GitHub issues are used to track the work associated with Dymint. That's where you can find things to work on.
Issue labels have been used to help designate the priority, status and beginner-friendliness of various issues. Here are some of the ones that are most relevant to finding a good issue to work on:
- Issues available for community contribution:
good first issue
: Open to participation from the community and friendly towards new contributors
No explicit permission is needed to work on these issues but it would be good idea to tag the user who opened the issue and ask that the issue is assigned to yourself.
All issue labels can be found here for you to explore and see what peaks your interest.
Once you've found an issue you'd like to work on, please follow these steps to make your contribution:
- Comment on it and say you're working on that issue. This is to avoid conflicts with others also working on the issue.
- Write your code and submit your pull request.
- Make sure your PR title follows conventional commits
- Wait for code review and address any issues raised as soon as you can.
A note on collaboration: We encourage people to collaborate as much as possible. We especially appreciate contributors reviewing each others pull requests, as long as you are kind and constructive when you do so.
If you want to work on something that there is no GitHub issue for, follow these steps:
Create a new GitHub issue and propose your change there. Be sure to include implementation details and the rationale for the proposed change. We are very reluctant to accept random pull requests without a related issue created first.
Wait for a project maintainer to evaluate your issue and decide whether it's something that we will accept a pull request for.
Once the project maintainer has approved the issue, you may start work on code as described in the "Contribution process" section above.