- [ai] added claude sonnet 3.7 to default models #15023
- [ai] added contextsummary variable to ai system #14971
- [ai] aligned ai chat toggle keybinding with vs code on macos #14850
- [ai] allowed multiple replacements in coder function #14934
- [ai] allowed to close chats again #14992
- [ai] chore: used fileservice.exist instead of trying to read the file #14849
- [ai] chore(chat): moved chat window to the right by default #14970
- [ai] consolidated the variables we provided in the chat #15021
- [ai] corrected description in workspace agent functions #14898
- [ai] correctly set the systempromptid in custom agents #14988
- [ai] feat(ai): enabled context variables for chat requests #14787
- [ai] fixed autocompletion for functions in chat input #14838
- [ai] fixed: provided open handler for quick file open #15003
- [ai] fixed(chat): avoided file suggestions on colons #14965
- [ai] fixed(chat): improved variable autocompletion #15018
- [ai] fixed(chat): prevented duplicate context element entries #14979
- [ai] fixed(chat): prevented focus outline color of ai chat #15020
- [ai] fixed closing changesets #14994
- [ai] fixed structured output dispatch and settings #14811
- [ai] fixed tool call prompt text replacement #14830
- [ai] fixed tool calling string in messages #14906
- [ai] fixed: quick input hover initialization #15064
- [ai] instructed coder to use replace when search and replace failed #15061
- [ai] implemented asynch iterator for open ai stream #14920
- [ai] improved integration between variableregistry and ai variableservice #14827
- [ai] introduced ai-ide package and moved ai configuration view #14948
- [ai] labeled ai as alpha #14968
- [ai] localized theia ai strings #14857
- [ai] made dependency on monaco explicit #14907
- [ai] made universal default prompt plain #15007
- [ai] made new code completion prompt default and turned on inline by default #14822
- [ai] pinned chat agent #14716
- [ai] refined coder prompt #14887
- [ai] refined search-replace prompt default of coder and made it default #14870
- [ai] refined system message settings #14877
- [ai] refactored chat agents into separate ide package #14852
- [ai] removed aieditormanager #14912
- [ai] renamed workspace agent to architect #14963
- [ai] set o1 to stream by default #14947
- [ai] streamlined the agent code #14859
- [ai] supported anyof in function parameters #15012
- [ai] updated chatmodel naming #14913
- [ai] updated default openai models #14808
- [ai] used content from monacoworkspaceservice for ai getfilecontent #14885
- [application-manager] used default import of fix-path package #14812
- [ci] fixed next build #14981
- [console] fixed: console text model used the language id #14854
- [core] added commands to toggle left and right panel #15041
- [core] fixed: removed files in editor tab when deleted #14990
- [core] fixed problems related with menu bar updates on focus change #14959 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] made context element mandatory when showing a context menu #14982 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] only sent visibility change notification when the visibility actually changed #15040 - Contributed by STMicroelectronics
- [core] streamlined logging api #14861
- [core] supported manual override of text blocks #14712
- [debug] fixed: handled the breakpoint update event for id:0 #14866
- [debug] fixed: no watch evaluation if no current stack frame #14874
- [debug] fixed: warned user before starting the same debug session multiple times #14862
- [debug] handled the case where the editor model was set to null #15013 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [dev-container] devcontainer: added ability to use localenv for containerenv property #14821
- [dev-container] devcontainer: added simple containerenv contribution #14816
- [dev-container] fixed recent workspace tracking for devcontainer workspaces #14925
- [dev-packages] fixed webpack watching #14844
- [doc] updated build command in publishing.md #14798
- [doc] updated mcp readme with autostart option #15046
- [filesystem] deprioritized file resource resolver to avoid resolution delays #14917
- [monaco] chore: updated vscode-oniguruma+vscode-textmate #14848
- [monaco] did not create a model reference for inline editors #14942 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [monaco] emptied hidden editors #14909 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [monaco] fixed: contenthoverwidget respected theia styles #14836
- [monaco] fixed monaco editor localization #15016
- [monaco] fixed monaco model reference creation #14957
- [notebook] added an error for when a notebook editor was opened with a non existing file #14891
- [notebook] fixed new notebook cell editor outline and width with open right sidebar #14800
- [notebook] fixed notebook widget disposal #14964
- [plugin] added missing vs code json schemas #14864
- [plugin] passed code action provider metadata to editor #14991 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] refreshed root when change notification had no items #14868
- [plugin] sent plugin logs to the frontend #14908
- [plugin] supported snippet file edits #15066
- [scm] used diffeditor diffnavigator to navigate diffs #14889
- [terminal] fixed: exited shell process on terminal close #14823
- [vscode] bumped vs code api version #15069 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [vscode] introduced the commentingrange type #15015 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [vscode] made public the documentpaste proposed api #14953 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [vscode] shellexecution updated with undefined command #15047 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] refined system message settings #14877
- [ai-chat] changed chat api by removing chatsetchangedeleteevent, updating changeset interface with added ondidchange event and dispose method (renamed accept to apply and discard to revert), modified changesetelement and changesetimpl accordingly #14910
- [ai-chat] abstractchatagent updated getsystemmessagedescription to require a context parameter #14930
- [ai-core] chatmodel interface was updated to include context and promptservice was updated with an optional context argument in getprompt #14930
- [ai-ide] content-replacer.ts moved from ai-ide/src/browser/ to core/src/common/ #14930
- [ai-scanoss] scanossdialog constructor accepted an array of results instead of a single result #14930
- [core] a context html element became mandatory when showing a context menu #14982 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] adjusted binding of named ilogger injections and instructed removal of duplicate ilogger bindings on ambiguous match errors
- [core] streamlined logging api #14861
- [core] made context element mandatory when showing a context menu #14982 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [debug] fixed: handled the breakpoint update event for id:0 #14866
- [ai] added 'required' property to tool call parameters #14673
- [ai] added change set support in chat input and chat model #14750
- [ai] added logic to allow passing context to tool calls #14751
- [ai] added logic to allow to auto-start MCP servers on frontend start-up #14736
- [ai] added logic to override change elements on additional changes #14792
- [ai] added Ollama LLM provider tools support #14623
- [ai] added search and replace function to coder #14774
- [ai] added support for Azure OpenAI #14722
- [ai] added support for change sets via tool functions #14715
- [ai] added tool support for anthropic streaming #14758
- [ai] changed trigger of inline suggestion keybinding to Ctrl+Alt+Space #14669
- [ai] improved behavior of AI Changeset diff editor #14786 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] improved cancel logic in openAi model #14713
- [ai] improved cancellation token handling in chat model #14644
- [ai] improved performance in AI request logging #14769
- [ai] updated logic to allow filerting backticks in AI code completion #14777
- [ai] updated logic to consistently handle OpenAI models not supporting system messages instead of using dedicated O1 chat agent #14681
- [ai] updated logic to manage AI bindings separately per connection #14760
- [ai] updated logic to not let ai chat submit empty messages #14771
- [ai] updated logic to register tool functions of mcp servers again after restart of the frontend #14723
- [ai] updated logic to show diff on click in ChangeSets #14784
- [application-manager] fixed error caused by bundling scanoss #14650
- [application-manager] improved bundling for hoisted dependencies #14708
- [console] fixed console scrolling #14748
- [core] added support for dragging files in browser #14756
- [core] fixed dragging file from outside the workspace #14746
- [core] fixed override of default key bindings #14668
- [core] fixed
command #14754 - [core] fixed z-index overlay issue in dock panels #14695
- [core] updated build scripts to use npm instead of yarn to build Theia #14481 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] updated keytar and drivelist #14306
- [core] updated logic to prevent tabbing outside of dialog overlay #14647
- [debug] added jump to cursor option to context menu #14594 - Contributed by MVTec Software GmbH
- [debug] fixed updating breakpoints when debugging starts #14645 - Contributed by MVTec Software GmbH
- [dev-container] updated logic to show more dev container info in title bar #14571
- [electron] bumped fix-path to ^4.0.0 to avoid cross-env <6.0.6 #14781 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [filesystem] added support for vscode file system provider scheme #14778
- [filesystem] fixed error handling in OPFSFileSystemProvider #14790
- [filesystem] fixed file data streaming for http polling #14659
- [getting-started] updated labels to mark DevContainers in recent workspaces #14595
- [git] added deprecation warning to theia/git readme #14646
- [monaco] updated monaco-editor-core to 1.96.3 #14737 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [notebook] fixed execute cell and below for last cell #14795
- [notebook] fixed issue with deleted cells when talking to output webview #14649
- [notebook] fixed race condition for outputs #14789
