- Upgrade django-simple-history and add migration to match the new version.
- Add platform verification id field to the VerifiedName model
- Integrate platform verification id into app
- Added event handlers for new IDV events on the VerifiedName model
- Removed event handlers for SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification updates. This is a breaking change.
- Added python3.11 support.
- Upgrade django-simple-history. Added new migration. Fixed packages upgrade issues.
- Fix bug that prevents a verified name from being updated if the user already has an approved verified name associated with a proctored exam attempt
- Fix bug that prevents new verified names from being created if the user is trying to verify the same name
- Leverage edx-api-doc-tools to provide better swagger documentation for the RESTFul API endpoints
- Updated internal documentation. Added to the readme and a new docs context
- Add simple_history tracking to the VerifiedName model
- Add two signal handlers to capture post_delete signals from ProctoredExamStudentAttempt and SoftwareSecurePhotoVerification models. If those signals are received, the corresponding VerifiedName(s), if it exists, will be deleted.
- Add REST API functionality to update verified name status, and to delete verified names.
- Update verified name status to denied if proctoring error status is received
- Added Django40 testing and dropped Django22, 30 and 31 support
- Add optional statuses_to_exclude argument to get_verified_name in order to filter out one or more statuses from the result.
- Remove unused celery tasks
- Cut over to new celery tasks for IDV and proctoring handlers.
- If we receive a non-relevant status for either IDV or proctoring, do not trigger a celery task.
- Remove VERIFIED_NAME_FLAG and all references to it.
- Remove VerifiedNameEnabledView view.
- Remove verified_name_enabled key from responses for VerifiedNameView view and VerifiedNameHistoryView
- Add system check to CI.
- Add additional logs to IDV signal handler and Celery task logic.
- Add automatic retry logic to celery tasks.
- Move toggle check out of tasks
- Move signal receiver logic into celery task
- Add name change validator
- Add is verified name enabled endpoint
- Update IDV signal handler field names to be more explicit about the received names.
- Add extra validation for the VerifiedName serializer, throwing a 400 error if verified_name contains HTML or a URL.
- Add is verified name enabled to the API
- ADR for the use of signals in name affirmation service
- Update django admin to allow editing of VerifiedName and VerifiedNameConfig
- Emit signal when VerifiedName status changes to "approved".
- Add signal receivers for IDV and proctoring attempts
- Add verified_name_enabled and use_verified_name_for_certs to the GET response of VerifiedNameHistoryView.
- Remove verified name is_verified from DB
- Update admin for verified name status
- Remove verified name is_verified from model
- Django settings updates for admin app
- Add name verification status field, replacing single is_verified boolean.
- Add API method and endpoint to return a complete list of the user's VerifiedNames, ordered by most recently created.
- Expose API methods through NameAffirmationService.
- Update MANIFEST.in to include all directories under edx_name_affirmation.
- Add use_verified_name_for_certs field to the VerifiedNameView response, and create a new endpoint to update the user's verified name config.
- Admin page configuration for VerifiedName and VerifiedNameConfig.
- Add verified_name_enabled to VerifiedNameView GET response.
- Add PR template.
- Add VerifiedNameConfig model and API functions.
- Add plugin support.
- Fix typo in publish-pypi job.
- Initialize project along with VerifiedName model, Python API, and REST endpoints.