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Eleftheria edited this page Sep 6, 2022 · 23 revisions

GSoC 2022 - Development of a DIY robot kit for educators

The goal of the project was to extend the low-cost DIY robot kit for educators as well as to create easy integration and control of the DIY robot for users with very little or no programming experience and also suitable for younger ages. So, the kids and adolescents can use our application for learning visual programming by using the custom blocks to build programs and then the robot can execute them in real time. All of the parts of the modular DIY robot kit are 3D-printable, and together with basic low-cost electronics and sensors are used to assemble the robot, for a successful operation. Extensive and simple guidelines of how to print and assemble the robot are to be provided, so that non-expert staff in robotics, electronics or IoT programming, will be able to follow them successfully. In addition, the Blockly graphical UI will be extended with configurable blocks that will allow the easy though fine-grained operation of the robot. This project will be developed in collaboration with Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS), as it was based on the previous GSoC projects of the applicants of 2019 and 2021. It will refine the robot assembly guidelines, manual for the installation of the software stack (which will be automated as much as possible in order to support the continuous integration of software updates), and will extend the stack both in terms of the front-end of Google Blockly and the back end code in order to facilitate the robot operation and programming.


Printing and assembly instructions

Here you can find the original version of instructions of how to print and assemble the DIY robot kit

Tasks that I completed during GSoC

  • Update of the Core library (Backend code) for controlling the robot with respect to new sensors
  • Updates of the flask server for remote control of the robot using Sockets
  • Front-end implementation, integrating Blockly and control and parameterization panel
  • Code and Blocks’ documentation


GSoC Mentors

Organization: Open Technologies Alliance - GFOSS

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