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363 lines (236 loc) · 23.5 KB

REMReM Publish Service

REMReM Publish Service allows for sending messages to a topic-based exchange on a RabbitMQ Server.

Information about the REMReM Publish Service all endpoints can be got and easily accessed using next links:

http://<host>:<port>/<application name>/


http://<host>:<port>/<application name>/swagger-ui.html




Running and configuring RemRem-Publish without Tomcat installation

It is also possible to execute RemRem-Publish without external Tomcat installation and using the embedded tomcat in Spring application instead.

If RemRem-Publish is executed without external Tomcat installation, the configuration should be based on Spring application properties, see publish-service/src/main/resources/ file for available properties.

If running with java command, example:

java -jar publish-service/target/publish-service-x.x.x.war --properties.parameter1=value --properties.parameter2=value --properties.parameter3=value ......

It is also possible to provide path to the spring properties file:

java -jar publish-service/target/publish-service-x.x.x.war --spring.config.location=path/to/

Second option to execute RemRem-Publish is to execute maven commands from the source code root folder, example:

mvn spring-boot:run,--properties.parameter2=value,--properties.parameter3=value,--properties.parameter4=value ......

When using maven command, Spring properties can also be changed by editing publish-service/src/main/resources/ file.

Application launch is terminated if exchange is unavailable and createExchangeIfNotExisting is set to false. Application can create exchange by adding createExchangeIfNotExisting property in existing rabbitmq.instances.jsonlist in file.

eg: rabbitmq.instances.jsonlist=[{"existing properties": "values","createExchangeIfNotExisting":false }].

Running and configuring in Tomcat

Eiffel REMReM Service publish-service.war file is deployed in Tomcat Server. For doing this, publish-service.war file should deployed in directory: tomcat/webapps.

Configuration is done in Tomcat using a file: tomcat/conf/

The configuration file should be passed via environmental variables.

Set Java property "SPRING_CONFIG_LOCATION=%CATALINA_HOME%\conf\" in setenv file in bin folder.

Start the application from Tomcat. This will read the which are given in conf folder.

NOTE: in each example assuming the publish-service.war is deployed in tomcat as publish.

Running and configuring in Tomcat in Linux

If you are using linux machine, please follow the below steps

Add the file to ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf

Add export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dspring.config.location=/path/to/file/" in in tomcat/bin

Set the System_JAVA_OPTS as set JAVA_OPTS = "-Dspring.config.location=$path/to/" in in bin folder

Start the application from Tomcat.

Jasypt configurations

Jasypt Spring Boot provides Encryption support for property sources(passwords, secret info ..etc) in Spring Boot Applications. To support this functionality in our application we need to add the following property in property file

jasypt.encryptor.password: The key value which was used while encrypting the original password

The above encryptor password must be same for both encryption and decryption of the original password(ldap,rabbitmq...etc) The encryptor password will be used by jasypt-spring-boot library in application to decrypt the encrypted password at runtime.

How to encrypt the password:

1) Download the jasypt jar file from any of the below locations
Link to [Jasypt]( (or) [Link to Maven](

2) Execute the below command to generate Jasypt encrypted password
    java -cp jasypt-1.9.2.jar org.jasypt.intf.cli.JasyptPBEStringEncryptionCLI input="any password" password=any intermediate key

input   : any password which we want to encrypt(Ex: rabbitmq password, ldap user password, etc...)
password: A Jasypt key used to encrypt the above input( The Jasypt key can be anything, but make sure same key to be used for decryption)

    Run the below command in Command line

    java -cp jasypt-1.9.2.jar org.jasypt.intf.cli.JasyptPBEStringEncryptionCLI input="dummyPassword" password=dummy


    Runtime: Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.144-b01


    algorithm: PBEWithMD5AndDES
    input: dummyPassword
    password: dummy



Use the above encrypted password in your property file like this ENC(encrypted password)

Ex:rabbitmq.password: ENC(euJcvto7NtCDiWT7BKFW0A ==)

Note: REMReM will work without jasypt encryption also but if you have encrypted any text using jasypt library then jasypt.encryptor.password property should be present in property file.

