diff --git a/crates/red_knot_python_semantic/resources/mdtest/narrow/type.md b/crates/red_knot_python_semantic/resources/mdtest/narrow/type.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..01d2646198f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/red_knot_python_semantic/resources/mdtest/narrow/type.md
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Narrowing for checks involving `type(x)`
+## `type(x) is C`
+class A: ...
+class B: ...
+def get_a_or_b() -> A | B:
+    return A()
+x = get_a_or_b()
+if type(x) is A:
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: A
+    # It would be wrong to infer `B` here. The type
+    # of `x` could be a subclass of `A`, so we need
+    # to infer the full union type:
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: A | B
+## `type(x) is not C`
+class A: ...
+class B: ...
+def get_a_or_b() -> A | B:
+    return A()
+x = get_a_or_b()
+if type(x) is not A:
+    # Same reasoning as above: no narrowing should occur here.
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: A | B
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: A
+## `type(x) == C`, `type(x) != C`
+No narrowing can occur for equality comparisons, since there might be a custom `__eq__`
+implementation on the metaclass.
+TODO: Narrowing might be possible in some cases where the classes themselves are `@final` or their
+metaclass is `@final`.
+class IsEqualToEverything(type):
+    def __eq__(cls, other):
+        return True
+class A(metaclass=IsEqualToEverything): ...
+class B(metaclass=IsEqualToEverything): ...
+def get_a_or_b() -> A | B:
+    return B()
+x = get_a_or_b()
+if type(x) == A:
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: A | B
+if type(x) != A:
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: A | B
+## No narrowing for custom `type` callable
+class A: ...
+class B: ...
+def type(x):
+    return int
+def get_a_or_b() -> A | B:
+    return A()
+x = get_a_or_b()
+if type(x) is A:
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: A | B
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: A | B
+## No narrowing for multiple arguments
+No narrowing should occur if `type` is used to dynamically create a class:
+def get_str_or_int() -> str | int:
+    return "test"
+x = get_str_or_int()
+if type(x, (), {}) is str:
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: str | int
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: str | int
+## No narrowing for keyword arguments
+`type` can't be used with a keyword argument:
+def get_str_or_int() -> str | int:
+    return "test"
+x = get_str_or_int()
+# TODO: we could issue a diagnostic here
+if type(object=x) is str:
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: str | int
+## Narrowing if `type` is aliased
+class A: ...
+class B: ...
+alias_for_type = type
+def get_a_or_b() -> A | B:
+    return A()
+x = get_a_or_b()
+if alias_for_type(x) is A:
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: A
+## Limitations
+class Base: ...
+class Derived(Base): ...
+def get_base() -> Base:
+    return Base()
+x = get_base()
+if type(x) is Base:
+    # Ideally, this could be narrower, but there is now way to
+    # express a constraint like `Base & ~ProperSubtypeOf[Base]`.
+    reveal_type(x)  # revealed: Base
diff --git a/crates/red_knot_python_semantic/src/types/narrow.rs b/crates/red_knot_python_semantic/src/types/narrow.rs
index 94efa3c4651d9..7ce84cb7fb553 100644
--- a/crates/red_knot_python_semantic/src/types/narrow.rs
+++ b/crates/red_knot_python_semantic/src/types/narrow.rs
@@ -257,17 +257,26 @@ impl<'db> NarrowingConstraintsBuilder<'db> {
         expression: Expression<'db>,
         is_positive: bool,
     ) -> Option<NarrowingConstraints<'db>> {
+        fn is_narrowing_target_candidate(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool {
+            matches!(expr, ast::Expr::Name(_) | ast::Expr::Call(_))
+        }
         let ast::ExprCompare {
             range: _,
         } = expr_compare;
-        if !left.is_name_expr() && comparators.iter().all(|c| !c.is_name_expr()) {
-            // If none of the comparators are name expressions,
-            // we have no symbol to narrow down the type of.
+        // Performance optimization: early return if there are no potential narrowing targets.
+        if !is_narrowing_target_candidate(left)
+            && comparators
+                .iter()
+                .all(|c| !is_narrowing_target_candidate(c))
+        {
             return None;
         if !is_positive && comparators.len() > 1 {
             // We can't negate a constraint made by a multi-comparator expression, since we can't
             // know which comparison part is the one being negated.
