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Development Setup

Build system

The project uses gradle to build the native and the java code. Java 11 is required for gradle to run (there is at least one gradle plugin which depends on Java 11). For the native build gradle uses the locally installed native toolchains.



You need Java 8 with fx and Java 11 without fx.
You can for example use the zulu packages:

The following environment variables need to be set:

  • JAVA_HOME_8 needs to point to a jdk8fx
  • JAVA_HOME_11 needs to point to a jdk11
  • JAVA_HOME needs to point to the jdk11 for gradle to work

native code toolchains

  • Java 11
  • Visual Studio 2019 with the nativedesktop workload

Setup example using chocolatey on Windows 10

choco install zulu --version=11.29.11
choco install visualstudio2019community --norestart
choco install visualstudio2019-workload-nativedesktop --norestart
  • Java 11
  • g++
  • mesa dev headers

Setup example using ubuntu 20.04

apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
apt-get install g++
apt-get install mesa-common-dev
  • Java 11
  • Xcode

Project structure

The java code is split in 3 projects. This is needed since IDEs like eclipse only support one jdk per project.

  • org.eclipse.fx.drift the base project with most of the code
  • org.eclipse.fx.drift.java8 the java8 only overlay
  • org.eclipse.fx.drift.java11 the java11 only overlay

The gradle command ./gradlew buildMultireleaseJar assembles the jar from those 3 projects.

  • org.eclipse.fx.drift.native contains the native code of driftfx
  • native-driftcpp contains the cpp binding


Gradle can generate the project files for many IDEs.


  ./gradlew eclipse

  ./gradlew :org.eclipse.fx.drift.native:visualStudio
  ./gradlew :org.eclipse.fx.drift.native:xcode


Recommended Plugins

  • EGit
  • Buildship
  • JDT

Configure both the Java 8 and the Java 11 SDKs as Installed JREs in Eclipse. To do so navigate to Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs and add them. Also make sure that that the Execution Environments are setup correctly. JavaSE-1.8 needs to point to your Java 8 SDK and JavaSE-11 needs to point to your Java 11 SDK.
This step is required since we create a multirelease jar and in eclipse each project may only have one SDK.

Now you can import the projects into Eclipse. Use the Import Gradle project wizard from Buildship.

You should get the following projects:

  • driftfx-root
  • native-driftcpp
  • org.eclipse.fx.drift
  • org.eclipse.fx.drift.java11
  • org.eclipse.fx.drift.java8
  • org.eclipse.fx.drift.native



The native part of drift resides in org.eclipse.fx.drift.native. To build it execute

./gradlew :org.eclipse.fx.drift.native:publish`

This builds and publishes the native libs of your platform into ./native-repo. The copyNatives tasks copies them over to org.eclipse.fx.drift/src/main/resources/native


To build the drift multirelease jar execute

./gradlew buildMultireleaseJar

The jar will be generated to build/libs/org.eclipse.fx.drift.jar.

This target depends on building the common code (org.eclipse.fx.drift), the Java 8 Layer (org.eclipse.fx.drift.java8), the Java 11 Layer (org.eclipse.fx.drift.java11) and packages them together into a Multi-Release JAR.

The native libraries are expected to be in org.eclipse.fx.drift/src/main/resources/native to be included in the JAR. The copyNatives task is invoked by buildMultireleaseJar and copies all available natives from the ./native-repo.

Building a p2 update site locally

There are two tasks to create the p2 update site. updateSite creates the update site as expanded directory, while updateSiteZip creates it as zip archive.

./gradlew updateSite
./gradlew updateSiteZip

Those tasks have no direct dependency on buildMultireleaseJar because they can either work with the signed or the unsigned version. The signed version is used for the build pipeline on github. If you want to use a signed version yourself you have to provide it in ./build/signed/org.eclipse.fx.drift.jar and set the property useSignedArtifacts (e.g. ./gradlew -PuseSignedArtifacts updateSite).
Otherwise the locally built ./build/libs/org.eclipse.fx.drift.jar is used.

The resulting update site is generated into ./build/updatesite/ or ./build/ respectively.