Exchange configurations

These parameters are related to RabbitMQ Server, which will be used for publishing events:

<protocol>          <host name, eg: localhost>
<protocol>.rabbitmq.port:          <port, eg: 5672>
<protocol>.rabbitmq.username:      <username, default for RabbitMQ Server: guest>
<protocol>.rabbitmq.password:      <password, default for RabbitMQ Server: guest>
<protocol>.rabbitmq.tls:           <tls version, is optional>
<protocol>.rabbitmq.exchangeName:  <exchange name, exchange should be already created on RabbitMQ Server>
<protocol>.rabbitmq.createExchangeIfNotExisting:  <create Exchange if not present on RabbitMQ Server>
<protocol>.rabbitmq.domainId:      <domain id, any string>
<protocol>.rabbitmq.channelsCount: <channels count, eg: 1 (default value is 1)>
#RabbitMq configurations

# need to be updated according to the test env.
# must exist

rabbitmq.instances.jsonlist=[{ "mp": "eiffelsemantics", "host": "", "port": "5672", "username": "guest", "password": "guest", "tls": "", "exchangeName": "", "domainId": "eiffelxxx", "channelsCount": "1" ,"createExchangeIfNotExisting":true }, \
{ "mp": "eiffel3", "host": "", "port": "5672", "username": "guest", "password": "guest", "tls": "", "exchangeName": "", "domainId": "eiffelxxx", "channelsCount": "1" ,"createExchangeIfNotExisting":true }]

Application launch is terminated if exchange is unavailable and createExchangeIfNotExisting is set to false. Application can create the exchange by adding the below property in file

eg: protocol.rabbitmq.createExchangeIfNotExisting: true.

<protocol> is name of the protocol used (eg: eiffelsemantics).

NOTE: properties above should be configured for each protocol, that users are going to use.

activedirectory.publish.enabled:  <true|false>
activedirectory.ldapUrl:          <LDAP server url>
activedirectory.managerPassword:  <LDAP server manager password >
activedirectory.managerDn:        <LDAP managerDn pattern>
activedirectory.rootDn:           <LDAP rootDn pattern>
activedirectory.userSearchFilter: <LDAP userSearchFilter pattern>

LDAP authentication without Base64 encryption of user details:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user username:password --data @ActivityCanceled.json "http://localhost:8080/publish/producer/msg?mp=eiffelsemantics"

NOTE: each HTTP request must then include an Authorization header with value Basic <Base64 encoded username:password>.

LDAP authentication with Base64 encryption of user details:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H 'Authorization: Basic cGFzc3dvcmQ=' --data @ActivityCanceled.json "http://localhost:8080/publish/producer/msg?mp=eiffelsemantics"

Generate Service configurations for Publish Service

Properties below are important for correct work of /generateAndPublish endpoint.    <host, where generate service is deployed, eg: localhost>
generate.server.port:    <port, eg: 8080>
generate.server.appName: <application name of generate service, eg: generate>


Available REST resources for REMReM Publish Service are described below.

Resource Method Parameters Request body Description
/producer/msg POST mp - message protocol, required msgType - message type, required ud - user domain, not required tag - not required rk - routing key, not required { "meta": { # Matches the meta object }, "data": { # Matches the data object }, "links": { # Matches the links object } } This endpoint is used to publish already generated Eiffel event to message bus.
/generateAndPublish POST mp - message protocol, required ud - user domain, not required tag - not required rk - routing key, not required failIfMultipleFound - default: false, failIfNoneFound - default: false, lookupInExternalERs - default: false, lookupLimit - default: 1 { "msgParams": { "meta": { # Matches the meta object } }, "eventParams": { "data": { # Matches the data object }, "links": { # Matches the links object } } } This endpoint is used to generate and publish Eiffel events to message bus. It provides single endpoint for both REMReM Generate and REMReM Publish. The service works on the relative link /generateAndPublish if run as standalone application or /publish/generateAndPublish if run as tomcat app.
/versions GET This endpoint is used to get versions of publish service and all loaded protocols.

generateAndPublish endpoint is provided with four options for Lookups:

Options Default Value Description
failIfMultipleFound: False If value is set to True and multiple event ids are found through any of the provided lookup definitions, then no event will be generated.
failIfNoneFound: False If value is set to True and no event id is found through (at least one of) the provided lookup definitions, then no event will be generated.
lookupInExternalERs: False If value is set to True then REMReM will query external ERs and not just the locally used ER. The reason for the default value to be False is to decrease the load on external ERs. Here local ER means Single ER which is using REMReM generate. External ER means multiple ER's which are configured in Local ER.
lookupLimit: 1 The number of events returned, through any lookup definition given, is limited to this number.