- [plugin] added support for property Text in DocumentDropOrPasteEditKind #14605 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] stubbed TerminalCompletionProvider proposed API #14719 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated code to properly mark chat and language model APIs as stubbed #14734 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated code to provide node-pty package for plugins #14720
- [plugin] updated logic to include ignored files in vscode.workspace.findFiles #14365
- [plugin] updated logic to only call refresh on given elements given by plugin #14697 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [process] updated node-pty to 1.1.0-beta27 #14677 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [scanoss] fixed scanoss error on Windows #14653
- [secondary-window] improved README of secondary window package #14691 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [task] added task related context keys #14757
- [vsx-registry] added logic to load plugin readme from file system #14699
- [ai] added initial support for MCP #14598
- [ai] added support for Anthropic as an LLM provider #14614
- [ai] fixed logic to enable chat input on chat widget activate #14608 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] fixed logic to hide "Generating..." while waiting on input #14559 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] integrated SCANOSS #14628
- [ai] updated logic to invoke OpenerService for markdown links in chat UI #14602 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [application-package] bumped API version to 1.96.0 #14634 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] added logic to cancel pending hover on mouse exit #14533
- [core] fixed enablement of "Collapse Side Panel" tab bar context menu item #14616
- [core] fixed window maximization when using splash screen #14219
- [core] pinned perfect-scrollbar to 1.5.5 #14592 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [dev-container] added logic to make DevContainer workspaces openable through recent workspaces #14567
- [dev-container] added support for THEIA_DEFAULT_PLUGINS env variable #14530
- [dev-container] improved searchForDevontainerJsonFiles to not block server #14563
- [dev-container] updated logic to ensure that dev container uses the right workspace #14557
- [dev-container] updated logic to include settings and configuration from the local user dir #14548
- [dev-container] updated logic to pull amd64 container images on darwin/arm64 #14552
- [editor] fixed editor preference localizations #14018
- [notebook] added basics to allow for hidden cells #14573
- [notebook] added fixes for invisible cells #14617
- [notebook] fixed cell height when updating output #14621
- [notebook] fixed rendering of output of cells added with already existing output #14618
- [plugin] introduced IconPath type #14590 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] stubbed TestRunProfile#loadDetailedCoverageForTest #14599 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated builtins to 1.95.3 #14606
- [remote] use local settings and configuration while connected to remote (rebinds UserStorageProvider) [#14548]#14548
- [ai] added support for users to specify custom request settings, model, and optionally provider-specific #14535
- [ai] allowed specifying max lines used for AI code completion context #14539
- [ai] added hovers for agents and variables #14498
- [ai] allowed comments in prompt templates #14470
- [ai] added local models to non-streaming accept list #14420
- [ai] allowed canceling llama-file requests #14515
- [ai] showed arguments in tool call response renderer #14424
- [ai] supported prompt variants #14487
- [ai] turned automatic inline completion off by default #14513
- [ai] fixed request settings and stop words in HF provider #14504
- [ai] added preference to ignore files in workspace functions #14449
- [ai] fixed prompt template contribution category and template #14497
- [ai] chore: avoided conflicting keybinding for opening chat window #14495
- [ai] supported agents asking for input and continuing #14486 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] showed progress while calculating AI code completion #14537
- [ai] fixed AI history view crashing on first use #14443
- [ai] fixed: added React keys in chat views #14444
- [ai] sorted models in LLM selection dialogue in AI Configuration View #14442
- [ai] added support for Hugging Face #14412
- [ai] added manual AI code completion #14393
- [ai] improved workspace agent functions and prompt #14426
- [ai] improved agent history recording #14378
- [ai] allowed reopening AI history widget #14422
- [ai] avoided prompt template directory error #14421
- [ai] adjusted chat input height dynamically #14432
- [ai] fixed: allowed all three brackets for variables #14465
- [ai] allowed adding variants via prompt template files #14509
- [application-package] bumped API version to 1.95.3 #14541 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [browser-only] removed browserfs dependency (replaced by OPFS) #14263
- [core] updated Inversify to latest #14435
- [core] updated parcel watcher to 2.5.0 #14545
- [core] fixed calculation of SelectComponent dropdown bottom #14381
- [core] fixed electron win background color #14491 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] fixed: kept closable state through pin/unpin #14377 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] fixed alignment of viewWelcome to VS Code #14391
- [core] fixed uppermost context menu item sometimes not clickable in Electron #14401
- [debug] disabled editing of read-only variables #14440
- [dev-container] fixed container stopping on disconnect and application close #14542
- [electron] pinned Electron version to 30.1.2 #14407 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [filesystem] added support for files.insertFinalNewline during formatOnSave #13751 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] added min height to cell outputs #14488
- [plugin] fixed selection and improved active text editor behavior #14480
- [plugin] supported MappedEditProviders proposed API evolution #14453 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] added support for ThemeColor property id #14437 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] added support for property ThemeColor ID #14437 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin-ext] fixed overlapping outputs when creating a cell at the top #14417
- [plugin-ext] fixed active notebook editor staying active as long as the editor is active #14419
- [metrics] fixed MeasurementNotificationService binding #14439
- [core] fixed disposing of dialogs on close - #14456 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] added logic to allow to order and clear AI History view #14233
- [ai] added preference to exclude files from code completion #14315
- [ai] added support for custom agents #14301
- [ai] added support for custom keys for custom Open AI models #14299
- [ai] added support for llamafile as ai model provider #14281
- [ai] added support for o1-preview #14356
- [ai] added support to make response parsing extensible #14196 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] added support to query history by session #14368 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] fixed markdown request renderer #14211
- [ai] improved custom OpenAI and llama-file preference description #14376
- [ai] improved styling of the chat widget #14278 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] updated list of OpenAI models supporting structured output #14247
- [ai] updated logic so that orchestrator logs its own requests #14255
- [ai] updated logic to allow customizing the LLM request settings #14284 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] updated logic to avoid line wrap in code response parts #14363
- [ai] updated terminal agent to record its requests #14246
- [application-package] added an application prop to set the configuration area #14319 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [application-package] bumped API version to 1.94.2 #14371 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [cli] upgraded puppeteer to 23.1.0 #14261 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] fixed circular imports when importing ReactDialog #14352
- [core] fixed css calc expression to have space around operator #14241 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] fixed duplicate text editor entry #14238
- [core] improved widget specific status bar handling #14239
- [core] replaced nsfw with @parcel/watcher #14194
- [core] updated logic to set menu bar less often at startup #14295 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] updated logic to start menu handler ids at one, not zero #14282 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] upgraded express to 4.21.0 #14283 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [filesystem] added logic to New File dialog to accept Enter for default #14146
- [filesystem] updated logic to show error message when uploading fails #14349
- [filesystem] updated rimraf to 5 #14273
- [notebook] added Cell Tag Support for Notebooks #14271
- [notebook] added notebook split cell command #14212
- [notebook] fixed notebook editor focusing #14229
- [notebook] fixed notebook editor staying current even when selecting sidebar or bottom panel #14262
- [notebook] optimized notebook webview output #14234
- [notebook] updated logic to blur cell on shift+enter, only update cell height when changed #14277
- [notebook] updated logic to ensure notebook document event registration #14242
- [notebook] updated logic to not disable cell edit mode when escaping code completion in notebooks #14328
- [playwright] added Playwright API for Notebooks #14098
- [plugin] added support for proposed signature for workspace.createFileSystemWatcher #14303 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] fixed the onDidChangeActiveNotebookEditorEmitter to fire correctly #14321
- [plugin] supported MappedEditProviders proposed API evolution #14276 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated logic to accept a string argument in env.openExternal API #14350 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated logic to properly dispose tab/title-based resources on tab close #14359
- [plugin] wrapped api objects returned to clients in a proxy #14213 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [preferences] improved preference renderer linking #14311
- [workspace] optimized showing recent workspaces #14260
- [ai] add Theia AI LLM Support [Experimental] #14048
