Command-line interface tools for bundling .NET Core projects into MacOS applications (.app)
Install MSBuild task via NuGet package: Dotnet.Bundle
<PackageReference Include="Dotnet.Bundle" Version="*" />
dotnet msbuild -t:BundleApp -p:RuntimeIdentifier=osx-x64 [-p: ...]
Define properties to override default bundle values
<CFBundleName>AppName</CFBundleName> <!-- Also defines .app file name -->
<CFBundleDisplayName>App Name</CFBundleDisplayName>
<CFBundleIconFile>AppName.icns</CFBundleIconFile> <!-- Will be copied from output directory -->
<!-- Optional -->
<!-- Optional URLTypes.Check TestBundle.csproj for a working example. -->
<CFBundleURLTypes Include="dummy"> <!-- The name of this file is irrelevant, it's a MSBuild requirement.-->
<CFBundleURLName>TestApp URL</CFBundleURLName>
<CFBundleURLSchemes>testappurl;testappurl://</CFBundleURLSchemes> <!-- Note the ";" separator-->
<CFBundleURLTypes Include="dummy">
<CFBundleURLName>TestApp URL2</CFBundleURLName>