Typical examples of usage Eiffel REMReM Publish Service endpoints are described below.

You can use command line tools like curl or some plugin for your favorite browser. For example:

Examples for /producer/msg endpoint

One message:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '[{"meta":{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872def36","type":"EiffelActivityFinishedEvent","version":"3.0.0","time":1513758440588,"tags": ["product_master","product_feature1"], "source": {"domainId": "eiffeltest", "host": "localhost", "name": "LOCALHOST", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/jenkins","serializer":"pkg:maven/com.github.eiffel-community/[email protected]"}}, "eventParams": {"data": {"outcome": {"conclusion": "SUCCESSFUL"}, "persistentLogs": [{"name": "firstLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/firstLog"}, {"name": "otherLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/otherlogs"}]}, "links": [{"type": "ACTIVITY_EXECUTION", "target": "e269b37d-17a1-4a10-aafb-c108735ee51f"}]}}' "http://localhost:8080/publish/producer/msg?mp=eiffelsemantics"


{"events":[{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872def36","status_code":200,"result":"SUCCESS","message":"Event sent successfully"}]}

Two messages/objects and given user domain suffix:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '[{"meta":{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872def36","type":"EiffelActivityFinishedEvent","version":"3.0.0","time":1513758440588,"tags": ["product_master","product_feature1"], "source": {"domainId": "eiffeltest", "host": "localhost", "name": "LOCALHOST", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/jenkins","serializer":"pkg:maven/com.github.eiffel-community/[email protected]"}}, "eventParams": {"data": {"outcome": {"conclusion": "SUCCESSFUL"}, "persistentLogs": [{"name": "firstLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/firstLog"}, {"name": "otherLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/otherlogs"}]}, "links": [{"type": "ACTIVITY_EXECUTION", "target": "e269b37d-17a1-4a10-aafb-c108735ee51f"}]}},{"meta":{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872def36","type":"EiffelActivityFinishedEvent","version":"3.0.0","time":1513758440588,"tags": ["product_master","product_feature1"], "source": {"domainId": "eiffeltest", "host": "localhost", "name": "LOCALHOST", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/jenkins","serializer":"pkg:maven/com.github.eiffel-community/[email protected]"}}, "eventParams": {"data": {"outcome": {"conclusion": "SUCCESSFUL"}, "persistentLogs": [{"name": "firstLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/firstLog"}, {"name": "otherLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/otherlogs"}]}, "links": [{"type": "ACTIVITY_EXECUTION", "target": "e269b37d-17a1-4a10-aafb-c108735ee51f"}]}}' "http://localhost:8080/publish/producer/msg?ud=fem001&mp=eiffelsemantics"


{"events":[{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872def36","status_code":200,"result":"SUCCESS","message":"Event sent successfully"},{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872dek89","status_code":200,"result":"SUCCESS","message":"Event sent successfully"}]}

One message and given tag:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '[{"meta":{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872def36","type":"EiffelActivityFinishedEvent","version":"3.0.0","time":1513758440588,"tags": ["product_master","product_feature1"], "source": {"domainId": "eiffeltest", "host": "localhost", "name": "LOCALHOST", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/jenkins","serializer":"pkg:maven/com.github.eiffel-community/[email protected]"}}, "eventParams": {"data": {"outcome": {"conclusion": "SUCCESSFUL"}, "persistentLogs": [{"name": "firstLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/firstLog"}, {"name": "otherLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/otherlogs"}]}, "links": [{"type": "ACTIVITY_EXECUTION", "target": "e269b37d-17a1-4a10-aafb-c108735ee51f"}]}}' "http://localhost:8080/publish/producer/msg?mp=eiffelsemantics&tag=production"


{"events":[{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872def36","status_code":200,"result":"SUCCESS","message":"Event sent successfully"}]}

One message and given routing key:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '[{"meta":{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872def36","type":"EiffelActivityFinishedEvent","version":"3.0.0","time":1513758440588,"tags": ["product_master","product_feature1"], "source": {"domainId": "eiffeltest", "host": "localhost", "name": "LOCALHOST", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/jenkins","serializer":"pkg:maven/com.github.eiffel-community/[email protected]"}}, "eventParams": {"data": {"outcome": {"conclusion": "SUCCESSFUL"}, "persistentLogs": [{"name": "firstLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/firstLog"}, {"name": "otherLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/otherlogs"}]}, "links": [{"type": "ACTIVITY_EXECUTION", "target": "e269b37d-17a1-4a10-aafb-c108735ee51f"}]}}' "http://localhost:8080/publish/producer/msg?mp=eiffelsemantics&rk=myroutingkey"


{"events":[{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872def36","status_code":200,"result":"SUCCESS","message":"Event sent successfully"}]}

NOTE: for any protocol, provide the Java opts as:

set JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.ext.dirs=/path/to/jars/" in

NOTE: in the above example, protocol jar file must be present inside "/path/to/jars/" folder.