- [ai] adapted default LLM for Theia AI to gpt-4o #14165
- [ai] add enable state of agent to preferences #14206
- [ai] chore: polished AI code completion #14192
- [ai] consistently named agents and added tags #14182
- [ai] feat: added toolbar actions for chat nodes #14181 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [ai] feat: show variables and functions on AI agent configuration #14177
- [ai] feat: supported models served via OpenAI API #14172
- [ai] fixed ai-settings retrieval #14221
- [ai] fixed enablement of AI support #14166
- [ai] improved prompt of workspace agent #14159
- [ai] refined AI settings #14202
- [ai] refined experimental message for AI features #14187
- [ai] removed type duplication for kind property #14207
- [ai] consistent prompt ids #14162
- [ai] fix: disabled an agent also disabled its UIContribution #14184
- [application-package] bumped API version to 1.93.1 #14224 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] fixed selection of contributed menu action argument adapters #14132 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] supported proxy env variable for schema catalog download #14130
- [core] supported workbench.editorAssociations preference #14139
- [editor] aligned active text and notebook editor more towards vscode #14190
- [filesystem] fixed FileResource sometimes sending contents change event during writing #14043 - Contributed on behalf of Toro Cloud
- [notebook] focused notebook cell container correctly #14175
- [notebook] fixed notebook context selection #14179
- [notebook] made the cell editor border grey when not focused #14195
- [plugin] removed stub tag from TerminalOptions#color #14171
- [plugin] moved stubbed API TerminalShellIntegration into main API #14168 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] supported evolution on proposed API extensionAny #14199 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated TreeView reveal options to be readonly #14198 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin-ext] properly supported executeDocumentSymbolProvider command #14173
- [plugin-ext] fixed leak in tabs-main.ts #14186
- [preferences] expanded plugin preferences on scroll correctly #14170
- [test] supported TestMessage stack traces #14154 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [workspace] handled only the user workspace security settings #14147
- [ai] added toolbar actions on chat nodes #14181 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] updated AuthenticationService to handle multiple accounts per provider #14149 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [application-package] bumpped API version to 1.92.2 #14076 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [collaboration] added support for collaboration feature #13309
- [core] added
menu contribution #14028 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [core] added support for reverting a composite saveable #14079
- [core] aligned available locales to VS Code #14039
- [core] dropped support for Node 16.x #14027 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] refactored undo-redo action for editors #13963
- [core] updated logic to correctly revert saveable on widget close #14062
- [core] updated logic to download json schema catalog at build-time #14065 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [electron] updated electron to version 30.1.2 #14041 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [monaco] updated logic to rely on
change event to update model options #13994 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [notebook] added aliases for
for notebooks #14042 - [notebook] added logic to support Alt+Enter in notebooks - run the current cell and insert a new below #14022
- [notebook] added notebook selected cell status bar item and center selected cell command #14046
- [notebook] added support to find widget in notebooks #13982
- [notebook] enhanced notebook cell divider #14081
- [notebook] fixed notebook output scrolling and text rendering #14016
- [notebook] fixed vscode api notebook selection property #14087
- [notebook] updated logic to make sure notebook model created when calling
#14029 - [notebook] updated logic to use correct cell type for selected language #13983
- [playwright] fixed flaky playwright Theia Main Menu test #13951 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] added
, andexecuteWorkspaceSymbolProvider
command implementations #14093 - [plugin] added support for
cmd argument #13918 - [plugin] fixed issue when creating new untitled notebook doesn't work #14031
- [plugin] implemented previously stubbed API
#13306 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] stubbed Terminal Shell Integration VS Code API #14058
- [plugin] updated logic to allow opening changes for files associated with custom editors #13916
- [plugin] upated code to not use
#13980 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [preferences] fixed preference tree for plugins #14036
- [vsx-registry] fixed
errors on OVSX requests #14030
- [dependencies] Updated electron to version 30.1.2 - #14041 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [dependencies] increased minimum node version to 18. #14027 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [application-package] bumped the default supported API from
#13955 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [cli] added logging to download:plugins script #13905 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] bug fix: "core.saveAll" command only saved dirty widgets #13942
- [core] downgrade jsdom to 22.1.0 #13944
- [core] fixed reload for remote feature and added option to the electron window to change URL on reload #13891
- [core] improved implementation around widget management #13818
- [core] introduced
environment variable to override application connection settings #13936 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [core] made sure UI loaded when minimized #13887 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] prevented the rendering of the tab bar tooltip if no caption was provided #13945
- [core] tab selected should be adjacent when closing the last one #13912 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] upgraded ws to 8.18.0 #13903
- [debug] added DebugSessionOptions.testRun #13939 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [debug] implemented activeStackItem and related change event in debug namespace #13900 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [filesystem] fixed FileResource not adding event listener to the disposable collection #13880
- [notebook] changed cell type when selecting markdown as a code cell's language #13933
- [notebook] made Notebook preferences registration substitutable #13926
- [ovsx-client] fixed plugin version comparison #13907
- [plugin-ext] codicon color and URI support to TerminalOptions #13413
- [plugin-ext] used relative paths for ctx.importScripts() #13854
- [preferences] refactored preference tree layouting #13819
- [terminal] added support for 256 truecolor #13853
- [workflows] updated Mac OS version to 14 in CI #13908
- [application-manager] updated logic to load correct messaging module in browser-only mode #13827
- [application-package] bumped the default supported API from
#13849 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [core] added support for dynamic menu contributions #13720
- [core] fixed account menu order, icon and badge #13771
- [core] fixed overflow behavior of sidebars #13483 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] improved shown keybindings in context menu #13830
- [core] introduced optional serialize method in Saveable #13833
- [core] updated doc comments on service-connection-provider.ts #13805 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] updated logic of links to block local navigation and open new windows externally in electron #13782 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] updated logic to propagate "Save As" operation to plugin host #13689
- [core] updated logic to use 'openWithSystemApp' to open uri when 'env.openExternal' requested #13676
- [electron] switched single instance on per default. #13831 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [filesystem] improved Upload Command #13775
- [markers] fixed data race in problem view tree #13841
- [messages] updated logic to always resolve existing before showing new notification #13668
- [monaco] fixed editors theme change and widget not attached error #13757
- [notebook] added an indicator for loading notebooks #13843
- [notebook] added notebook output options and tag preference search #13773
- [notebook] disabled cell editor search widget #13836
- [notebook] improved ability to overwrite notebook services #13776
- [notebook] improved notebook cell drag images #13791
- [notebook] improved support for creating new notebooks #13696
- [notebook] updated logic to set notebook editor as active when opening in foreground #13828
- [notebook] updated logic to stop moving to next cell when suggestion widget is visible #13774
- [playwright] fixed type definition of TheiaAppFactory #13799 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] added stub for
#13681 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] added support for PluginExt#extensionKind #13763
- [plugin] added support for TestRunRequest preserveFocus API #13839 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] fixed RPC proxy handler notifications and requests order #13810
- [plugin] fixed programmatic save for custom text editors #13684
- [plugin] fixed tab group API event order #13812
- [plugin] stubbed Chat and Language Model API #13778
- [plugin] stubbed activeStackItem and related change event in debug namespace #13847 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated logic to avoid pollution of all toolbars by actions contributed by tree views in extensions #13768 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated logic to return empty appRoot in web plugin host #13762
- [scm] updated jsdiff and simplify diff computation #13787 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [vsx-registry] updated logic to use targetPlatform when installing plugin from open-vsx #13825
- [electron] switched single instance on per default. #13831 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [filesystem] adjusted the "Save As" mechanism to assume that
returns a full snapshot of the editor model #13689.
