We're removing Jakarta Validation engine and replace it with a self-implemented one.
With the support of JsonLD semantics, the Jakarta Validation framework became useless, because it relies on "Java Beans",
that we described with Dto
classes, while we need a validation that needs to be applied after JsonLD expansion, so
it need to validate expanded JsonObject
We will follow a validator pattern, where a validator is an implementation of an interface like:
interface Validator<T> {
ValidationResult validate(T input);
This way every Controller
will need to have a Validator
instance injected that will be applied on the expanded
and, if the validation fails, a ValidationFailureException
will be thrown and then caught by a dedicated ExceptionMapper
that will return a 400 response with a detailed response body.
The ValidationResult
should contain a list of Violation
s, and every one of those should bring details about what's wrong
with the request and what's expected from the api.