If one has followed the BBL steps mentioned in the IaaS-Specific Getting Started Guides, the foundation has been created according to your IaaS of choice, which typically includes:
- A BOSH director
- A jumpbox
- A set of randomly generated BOSH director credentials
- A generated keypair allowing you to SSH into the BOSH director and any instances BOSH deploys
- A copy of the manifest the BOSH director was deployed with
- A basic cloud config
On top of these, below are the typical steps to deploy Concourse cluster.
Let's run our scripts in the folder where one ran the bbl up
bbl plan --lb-type concourse
bbl up
Note: this will create a new IaaS Load Balancer, with some ports (80, 443, 2222, 8443, 8844) pre-configured and opened, to front Concourse web node(s).
eval "$(bbl print-env)"
export IAAS="$(cat bbl-state.json | jq -r .iaas)"
if [ "${IAAS}" = "aws" ]; then
export EXTERNAL_HOST="$(bbl outputs | grep concourse_lb_url | cut -d ' ' -f2)"
export STEMCELL_URL="https://bosh.io/d/stemcells/bosh-aws-xen-hvm-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent"
elif [ "${IAAS}" = "gcp" ]; then
export EXTERNAL_HOST="$(bbl outputs | grep concourse_lb_ip | cut -d ' ' -f2)"
export STEMCELL_URL="https://bosh.io/d/stemcells/bosh-google-kvm-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent"
else # Azure
export EXTERNAL_HOST="$(bbl outputs | grep concourse_lb_ip | cut -d ' ' -f2)"
export STEMCELL_URL="https://bosh.io/d/stemcells/bosh-azure-hyperv-ubuntu-xenial-go_agent"
bosh upload-stemcell "${STEMCELL_URL}"
git clone https://github.com/concourse/concourse-bosh-deployment.git
pushd concourse-bosh-deployment/cluster
export USERNAME="username"
export PASSWORD="super-secure-password"
cat > ../../vars/concourse-vars-file.yml <<EOL
external_host: "${EXTERNAL_HOST}"
external_url: "https://${EXTERNAL_HOST}"
username: "${USERNAME}"
password: "${PASSWORD}"
network_name: 'private'
web_instances: 1
web_network_name: 'private'
web_vm_type: 'default'
web_network_vm_extension: 'lb'
db_vm_type: 'default'
db_persistent_disk_type: '1GB'
worker_instances: 2
worker_vm_type: 'default'
worker_ephemeral_disk: '50GB_ephemeral_disk'
deployment_name: 'concourse'
bosh deploy -d concourse concourse.yml \
-l ../versions.yml \
-l ../../vars/concourse-vars-file.yml \
-o operations/basic-auth.yml \
-o operations/privileged-http.yml \
-o operations/privileged-https.yml \
-o operations/tls.yml \
-o operations/tls-vars.yml \
-o operations/web-network-extension.yml \
-o operations/scale.yml \
-o operations/worker-ephemeral-disk.yml
Note: do check it out here for tons of operations files by which one can tune / customize the Concourse cluster.
Once it's successfully done, we can simply check it out.
View the BOSH VMs' status:
bosh -d concourse vms
Deployment 'concourse'
Instance Process State AZ IPs VM CID VM Type Active
db/e3921a7d-ca25-4abc-9860-8fae73625507 running z1 vm-ebe33d11-a858-45bf-61eb-89eff5bb86f8 default true
web/dffa0d32-6e2d-446e-838f-ecfff86f0d51 running z1 vm-6d4585b5-fda2-4215-547a-b249de8b1384 default true
worker/06c58730-35f1-4c2f-9bb0-10f0216f8491 running z1 vm-026513ed-85c7-47aa-7260-0fe7c286af36 default true
worker/3a0945f5-b59d-4ef9-8002-d7c8468c2f59 running z1 vm-4ee75638-ba98-4474-7719-b523b3fabd23 default true
4 vms
Open Concourse in Browser:
open `bosh int vars/concourse-vars-file.yml --path /external_url`
And login with username/password from below output:
bosh int vars/concourse-vars-file.yml --path /local_user