- [application-package] bumped the default supported API from
#13738 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [cli] upgrade the Theia build to use Typescript 5.4.5 #13628 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] added logic to delegate showing help to the back end process. #13729 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] added logic to don't reveal the focused element when updating the tree rows #13703 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] added logic to ensure globalSelection is correctly set when opening context menu on a tree widget #13710
- [core] added to logic to ensure usage of user-defined
#13708 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [core] fixed hex editor by updating
to 1.10.2 #13722 - [core] improved
deprecation message #13713 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [core] refactored auto save mechanism via a central service #13683
- [core] updated logic to make browserWindow of splashScreen transparent #13699
- [dev-container] added support for four previously unsupported dev container properties #13714
- [dev-container] improved logic to show dev-container label in status bar #13744
- [electron] updated electron to ^28.2.8 #13580
- [navigator] added logic to handle
context key #13664 - [navigator] added logic to not show the new "Open With..." command on folders #13678
- [notebook] added additional css to notebook output webviews #13666
- [notebook] added basics for notebook cell drag image renderers #13698
- [notebook] added logic to select next notebook cell on first or last line of editor #13656
- [notebook] added logic to select the last cell when deleting selected last cell #13715
- [notebook] added logic to stop execution when deleting cell #13701
- [notebook] added responsive design for the main notebook toolbar #13663
- [notebook] aligned commands with vscode notebook commands #13645
- [notebook] aligned notebook scroll into view behaviour with vscode #13742
- [notebook] fixed focus loss of the notebook editor widget when bluring a cell editor #13741
- [notebook] fixed notebook cell divider size #13745
- [notebook] fixed storing of the notebook-outlineview state data #13648
- [notebook] improved notebook cell model lifecycle #13675
- [notebook] improved support for creating new notebooks #13696
- [plugin] added stub for
#13681 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] added support
active API #13718 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] fixed github authentication built-in for electron case #13611 - Contributed on behalof of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] fixed incorrect URI conversions in custom-editors-main #13653
- [plugin] fixed quick pick separators from plugins #13740
- [plugin] improved vscode tab API #13730
- [plugin] updated
proposed API for 1.89 compatibility #13733 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] updated nls metadata for VSCode API 1.89.0 #13743
- [remote] added logic to support plugin copying for remote feature #13369
- [terminal] fixed performance issues in terminal #13735 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [terminal] updated logic to allow transitive binding for TerminalFrontendContribution #13667
- [core] Classes implementing the
interface no longer need to implement theautoSave
field. However, a newonContentChanged
event has been added instead. - [navigator] The
Open With...
command now uses a dedicatedOpenWithHandler
to populate the quick pick. Adopters contributing an open handler need to explicitly add the handler to theOpenWithHandler
- [application-manager] added logic to generate Extension Info in server application to avoid empty About Dialog #13590 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [application-manager] fixed spawn calls for node LTS versions #13614
- [application-package] bumped the default supported API from
#13646 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [cli] added "patches" folder to package.json "files" field #13554 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] added a new built-in handler to open files with system application #13601
- [core] added logic to always consider the "passthrough" commmand enabled for keybindings #13564 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] added Splash Screen Support for Electron #13505 - contributed on behalf of Pragmatiqu IT GmbH
- [core] fixed window revealing when navigating with multiple windows #13561 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] improved "Open With..." command UX #13573
- [filesystem] added logic to open editor on file upload #13578
- [monaco] added logic to prevent duplicate Clipboard actions in editor context menu #13626
- [monaco] fixed monaco localization #13557
- [notebook] added additional keybings to the notebook editor #13594
- [notebook] added logic to force notebook scrollbar update after content change #13575
- [notebook] added logic to read execution summary #13567
- [notebook] added logic to select notebook cell language #13615
- [notebook] added logic to show short title for notebook toolbar commands #13586
- [notebook] added logic to use notebook URI as context for toolbar commands #13585
- [notebook] added shift+enter keybinding for markdown cells #13563
- [notebook] added support for Outline-View and Breadcrumbs #13562
- [notebook] added support for truncated notebook output commands #13555
- [notebook] disabled clear all outputs in notebook main toolbar #13569
- [notebook] fixed clear cell outputs command #13640
- [notebook] fixed kernel autobind for on startup opened notebooks #13598
- [notebook] fixed logic to set context for multiple notebooks #13566
- [notebook] fixed notebook cell EOL splitting #13574
- [notebook] fixed notebook model/cell disposal #13606
- [notebook] fixed notebook widget icon on reload #13612
- [notebook] improved notebook cell context key handling #13572
- [notebook] improved notebook markdown cell rendering #13577
- [plugin] added logic to hide empty plugin view containers from user #13581
- [plugin] added logic to ignore vsix files in local-plugins dir #13435 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] fixed
activation event #13630 - [plugin] fixed issue with webview communication for Safari #13587
- [plugin] updated
proposed API for 1.88 compatibility #13632 - [plugin] updated back-end plugin deployment logic #13643 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [process] fixed spawn calls for node LTS versions #13614
- [remote] fixed remote support in packaged apps #13584
- [scm] added support for dirty diff peek view #13104
- [terminal] fixed spawn calls for node LTS versions #13614
- [test] stubbed VS Code
Test Coverage
API #13631 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [vsx-registry] fixed logic to bind Extension search bar within view container #13623
- [scm] revised some of the dirty diff related types #13104
- replaced
, which provides more detailed information about the changes - changed the semantics of
to represent a range that spans up to but not including theend
line (previously, it included theend
line) - changed the signature of
DirtyDiffDecorator.toDeltaDecoration(LineRange | number, EditorDecorationOptions)
- replaced
- [application-package] bumped the default supported API from
#13514 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [core] added "New File" default implementation #13344
- [core] added logic to check for disposed before sending update message in toolbars #13454 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] fixed default translation of Close Editor command #13412
- [core] fixed logic to allow reopening secondary windows #13509 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] fixed rending of quickpick buttons #13342 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] updated logic to remove unneeded URI conversion #13415
- [dev-container] added first version of dev-container support #13372
- [editor] added secondary window support for text editors #13493 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [git] fixed detecting changes after git init #13487
- [metrics] allowed accessing the metrics endpoint for performance analysis in electron #13380 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [monaco] fixed monaco quickpick #13451 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [monaco] fixed rending of quickpick buttons #13342 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [notebook] added execute cells above/below commands #13528
- [notebook] added execution order display to code cells #13502
- [notebook] added keybindings to notebook editor #13497
- [notebook] added support for custom widget types for notebook outputs #13517
- [notebook] fixed cell execution height styling #13515
- [notebook] fixed context keys for notebook editor context #13448
- [notebook] fixed keybindings triggers when cell editor is focused #13500
- [notebook] fixed notebook document metadata edit #13528
- [notebook] fixed renaming and moving of open notebooks #13467
- [notebook] fixed undo redo keybindings for notebook editor #13518
- [notebook] improved focusing of the notebook cell editors #13516
- [notebook] improved performance when opening notebooks #13488
- [notebook] updated logic to only initialize notebook cell editor when in viewport #13476
- [plugin] added
#13458 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] added terminal observer API #13402