@@ -283,42 +292,85 @@ impl<'db> NarrowingConstraintsBuilder<'db> {
             .tuple_windows::<(&ruff_python_ast::Expr, &ruff_python_ast::Expr)>();
         let mut constraints = NarrowingConstraints::default();
         for (op, (left, right)) in std::iter::zip(&**ops, comparator_tuples) {
-            if let ast::Expr::Name(ast::ExprName {
-                range: _,
-                id,
-                ctx: _,
-            }) = left
-            {
-                // SAFETY: we should always have a symbol for every Name node.
-                let symbol = self.symbols().symbol_id_by_name(id).unwrap();
-                let rhs_ty = inference.expression_ty(right.scoped_expression_id(self.db, scope));
-                match if is_positive { *op } else { op.negate() } {
-                    ast::CmpOp::IsNot => {
-                        if rhs_ty.is_singleton(self.db) {
-                            let ty = IntersectionBuilder::new(self.db)
-                                .add_negative(rhs_ty)
-                                .build();
-                            constraints.insert(symbol, ty);
-                        } else {
-                            // Non-singletons cannot be safely narrowed using `is not`
+            let rhs_ty = inference.expression_ty(right.scoped_expression_id(self.db, scope));
+            match left {
+                ast::Expr::Name(ast::ExprName {
+                    range: _,
+                    id,
+                    ctx: _,
+                }) => {
+                    let symbol = self
+                        .symbols()
+                        .symbol_id_by_name(id)
+                        .expect("Should always have a symbol for every Name node");
+                    match if is_positive { *op } else { op.negate() } {
+                        ast::CmpOp::IsNot => {
+                            if rhs_ty.is_singleton(self.db) {
+                                let ty = IntersectionBuilder::new(self.db)
+                                    .add_negative(rhs_ty)
+                                    .build();
+                                constraints.insert(symbol, ty);
+                            } else {
+                                // Non-singletons cannot be safely narrowed using `is not`
+                            }
-                    }
-                    ast::CmpOp::Is => {
-                        constraints.insert(symbol, rhs_ty);
-                    }
-                    ast::CmpOp::NotEq => {
-                        if rhs_ty.is_single_valued(self.db) {
-                            let ty = IntersectionBuilder::new(self.db)
-                                .add_negative(rhs_ty)
-                                .build();
-                            constraints.insert(symbol, ty);
+                        ast::CmpOp::Is => {
+                            constraints.insert(symbol, rhs_ty);
+                        }
+                        ast::CmpOp::NotEq => {
+                            if rhs_ty.is_single_valued(self.db) {
+                                let ty = IntersectionBuilder::new(self.db)
+                                    .add_negative(rhs_ty)
+                                    .build();
+                                constraints.insert(symbol, ty);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        _ => {
+                            // TODO other comparison types
-                    _ => {
-                        // TODO other comparison types
+                }
+                ast::Expr::Call(ast::ExprCall {
+                    range: _,
+                    func: callable,
+                    arguments:
+                        ast::Arguments {
+                            args,
+                            keywords,
+                            range: _,
+                        },
+                }) if rhs_ty.is_class_literal() && keywords.is_empty() => {
+                    let [ast::Expr::Name(ast::ExprName { id, .. })] = &**args else {
+                        continue;
+                    };
+                    let is_valid_constraint = if is_positive {
+                        op == &ast::CmpOp::Is
+                    } else {
+                        op == &ast::CmpOp::IsNot
+                    };
+                    if !is_valid_constraint {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    let callable_ty =
+                        inference.expression_ty(callable.scoped_expression_id(self.db, scope));
+                    if callable_ty
+                        .into_class_literal()
+                        .is_some_and(|c| c.class.is_known(self.db, KnownClass::Type))
+                    {
+                        let symbol = self
+                            .symbols()
+                            .symbol_id_by_name(id)
+                            .expect("Should always have a symbol for every Name node");
+                        constraints.insert(symbol, rhs_ty.to_instance(self.db));
+                _ => {}