$ cd StpFoodBlazor/StpFoodBlazor/
$ dotnet run
Unit tests and Selenium functional tests are available.
$ dotnet test --collect "XPlat Code Coverage"
If you don't have an instance of the app running on localhost you can exclude Selenium tests from the run
$ dotnet test --filter FullyQualifiedName\!~StpFoodBlazorTest.Integration --collect "XPlat Code Coverage"
To view tests in HTML, install reportgenerator
$ dotnet tool install -g dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool
and add it to your path
$ export PATH="$PATH:/Users/username/.dotnet/tools"
Then run the following to convert the XML into HTML in the coveragereport
$ reportgenerator \
-reports:"Path\To\TestProject\TestResults\{guid}\coverage.cobertura.xml" \
-targetdir:"coveragereport" \
Install bunit template for initializing new projects with bunit. This only needs to be done once
$ dotnet new --install bunit.template
Create your new test project
$ dotnet new bunit --framework xunit -o StpFoodBlazor/StpFoodBlazorTest
Link the project and the test project
$ dotnet sln StpFoodBlazor.sln add StpFoodBlazor/StpFoodBlazorTest/StpFoodBlazorTest.csproj
$ dotnet add StpFoodBlazor/StpFoodBlazorTest/StpFoodBlazorTest.csproj reference StpFoodBlazor/StpFoodBlazor.csproj
$ cd StpFoodBlazor/StpFoodBlazor
$ dotnet add package BootstrapIcons.AspNetCore --version 1.11.0