- [plugin] changed logic to ensure that showOpenDialog returns correct file URI #13208 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] fixed quickpick #13451 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] made
function available on global objects #13411 - [plugin] updated logic to avoid disposal of
on hide #13485 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [remote] added logic to support remote port forwarding #13439
- [terminal] added logic to resolve links to workspace files in terminal #13498 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [terminal] added terminal observer API #13402
- [core] Add secondary windows support for text editors. #13493. The changes in require more extensive patches for our dependencies than before. For this purpose, we are using the
library. However, this change requires adopters to add the line"postinstall": "theia-patch"
to thepackage.json
at the root of their monorepo (where thenode_modules
folder is located). - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [application-package] bumped the default supported API from
#13429 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [core] added logic to show decorations in the editor tabs #13371
- [core] added ts-docs for several key utility classes #13324
- [core] fixed core localizations for electron #13331
- [core] fixed memory leak in
#13327 - [core] fixed update of CompositeMenuNode properties #13425
- [core] improved title rendering on menu bar change #13317
- [core] updated code to use common uuid generator everywhere #13255
- [core] updated logic to use
in order to reduce bundle size #13350 - [core] upgraded msgpackr to 1.10.1 #13365 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [debug] fixed issue with unexpected breakpoint in python #12543
- [documentation] extended custom plugin API documentation #13358
- [editor] improved readonly editor behaviour #13403
- [filesystem] fixed issue with non recursive folder deletion #13361
- [filesystem] implemented readonly markdown message for file system providers #13414 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [monaco] upgraded Monaco to 1.83.1 #13217
- [notebook] added support for proposed notebook kernel messaging and preload contribution point #13401
- [notebook] fixed notebook renderer messaging #13401
- [notebook] fixed race condition in notebook kernel association #13364
- [notebook] improved logic to update notebook execution timer #13366
- [notebook] improved notebook scrolling behaviour #13338
- [notebook] improved styling for notebook toolbar items #13334
- [notebook] fixed scroll behaviour of Notebooks #13430
- [plugin] added command to install plugins from the command line #13406 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] added logic to support
#13393 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] added support for
, andterminal/title/context
menu contribution points #13226 - [plugin] fixed custom editors asset loading #13382
- [plugin] fixed logic to use correct path for hosted plugin deployer handler #13427 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] fixed regressions from headless plugins introduction #13337 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] support TestRunProfile onDidChangeDefault introduced in VS Code 1.86.0 #13388 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated
metadata typing #13395 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [search-in-workspace] added logic to focus on next and previous search results #12703
- [task] fixed logic to configure tasks #13367 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [terminal] updated to latest xterm version #12691
- [vsx-registry] added
cli command #13421 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [vsx-registry] added possibility to install vsix files from the explorer view #13291
- [monaco] Upgrade Monaco dependency to 1.83.1 #13217- contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
There are a couple of breaking changes that come with this monaco update- Moved
to the common folder - Minor typing adjustments in QuickPickService: in parti
- FileUploadService: moved id field from data transfer item to the corresponding file info
- The way we instantiate monaco services has changed completely: if you touch monaco services in your code, please read the description in the
file comment in
- Moved
- [plugin] Add prefix to contributed view container ids #13362 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [application-manager] updated message for missing Electron main entries #13242
- [application-package] bumped the default supported API from
#13276 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [browser-only] added support for 'browser-only' Theia #12853
- [builtins] update built-ins to version 1.83.1 #13298 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] added keybindings to toggle the tree checkbox #13271
- [core] added logic to dispose cancellation event listeners #13254
- [core] added preference 'workbench.tree.indent' to control the indentation in the tree widget #13179 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] fixed copy/paste from a menu in electron #13220 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] fixed file explorer progress bar issue #13268
- [core] fixed issue with cyclic menu contributions #13264
- [core] fixed leak when reconnecting to back end without reload #13250 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] fixed SelectComponent to render dropdown correctly in dialog #13261
- [core] removed error logs from RpcProxyFactory #13191
- [documentation] improved documentation about 'ContributionProvider' use #13278
- [docuemtnation] improved documentation on passing objects across RPC #13238
- [documentation] updated plugin API docs for headless plugins and Inversify DI #13299
- [filesystem] updated logic to only read unbuffered when we read the whole file #13197
- [headless-plugin] added support for "headless plugins" in a new plugin host #13138
- [monaco] updated logic to add document URI as context to getDefaultFormatter #13280 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [notebook] fixed dynamic notebook widgets resizing #13289
- [notebook] fixed multiple problems with the notebook output rendering #13239
- [notebook] improved notebook error logging #13256
- [plugin] added logic to synchronize messages sent via different proxies #13180
- [remote] added support for specifying the port of a remote SSH connection #13296 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] fixed inputbox onTriggerButton() event #13207 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] fixed localization for the removeSession method #13257
- [plugin] fixed
path #13285 - [plugin] stubbed multiDocumentHighlightProvider proposed API #13248 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated logic to handle activeCustomEditorId #13267
- [plugin] updated logic to pass context to webview context menu action #13228
- [plugin] updated logic to use more stable hostname for webviews #13092 #13258
- [terminal] fixed wording in error message #13245 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [terminal] renamed terminal.sendText() parameter from addNewLine to shouldExecute #13236 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [terminal] updated logic to resize terminal #13281
- [terminal] updated terminalQuickFixProvider proposed API according to vscode 1.85 version #13240 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [vsx-registry] implemented verified extension filtering #12995
- [core] moved
package tocommon
#12853 - [plugin] introduced new common interfaces/classes for reuse by different plugin hosts #13138
- [application-manager] updated logic to allow rebinding messaging services in preload #13199
- [application-package] bumped the default supported API from
#13198 - [core] added cli parameter
to controluserDataPath
#13155 - [core] added logic to control the size and position of secondary windows #13201
- [core] added logic to save untitled files to the last active folder #13184
- [core] fixed regression preventing closing the application when a dirty editor is present #13173
- [core] fixed styling for compressed navigator indents #13162
- [core] introduced timeout logic for keeping connection contexts alive #13082
- [core] updated
#13200 - [debug] fixed issue where debug configuration providers would replace other providers #13196
- [documentation] improved documentation regarding the addition of the plugin API in the plugin host #13153
- [notebook] fixed notebook kernel selection #13171
- [notebook] implemented general API improvements #13012
- [notebook] optimized output logic #13137
- [plugin] added documentation about adding custom activation events #13190
- [plugin] added logic to deploy plugins asynchronously #13134
- [plugin] added logic to not reject unknown schemas in
#13057 - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #13176 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] added support for the
menu contribution point #13166 - [plugin] fixed incorrect
unsupported activation error
in stdout #13095 - [plugin] fixed issue where the
activation event was incorrectly generated #13091 - [plugin] fixed plugin icon styling #13101
- [terminal] updated logic to use
when expanding/collapsing the bottom panel #13131 - [workspace] added logic to create an empty workspace if no workspace is active on
