Releases: e2nIEE/pandapipes
Releases · e2nIEE/pandapipes
pandapipes 0.7.0
- [ADDED] function to test tutorials / jupyter notebooks
- [ADDED] numba's Just-in-time implementation
- [ADDED] function for subnet selection
- [ADDED] functions for standard type changes
- [CHANGED] timeseries progress bar now shown with tqdm as in pandapower
- [CHANGED] some restructuring
- [CHANGED] derivatives and some result extraction functions were made global. Pre-/ post derivative calculation functions
- [CHANGED] standard types now under net.std_types
- [CHANGED] renaming extract_results to init_results
- [FIXED] bugfix to resolve problems with numpy indexing
- [FIXED] HHV/LHV for H2 corrected
- [FIXED] only considering external grids, which are in service
- [FIXED] preventing unexpected behavior of pressure control component
- [FIXED] individual run function in run_timeseries
For full changes see CHANGELOG.rst.
pandapipes 0.6.0
- [ADDED] Adding pressure controller
- [ADDED] Adding compressor
- [ADDED] Compressing power of a pump are returned as result
- [ADDED] Adding polynominal fluids
- [CHANGED] Removing irrelevant results in branch models
- [FIXED] Only ext grids in service are considered
- [FIXED] Converting format of a multinet
- [FIXED] Bug with multinet controller in run_control
For full changes see CHANGELOG.rst.
pandapipes 0.5.0
- [ADDED] Enabling encryption of pandapipes networks
- [CHANGED] Removing p_scale from default net options
- [FIXED] Input of get_compressibility in is pressure, not temperature
For full changes see CHANGELOG.rst.
pandapipes 0.4.0
- [ADDED] Six new tutorials.
- [ADDED] Adding flag if controller convergence should be checked in each level or just at the end.
- [ADDED] Added determination of junction distances.
- [CHANGED] Deleted tutorial sections from the documentation.
- [CHANGED] compressibility and der_compr for hydrogen is now for 273.15 K (instead of 293.15 K before).
- [CHANGED] maximum number of iterations using colebrook friction model.
- [CHANGED] In fluids changed function name get_property into get_at_value.
- [CHANGED] In std_type renaming attribute type into component.
- [FIXED] Bugfix in controller in case of net divergence.
For full changes see CHANGELOG.rst.
pandapipes 0.3.0
- [ADDED] added bulk create functions
- [ADDED] LHV and HHV properties for fuel gases
- [ADDED] multinet functionality to couple a pandapower and pandapipes network
- [ADDED] compressibility values for hydrogen
- [ADDED] create graph added to topology
- [CHANGED] bypassing for pumps, pressure lift = 0 for negative and very high volume flows
- [CHANGED] pressure lift in pumps now based on p_from (inlet-volume flow)
- [CHANGED] adding initial_run to net.controller and removing initial_run and recycle from all controllers
- [FIXED] all tests pass with pandas > 1.x
- [FIXED] bug fix for ext_grid result extraction in case of unordered connected junctions
- [FIXED] problem of not converging pipeflow solved if there are no branches
pandapipes 0.2.0
- [ADDED] added the pipeflow option "reuse_internal_data" which allows to reuse the system matrix from one pipeflow to the next in combination with "only_update_hydraulic_matrix" - useful for timeseries calculations
- [ADDED] hydrogen properties
- [ADDED] Swamee-Jain friction model
- [ADDED] test networks (water) for Swamee-Jain friction model
- [ADDED] further explanation in the documentation, e.g. on heating networks and time series / controller
- [ADDED] heating network and time series tutorials
- [ADDED] enable net loading built in different pandapipes versions
- [ADDED] carry over new artificial coordinate functions from pandapower
- [ADDED] functionality to create_networkx graph for pandapipes networks
- [ADDED] tests for connected components searches in pandapipes networks
- [CHANGED] property files for bi-atomic gases
- [CHANGED] make ppipe_hook serializable and inherit from pp_hook by using decorators
- [CHANGED] changed column "controller" in controller table to "object"
- [CHANGED] changes in run_control/run_time_series for better pandapower code reusability like using initial_run variable instead of initial_pipeflow
- [CHANGED] names of parameters for regression function in pump
- [CHANGED] pressure lift for pumps is now always >= 0
- [CHANGED] on reverse flow, the pressure lift for pumps is 0
- [CHANGED] add_fluid_to_net is now a private function (usually the wrapper create_fluid_from_lib should be used)
- [FIXED] direction of pump in the water test network 'versatility' for OpenModelica
- [FIXED] accurate calculation of v in get_internal_results for pipes
- [FIXED] enable loading of nets containing controller
pandapipes 0.1.2
- [ADDED] allow pipeflow for empty net (with no results)
- [ADDED] tests for plotting
- [ADDED] new toolbox functions and tests
- [ADDED] get... methods for fluids
- [ADDED] tutorial, documentation and tests for heat networks
- [CHANGED] default column for controllers changed from controller to object
- [CHANGED] deepcopy (now in ADict) and repr of pandapipes net + fluid
- [CHANGED] improved plotting: respect in_service
- [CHANGED] for fluids, comp, molar_mass and der_comp are now read from .txt-files and are no longer hardcoded
- [CHANGED] pandapipes.toolbox renamed to pandapipes.internals_toolbox
- [FIXED] np.isclose comparison instead of 'p_from != p_to' in pipe_component to allow for computational inaccuracy
pandapipes 0.1.1
[CHANGED] result table initialization now in most cases only contains one DF creation call
[CHANGED] from pandapower tempdir to pytest tmp_path in test
[CHANGED] default orientation of sink and source collections to avoid overlapping
pandapipes 0.1.0
initial release of pandapipes - a pipe flow calculation tool that complements pandapower in the simulation of multi energy grids