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File metadata and controls

331 lines (277 loc) · 21.1 KB


CGym is a fast C++ implementation of OpenAI's Gym interface. The current way of rollout collection in RL libraries requires a back and forth travel between an external simulator (e.g., Mujoco) and the python RL code for generating the next actions for every time-step. This interface overhead leaves a lot of performance on the table. This is particularly inefficient when the simulator is fast and a lot of samples can be collected quickly but the interface is bottlenecking this scaling.

This project collects the policy parameters at the beginning, and rolls out the entire trajectory in C++ (i.e., even the action generation happens in C++). The python RL code only gets an array of collected samples after all the time-steps are simulated. This reduces the interfacing overhead and makes the sample collection much faster.

The following table shows the speed-ups obtained by CGym.

EnvironmentRollout Time (ms)Speed-Up
CGym (C++)Gym (Python)


First, add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/cgym/lib

Make sure you replace /path/to/cgym/lib with the proper value.

Now, run

python usr/

Here is an example output for the pendulum environment:

Starting 10 C++ Pendulum Rollouts
Finished 10 C++ Pendulum Rollouts
Total Time: 0.00404 sec
Starting 10 Python Pendulum Rollouts
Finished 10 Python Pendulum Rollouts
Total Time: 0.33718 sec
Maximum       Observation Difference: 0.0000000000
Maximum       Action      Difference: 0.0000000000
Maximum       Reward      Difference: 0.0000000000
Mean Absolute Observation Difference: 0.0000000000
Mean Absolute Action      Difference: 0.0000000000
Mean Absolute Reward      Difference: 0.0000000000

Options and Notes

  • You can modify the simulation interface options to your likings in the src/defs.hpp file (look for the SimIF Options Defs section).
  • The src/leg.xml file is the file that will be embedded into the shared object for Mujoco's compiled (i.e., this file will be read and baked in at the compilation time, and will not be read at the run-time).
  • The make call will recreate the bin/ shared object, which is the only binary the python code uses.
  • The python binding happens in the usr/ file. The LegCRoller Class is supposed to be a full environment for use in RL methods.

Why Is the bashrc export Necessary?

  • This is necessary for python to find and link the C++ libraries. Note that by the time python has started, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is already loaded into python's spawned linker. Therefore, changing the environmental variable inside python using os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] += ... would not have any effect on the already loaded linker.

Compiler Issues

Compiler Error: If you happen to get the following error

g++: error: unrecognized command line option '-faligned-new'

it is because you're running an old gcc compiler. It's best if you use gcc version 7.2.0 or newer, which can compile a more efficient object file with better memory alignments.

Linking Error: If you encounter the following error:

/usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /a/b/c/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)

You may actually need to follow this Stack Overflow advice:

You need to add the dynamic library equivalent of -L:


This will cause the linker to look for shared libraries in non-standard places, but only for the purpose of verifying the link is correct.

If you want the program to find the library at that location at run-time, then there's a similar option to do that:


But, if your program runs fine without this then you don't need it.

Resolved Mujoco Issues

The following are a few problems which were encountered, diagnosed, and then resolved in the development of CGym. I am only documenting these problems to keep a reference.

The Invalid State Problem of Mujoco

Problem Description: After calling Mujoco's mj_step some of the model attributes do not get updated. For instance, while the qpos and qvel values are updated after an mj_step call, the foot position (i.e., mj_data->site_xpos[3*foot_center_site_mjid]) is not updated. This can make the results of the python wrapper different from the C++ implementation.

Problem Discovery: I noticed this by observing that the foot_x and other reward terms are delayed one step from the theta and omega reward terms even when I extracted all the raw values (i.e., theta, omega, foot_pos, knee_pos, etc.) from mj_data at the same time:

#define theta_hip_oc   mj_data->qpos[mj_model->jnt_qposadr[hip_mjid]]
#define theta_knee_oc  mj_data->qpos[mj_model->jnt_qposadr[knee_mjid]]
#define omega_hip_oc   mj_data->qvel[mj_model->jnt_dofadr[hip_mjid]]
#define omega_knee_oc  mj_data->qvel[mj_model->jnt_dofadr[knee_mjid]]
#define foot_pos_x     mj_data->site_xpos[3*foot_center_site_mjid]
#define hip_pos_x      mj_data->site_xpos[3*hip_center_site_mjid]
#define knee_pos_x     mj_data->site_xpos[3*knee_center_site_mjid]
#define foot_pos_z     mj_data->site_xpos[3*foot_center_site_mjid+2]
#define hip_pos_z      mj_data->site_xpos[3*hip_center_site_mjid+2]
#define knee_pos_z     mj_data->site_xpos[3*knee_center_site_mjid+2]

While theta_hip_oc and omega_hip_oc were in sync with the dm_control implementation, the foot_pos_x and foot_pos_z values were behind one step.

