diff --git a/libvirt/tests/cfg/virtual_network/network/net_update_dns.cfg b/libvirt/tests/cfg/virtual_network/network/net_update_dns.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b33c0aa12b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libvirt/tests/cfg/virtual_network/network/net_update_dns.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+- virtual_network.network.net_update_dns:
+ type = net_update_dns
+ start_vm = no
+ timeout = 240
+ host_iface =
+ dns_host = {'host': {'host_ip': '', 'hostnames': [{'hostname': 'myhost'}, {'hostname': 'myhostalias'}]}}
+ dns_txt = {'txt': {'name': 'example', 'value': 'example value'}}
+ dns_srv = {'srv': {'service': 'name', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'domain': 'test-domain-name', 'target': 'englab.nay.redhat.com', 'port': '1024', 'priority': '10', 'weight': '10'}}
+ dns_attrs = {**${dns_host}, **${dns_txt}, **${dns_srv}}
+ func_supported_since_libvirt_ver = (10, 6, 0)
+ variants dns_ele:
+ - dns-txt:
+ variants:
+ - default:
+ update_xml = ''''''''
+ update_attrs = {'name': 'example', 'value': 'new value'}
+ conf_val = txt-record=example,new value
+ - incomplete:
+ status_error = yes
+ err_msg = Failed to update network
+ variants:
+ - no_value:
+ update_xml = ''''''''
+ - no_name:
+ update_xml = ''''''''
+ - dns-host:
+ variants:
+ - default:
+ update_attrs = {'host_ip': '', 'hostnames': [{'hostname': 'myserver'}, {'hostname': 'my_new_server'}, {'hostname': 'my_new_dhcp_server'}]}
+ conf_val = '\s+myserver\s+my_new_server\s+my_new_dhcp_server'
+ - not_match:
+ status_error = yes
+ err_msg = Failed to update network
+ update_attrs = {'host_ip': '', 'hostnames': ['myhost', 'myhostalias']}
+ post_check = check_pid_not_change
+ variants operation:
+ - modify:
diff --git a/libvirt/tests/src/virtual_network/network/net_update_dns.py b/libvirt/tests/src/virtual_network/network/net_update_dns.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10deb8a97e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libvirt/tests/src/virtual_network/network/net_update_dns.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import logging
+import re
+from avocado.utils import process
+from virttest import libvirt_version
+from virttest import utils_net
+from virttest import virsh
+from virttest.libvirt_xml import vm_xml
+from virttest.libvirt_xml.network_xml import DNSXML
+from virttest.libvirt_xml.network_xml import NetworkXML
+from virttest.utils_test import libvirt
+VIRSH_ARGS = {'ignore_status': False, 'debug': True}
+LOG = logging.getLogger('avocado.' + 'net_update_dns')
+def check_pid_not_change(test, target_pids):
+ LOG.debug(f'Pids before operation: {target_pids}')
+ pids = process.run(
+ 'pidof virtnetworkd; pidof virtqemud', shell=True).stdout_text
+ if set(pids.split()) != set(target_pids.split()):
+ test.fail('Pids changed after operation')
+def run(test, params, env):
+ """
+ Check the actual network throughput for direct type interface
+ """
+ vm_name = params.get('main_vm')
+ vm = env.get_vm(vm_name)
+ net_name = 'default'
+ host_iface = params.get('host_iface')
+ host_iface = host_iface if host_iface else utils_net.get_default_gateway(
+ iface_name=True, force_dhcp=True).split()[0]
+ operation = params.get('operation')
+ dns_ele = params.get('dns_ele')
+ update_xml = params.get('update_xml')
+ update_attrs = eval(params.get('update_attrs', '{}'))
+ conf_val = params.get('conf_val')
+ post_check = params.get('post_check')
+ status_error = 'yes' == params.get('status_error', 'no')
+ err_msg = params.get('err_msg')
+ vmxml = vm_xml.VMXML.new_from_inactive_dumpxml(vm_name)
+ bkxml = vmxml.copy()
+ dns_attrs = eval(params.get('dns_attrs'))
+ default_net = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml('default')
+ bk_net = default_net.copy()
+ try:
+ libvirt_version.is_libvirt_feature_supported(params)
+ default_net.setup_attrs(dns=dns_attrs)
+ default_net.sync()
+ virsh.net_dumpxml(net_name, **VIRSH_ARGS)
+ if dns_ele == 'dns-txt':
+ cmd_ori_val = f'cat /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/{net_name}.conf | grep txt'
+ if dns_ele == 'dns-host':
+ cmd_ori_val = f'cat /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/{net_name}.addnhosts'
+ host_xml = DNSXML.HostXML()
+ host_xml.setup_attrs(**update_attrs)
+ update_xml = host_xml.xml
+ ori_val = process.run(cmd_ori_val, shell=True).stdout_text
+ pids = process.run(
+ 'pidof virtnetworkd; pidof virtqemud', shell=True).stdout_text
+ up_result = virsh.net_update(
+ net_name, operation, dns_ele, update_xml, debug=True)
+ libvirt.check_exit_status(up_result, status_error)
+ if err_msg:
+ libvirt.check_result(up_result, err_msg)
+ virsh.net_dumpxml(net_name, **VIRSH_ARGS)
+ if not status_error:
+ new_net = NetworkXML.new_from_net_dumpxml(net_name)
+ new_dns = new_net.dns.fetch_attrs()
+ dns_key = dns_ele.split('-')[-1]
+ for k in update_attrs.keys():
+ msg = f'expect key [{k}] has value [{update_attrs[k]}], actually got [{new_dns[dns_key].get(k)}]'
+ LOG.debug(msg)
+ if new_dns[dns_key].get(k) != update_attrs[k]:
+ test.fail(f'Compare updated xml failed, {msg}')
+ new_val = process.run(cmd_ori_val, shell=True).stdout_text
+ LOG.debug(f'Expect to find {conf_val} in conf file')
+ if not re.search(conf_val, new_val):
+ test.fail(f'Failed to find expected {conf_val} in conf file')
+ if post_check:
+ if post_check == 'check_pid_not_change':
+ check_pid_not_change(test, pids)
+ finally:
+ bk_net.sync()
+ bkxml.sync()