event #13181 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [plugin] updated VS Code extension locations: deployment dir switched to
files from$CONFDIR/extensions
are deployed automatically #13178 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [application-manager] added option to copy
dependency to the bundle #13112 - [application-package] bumped the default supported API from
#13118 - [ci] added smokes tests for production builds #12965
- [ci] updated CI to pin Python at
to resolvenode-gyp
errors #13040 - [core] added handling to prevent class name based contribution filtering #13103
- [core] added support for portable mode for electron apps #12690
- [core] fixed logic when handling listener events #13079
- [core] improved default translations using preferred keys #13078
- [core] updated
#13119 - [core] updated proxy path handling for
#13054 - [debug] fixed issue where the UI was not updated upon editing breakpoint conditions #12980
- [debug] fixed localizations of debug schema attributes #13017
- [debug] updated description field for thread stopped status #13050
- [documentation] added coding guidelines regarding
tags #13029 - [documentation] updated broken link to
#13122 - [filesystem] updated electron dialogs so they are modal by default #13043
- [notebook] fixed race condition for view registrations #13115
- [playwright] added basic support for electron #12207
- [plugin] added a command to list installed plugins #12818
- [plugin] added handling to forward webview log messages to the browser console #13084
- [plugin] added support for VS Code default language icons #13014
- [plugin] added support for
in theLanguageConfiguration
VS Code API #13088 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #13093 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #13105 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #13097 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [private-ext-scripts] updated information regarding scripts #13127
- [repo] removed usages of
#12981 - [search-in-workspace] added support for search history hint in input fields #12967
- [search-in-workspace] fixed search-in-workspace line styling #13071
- [task] added handling to prevent the task widget title from being changed by task process #13003
- [task] added support for
isDefault: false
in task group definitions #13075 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [toolbar] fixed rendering error for undefined toolbar groups #13124
- [application-manager] fixed backend webpack output and watching #12902
- [application-manager] updated
command to deletegen-webpack.node.config.js
#12975 - [application-package] bumped the default supported API version from
#13025 - [cli] upgraded
dependency from^4.2.0
#12958 - [core] added
related menus to the bottom sidebar #12803 - [core] added lazy loading support for localizations #12932
- [core] added localizations for clipboard commands #13031
- [core] fixed file saving dialog for dirty editors #12864
- [core] fixed preload application package import #12964
- [core] improved responsiveness when selecting a localization language #12992
- [core] removed unnecessary
#12961 - [core] updated
#13028 - [core] updated handling to ensure
are properly applied on init #12983 - [debug] added missing localizations for debug paused labels #12973
- [debug] fixed an issue which caused jumping of the hover widget #12971
- [file-search] implemented
preference #12913 - [keymaps] added context-menu items for the keyboard shortcuts view #12791
- [monaco] upgraded
dependency from7.0.3
#12963 - [notebook] updated handling to correctly updated when output items are updated #13023
- [plugin] added support for string arguments for
#12997 - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #12984 - [plugin] added support for the icons contribution point #12912
- [plugin] fixed output renderer scripts path #12979
- [plugin] fixed symlink handling when initializing plugins #12841
- [plugin] improved resolution of webview views #12998
- [plugin] updated handling to allow null items in tree data providers #13018
- [remote] added remote ssh support #12618
- [test] added support for the
API #12935 - [vscode] added support for
in theDocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider
VS Code API #13020 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [vscode] evolved proposed API for
(stubbed) #13010 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [vscode] evolved proposed API for
#13009 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [vscode] evolved proposed API for
#13006 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [vscode] implemented scope API on env var collections #12999 - contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] moved
#12993 - [core] removed
menupath constant - replaced byMANAGE_GENERAL
#12803 - [core] removed
menupath constant - replaced byMANAGE_SETTINGS
- [core] added
support in the frontend preload script #12590 - [core] added missing localizations for keybinding error messages #12889
- [core] fixed logger level propagation when log config changes at runtime #12566 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] improved the frontend startup time #12936 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] updated
#12951 - [core] upgraded
#12909 - [debug] fixed erroneous inline breakpoints #12832
- [dev-packages] bumped the default supported API version from
#12949 - [dev-packages] restored src-gen frontend production behavior 12950 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [dialogs] added functionality to allow multiple selection in open dialogs #12923 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [documentation] added follow-up section to the pull-request template #12901
- [editor] added functionality to create untitled files when double-clicking the tabbar #12867
- [electron] improved responsiveness of the initial electron window #12897 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics.
- [plugin] added stubbing for the
VS Code API #12944 - Contributed by STMicroelectronics - [plugin] added support for
in theQuickPickItem
VS Code API #12945 - Contributed by STMicroelectronics - [repo] updated deprecated instances of
in favor ofwhen
clauses #12830 - [search-in-workspace] added support for multiline searches #12868
- [vsx-registry] added a hint in
errors when failing to fetch extensions #12858 - Contributed by STMicroelectronics
- [application-package] added handling to quit the electron app when the backend fails to start #12778 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] added
--dnsDefaultResultOrder <value>
CLI argument wherevalue
is one ofipv4first
. It controls how domain names are resolved #12711 - [core] added functionality to capture stopwatch results #12812
- [core] added support for
menu path #12819 - [core] added support for icon-less tabbar items #12804
- [core] added support for independent items in the
menu #12799 - [core] fixed submenu contributions to
#12706 - [core] improved middle-click behavior for tree nodes #12783
- [core] improved rendering of the close icon when hovering tabs #12806
- [core] updated
#12875 - [debug] fixed issue where edit watch expressions were not updated without a session #12627
- [dev-packages] bumped the default supported API version from
#12866 - [editor] fixed context-menu behavior for the editor gutter #12794
- [filesystem] added missing localization for the copied download link to clipboard notification #12873
- [getting-started] added checkbox to the welcome page to toggle visibility on startup #12750
- [getting-started] added support for the
preference #12813 - [getting-started] fixed
open folder
link on the welcome page #12857 - [getting-started] improved rendering of the welcome page for smaller viewports #12825
- [git] fixed unhandled promise rejection during git operations #12433
- [markers] improved problems widget rendering, and problem matching #12802
- [monaco] improved extensibility of
#12785 - [native-webpack-plugin] added
dependency helpers bundling to the backend #12797 - [navigator] added missing localizations when no roots are present in a multi-root workspace #12795
- [notebook] added initial support for
editors #12442 - [playwright] upgraded to the latest version and added new page objects #12843
- [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #12838 - [plugin] fixed
support from VS Code plugins #12758 - [plugin] fixed
menu behavior for builtin views #12763 - [plugin] fixed an issue where the
would not serialize successfully #12584 - [plugin] fixed plugin menu icon background when hovering #12827
- [plugin] fixed the default
icon for themes #12776 - [plugin] fixed web plugin express endpoint #12787
- [preferences] improved memory consumption by re-using the markdown renderer instance #12790
- [process] fixed
compatibility for shell commands similarly to VS Code #12761 - [repo] bumped builtin plugins to
#12807 - [scm-extra] fixed an issue with scm history after performing a commit #12837
- [task] added handling to ensure contributed problem matchers are successfully discovered #12805
- [task] fixed error thrown for custom task execution #12770
- [vscode] added support for tree checkbox api #12836 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [workspace] fixed saving of untitled text editors when closing a workspace or closing the application #12577