Reading data from a file:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data-binary "" "http://localhost:8080/publish/producer/msg?mp=eiffelsemantics"


{"events":[{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872def36","status_code":200,"result":"SUCCESS","message":"Event sent successfully"},{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872dek89","status_code":200,"result":"SUCCESS","message":"Event sent successfully"}]}

Malformed input:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '[{Message}]' "http://localhost:8080/publish/producer/msg?ud=fem001&mp=eiffelsemantics"


{"timestamp":"Dec 27, 2017 3:34:11 PM","status":400,"error":"Bad Request","exception":"org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException","message":"Could not read JSON: ..."}

Examples for /generateAndPublish endpoint

Correct message:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"msgParams": {"meta": {"type": "EiffelActivityFinishedEvent", "version": "3.0.0","tags": ["product_master","product_feature1"], "source": {"domainId": "eiffeltest", "host": "localhost", "name": "LOCALHOST", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/jenkins/","serializer":"pkg:maven/com.github.eiffel-community/[email protected]"}}, "eventParams": {"data": {"outcome": {"conclusion": "SUCCESSFUL"}, "persistentLogs": [{"name": "firstLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/firstLog"}, {"name": "otherLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/otherlogs"}]}, "links": [{"type": "ACTIVITY_EXECUTION", "target": "e269b37d-17a1-4a10-aafb-c108735ee51f"}]}}' "http://localhost:8080/publish/generateAndPublish?mp=eiffelsemantics&msgType=EiffelActivityFinished"


{"events":[{"id":"963da060-f2cf-4370-a68d-67fd872def36","status_code":200,"result":"SUCCESS","message":"Event sent successfully"}]}

Incorrect message protocol:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"msgParams":  {"meta": {"type": "EiffelActivityFinishedEvent", "version": "3.0.0","tags": ["product_master","product_feature1"], "source": {"domainId": "eiffeltest", "host": "localhost", "name": "LOCALHOST", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/jenkins/","serializer":"pkg:maven/com.github.eiffel-community/[email protected]"}}, "eventParams": {"data": {"outcome": {"conclusion": "SUCCESSFUL"}, "persistentLogs": [{"name": "firstLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/firstLog"}, {"name": "otherLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/otherlogs"}]}, "links": [{"type": "ACTIVITY_EXECUTION", "target": "e269b37d-17a1-4a10-aafb-c108735ee51f"}]}}' "http://localhost:8080/publish/generateAndPublish?mp=incorrecteiffelprotocol&msgType=EiffelActivityFinished"


{"status_code":503,"result":"FAIL","message":"Message protocol is invalid"}

Incorrect message type:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"msgParams":  {"meta": {"type": "EiffelActivityFinishedEvent", "version": "3.0.0","tags": ["product_master","product_feature1"], "source": {"domainId": "eiffeltest", "host": "localhost", "name": "LOCALHOST", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/jenkins/","serializer":"pkg:maven/com.github.eiffel-community/[email protected]"}}, "eventParams": {"data": {"outcome": {"conclusion": "SUCCESSFUL"}, "persistentLogs": [{"name": "firstLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/firstLog"}, {"name": "otherLog", "uri": "http://localhost:8080/otherlogs"}]}, "links": [{"type": "ACTIVITY_EXECUTION", "target": "e269b37d-17a1-4a10-aafb-c108735ee51f"}]}}' "http://localhost:8080/publish/generateAndPublish?mp=eiffelsemantics&msgType=incorrectmessagetype"


{"status_code":400,"result":"FAIL","message":"Malformed JSON or incorrect type of event"}

Examples for /versions endpoint

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:8080/generate/versions



Status Codes

For each user request Eiffel REMReM Publish generate response in JSON with internal status code and message.

To get information about internal status codes see here.