bring out pack & unpack
when rendering the menu reset clip, camera, etc, in the future render gui on a separate layer, for now center menu on small screen
don't cut out commets
favorite carts
if a game crashes, can't return to splore
diamonds issue (no idea how to resolve)
- splore sections
- splore search
- one room dungeon extra map rendered
- emojis in strings can have diamonds after them? (65039)
- some carts rely on stuff like t()==8
- cstore()
- tostr() figure out 0.0001 is 0 but 0.1234 is 0.1234 in pico8
- music() fade out, channel mask?
- display errors publically
- will hang if closed while the splash plays (or some other carts)
- read version from the file and put it in cart rom