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Alex Snaps edited this page Aug 21, 2014 · 23 revisions

Meet up notes

Aug 21, 2014 - Hangout on Air

org.ehcache.Cache vs. org.ehcache.spi.cache.Store

Both those interfaces exist today. Yet what is each’s concerns aren’t well identified.

Cache<K, V> backed by a Store<K, Element<V>> ?

  1. Rename Element ?

  2. Store<K, Element<V>> vs. Store<Element<K, V>> ?


How much can be solved by having the Cache call into some Store.process(K, EntryProcessor<K, V, T>): T equivalent?

  1. Cache Roles

    1. Store by Value vs. Ref.

    2. Expiry ?

    3. Cache lifecycle

    4. BootstrapCacheLoader

    5. CacheLoaders

    6. CacheWriters

    7. Listeners ?

    8. Stats ?

  2. Store Roles

    1. Eviction

    2. Expiry ?

    3. Listeners ?

    4. Stats ?

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