- [deps] bumped supported Node.js version from 16.x to >=18, you may need to update your environments #12711
- [preferences] removed the
preference in favor ofworkbench.startupEditor
#12813 - [terminal] deprecated
preference #12691 - [terminal] removed protected method
- [application-package] bumped the default supported VS Code API from
#12764 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [application-package] fixed ignored resource in backend bundling #12681
- [cli] added
to facilitate checking the uniqueness of@theia
extension versions #12596 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [core] added functionality to display command shortcuts in toolbar item tooltips #12660 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] added support to render a visual preview of a tab while hovering #12648 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [core] fixed regression when rendering icons in menus #12739
- [core] fixed tabbar icon flickering when resizing views #12629
- [core] updated localization data with respect to VS Code
#12765 - [debug] fixed issue where the
did not have the proper value #12567 - [debug] improved multi-root experience for launch configurations #12674
- [dialog] added support for the
attribute #12642 - [documentation] added policy on VS Code usage #11537
- [filesystem] fixed readonly permissions with disk filesystem provider #12354
- [keymaps] improved display of action buttons in the keyboard shortcuts view #12675
- [playwright] fixed issue with
page object #12753 - [plugin] added stubbing for the
VS Code API #12747 - [plugin] fixed
support fordocumentation
#12685 - [plugin] improved handling when writing stores #12717
- [preferences] improved preference file button rendering #12586
- [repo] fixed launch configurations for ovsx #12731
- [scm] improved tree selection styling #12470
- [search-in-workspace] improved styling of search options #12697
- [search-in-workspace] improved tree selection styling #12470
- [vscode] added support for
message #12752 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [vscode] added support for the
close property #12749 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [workspace] added support for workspace file extension customization #12420
- [workspace] implemented
VS Code API #12743 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [preferences] changed the
preference from boolean to enum: #12648 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronicsclassic
: Display a simple preview of the tab with basic information.enhanced
: Display an enhanced preview of the tab with additional information. (The behavior introduced in #12350)visual
: Display a visual preview of the tab. (The preview support was added with this PR)
- [repo] updated GitHub workflow to stop publishing
versions #12699 - [workspace] split
#12420 - [plugin] Removed synchronous
calls from the backend application and plugins. The plugin scanner, directory and file handlers, and the plugin deploy entry has async API now. Internalprotected
APIs have been affected. #12798
- [application-manager] added support for backend bundling #12412
- [application-package] bumped the default supported VS Code API from
#12655 - [core] fixed visibility of the toolbar when resizing #12617
- [core] improved responsiveness of input fields #12604
- [core] improved rpc protocol #12581
- [core] updated
button order for consistency #12559 - [core] updated handling on tab overflow for sidepanels #12593
- [core] updated localization metadata for
#12661 - [core] updated styling for input validation in dialogs #12585
- [debug] added missing localizations for the debug session status #12569
- [debug] added support for conditional exception breakpoints #12445
- [electron] added secondary window support #12481
- [file-search] added missing localizations for the quick-file open #12571
- [file-search] updated
arguments for file searches #12608 - [keymaps] fixed broken typedoc link for supported keys #12573
- [monaco] improved styling of the quick-input menu #12239
- [navigator] improved open editors styling and decorations #12598
- [plugin] added
support forSourceControlResourceThemableDecorations.iconPath
VS Code API #12187 - [plugin] added stubbing for the
VS Code API #12614 - [plugin] added support to track the visible viewlet #12597
- [repo] updated border-radius styling for various elements #12252
- [repo] updated license headers to respect
standards #12584 - [repo] upgraded builtin extension-pack to
#12576 - [terminal] fixed
toolbar item visibility #12626 - [terminal] fixed command executions on Windows #12620
- [terminal] fixed terminal flicker when resizing #12587
- [vscode] added missing editor/lineNumber/context menu mapping #12638 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics
- [vscode] added support for the
toolbar menu #12637 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [vsx-registry] added multiple registries support #12040
- [cli] build process has been adapted to facilitate backend bundling #12412
compiles frontend files now into thelib/frontend
directory (previouslylib
)- the
has been moved fromsrc-gen/frontend
theia rebuild
needs to run beforetheia build
for the respective target when using a bundled backend
- [repo] with the upgrade to Inversify 6.0, a few initialization methods were adjusted. See also this migration guide entry. Additionally, other changes include: #12425
- the type expected by the
symbol has been changed fromPromiseLike<PreferenceSchema>
to() => PromiseLike<PreferenceSchema>
- the symbol
has been changed toOnigasmProvider
and injects a function of type() => Promise<IOnigLib>
- the symbol
has been changed toPreferenceTransactionPreludeProvider
and injects a function of type() => Promise<unknown>
- the type expected by the
- [rpc] Renamed suffixes of classes and types that were still referencing the old rpc protocol. From
.- old classes and types are still available but haven been deprecated and will be removed future releases #12588
- e.g.
is deprecated, useRpcProxyFactory
- [application-manager] fixed regression preventing browser-only builds from succeeding #12491
- [application-package] bumped the default supported VS Code API from
#12516 - [core] added
open tabs
dropdown forworkbench.tab.shrinkToFit.enabled
preference #12411 - [core] added confirmation prompt when executing
Clear Command History
#12510 - [core] added handling to prevent concurrent access to the disk #12236
- [core] added handling to properly dismiss quick-open menus without explicit focus #12446
- [core] added missing theming for
for active borders #12448 - [core] added support for
property for command contributions #12483 - [core] updated JSON schema URL #12376
- [core] updated
#12555 - [debug] added handling to associate root folder to dynamic debug configurations #12482
- [debug] fixed behavior for exited threads #12113
- [debug] fixed focus out for the debug configuration quick-open menu #12046
- [debug] fixed incorrect debug configuration on startup #12480
- [documentation] added resolution note for
#12527 - [editor] added confirmation prompt when executing
Clear Editor History
#12506 - [markers] improved the performance when rending markers #12408
- [messages] added handling to properly close the toaster container when empty #12457
- [monaco] fixed styling for the suggest list highlighting #12317
- [plugin] added stubbing for the
VS Code API #12535 - [plugin] added stubbing for the
VS Code API #12532 - [plugin] added stubbing for the
#12533 - [plugin] added stubbing for the proposed
VS Code API #12512 - [plugin] added stubbing for the proposed
VS Code API #12508 - [plugin] added stubbing for the proposed
VS Code API #12539 - [plugin] added support for
collapse all
in tree-view toolbars #12514 - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #12453 - [plugin] fixed
behavior #12489 - [plugin] fixed tab indices logic when moving or closing tabs #12400
- [repo] upgraded
to fix a known vulnerability #12556 - [repo] upgraded
to fix a known vulnerability #12556 - [scripts] improved
to handle internal errors #12545 - [search-in-workspace] added multiselect support in the view #12331
- [task] improved user-experience when configuring and running tasks #12507
- [workspace] added exception handling for
#12544 - [workspace] improved behavior of
open workspace
andopen folder
- [core] moved
#12411 - [debug] changed the return type of
toPromise<Record<string, DynamicDebugConfigurationSessionOptions[]>>
#12482 - [workspace] removed
- [application-package] bumped the default supported VS Code API from
#12468 - [cli] added support for
when declaring URLs for plugins #12410 - [core] added support for a dynamic tab resizing strategy (controlled by
) #12360 - [core] added support for enhanced
previews on hover #12350 - [core] added support for localizations using VS Code's
#12192 - [core] added support for pushing a large number of items in tree iterators #12172
- [core] added theming support for
#12367 - [core] fixed an issue where the
theme was not always applied #12419 - [core] fixed right-click behavior in trees due to padding #12436
- [core] replaced
#12413 - [debug] fixed an issue where
did not return the right result #12241 - [electron] upgraded
#12464 - [keymaps] improved search when searching for keybindings #12312
- [monaco] added missing localizations #12378
- [monaco] added support for the
when-clause context #12427 - [monaco] fixed
handling #12463 - [monaco] fixed
Save As...
