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Configure the Full Stack LLM Gateway & client with AWS Sagemaker (Llama-2-7b) Endpoint

AWS Configuration

Follow the steps below to quickly setup an LLM endpoint in AWS. This is an example POC and by no means production ready. Make sure to secure your resources appropriately!

If you already have an endpoint and just need guidance on modifying the LLM-Gatway, go to LLM Gateway Configuration

Configure Sagemaker Endpoint

  1. Go to Sagemaker in the aws console and set up a domain.

  1. Select a model from Sagemaker Studio Jumpstart.

    ⭐ To follow along this tutorial with no issues, make sure to select the "Llama-2-7b-chat" model by Meta.

    If you select a different model, you may need to modify both the frontend and backend code to pass the correct parameters and to parse the response accordingly.

  1. Deploy your model, accepting the terms of use.

  1. Once the model is deployed, look for the Deployments -> Endpoints tab on the left menu bar. Look for the endpoint you just deployed and save the name for later.

Configure AWS Lambda

  1. Create a new lambda function. Select following paramters:
    • python 3.11 (latest as of writing this file)
    • which ever architecture you prefer, I used x86_64
    • Execution Role: Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions

  1. Configure the newly created lambda role: Go to Configuration->Permissions. Select the link to go to your lambda execution role.

  2. Modify the role, adding an inline permission allowing it to invoke the sagemaker endpoint.

	"Version": "2012-10-17",
	"Statement": [
			"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
			"Effect": "Allow",
			"Action": "sagemaker:InvokeEndpoint",
			"Resource": "*"
  1. Update your code with the following:

import os
import io
import boto3
import json

# grab environment variables
runtime= boto3.client('runtime.sagemaker')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    response = runtime.invoke_endpoint(EndpointName=ENDPOINT_NAME,
    result = json.loads(response['Body'].read().decode())
    return {
        "statusCode": 200,
        "body": json.dumps(result)
  1. Add the an environment variable "ENDPOINT_NAME" with a value of the endpoint name saved in step 4 of Configure Sagemaker Endpoint:

  1. Add an AWS API Gateway as a lambda trigger. Select the following configuration parameters:
    • Create a new API
    • HTTP API
    • Open (However, make sure to secure your APIs before deploying to prod)

  1. AWS API gateway times out after 29 seconds ( To maximize the time the lambda and api gateway allocate sagemaker to respond, modify the lambda timeout field to 30 seconds, under General configuration->Edit -> Timeout.

  1. Retrieve your API url by going to configuration -> trigger

  1. Test your API Gateway by calling the API endpoint with the following request body:

	"inputs": [
			"role": "user",
			"content": "How can I be the best version of myself?"
	"parameters": {
		"max_new_tokens": 512,
		"top_p": 0.9,
		"temperature": 0.6

:bulb: :star:  Debugging Tips :star: :bulb: 

If you encounter any errors, the lambda code might not be passing the required parameters correctly. Debug by visiting cloudWatch and looking at the log group logs for both your lambda and for the endpoint.

  1. Go to Cloudwatch->log groups.
  2. Find the log group for your sagemaker endpoint. It should follow a naming convention of aws/sagemaker/Endpoints/[endpoint name]
  3. Check it out!


LLM Gateway Configuration

Ok, great. Now that we know we have a working API to the sagemaker llm, we need to modify our code so we can send and parse the http requests correctly.

Remember, this is just a quick proof of concept to get you running, and requires much more work before it's ready for a production product.

In ./docker-compose.yml, update the following environment variables:

Environment Variable Value
LLM_ENDPOINT (api service) Replace with the API URL in step 8.
LLM_TYPE (api service ) Make sure this array includes at least SAGEMAKER. For Example, [OPENAI, SAGEMAKER] if you wish for the backend fast api docs to include endpoints to hit OPEN AI And SAGEMAKER
LLM_TYPE (frontend service) Make sure this is set to "SAGEMAKER". This configures the frontend chat app to format and parse api calls correctly for the Sagemaker Llama-2-7b-chat model.

And voila! Now follow the Full Stack instructions in ./ to kick up the llm client.