Name | Type | Description | Notes |
title_id | int | Title ID | |
title_name | string | Title Name | |
publisher_name | string | Publisher Name | [optional] |
identifiers_list | \Swagger\Client\Model\Identifier[] | Identifiers | [optional] |
subjects_list | \Swagger\Client\Model\Subj[] | Subjects | [optional] |
is_title_custom | bool | Is this a custom title owned by the customer. | [optional] |
pub_type | string | Type of publication. Valid values are journal, newsletter, report, proceedings, website, newspaper, unspecified, book, bookseries, database, thesisdissertation, streamingaudio, streamingvideo, and audiobook. | [optional] |
customer_resources_list | \Swagger\Client\Model\CustomerResourcesPackageId[] | Customer Resources List | [optional] |