start) == 17
+ # The diff will always be 17 seconds because we control the start in the test data above.
+ # But we still get the function to calculate it so we know it works.
+ # The 3rd item doesn't have any timers, its the control:
+ assert item3.start == nil
+ end
test "Item.items_with_timers/1 returns a list of items with timers" do
{:ok, item1} = Item.create_item(@valid_attrs)
diff --git a/test/app/timer_test.exs b/test/app/timer_test.exs
index 7f205362..0c5f39db 100644
--- a/test/app/timer_test.exs
+++ b/test/app/timer_test.exs
@@ -62,76 +62,4 @@ defmodule App.TimerTest do
assert "Keep on truckin'"
- describe "accumulate timers #103" do
- test "accummulate_item_timers/1 to display cummulative timer" do
- # https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.13/NaiveDateTime.html#new/2
- # "Add" -7 seconds: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/1.13/Time.html#add/3
- {:ok, seven_seconds_ago} =
- NaiveDateTime.new(Date.utc_today, Time.add(Time.utc_now, -7))
- items_with_timers = [
- %{
- stop: nil,
- id: 3,
- start: nil,
- text: "This item has no timers",
- timer_id: nil
- },
- %{
- stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:10.000000],
- id: 2,
- start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:00.000000],
- text: "Item #2 has one active (no end) and one complete timer should total 17sec",
- timer_id: 3
- },
- %{
- stop: nil,
- id: 2,
- start: seven_seconds_ago,
- text: "Item #2 has one active (no end) and one complete timer should total 17sec",
- timer_id: 4
- },
- %{
- stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:31.000000],
- id: 1,
- start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:26.000000],
- text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
- timer_id: 2
- },
- %{
- stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:24.000000],
- id: 1,
- start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:18:18.000000],
- text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
- timer_id: 1
- },
- %{
- stop: ~N[2022-07-17 11:19:42.000000],
- id: 1,
- start: ~N[2022-07-17 11:19:11.000000],
- text: "Item with 3 complete timers that should add up to 42 seconds elapsed",
- timer_id: 5
- }
- ]
- # The *interesting* timer is the *active* one (started seven_seconds_ago) ...
- # The "hard" part to test in accumulating timers are the *active* ones ...
- acc = Item.accumulate_item_timers(items_with_timers)
- item_map = Map.new(acc, fn item -> {item.id, item} end)
- item1 = Map.get(item_map, 1)
- item2 = Map.get(item_map, 2)
- item3 = Map.get(item_map, 3)
- # It's easy to calculate time elapsed for timers that have an stop:
- assert NaiveDateTime.diff(item1.stop, item1.start) == 42
- # This is the fun one that we need to be 17 seconds:
- assert NaiveDateTime.diff(NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), item2.start) == 17
- # The diff will always be 17 seconds because we control the start in the test data above.
- # But we still get the function to calculate it so we know it works.
- # The 3rd item doesn't have any timers, its the control:
- assert item3.start == nil
- end
- end