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Repository files navigation


This module is a Spring Boot application which provides the PASS REST API.


Java 17 and Maven 3.8 required.

mvn clean install

This will produce an executabler jar pass-core-main/target/pass-core-main.jar and a docker image

Running local build

java -jar pass-core-main.jar

By default an in memory database is used.

Look at http://localhost:8080/swagger/ to see the auto-created documentation and a UI for testing out the api.

You can directly make request with the UI and see what happens. Note when doing a POST to create an object, be sure to edit the type field to have the correct object type and delete the id field to have the id auto-generated.

Running with Docker

This uses Postgres.

In pass-core-main run:

docker-compose up -d


The application is configured by its application.yaml which in turn references a number of environment variables.

By default, pass-core-main, will run with an in memory database. In order to use Postgres, switch to the production profile and set the database environment variables as below. The liquibase changelog located pass-core-main/src/main/resources/db/changelog/changelog.yaml will create the pass-core database schema if needed.

If PASS_CORE_USE_SQS is true, then pass-core will attempt to connect to Amazon SQS. The connection must be configured with AWS_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. The AWS credentials are also needed if the file service S3 backend is used.

Otherwise a connection to an ActiveMQ broker can be configured by setting SPRING_ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URL. If 'PASS_CORE_EMBED_JMS_BROKER` is true, then an embedded ActiveMQ broker will be started using that url. This can be useful to set tcp transport for connecting containers in a docker environment. The default is an embedded broker using vm transport.

Environment variables:

  • spring_profiles_active=production
  • AWS_REGION=us-east-1
  • PASS_CORE_APP_LOCATION=classpath:app
  • PASS_CORE_APP_CSP=default-src 'self';
  • PASS_CORE_DATABASE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/pass
  • PASS_CORE_LOG_DIR=${}/pass-core
  • PASS_CORE_SUBMISSION_QUEUE=pass-submission
  • PASS_CORE_DEPOSIT_QUEUE=pass-deposit
  • PASS_CORE_IDP_METADATA=classpath:saml2/idp-metadata.xml
  • PASS_CORE_SP_ID=https://sp.pass/shibboleth
  • PASS_CORE_SP_ACS=http://localhost:8080/login/saml2/sso/pass
  • PASS_CORE_LOGIN_PROCESSING_PATH=/login/saml2/sso/pass
  • PASS_CORE_SP_KEY=classpath:saml2/sp-key.pem
  • PASS_CORE_SP_CERT=classpath:saml2/sp-cert.pem
  • PASS_CORE_SUBMISSION_EVENT_QUEUE=pass-submission-event
    • If not present, one is generated. See the user service for how to create manually.
    • Used by the Docker image to pass arguments to Java
  • PASS_CORE_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080
    • Used when services send URLs to the client such as relationship links.

The environment variables in pass-core-main/.env are intended to be used for local testing of pass-core in isolation.

Access control

SAML 2.0 and HTTP basic authentication are supported. An authenticated user is either authorized with a BACKEND or SUBMITTER role.

A user that does a SAML login is mapped to a PASS user using locator ids. The provided SAML properties of the user are interpreted using the spring property pass.auth.attribute-map. The user is assigned the SUBMITTER role.

There is a single BACKEND user specified which can be logged in as using HTTP basic.

The BACKEND role can do everything. The SUBMITTER role is restricted to creating and modifying certain objects in the data model. The SUBMITTER has full access to all other services.

SAML configuration

The PASS_CORE_SP_KEY and PASS_CORE_SP_CERT environment variables set the location of the keys used by pass-core to encrypt SAML communication. Use PASS_CORE_SP_ID to set the identifier of the pass-core SP, PASS_CORE_IDP_METADATA to set the location where IDP metadata can be retrieved, PASS_CORE_SP_ACS for the Assertion Consumer Service of the SP and PASS_CORE_LOGIN_PROCESSING_PATH to set the path for handling login from the IDP. Note that PASS_CORE_SP_ACS is a URL which must match the path specified in PASS_CORE_LOGIN_PROCESSING_PATH.

The defaults are set such that the integration tests can run against a SimpleSAMLphp based IDP using resources included in saml2/. These defaults should not be used in production.

The image can be run with:

docker run --name=idp -p 8090:8080 -e SIMPLESAMLPHP_SP_ENTITY_ID=https://sp.pass/shibboleth -e SIMPLESAMLPHP_SP_ASSERTION_CONSUMER_SERVICE=http://localhost:8080/login/saml2/sso/pass -e SIMPLESAMLPHP_IDP_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8090/   -v ./pass-core/pass-core/main/src/main/resources/saml2/authsources.php:/var/www/simplesamlphp/config/authsources.php -d kenchan0130/simplesamlphp

Note the volume mount which is set the user information appropriately for PASS.

App service

The PASS application is available at /app/ and / is redirected to /app/. Requests are resolved against the location given by the environment variable PASS_CORE_APP_LOCATION. If a request cannot be resolved, then /app/index.html will be returned. This allows the user interface to handle paths which may not resolve to files.

User service

The user service provides information about the logged in user.

DOI service

The DOI service provides the ability to interact with DOIs.

File service

The file service provides a mechanism to persist files.

Metadata Schema service

The metadata schema service provides JSON schemas intended to describe PASS submission metadata

Metadata Schema service

The metadata schema service provides JSON schemas intended to describe PASS submission metadata


JSON API is deployed at /data/. All of our data model is available, just divided into attributes and relationships. Note that identifiers are now integers, not URIs. See for information on how Elide provides support for filtering and sorting.

See /swagger/ for auto-generated documentation.

Creating a RepositoryCopy

curl -v -u backend:moo -X POST "http://localhost:8080/data/repositoryCopy" -H "accept: application/vnd.api+json" -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" -d @rc1.json


  "data": {
    "type": "repositoryCopy",
    "attributes": {
      "accessUrl": "",
      "copyStatus": "ACCEPTED"

Patch a Journal

Add a publisher object to the publisher relationship in a journal. Note that both the journal and publisher objects must already exist.

curl -u backend:moo -X PATCH "http://localhost:8080/data/journal/1" -H "accept: application/vnd.api+json" -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" -d @patch.json


 "data": {
   "type": "journal",
   "id": "1",
   "relationships": {
     "publisher": {
       "data": {
         "id": "2",
         "type": "publisher"


Messages are JSON objects emitted to a JMS broker as text messages. The different types of messages are sent to different queues specified by the indicatedby the environment variables PASS_CORE_SUBMISSION_QUEUE, PASS_CORE_SUBMISSION_EVENT_QUEUE, and PASS_CORE_DEPOSIT_QUEUE.

When a Submission is created or modified and the submitted field is true, then a SubmissionReady event is emitted. The id of the Submission will be set in the submission field of the message.

When a SubmissionEvent is created, then the a SubmissionEvent message will be sent. The id of the SubmissionEvent will be set in the submission-event field of the message. If the eventType field is APPROVAL_REQUESTED_NEWUSER, then an approval-link field will be set in the field of the message with a link to be sent to a user.

When a Deposit is created or modified, then a DepositStatus event is emitted. The id of the Deposit will be set in the deposit field of the message.

Example messages:

    "type": "SubmissionReady",
    "submission": "1"

    "type": "DepositStatus",
    "deposit": "1"

    "type": "SubmissionEvent",
    "submission-event": "1",
    "approval-link": ""

Debugging problems

To get more information, try changing the logging levels set pass-core-main/src/main/resources/logback-spring.xml. See for more information.