Diagnosis: Consider setting the initial state using the following assignments:

// Setting qpos elements
mj_data->qpos[mj_model->jnt_qposadr[slider_mjid]] = pos_slider;
mj_data->qpos[mj_model->jnt_qposadr[hip_mjid]]    = theta_hip;
mj_data->qpos[mj_model->jnt_qposadr[knee_mjid]]   = theta_knee;
// Setting qvel elements
mj_data->qvel[mj_model->jnt_dofadr[slider_mjid]]  = vel_slider;
mj_data->qvel[mj_model->jnt_dofadr[hip_mjid]]     = omega_hip;
mj_data->qvel[mj_model->jnt_dofadr[knee_mjid]]    = omega_knee;

Once you do these, mujoco does not even know that these values were updated so that it updates the other model attributes that are a function of these attributes (e.g., the physical contact states, reaction forces, etc.). Therefore, even if you don't want your model to progress through time, you're supposed to call mj_forward to make sure that every attribute gets recomputed and the model would be in a valid state.

The aforementioned issue is somewhat related to the necessity of the mj_forward call after initialization; some of the mujoco's mj_data attributes could be left outdated even after you call mj_step! To make sure that all of the mj_data variables are in a valid state you need to call mj_step1 after the mj_data call. The dm_control folks also admitted this issue in their comments at

Here are the dm_control comments I am referring to in their step function definition:

def step(self):
  """Advances physics with up-to-date position and velocity dependent fields.
  The actuation can be updated by calling the `set_control` function first.
  # In the case of Euler integration we assume mj_step1 has already been
  # called for this state, finish the step with mj_step2 and then update all
  # position and velocity related fields with mj_step1. This ensures that
  # (most of) mjData is in sync with qpos and qvel. In the case of non-Euler
  # integrators (e.g. RK4) an additional mj_step1 must be called after the
  # last mj_step to ensure mjData syncing.
  with self.check_invalid_state():
    if self.model.opt.integrator == enums.mjtIntegrator.mjINT_EULER:


This issue is also validated by mujoco's documentation at

Here are the specific comments I am referring to:

Main simulation

These are the main entry points to the simulator. Most users will
only need to call mj_step, which computes everything and advanced the
simulation state by one time step. Controls and applied forces must
either be set in advance (in mjData.ctrl, qfrc_applied and
xfrc_applied), or a control callback mjcb_control must be installed
which will be called just before the controls and applied forces are
needed. Alternatively, one can use mj_step1 and mj_step2 which break
down the simulation pipeline into computations that are executed
before and after the controls are needed; in this way one can set
controls that depend on the results from mj_step1. Keep in mind
though that the RK4 solver does not work with mj_step1/2.

mj_forward performs the same computations as mj_step but without the
integration. It is useful after loading or resetting a model (to put the
entire mjData in a valid state), and also for out-of-order computations
that involve sampling or finite-difference approximations.

Issue: Although calling mj_step1 after mj_step solves the invalid state issue, it is somewhat excessive; mj_step1 is already included within mj_step, and calling it after mj_step is excessive since it would be called again in the next time-step. To avoid this inefficiency, we could call mj_step1 and mj_step2 separately, and evaluate the reward between the two calls (which is when the model is in a valid state). However, mujoco's documentation advises against this when using the RK4 solver. I'm not sure why this restriction exists. I tried calling mj_step1 and mj_step2 separately even when using the RK4 solver, and it seemed to work just fine. Therefore, I included this as an option in the solution options.

Here is a post from the mujoco forums:

Emo Todorov seems to suggest that calling mj_step1 and mj_step2 separately should be fine even when using the RK4 solver as long as you do not change the controls between mj_step1 and mj_step2. This apprach is implemented with the following definition in our C++ code:

#define mjstep_order separate_mjstep1_mjstep2

We do not need a completely valid mj_data for feeding the agent at this moment, since our observation variables (i.e., theta and omega values) are already in valid states before calling mj_step1. However, if we hypothetically wanted to (1) include the foot force as an observation to the agent, and (2) use the RK4 integrator, then we could have problems when placing the control assignment between mj_step1 and mj_step2. Otherwise, we should be just fine in all other situations (e.g., when using the Euler integrator).

