The deployment contains the components required to connect the IRS to an existing Catena-X network. This includes:
- IRS with Minio - part of the "item-relationship-service" Helm chart
- EDC Consumer (controlplane & dataplane) - part of the "irs-edc-consumer" Helm chart
Everything else needs to be provided externally.
You can use the Data Chain Kit to deploy the whole demo scenario with all participating components.
Instructions can be found here: Data Chain Kit.
The IRS Helm repository can be found here: index.yaml
Use the latest release of the "item-relationship-service" Helm chart. It contains all required dependencies.
If you also want to set up your own EDC consumer, use the "irs-edc-consumer" chart.
Supply the required configuration properties (see chapter Configuration) in a values.yaml file or override the settings directly.
Add the IRS Helm repository:
helm repo add irs
Then install the Helm chart into your cluster:
helm install -f your-values.yaml irs-app irs/item-relationship-service
Or create a new Helm chart and use the IRS as a dependency.
- name: item-relationship-service
version: 7.x.x
- name: tractusx-connector
version: 0.7.x
Then provide your configuration as the values.yaml of that chart.
Create a new application in ArgoCD and point it to your repository / Helm chart folder.
A detailed instruction on how to configure the IRS and EDC can be found here: Administration Guide
IRS provides a local setup which can be deployed to kubernetes. This setup includes all third-party services which IRS uses and interacts with.
Instructions can be found here README.
Sample calls can be found here USAGE.
The eclipse-tractusx/umbrella chart provides a pre-configured Helm Chart with many Tractus-X Services. To integrate IRS with this Chart, run the following steps:
For detailed instructions on how to set up the umbrella chart, see the chapters "Cluster setup" and "Network setup" in the umbrella
Clone the Umbrella repo (only required once):
git clone
Check out the IRS umbrella integration branch:
cd tractus-x-umbrella/
git fetch origin
git checkout -b chore/e2e-irs-preparation origin/chore/e2e-irs-preparation
Build the required images for IATP mock.
eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker build iatp-mock/ -t tractusx/iatp-mock:testing --platform linux/amd64
Install the Umbrella chart
helm dependency update charts/tx-data-provider
helm dependency update charts/umbrella
helm install umbrella charts/umbrella -f charts/umbrella/values-adopter-irs.yaml -n e2e-testing --create-namespace --set iatpmock.image.repository=tractusx/iatp-mock --set iatpmock.image.tag=testing
(Optional) Build IRS Docker image from local
docker build . -t tractusx/irs-api:local
Install the IRS Helm Chart with the local Docker image
helm dependency update ./charts/item-relationship-service
helm install irs ./charts/item-relationship-service --namespace e2e-testing -f ./charts/item-relationship-service/values-umbrella.yaml --set image.repository=tractusx/irs-api -- set image.tag=local
Or use the latest released version
helm repo add irs
helm install irs irs/item-relationship-service --namespace e2e-testing -f ./charts/item-relationship-service/values-umbrella.yaml --set image.repository=tractusx/irs-api --set image.tag=latest
To upload testdata, first forward the dataprovider pods to your localhost:
kubectl port-forward svc/umbrella-dataprovider-dtr 4444:8080 --namespace e2e-testing &
kubectl port-forward svc/umbrella-dataprovider-edc-controlplane 8888:8081 --namespace e2e-testing &
kubectl port-forward svc/umbrella-dataprovider-submodelserver 9999:8080 --namespace e2e-testing
then use the testdata upload script to seed the dataprovider services with testdata:
./local/testing/testdata/ "TEST2" "BPNL00000003AYRE" "BPNL00000003AZQP" \
"http://umbrella-dataprovider-submodelserver:8080" "http://localhost:9999" \
"http://umbrella-dataprovider-dtr:8080/api/v3" "http://localhost:4444/api/v3" \
"http://umbrella-dataprovider-edc-controlplane:8084" "http://localhost:8888" \
Now forward the IRS service port to access the API:
kubectl port-forward svc/irs-item-relationship-service 8080:8080 --namespace e2e-testing
To uninstall the IRS and Umbrella chart
helm uninstall irs --namespace e2e-testing
helm uninstall umbrella --namespace e2e-testing