limit #12418 - [playwright] added a page object for terminals #12381
- [playwright] upgraded
to latest version #12384 - [plugin] added error feedback when invoking the
command #12284 - [plugin] added handling to ensure unique tree-view IDs #12338
- [plugin] added handling to use
as a default when noscope
is provided #12431 - [plugin] added stubbing for the
VS Code API #12456 - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #12454 - [plugin] added support for the
when-clause context #12431 - [plugin] fixed check for presence of files in drag-and-drop #12409
- [plugin] fixed memory leak in tree-views #12353
- [plugin] implemented the VS Code
API #12017 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [preferences] improved localizations for preferences #12378
- [search-in-workspace] added missing placeholder for glob input fields #12389
- [search-in-workspace] fixed
when-clause handler #12385
- [core] injected
constructor 12360 - [core] introduced
to fully render tabs 12360 - [plugin] changed visibility from
for memberproxy
and functionvalidate()
#12017 - [plugin] removed enum
and namespaceenv
- [application-manager] upgraded
#12316 - [cli] updated
version #12222 - [core] added fallback to
for the application window #12265 - [core] added support for
#12244 - [core] fixed
method implementation to properly check visibility #12300 - [core] fixed handling when rendering preferences according to the schema #12347
- [core] fixed issue with the rendering of toolbar items with when clauses #12329
- [core] fixed tabbar rendering when items are present #12307
- [core] fixed the
of debug configurations #12174 - [core] refined typings for
#12259 - [core] updated styling of dialogs #12254
- [debug] added suppression support for the
VS Code API #12220 - [debug] improved breakpoint decoration rendering #12249
- [file-search] updated handling when a file is not found #12255
- [monaco] fixed incorrect range in
#12306 - [monaco] fixed issue preventing the first element in a quick-input from being selected initially #12208
- [outline-view] added "expand-all" toolbar item #12188
- [plugin] added handling to ensure uniqueness of tree node ids #12120
- [plugin] added proper handling for
#12228 - [plugin] added stubbing of the proposed
VS Code API #12277 - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #12293 - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #12330 - [plugin] bumped the default supported API to
#12359 - [plugin] fixed issue which caused the loss of file watching events #12264
- [plugin] fixed issue with
events #12146 - [plugin] fixed plugin proxy support #12266
- [plugin] fixed recursion when setting webview title #12221
- [plugin] reduced plugging logging level to debug #12224
- [scm] fixed inline toolbar command execution #12295
- [terminal] added support for context-menus in terminals #12326
- [terminal] fixed issue causing new terminals to not spawn without a workspace present #12322
- [terminal] fixed terminal creation when spawning multiple terminals quickly #12225
- [toolbar] fixed
behavior in toolbars #12257 - [workspace] simplified
add folder
andremove folder
command implementations #12242 - [workspace] updated the
command to return thestat
when successful #12278
- [core] changed default icon theme from
#11028 - [plugin] renamed
- [scm] fixed
inline toolbar commands, the changes introduces the following breakage: #12295- Interface
removescommands: CommandRegistry
- Interface
removescommands: CommandRegistry
- Interface
removescommands: CommandRegistry
- Interface
- [terminal] removed
method fromTerminalFrontendContribution
#12322 - [electron] enabled context isolation and disabled node integration in Electron renderer (#2018)
- [application-package] updated default supported VS Code API to
#12200 - [core] added handling on shutdown when dirty editors are present #12166
- [core] fixed
handling #12067 - [core] fixed styling of view titles with toolbar items #12077
- [core] implemented
preference #12145 - [core] improved styling for tree and select component outlines #12156
- [core] updated localizations to VS Code
#12205 - [debug] added localizations for the debug level selector #12033
- [debug] fixed handling of for breakpoint events when metadata is updated #12183
- [debug] fixed instruction breakpoints in
#12190 - [debug] removed unnecessary "download debug adapters" script #12150
- [editor] added handling for closing duplicate editors on the same tabbar #12147
- [filesystem] added option to toggle hidden files/folders in the file dialog #12179
- [filesystem] fixed memory leak in
#12144 - [filesystem] upgrades trash from
#12133 - [navigator] updated restoration handling for open-editors #12210
- [playwright] upgraded
dependency to1.30.0
#12141 - [plugin] added ability to generate activation events automatically #12167
- [plugin] added handling for plugins to access language overrides with bracket syntax #12136
- [plugin] added support for
#12125 - [plugin] added support for the
context when-clause #12182 - [plugin] exposed terminal commands to plugins #12134
- [plugin] fixed focus issue for modal notifications #12206
- [plugin] implemented the VS Code
API #12109 - [plugin] implemented the
VS Code API #12193 - [plugin] updated restoration handling when a
does not implementWebviewPanelSerializer
#12138 - [repo] fixed API integration test suite #12117
- [scripts] fixed comparison when compiling package references #12122
- [terminal] added support for multi-root workspaces in terminal profiles #12199
- [terminal] fixed issue when no default terminal profile is set on startup #12191
- [workspace] added handling to ensure uniqueness of roots #12159
- [workspace] updated styling for input dialogs #12158
- [repo] drop support for
Node 14
- [application-package] bumped the default supported API version from
#12104 - [cli] added ability to use client side rate limiting when download plugins #11962
- [core] improved display of dialogs with a lot of content #12052
- [core] improved extensibility of the "uncaught error" handler in the
#12068 - [core] improved styling of the
component when content overflows #12038 - [core] refactored to use
for theCOPY_PATH
command #12002 - [core] updated
#11975 - [core] updated
#12012 - [debug] fixed numerous issues related to debugging #11984
- [debug] fixed styling of the hover widget when content overflows #12058
- [debug] fixed styling of variables in the view #12089
- [filesystem] added missing localization for the "preparing download" message #12041
- [filesystem] added missing localization for the deleted tab suffix #12032
- [filesystem] updated styling for children of root nodes to include additional depth padding #11967
- [filesystem] updated visibility of the
command #11756 - [getting-started] fixed an issue where the getting-started widget did not accept focus #11807
- [memory-view] updating handling when variable requests fail #11928
- [monaco] improved the responsiveness of quick-input menus #12095
- [navigator] added the
command to the tab context-menu #12076 - [plugin] added full support for the
API #11765 - [plugin] added handling for top-level preference access #12056
- [plugin] added partial support for
in theTerminalOptions
VS Code API #12060 - [plugin] added stubbing of
-related VS Code APIs #12031 - [plugin] added support
for theInputBox
VS Code API #12050 - [plugin] added support for
in theCodeActionKind
VS Code API #12039 - [plugin] added support for
in theSourceControlInputBox
VS Code API #12069 - [plugin] added support for
in theTerminalOptions
VS Code APIs #12055 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] added support for
in theTerminalOptions
VS Code API #12006 - [plugin] added support for
in theComment
VS Code API #12007 - [plugin] added support for multi-selection in tree-views #12088
- [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #12065 - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #12047 - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #12066 - [plugin] added support for the
VS Code API #12065 - [plugin] fixed
CORS handling forvscode-resource
#12070 - [plugin] fixed
VS Code API inconsistencies #12091 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [plugin] fixed regression when starting pseudoterminals #12098
- [repo] added missing localizations in dialogs #12062
- [repo] added simplified type checking for objects #11831
- [repo] updated default localizations to
#12092 - [scm] added support for
decorations contributed by theSourceControlResourceDecorations
VS Code API #11999 - [terminal] added support for the preference
to allow disabling restoring terminals on reload #12055 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [terminal] removed unnecessary use
#11972 - [variable-resolver] fixed evaluations of
variables #12100 - Contributed on behalf of STMicroelectronics - [workspace] refactored to use
command #12002
- [plugin-ext] renamed
as there were more fields added to it 12065