Solution: There is a C++ definition named mjstep_order, and it can be set to either of three values: (1) mjstep1_after_mjstep, (2) separate_mjstep1_mjstep2, and (3) delay_valid_obs. The default value is set to the separate_mjstep1_mjstep2 since it is efficient and safe.

Generally speaking:

  1. mjstep1_after_mjstep option will call mj_step1 after a full mj_step to validate all variables. While this is the approach taken by dm_control and solves all invalidation problems, it can be inefficient; mj_step is calling the two mj_step1 and mj_step2 functions inside itself, and the third mj_step1 call is extra. This inefficiency can make the simulation twice as expensive.

  2. separate_mjstep1_mjstep2 will call mj_step1 and mj_step2 separately, and places the reward calculation in between them where all the physical variables are validated. The only caveat is that the mj_data control variables should not change between the mj_step1 and mj_step2 calls if the RK4 integrator is being used. Currently, we don't even need to do this, since our observations only consist of valid variables like theta and omega. Besides, the default mujoco integrator is Euler, which doesn't care if your change the control variables in between the mj_step1 and mj_step2 calls.

  3. delay_valid_obs is a bit more nuanced option, and I strongly advise against using it if you don't exactly need it and know what you are doing. Basically, the idea is to extract the valid observations and store them in some "last step" variables in order to delay them and having the delayed valid observations be in sync with the non-delayed invalid observations. While this could theoretically work, I didn't completely implement it; in the SimplifiedRewardGiver definition, you need the foot_force_z variable which is in a valid state since we compute it freshly. If you want to use the delay_valid_obs mode, you need to create a last_foot_force_z array, and store a 1-step delayed version of foot_force_z in it.

Here is a partial list of variables that are in a valid state before calling mj_step: 1. theta_* 2. omega_* 3. foot_force_* 4. has_touched_ground

Here is a partial list of variables that are in an invalid state before calling mj_step: 1. foot_pos_* 2. hip_pos_* 3. knee_pos_*

The theta_* and omega_* variables are already buffered by the SimInterface in the mj_obs variable, and are passed to the RewardGiver's step function. foot_force_* and has_touched_ground get computed freshly by calling the _get_contact_state function inside the RewardGiver, and that's possibly why they're in a valid state and need to be delayed.

I will leave the inner workings and pros and cons of these options to be described as comments in the code.

The mj_data Reset Issue

Description: I found a case where if the SimIF ran 4 consecutive trajectories from the exact same initial state (i.e., theta, omega, etc.), the first trajectory's payoff would be 3.8 units smaller than the other 3 trajectories! After further investigation, I figured that while all theta and omega values were identical among all trajectories, there is a single step in the trajectory where the force_foot_z reward term is different.

Here is the outer step 872 from the first trajectory:

Step outer 872:
  Step inner 872:
    0) theta_dlyd           = -0.84037967, -1.74509046
       omega_dlyd           = 0.12058722, 0.00074280
    1) tau                  = 0.12539505, -0.00522145
    2) joint_torque_current = 0.12566718, -0.00520711
    3) joint_torque         = 0.12574479, -0.00520302
    4) joint_torque_capped  = 0.10059583, -0.00416242
  RStep 875:
    -->    theta            = -0.84025927, -1.74508972
    -->    omega            = 0.12029173, 0.00074194
    -->    theta_input      = -0.84025927, -1.74508972
    -->    omega_input      = 0.12029173, 0.00074194
    -->    foot_pos_x,z     = -0.02547646, 0.00458399
    -->    knee_pos_x,z     = 0.09341776, 0.07850398
    R1) Reward['main']      = -0.22915450
    R2) Reward['omega']     = -0.00968269
    R3) Reward['foot_x']    = -0.25476459
    R4) Reward['foot_f_z']  = -3.80000000
        foot_force_z        = 0.00000000
    R5) Reward['foot_z']    = -0.04583993
    R6) Reward['knee_z']    = -0.32244035
    R*) Total Reward        = -4.66188206
Reward: -0.49387166
Done:   0

However, the corresponding step in all other trajectories is the following:

Step outer 872:
  Step inner 872:
    0) theta_dlyd           = -0.84037967, -1.74509046
       omega_dlyd           = 0.12058722, 0.00074280
    1) tau                  = 0.12539505, -0.00522145
    2) joint_torque_current = 0.12566718, -0.00520711
    3) joint_torque         = 0.12574479, -0.00520302
    4) joint_torque_capped  = 0.10059583, -0.00416242
  RStep 875:
    -->    theta            = -0.84025927, -1.74508972
    -->    omega            = 0.12029173, 0.00074194
    -->    theta_input      = -0.84025927, -1.74508972
    -->    omega_input      = 0.12029173, 0.00074194
    -->    foot_pos_x,z     = -0.02547646, 0.00458399
    -->    knee_pos_x,z     = 0.09341776, 0.07850398
    R1) Reward['main']      = -0.22915450
    R2) Reward['omega']     = -0.00968269
    R3) Reward['foot_x']    = -0.25476459
    R4) Reward['foot_f_z']  = 0.00000000
        foot_force_z        = 31.96727837
    R5) Reward['foot_z']    = -0.04583993
    R6) Reward['knee_z']    = -0.32244035
    R*) Total Reward        = -0.86188206
Reward: -0.49387166
Done:   0

Notice, how foot_force_z is zero in the first trajectory while it is 31.96727837 in all other trajectories. Since Reward['foot_z'] is not zero, it means that the robot has touched the ground (i.e., has_touched_ground is correctly set to be true). However, somehow in the first trajectory foot_force_z is zero although the foot has touched the ground, while the rest of trajectories are showing more reasonable numbers.

foot_force is being computed by calling mj_contactForce when there is a foot contact in SimIF.cpp's _get_contact_state function call. While I couldn't exactly understand how mj_contactForce works, I made a decompilation attempt. Here is the original decompiled functionality of mj_contactForce:

void mj_contactForce(long param_1,long param_2,int param_3,undefined8 *param_4){
  bool bVar1;
  undefined7 extraout_var;
  long lVar2;

  if (((-1 < param_3) && (param_3 < *(int *)(param_2 + 0x9d8c))) &&
     (lVar2 = (long)param_3 * 0x210 + *(long *)(param_2 + 0x9f30), -1 < *(int *)(lVar2 + 0x208))) {
    bVar1 = mj_isPyramidal(param_1);
    if ((int)CONCAT71(extraout_var,bVar1) == 0) {
      mju_copy(param_4,(void *)(*(long *)(param_2 + 0xa068) + (long)*(int *)(lVar2 + 0x208) * 8),
               *(int *)(lVar2 + 0x1f8));
                    /* WARNING: Treating indirect jump as call */
    mju_decodePyramid(param_4,(undefined8 *)
                              (*(long *)(param_2 + 0xa068) + (long)*(int *)(lVar2 + 0x208) * 8),
                      lVar2 + 0x70,*(int *)(lVar2 + 0x1f8));

This is my attempt at understanding the decompiled code:

void mj_contactForce(const mjModel* mj_model, const mjData* mj_data, int id, mjtNum* result){
  bool is_pyr;

  if (( (-1 < id) && (id < mj_data->ncon ) &&
      (-1 < mj_data->contact[id].efc_address)
     ) {
    is_pyr = mj_isPyramidal(mj_model);
    if (is_pyr) {
      mju_copy(result, &(mj_data->efc_force[mj_data->contact[id].efc_address]),
    mju_decodePyramid(result, &(mj_data->efc_force[mj_data->contact[id].efc_address]),
                      &(mj_data->contact[id].mu), mj_data->contact[id].dim);

I found out that

  1. the function is entering the if condition (( (-1 < id) && (id < mj_data->ncon ) && ... in the problematic outer step 872,
  2. is_pyr is being set to true, and therefore the function makes the mju_decodePyramid call, and
  3. mju_decodePyramid is zeroing foot_force (i.e., result) in the first trajectory.

Mitigation: Clearly, there is a variable that's being changed in the first trajectory upon which mju_decodePyramid's output depends. To make all trajectories are consistent, I added an mj_data reset line to the Sim Interface's reset function as follows:

mj_resetData(mj_model, mj_data);

This made all trajectories have foot_force_z = 0.0 at this problematic step! This seems like a bug in mujoco, and I had to stop looking here.

Example Output: Open the directory opt/stdouts/3_mjdata_reset. You will find a snapshot of the code in the code sub-directory.

  • The file roll_out_without_mjdata_reset.txt contains debugging output when the mj_resetData(mj_model, mj_data); line is commented out from SimIF.cpp. Search for RStep 875: in the file, and you'll find 4 instances. The first instance will report zero foot_force_z value, while the rest will report non-zero foot_force_z.
  • The file roll_out_with_mjdata_reset.txt is a similar file, however, the mj_resetData(mj_model, mj_data); line is enabled. As you can check, foot_force_z will be zero in all 4 instances of RStep 875:.

You should be able to get the same output with running the snapshot code and running make roll in the terminal. You can comment/uncomment the mj_resetData(mj_model, mj_data); line in the SimIF.cpp's line 604.