Releases: ecosse3/nvim
Releases · ecosse3/nvim
- lsp: create option to toggle inline messages (69fb322)
- plugins: use nvim-surround instead of tpope/vim-surround (e23cef4)
Bug Fixes
- colorscheme: use new nvim set_hl api in newest neovim nightly and keep vim.highlight.create in 0.7 (648981c)
- plugins: do not attach zen in which-key in dashboard (0a57006), closes #69
- plugins: limit colorizer.lua filetypes (ed8bec4), closes #64
- settings: set correct fillchars to not show ^ on newest nightly in statusbar (d09c743)
New Contributors
- @techapostle made their first contribution in #68
- git: use lazygit for all & buffer commits view for default keymaps (df72edb)
- keymappings: add mappings for case change in visual mode (e546e3e)
- keymappings: add spectre lazy keymappings (a8562b4)
- keymappings: use cached list of telescope repo for speedup (needs additional config on macOS) (6a9817b)
- plugins: add git-worktree plugin (95313ce)
- plugins: add lazygit.nvim plugin because it works better with git worktree (3b46c04)
- plugins: add neotest and jest support via j (8b0965a)
- plugins: add notification after switching worktree (f49a46e)
- plugins: enable zen by default (e78129e)
- ui: add rounded borders by default to LspInstallInfo floating window (be3ef2d)
- ui: dotfiles picker, command history & search history in dropdown (bc09a24)
Bug Fixes
- #62: update typescript.nvim & remove server capabilities settings for tsserver (1399d87), closes #62
- add missing comma (359c58c)
- blame: add custom winbar to Git Blame to fix matching between lines issue (80da821)
- colorscheme: match quicklist border color to float border (b0643f2)
- keymappings: conflicting keymaps (f13cc0b)
- lsp: limit tailwindcss filetypes (d0d30c5)
- plugins: correct refreshing current file & close all buffers on worktree switch (c4aae38)
- plugins: remove cinnamon animation on & (2368acc)
- plugins: remove unnecessary todo-comments plugin require (639c6b9)
- plugins: toggleterm highlights & size (c55c5e1)
- telescope: wrap results in workspace diagnostics (7e20d99)
- ui: fix spacing between vertical pos and size in statusbar by shifting numbers (23391ef)
- ui: & vim.ui.input error when using nui backend with LSP rename/code actions (7d081ff)
- plugins: move all git plugins to git subdirectory inside plugins (fd86430)
In one of next releases I plan to finish creating an NPX installer/updater for Ecovim 😊
- colorscheme: drop support for nightfly colorscheme (aa45d38)
Please configure nightfly yourself if you use it
- colorscheme: add Ecovim colors & change telescope title & cursor line color (31e01c2)
- icons: add exit & fileRecent icon (7820842)
- mappings: attach zen mapping to which-key if enabled (aeba8ac)
- mappings: refactor which key & add visual mode mappings (156ed23)
- plugins: to close telescope even in insert mode & to smart send to qflist and open it (585a10a)
- plugins: add comment box plugin (184367a)
- plugins: improve zen by disabling gitsigns, blanklines, relativenumber & hlards when is active (cd62efe)
- plugins: new alpha look & custom config (3f1da4a)
- ui: rounded borders in which key (0ac8d2c)
- ui: use packer.nvim in float bordered window (4aeb00d)
Bug Fixes
- barbar: remove pcall of nvim_web_devicons (c3412e0)
- cmp: limit item count for luasnip & buffer (918ddc4)
- lua: add packer_plugins to globals (ed470d0)
- plugins: autosave only in session (256ba84)
- plugins: reorder fzf-native (5473aa2)
- utils: decrease relative path length (e919dd9)
- which-key: use the right command to open Alpha (#53) (76fb267)
Bug Fixes
- gps: fix spacing in react hook icons in gps (cd1a5fd)
- plugins: set max_jobs to 50 to prevent freezing when syncing plugins (f032bb3)
- plugins: update nvim-tree config (585bc06)
- snippets: check if luasnip is loaded (f023f4f), closes #50
- winbar: enable winbar only for neovim 0.8+ (6eb9eac), closes #50
- icons: change ' to " (2f10dde)
What's Changed
- autocmds: enable LSP typescript mappings only in ts & tsx files (1512000)
- icons: provide new icons for winbar (f314a9d)
- keymappings: remap H to ^ (946f137)
- plugins: add luasnip jumpable mapping as < C-h > and < C-l > (308665b)
- plugins: add nvim-bqf (8993acf)
- plugins: configure package-info with correct config, status in galaxyline & which-key mappings only in package.json (5149189)
- snippets: add react component treesitter snippet as "comp" (223bac6)
- ui: change lsp virtual text rectangle icon to circle and add extra space (c4515f3)
- winbar: use new neovim feature of top winbar with nvim-gps reimplemented & drop from galaxyline (01fcce9)
Bug Fixes
- bufferline: exclude quickfix list from bufferline (12a8c91)
- bufferline: fix moving between buffers (747a2bd)
- keymappings: fix line diagnostics mapping (13ccc51)
- plugins: reorder cmp source mapping (858d0e0)
- plugins: use nvim-colorizer maintaned fork from NvChad & update config (007273a)
- require: require impatient by pcall (16dca98), closes #48
- require: safetely require specific plugins (3b4ca9d)
- winbar: add hl_group to caret (69253b9)
What's Changed
- lsp: add icon for no-unused-vars in tsserver lsp (44bae0f)
- plugins: add swap function argument functionality mapped to ~ in normal mode (8239245)
- settings: reduce timeoutlen a bit (2041982)
- ui: add borders to lspconfig ui windows (e.g. :LspInfo) (b1265df)
- ui: add offset to file explorer (nvim tree) (f9b6e80)
- utils: add new utility func for adding whitespaces & refactor get_relative_gitpath (3685478)
- which-key: show markdown preview only for *.md filetypes via autocmd (2507df7)
Bug Fixes
- lsp: make sure to check require of typescript plugin in lsp setup (dd00198), closes #44
- lsp: move typescript.nvim to pack start instead of opt (b569c76), closes #44
- pickers: don't show tests when tsx picker filter is attached to live grep (522674d)
What's Changed
- lsp: add no_console code with icon (bf497ff)
- plugins: completely refactor packer.nvim & add typescript.nvim plugin (3c58eee)
- which-key: add telescope git_branches mapping (85a7242)
Bug Fixes
- lsp: remove nvim-lsp-ts-utils from tsserver setup (edd2dbd)
- plugins: enable treesitter indent (a7b14a6), closes #43